Forum Thread
This or That: Pokemon Edition
Forum-Index → Forum Games → This or That: Pokemon Edition• Each player will be given two (2) Pokemon to choose from.
• There are many ways to judge a Pokemon (ie, battling capabilities, appearance, evolutions, etc.)
• There are no "right answers." It's entirely up to personal preference.
• After choosing a Pokemon, be sure to give two more options for the next player to choose from.
• Avoid giving nonanswers such as "I don't know" or "Both."
• Players are not required to give an explanation for their choice, but they are welcome to do so.
• Player A: Pikachu or Eevee?
• Player B: Eevee. It's so cute and fluffy! Landorus or Thundurus?
• Player C: Landorus, because it has better stats overall. Riolu or Zorua?
• Player A: Riolu! It evolves into my favorite Pokemon. Grookey or Porygon?
Let's Play!
Clefairy or Gengar?
Pikachu or Mimikyu?
Virizion or Mareep?

wigglytuff or chatot
-Sun Tsu, The Art of Gaming
oh hey what's this