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Let's hatch it!

Adopt your own Pokémon-Egg!
No item

EHP: 52,210 /65,535

Rarity Special
Trainer Ashlie
Origin. Trainer Ashlie
Obtained 4 Days and 9 Hours ago

Warm the egg

The shell of this egg is very cold. Do you want to warm it?

Received interactions today (44)

Riodise, Rocotox, Ashe012, Darkdragonbz80, WalkingOnSunshine, -ShiningRayquaza-, Thaaya, Chilenka, Youyou67190, Yxoul, tamla, MEolh, Bobo1234, Mec17_12, absoul_74, Nefalanis, Calcarius, Sakuraa, Betoz, Masserozzo, -Alakazam-, TaeThelen, Killik, WisteriaAria, Iggystar, kkkkkk7474kk, Kimie, VeniceGuy, BarnacleBoy, Psique, Grietine, EpicFailure, Random1174, Alice7, Ashlie, Violence~EXE, Ashire, Randolph4811, EeveeLover, Blossomia, devilexe, Liana10, HyperBeam, Milura.