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Trainerlevel: 12

Trainerpoints: 388/443


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
11935,251 / 47,925
~Mother Marsha~
(Vivillon (Pride))
66840 / 13,267
10110,557 / 30,907
(Buizel (Emera))
8420,980 / 21,421
(Gastrodon (East))
531,736 / 8,587
8216,515 / 20,419


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Newest gifts
Charmander25 28 Days ago
Charmander25 29 Days ago
tord 29 Days ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


CaptainDankRat hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #411951368
Registration: 03/06/2024 (29 Days ago)
Game Time: 14:18 Hours
Total interactions: 25,004
Money: 53,493
Starter Pokémon: Typhlosion


Ohmygod, grinding for this month's Pride-themed Pokemon was totally worth it! A new permanent fixture to my 'Mons. Y'all, meet Mother Marsha! She's named after our dear Mother Marsha P. Johnson, in honor of her struggle for Gay Rights and Gay Liberation. Happy Pride Week, folks! <3
6 Days ago
Gained another level. Tbh, it's nice to have this game be a sort of time-passer for me whilst I'm waiting to start my new job. <3

Oh, also, I GOT A NEW JOB! I'm finally working, again! It's been a long two and a half months, I tell ya. Back to the grind in a few days, here~
11 Days ago
WOOO! Surtr got to level 100, and I got the Badge to prove it! <3 Also, Happy Birthday to Jacharias!
17 Days ago
Oh no, I'm re-learning how to do BBC coding...

Someone needs to take the Hex Code colors away from me, or I'm gonna make my Forum posts and everything else look like Lisa Frank puked all over my profile, HA!
20 Days ago
Earned a badge, got my second-ever Event Egg, and been leveling like crazy! I'm now level 11. Heckyeah~
21 Days ago
HECKYEAH, got my first-ever Event Egg! *Dabs* <3
21 Days ago
Very surprised to see how beefed up my Pokemon are getting after only two days of gameplay. Is this normal? Either way, this is fun! Love my Typhlosion, Surtr. <3 Tryin' to see if I can get a Charmander, next!
26 Days ago
Meowdy, folks! New to the site. Looking forward to getting back into browser-based Pokemon games. Looks like fun~ <3
29 Days ago

~!About The Rat!~

|[He/They]|[Furry-Rat/Bear Hybrid]|[Punk/Goth]|[Transmasc!]|

Howdy, folks! Name's CaptainDankRat, and I'm from the Midwestern United States in Minnesota. I'm 29 years young, and I been a fan of Pokemon ever since I was a youngster when it released in the U.S., in 1997 on Televison. <3 My favorite starter has always been - and will always be - Charmander!

I used to play on sites like PokemonCrater a long while ago, and other online Pet/Animal based games have always been my kind of jam. Kinda comes with the territory when you're in the Furry Fandom, LOL~

This section is still W.I.P.! More comin' soon~


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Browsing through notifications (5 Days ago)

Last Visitors

aspirationfailureFri, 28/Jun/2024, 08:31
CrysticiaThu, 27/Jun/2024, 01:55
Orca~Wed, 26/Jun/2024, 13:58
Charmander25Sun, 23/Jun/2024, 03:41
ShimmeringSuicuneThu, 20/Jun/2024, 19:33