Forum Thread
Daycare breeding chance
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Daycare breeding chanceWhat I'm basically wanting to suggest is, on multiplier days like today, perhaps increase the chance for Pokémon in the daycare to breed. Eggs hatch so fast on a day like today, and seeing as a vast majority of users are on shiny hunts, hunt eggs may not be readily available so it's essentially twiddling thumbs until your daycare breeds again. By saying that I mean, we only really have a limited way of getting gems to purchase eggs, obtaining eggs from the Tall Grass isn't completely reliable especially with high rarity Pokémon and neither is getting anything from the Lab.
Either something along the lines of increasing the breeding chance on a day like today and/or perhaps each time a Pokémon breeds, two eggs appear opposed to just a single egg.
Can see this getting rejected, but figured I'd ask (and apologies again if it HAS been suggested, I searched and couldn't really find anything unless I completely missed it).
Depending on what your shiny hunting getting eggs from tall grass, gem collector, and daycare is enough. Doubling the eggs you get on x2 day along with double the points received to hatch those eggs makes this just too easy.
Something you may want to do with your party while waiting for eggs is to put in your battle team. Level up Pokemon, show off your favorite Pokemon, things like that to level up your Pokemon on x2 days. At least that's what I do if I don't have eggs that need hatching.
Breeding is INSANELY slow on this site, it feels like it's almost worthless sometimes, and with a severe lack of anywhere else to get eggs (Tall Grass comes up with nothing most of the time because breeding's too slow) I often end up with an empty party for days at a time. What's the point? I'm not interested in levelling or battling, I'm here to hatch eggs, and as chaining requires us to hatch NO other eggs during our shiny hunt, I think it's fair to up the chances a little.
Either that, or let us hatch other eggs while hunting. But that defeats the point of chaining, no?
The main appeal for a x2 hatching fast and those who are on a chain, it's a bit difficult in doing so. Yes if you're hunting a common Pokémon, fair enough, I understand that.
But my point still stands. Who has an endless supply of gems? Do you have an endless supply of gems? (Let's draw away from this because this isn't actually to do with other options)* The limitation to what people are able to do on a x2 day kind of stands on how well eggs are available. For example I got no eggs from my daycare yesterday. Today, I got 7. Isn't that kind of reversed anyway.. get less eggs on a x2 day. Plus breeding is insanely slow.
tl;dr, breeding is slow, unrelated bits: (nobody has an unlimited supply of gems, not always eggs in the tall grass)
*by the way I'm not angry in any of this
If you're a decently active user, you can go through your Daycare relatively quickly, especially on a x2 day. I understand the whole "I don't wanna devalue shinies" thing, but sometimes it feels like a waste... Most times I'd rather be hatching eggs than leveling a Poke'mon up to an even more absurd level...
In a way, if the odds of getting eggs in the Daycare remain the same as on a x2 day, you kinda render the x2 day pointless. Still the same amount of eggs, just slightly less work for you as well as less of an inclination to stay on the site. I know that the site is more than just hatching eggs, but for me, personally, that's one of its' strongest appeals.
It would become too easy to hatch eggs and do a shiny hunt and also it might be nearly insane if there would be x2 eggs in daycare at time of 200%
It should be equal on a given day not getting 7 eggs on one day and 0 eggs on another day. Besides we are already paying poke dollars for the lab so it should breed equally.
I for that matter have seen other Pokemon egg breeding sites and they all have breeding features and most have actually been more reliable than the breeding future available here.
Of course If the pokemon get along well they should still have the best chance to get eggs quicker but if they are not compatible than no eggs should come as well in between breeding levels still can breed but a little slower not way slower.

“ kenny / ken “ / 18 / english + german / sprite by DustyZoiveon