Forum Thread
Being able to nickname or/and have pokemon names in Japanese
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Being able to nickname or/and have pokemon names in JapanesePokemon is from Japan so I was wondering if we could have like a setting to switch pokemon names in English to Japanese. (And you can switch Japanese back to English)
Like Pikachu to ピカチュウ
Their names in Japanese will be shown even in the storage boxes.
Being able to nickname them in Japanese (this includes hiragana,katakana and kanji). When we try and nickname pokemon in japanese you get question marks (?????)
If we can nickname them in japanese then we can give them their japanese name
So nickname pikachu to ピカチュウ
Or nickname it ピカ or what ever you like.
You can search up on Google to see the pokemons name in japanese.
The only problem might be that if you give a nickname in japanese and its not their original japanese name it will be hard to know what that name means for other people unless you can read japanese.
The emera pokemons don't have a japanese name (unless someone gives a name in japanese) so those might be the only ones that cannot be done as settings so nickname will be good if you want to name them in japanese.
I am mainly suggesting the top bit but whichever is easier to do in pokeheroes.
Maybe we can be able to nickname pokemons in different languages that has special characters such as
Korean, Chinese, hindi,thai, Russian,Japanese.....
This allows people to nickname pokemons in their own language.
Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
Breeding events for the cause here!
But I would love to include special characters in pokemon's nicknames. (Emojis and such, let's be real, everyone would love that)
But also, this comes with a drawback, people can put PG13 stuff in the names and only few people can crosscheck it (I suppose, not all mods speak japanese), and using different encoding would also mean not just japanese characters, but chinese, russian and such.
I give my support, but I've put also some reasoning, why:
a) it might be technically a bit challenging for Riako
b) why he might be against it
But since it got approved, I hope that means that it is possible to code these.
I can agree with you that it might let people write Chinese as well but...
Since Chinese and Japanese writing are a bit similar, if its all written in kanji, people who are Chinese maybe able to understand what it means. My mum, who is Japanese, told me that even if you cannot speak Chinese, you can still communicate through writing kanji and most people can understand what your trying to say.
On my laptop I can change my keyboard input into Japanese through settings, so the coding might be to just allow Japanese input and then to allow others you have to allow/add those input into a list. So if the coding works like this I don't think there is nothing to worry about other languages. I am not a coder so I don't know if this is right.
And actually question for @joyfuldoggy what is the purpose for changing it to Japanese?
So that is why I suggested to be able to switch pokemons name from English to Japanese in the settings.
If its too hard for pokeheroes to switch all of the pokemons name to Japanese at once, then the nickname is the other option so that way we can still give the pokemons their actual japanese name.
We can know what the pokemons name is in japanese by searching it up.
If you want all of the other languages that should be a different suggestion because my reason is that pokemon is from japan so they should be able to have their actual japanese name as well. I am not saying that people shouldn't nickname their own language.
The main suggestion is a setting to switch pokemon names from English to Japanese .
Nickname is like a replacement if the main suggestion cannot be done.
If everyone wants both and pokeheroes can do that then we might get both.

Hi, nice to meet you!
Just so you know, I'm about 6 hours behind game time.
I'm aiming for all the plushies so missing ones will be much appreciated. This part is mainly aimed at the plushie exchange contest!
Also, I don't have a battle team so, plz, no battle requests!
I'm aiming for ditto so any normal gem offers or letting me borrow your ditto once I have enough gems would be very appreciated! I'm always buying them!
Just so you know, I'm about 6 hours behind game time.
I'm aiming for all the plushies so missing ones will be much appreciated. This part is mainly aimed at the plushie exchange contest!
Also, I don't have a battle team so, plz, no battle requests!
I'm aiming for ditto so any normal gem offers or letting me borrow your ditto once I have enough gems would be very appreciated! I'm always buying them!
The Pokémon species' names were introduced in Japanese. Most Pokémon had their names changed in English, French, German, Korean, Chinese, Hindi, and Thai.
The names of Pokémon species are different in Japanese, English, Korean, Chinese, French and German. Other language versions just use the English or Japanese names.
Some languages, such as Spanish and Italian, use English names while others, such as Thai, use names very close to the original Japanese.
Yeah it might take a while to create a setting for them so if Japanese goes well then we could suggest other languages with unique writing characters to be added or be able to nickname those.
this means Riako might have to admit to hire professional speakers (and coders for this site, which cost irl money, which in turn might suck more irl money for nuggets).
From what I can understand is, that you like the aesthetic of japanese letters. I fully understand it too and support you for it. Please just remember that even the "japanese" names are different languages in disguise. Jolteon's name is "Thunders", Zapdos name is "Thunder" and there might be even more for all I could know if I dive deeper into this.
You saying "because they are originally japanese and we should give them back their japanese names", gets destroyed by fact that the first 152 Pokémon uses english names. The reason they couldn't use latin letters is simply because japanese children can't read english. Also it would look weird to have the entire game in japanese (hiragana I guess) and then suddenly have latin letters for some random monsters, ngl.
So lets make it basic...
do you agree that Japanese should be implemented
Do you disagree with Japanese being implemented.
If you are wanting other languages it will be a different suggestion.
I will try and make a suggestion for "being able to nickname pokemon in all languages" if no one has suggested yet and I will tell you guys the reply here.
This isn’t an accurate synopsis of what’s being asked. Japanese can be used via Romaji/Romanization (ie, ナエトル = Naetle = Turtwig); there is nothing preventing people from using the Japanese names when nicknaming their Pokemon. A more appropriate summation would be, “Do you think Japanese characters should be implemented?”
While I do think it would be a nice addition, I couldn’t see myself using it.