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Trainerlevel: 10

Trainerpoints: 91/309


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Linoone23679 / 1,657
Foongus25205 / 1,951
Litwick3098 / 2,534
Aipom22925 / 1,215
Haunter332,051 / 3,135
Meowstic271,019 / 2,269

Game Records

Trainer ID: #52944596
Registration: 10/06/2024 (1 Month ago)
Game Time: 6:27 Hours
Total interactions: 1,000
Money: 7,267
Starter Pokémon: Swampert


Hey, I'm back.

It's been a while, huh? Had to create a new Account and everything! Anyway, if you remember me, maybe send a Friend Request? Trying to find all of my old Friends because my old Friendlist is nonexistent heh.

Help please?

Surprised I could remember how to do that lol.
1 Month ago


Last Action
Visiting the Item Market (1 Month ago)