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Trainerlevel: 40

Trainerpoints: 2,526/4,839


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP

~About Me~

Hello! I am Rainbows! Nice to meet you! You can call me as Rainbows or whatever suits you best! (as long as it isn't something derogatory)

Feel free to add me to your friendlist, I won't bite, I promise. ^^

Some Fun Facts about me!

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✦ I have never played Pokemon before although I have (in my opinion) an extensive knowledge about the dex!
✦ I am a Cat Person! I don't keep any as I am allergic to fur dust, and pollen.
✦ I have Achluophobia (Fear of the Dark) and Trypophobia (Fear of Cluster of Holes).
✦ I am not a K-Pop Stan ... I'm not weird, right?
✦ I like hoarding Pokedollars and will only spend them when the need arises.
✦ One of my hobbies on Pokeheroes is Auction Sniping! Sorry to all who were sniped! ^^
✦ I am VERY straight to the point, so if you were to send me a PalPad or Private Message, please get straight to the point.

Tq for coming to my personal, cozy corner!

Note: To a few users I have annoyed during my stay on site...the best I can say is I'm sorry.¯\_(ツ)_/¯

My Avi is an OC :DD, so...ig don't use it without my permission...

My Pokeheroes Friends!


These are the people who have constantly been nice to me! Besides that, we also struck meaningful conversations to pass time. If I missed you out, pls PalPad me and I will consider adding you to this list. ^^

Thank You To These People!

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Lycrian for being my actual mentor instead of the mentor given to me! You are so much more confrontable! And thank you for giving me breeding services and completing my dex!

Zellane for choosing not to block me when we first talked due to a terrible mistake! ;-; We moved on from that and became online friends. She also sold me half of the needed Pokemons for my dexes! Thank you again!

Cherry_Blossom Welp, I am pretty sure everyone knows who she is xD. She is one of the fastest people to ever 'speedrun' the game! Aside from her accomplishments, she is also a very nice and sweet person to talk to.

dusk_keldeo for borrowing me the 1 important pokemon for me to complete my Alola dex (UB Magearna)! Tq!

If I missed anybody, please don't be afraid to PalPad me! I will definitely consider adding you!



Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4

Game Records

Trainer ID: #488840219
Registration: 18/04/2021 (3 Years ago)
Premium member until 27/Apr/2025
Time Played: 830:35 Hours
Total interactions: 303,408
Money: 789,725
Starter Pokémon: Samurott


Congratulations! A shiny Skorupi hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #88)!

PHEW! 2/2 This was my last set of eggs ;-; ran out of gems lmao
Today, 05:08
Lets gooo!!! Premium :DDD. For one month ;-;
Yesterday, 07:38
Yesterday, 04:23
Congratulations! A shiny Ferroseed hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #95)! Your PokéRadar reset and needs new batteries.

2/2! :DD Apparently, the site's most hated pokemon >.>
2 Days ago
3 Days ago
Congratulations! A shiny Ferroseed hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #71)! Your PokéRadar reset and needs new batteries.

owo that's fast
4 Days ago
Congratulations! A shiny Tarountula hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #125)! Your PokéRadar reset and needs new batteries.

2/2! Hatched from index too! :DD
6 Days ago
Yippeeeee! I have finally achieved my 3 year goal of collecting enough gems to get my own Zapdos egg ^^. Thank you to everyone who donated their precious gems to help me on this journey!
8 Days ago
Congratulations! A shiny Tarountula hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #122)! Your PokéRadar reset and needs new batteries.

Congratulations Cherry_Blossom! You have won the giveaway #WhereAreTheSpiders with the closest bet of 117. Thank you all who participated :D
10 Days ago
Yo guys, now would be a great time to get your second guesses in for #WhereAreTheSpiders ! I have just hit the 100 mark, meaning the prize pool has been bumped to 200 nuggets ;)
11 Days ago
Ok. Its a giveaway time. Why? Because why not :D But, lets spice things up and turn things into a game. Maybe a game of luck? Sounds fabulous!

All you have to do is:

1. Comment your guess on which Chain # number I would hatch my shiny Tarountula. Each person can guess up to 5 numbers.

2. Heart this feed to let more people join in the fun!

Whoever guesses the closest number to the actual number wins 100 nuggets! It is as simple as that.

Here's the catch, for each 100 eggs the chain goes over, I will add 100 nuggets to the prize pool. (If I reach 100 eggs without a shiny, the prize is upgraded to 200 nuggies, 200 eggs = 300 nuggies, etc.)

If the closest number is guessed by two or more people, the prize pool will be shared amongst them. So, picking a unique number is incentivized! Share #WhereAreTheSpiders to spread the word. :))
15 Days ago
uwu anybody want to have an interaction exchange? Heart this feed for one! If you want guest clicks, just comment uwu. It’s cringe, I know, but I’m desperate ._.
17 Days ago
Anyone have a female pumpkabowl that they are willing to trade for a male one? >.>
2 Years ago
2 Years ago
Interaction exchange? ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
2 Years ago
Interaction Exchange again?
2 Years ago
Interaction Exchange?

I have a retro moltres egg 0_0 with increased shiny chance from fountain ;-;...
2 Years ago
You won 50 Fair Tickets!

._. is all I can say
2 Years ago
You won 50 Fair Tickets!

FINALLY!!! I got the good duck xD
2 Years ago

~Current Hunt~


460PD for 1 Poison Gem

Set up a private trade if you are selling ^^

Donations are always welcomed!

Shiny Hunt

Rainbows is currently hunting Gulpin.
Hunt started: 28/03/2025

Chain: 64

Last Visitors

~CC_4ft0n~Today, 15:06
DragonEmperorToday, 13:56
CsoxiToday, 13:50
Ai-HoshinoToday, 13:44
ShadowXTMToday, 13:29


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
BerryGeneral 20 Hours ago
Rainbows 1 Day ago
Gabssorry 1 Day ago
Qiaokeli 2 Days ago