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Trainerlevel: 35

Trainerpoints: 3,574/3,709


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Meowth (Alolan)8620,295 / 22,447

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4

stuff I've commissioned

About Me

--16 --- Italian --- both PC and mobile player--
My palpad and PMs are always open!


aspirationfailure hasn't collected any medals so far.


Game Records

Trainer ID: #499097133
Registration: 23/08/2023 (1 Year ago)
Time Played: 239:28 Hours
Total interactions: 516,783
Money: 1,362,121
Starter Pokémon: Giga Venusaur


Sorry for disappearing for the last four (?) months, I just really lost interest in the game, and December and the Christmas holidays have been awful. How's everyone doing?
1 Month ago
Just sent the homework for tomorrow to the whole class, but I don't even know if its correct. I just hope they change something lol
3 Months ago
My deskmate is committing vote fraud during our class president elections?? What??
3 Months ago
Im closed in one of the school bathrooms, the door doesn't open and I don't know what to do. How could this even happen??
3 Months ago
Congratulations! A shiny Dwebble hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #39)! Your PokéRadar reset and needs new batteries.
3 Months ago
I'm afraid of Mondays!
3 Months ago
Congratulations! A shiny Dwebble hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #61)! Your PokéRadar reset and needs new batteries.
3 Months ago
4 Months ago

nickname(s): aspirationfailure, sp
info about me: high school student, Italian, 16
interests and hobbies: mythologies (not just the classical one), Italian & Latin literature, videogames achivements
fandoms: ghost trick, 9 hours 9 persons 9 doors, ace attorney, miitopia & tomodachi life
i often ramble about or would love conversations regarding: reading and literature, or maybe just chit chat
general goal for friendship: anything's fine, really!
looking for friends general criteria: if you are under 14, i'd rather you don't message me, i'm 16, it feels kind of weird
interested? please message me through: both palpad and PMs are fine!
I know this hashtag was being used 10 days ago, but i can try
4 Months ago
Sorry for not having been active on this site. School has gotten tougher this year and I just don't really have the motivation to log on on this site and do some progress
4 Months ago
It's my birthday! Here are the giveaway results:
#1: nat75
#2: -ShiningRayquaza-
#3: QuantumVoid23
#4: Sharely
#5: ShiningRayquaza
#6: SanstheJudge173
#7: Abufirestar01
#8: Blazecat1
#9: DarkTheDragon
#10: Yeti
#11: Kittydragon
#12: haisyhdaisyh
#13: *Snowflake*
#14: Charmander25
#15: Castalia
I'll send the prizes shortly!
5 Months ago

Anyways, to celebrate and cheer myself on this journey, why don't I spend a little bit of my savings and pull a small giveaway of a grand total of 200 nuggets! To enter, please copy n paste the the feed starting from the hashtag to the end, and give a heart to the original feed!

The raffle will end at the end of the month!
6 Months ago
Hey everyone! I know I've been a bit absent from Pokéheroes, but I've had a lot of summer homework to do, and now I'm on vacation too, so I just lost interest in the site. Anyways, since my birthday is coming up, I thought I'd host a giveaway! This is the link to join it:https://pokeheroes.com/giveaway?code=E2DZ614
I thought I'd create an hashtag too, "#spbdaygiveaway", just to spread the giveaway around, but it's not necessary to spread if to join the giveaway. If you do it I'll gift you a random gem though :)
6 Months ago
7 Months ago
I just got a FutureMe email from 3 years ago💀
I'm so embarrassed at what I wrote back then
7 Months ago

Birds and equines

Nuggets! Gems! Pokedollars!
7 Months ago
Next hour I'll have a written exam and yesterday I had basically no time to review the topics because I had to go see my sister's recital.
Who even plans a *written* exam on the last week of school?
8 Months ago

🌈 MetalHeadKendra's Pride Month Giveaway! 🌈
🏳️‍🌈 #PrideGiveaway 🏳️‍🌈
15 Winners will win among a rainbow of shinies and mystery sets!
Just repost the hashtag and like the original feed!
[Repost It Button]
❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜
8 Months ago
8 Months ago


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
Lemeyx 5 Hours ago
Shenaneggans 1 Day ago
LionsEye 2 Months ago
Skellart 2 Months ago

Last Visitors

ShoopeuTue, 04/Feb/2025, 21:42
Espy2015Fri, 31/Jan/2025, 13:08
Pikachu830Fri, 24/Jan/2025, 22:43
SourAppleSun, 15/Dec/2024, 15:43
aspinetreesSun, 15/Dec/2024, 13:28


Last Action
Browsing through notifications (1 Day ago)