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Trainerlevel: 9

Trainerpoints: 41/251


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Swellow8911,799 / 26,253
Dugtrio8719,851 / 22,969
Woobat897,030 / 24,031
Talonflame893,522 / 26,253
Octillery9111,704 / 25,117
Kricketune935,838 / 28,767

about me

I would describe myself as a emphatic, but always as honest as possible person. True friendship is a treasure and I'm happy to have some really nice people around me. I'm a proud voltorb who can't live without balls and electric in every room. Reading and listening to music always calm me down and I chill more than I should, but my bed is just to comfy.

Nice to meet you :D

Somethings my friends have said about me:
"You're the nicest person I've ever met" I do try but I wouldn't say nicest
"Voltorb you're so random lol" -ha that is me!
"you have such a bright smile" -some girl I don't even know randomly said it.

Angry guys who hates girls because they get rejected and have a hateful attitude.
People with attitudes acting like they have something to prove.
sleep powder.

Kind hearted and sweet people. Ice cream. Strawberries. Pokemon. Laughter of my friends. Pizza. My electric Guitar. Water Parks. Amusement Parks. Yu-Gi-Oh


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Newest gifts
DragONly 3 Years ago
Shizuka 3 Years ago
Ephenia 4 Years ago
Lilyblood 4 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4

Game Records

Trainer ID: #933447818
Registration: 01/06/2020 (4 Years ago)
Game Time: 17:01 Hours
Total interactions: 577
Money: 53,712
Starter Pokémon: Swampert


its national boy friend day . . . but I have no gender
4 Years ago
me: ..wait a second of course I'm me, who else would I be. ahahaha
4 Years ago
VOLTORB!! These are the days we've been waiting for! On days like these who could ask for more! Keep them coming 'cause we're not done yet! These are the days we won't regret! These are the days we won't forget!
4 Years ago
Some troll: you're bad insulting things!
ME: ..whatever (isn't affected at all)
Brain: other people may not be able to hurt you but I can and will.
Me: oh no.... why do you do this.
4 Years ago
haters:You will have no room for love if you fill yourself with hate.
4 Years ago
people are just so toxic and hateful sometimes. I just can't .. what do they get out of it? just be nice and maybe the world will become a better place gradually.
4 Years ago
ah.. i rolled down a hill again and exploded again.
4 Years ago
4 Years ago
i love pokemon
4 Years ago
how's it going
4 Years ago
If anyone wants to ask me a question, do so in this feed and I will answer. It can be anything, I will answer anything.
4 Years ago
why does nobody love me
4 Years ago
single and tragic.
4 Years ago
i am not gay
4 Years ago
I come up with only the most loving and thoughtful names for my Poke'mon, you will see no other rival my love for MY Poke'mon. Although i'd sell all of them for voltorbs that never evolve . . . .
4 Years ago
why does my igglypuff never evolve and its level 110 and my voltorb, my ..precious voltorb evolved into this electrode at first chance it got. I am voltorblaunch NOT electrodelaunch.
4 Years ago
noooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i didn't want my voltorb to evolve, dammit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now i'm stuck with this electrode.
4 Years ago
noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i lost my Voltorb auction. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *turns bright white and self destructs*
4 Years ago
4 Years ago
4 Years ago

Last Visitors

FriendTue, 07/Jun/2022, 05:52
AlienSnowflakeSun, 24/Apr/2022, 05:05
~CloverMeadow~Tue, 23/Feb/2021, 05:54
eiklnyWed, 09/Dec/2020, 17:38
Prof_PineMon, 16/Nov/2020, 19:26



Last Action
Viewing friendlist (3 Years ago)


voltorblaunch hasn't collected any medals so far.