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Till Death We Won't Part | 1x1 w/ ShatteredDiamond

Forum-Index Roleplay Private RP Till Death We Won't Part | 1x1 w/ ShatteredDiamond
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 30/11/2023 01:39 (9 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

"I'll take a gander at it. Hmm, let's see.....

"My name translates to 'gracious',

"My hair is naturally white,

"My favorite flavor is Sweet.

"Which of these statements is the lie?"

Sakura did her best to think of which one of the three could be the odd one out. These were tricky!

"Hm... I'll guess..." She said, smiling.

"You're lying about the sweet flavor bit, maybe? You seem too sweet to like sour." Sakura made her decision, mostly hoping she was right.

Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 198
Posted: Thu, 30/11/2023 02:30 (9 Months ago)
Eris Everlast

"You're lying about the sweet flavor bit, maybe? You look sweet, but maybe you have a sour side as well!"

Eris giggled, but shook her head. "Incorrect! I adore sour stuff so much. The lie is the name meaning. It actually means 'strife', after the Greek Goddess of Chaos. And my hair has been white since birth."

Eris smiled. "Back to you!"
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 03/12/2023 02:32 (9 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

"Incorrect! I adore sour stuff so much. The lie is the name meaning. It actually means 'strife', after the Greek Goddess of Chaos. And my hair has been white since birth."

"Back to you!"

Sakura pouted, dissapointed that she didn't guess it right.

"Aw, man, I thought I got it... That's okay, my turn now!" She soon smiled with a giggle.

"Hm, let me think...oh, here!"

"I love doing my make up,

My favorite color is green,

and I'm usually full of energy.

I know, these are basic ones, but try to guess anyways! This one might be a bit easier for you, though!" Sakura grinned.

She enjoyed this a lot! It was pretty relaxing to play a fun get-to-know-me game with Eris, a great idea to get to learn the small bits of eachother. Eris was so kind and sweet!

Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 198
Posted: Sun, 03/12/2023 03:18 (9 Months ago)
Eris Everlast

"Hm, let me think...oh, here!"

"I love doing my make up,

My favorite color is green,

and I'm usually full of energy.

I know, these are basic ones, but try to guess anyways! This one might be a bit easier for you, though!"

Eris giggled. She liked this game way too much! She ate a bite of her lunch as she pondered the choices. The energy one seemed true...... Green though...

"Is your favorite color something different from Green? I don't think I've seen you with any green accessory of any sort."
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 07/12/2023 07:00 (9 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

"Is your favorite color something different from Green? I don't think I've seen you with any green accessory of any sort."

Sakura gave Eris a thumbs-up and a smile. "Bingo! Although that was a pretty easy one..."

She was about to say another word, until the bell had rang. Lunch was over!

"Aw man, It was about to be your turn..." Sakura sighed. She then smiled brightly. "Don't worry, we can still continue to play and catch up after school like we planned!"

Seeing the students from inside the cafeteria leave to continue their classes, Sakura quickly took one last bite of her food before taking her things and her tray.

She took one hand away from her tray, covering her mouth before she spoke to Eris in a muffled voice, due to the food.

"I'll see you after school! We'll meet up at the gates to walk there together, I know where to go!"

Swallowing and uncovering her mouth, she waved at Eris and threw out her tray as she left to her class.

Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 198
Posted: Thu, 07/12/2023 15:35 (9 Months ago)
Eris Everlast

Stars above, the bell already?? Eris pouted at the alarm.

"Don't worry, we can still continue to play and catch up after school like we planned!"

"I'll see you after school! We'll meet up at the gates to walk there together, I know where to go!"

This made Eris smile. She nodded happily, quickly finishing her lunch before gathering the tray and her belongings.

"Sure thing, Sakura!" She called after the girl as she departed. Eris tossed out her trash and took off for her own class as well.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 08/12/2023 02:13 (9 Months ago)

Timeskip: After School

Sakura Hayashi

After a few more classes had went by, the bell had sounded one last time. School was over.

Students exited their classrooms, either walking home, taking a bus, or leaving by car.

Sakura was one of the walkers, rushing to the entry gates and standing near them as the other students had exited.

Pulling out her phone, she messaged Eris.

Quote from Sakura: To ErisHey Eris, I'm waiting for you at the gates! Think you can come by quick so we can head to the ice-cream shop?

Sakura held on to her phone, just in case Eris would reply, or if she would just suprisingly appear from the crowd of departing students.

Hopefully they would be able to continue their game from lunch, or even just simply having fun chats would be nice!

One of Sakura's classmates noticed Sakura just standing at the gates instead of leaving like the mob of students were.

"Sakura, what are you doing there? Aren't you gonna walk home?" They asked.

Sakura was suprised to see her classmate a bit, but smiled, answering their question. "Oh, I'm just waiting for a friend! We're going to an ice-cream shop together."

"Oh? Who's your friend? Is it that girl you were sitting with during lunch? I saw you guys chatting there."

"Yes, it is. Me and Eris are hanging out! She's a really sweet person when you get to know her, really. But after her court case, people only know her because of... that situation, but not for who she truly is. I wish others could see her the way I do..." Sakura frowned, a faint blush on her cheeks.

The classmate noticed Sakura's slightly pink face, and giggled. "Aw, that's sweet. But, what's up with the blush?"

Sakura snapped out of it, turning even more red. "I-It's nothing, I have a fever..." She managed to say through her stutter. After a few moments of small talk, Sakura and her classmate had said their goodbyes. She smiled a little, patiently waiting on Eris's arrival.

Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 198
Posted: Fri, 08/12/2023 02:36 (9 Months ago)
Eris Everlast

Hey Eris, I'm waiting for you at the gates! Think you can come by quick so we can head to the ice-cream shop?

Eris beamed when she read the text. She was beyond excited!!! It had taken so much willpower to focus on classes.

Exiting the school, Eris spotted Sakura, with another student. They were chatting and for some reason Sakura's face became pink. This hit a strange nerve in Eris. On one hand, Sakura obviously had more friends than Eris had. On the other, why was Sakura blushing??

The other student soon departed. Forcing the nervousness away, Eris walked up to her friend. "Hey Sakura!"
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 08/12/2023 02:53 (9 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

"Hey Sakura!"

Sakura turned around at the sound of Eris's voice, smiling at her as if nothing had happened earlier.

"Hiya! Ready to go? It's kind of a long walk, but we can just talk on our way! It can help pass the time."

She smiled and began to walk Eris to the shop, passing her home. With a giggle, she turned to Eris.

"You know, today was pretty fun! It's nice to be able to get to learn more about eachother after all that's happened ever since we've met, you know?" Sakura said.

Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 198
Posted: Fri, 08/12/2023 03:03 (9 Months ago)
Eris Everlast

"Hiya! Ready to go? It's kind of a long walk, but we can just talk on our way! It can help pass the time.

"You know, today was pretty fun! It's nice to be able to get to learn more about eachother after all that's happened ever since we've met, you know?"

Eris smiled and giggled. "It was really fun. I never thought I would miss the routine of school life. I'm lucky to have you as a friend..." Her voice trailed off, a pale dusting of blush starting to cover her cheeks. A friend...

Pushing the sudden rush of joy, Eris spoke again. "By the way, what were you and that other student talking about while you were at the gates? You got really pink from something said."
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Sat, 09/12/2023 01:26 (9 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

"It was really fun. I never thought I would miss the routine of school life. I'm lucky to have you as a friend..."

"Aw, Eris, that's very sweet of you!" Sakura smiled.

"By the way, what were you and that other student talking about while you were at the gates? You got really pink from something said."

Sakura then flushed again. Oh, dear! What could she say?...

"Oh, uhm, It was just... we were talking about something embarrasing that happened with me during our class, and I just uh... you know..." She made up, scratching the back of her head nervously.

After a few minutes of walking, the girls were getting close to the ice-cream shop.

Upon seeing this, Sakura beamed with a bright smile across her face. "There it is! I can see it! Come on, Eris!" She giggled, grabbing the girl's hand and rushing to it quickly.

Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 198
Posted: Sat, 09/12/2023 02:45 (9 Months ago)
Eris Everlast

"Oh, uhm, It was just... we were talking about something embarrasing that happened with me during our class, and I just uh... you know..."

While Eris wasn't totally convinced, she left the moment slide. Whatever had happened wasn't important. It was supposed to be a chill outing.

"There it is! I can see it! Come on, Eris!"

Eris beamed wide, only for her eyes to widen and her cheeks to heat up when Sakura grabbed her hand to tug her towards the ice cream shop faster. Why did this reaction happen so much?...
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Sat, 09/12/2023 16:07 (9 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

Sakura had let go of her grasp on Eris's hand, delightfully turning to her as they stopped at the front of the store. "Here we are! Luckily we made it on time before they close soon! I'll get us both something, you can find a seat inside!"

The girls entered the ice-cream store. Inside, the smell of the delicious scented flavors of the desserts had filled the building. Sakura took a whiff of the pleasent scent, and smiled. "Just like I still remember!"

"Before you take a seat, what flavor would you like, Eris? They have other desserts too, or, if you want, you can come with me to order something!"

Other customers inside the store happily chatted with family or friends. Sakura looked around at the wholesome atmosphere.

"Isn't this place exquisite? We should come here more often after school sometimes!" She said, pretty lively to be here, especially since she used to go here when she was younger.

Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 198
Posted: Sat, 09/12/2023 21:23 (9 Months ago)
Eris Everlast

"Here we are! Luckily we made it on time before they close soon! I'll get us both something, you can find a seat inside!"

Eris was, admittedly, a little saddened as Sakura let go of her hand, but she was able to mask it with delight as she took breathed in the scent of the ice cream shop. It was quite incredible! So many delightful scents and lovely colors...

"Before you take a seat, what flavor would you like, Eris? They have other desserts too, or, if you want, you can come with me to order something!"

Eris paused and thought it over. "Um... If it's ok, I'd like to come with you to pick something. I've never been here or been allowed to... Well you know, so you might be able to help me decide." She made sure not to say any keyword that might catch the attention of nearby people. She had enough of paparazzi already...
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 14/12/2023 02:30 (9 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

"Um... If it's ok, I'd like to come with you to pick something. I've never been here or been allowed to... Well you know, so you might be able to help me decide."

"Don't worry, I get it! Let's go together, then!"

Sakura walked up to the one of the workers at the cash register. As the worker politely greeted the girls and asked them what they would they desire, Sakura decided to go first.

She looked up at the electronic menu above them, scanning for something simple.

"Hmm... I'll just take a strawberry milkshake, please!" Sakura smiled.

Now focusing her attention on Eris, she asked, "What about you, Eris?"

Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 198
Posted: Thu, 14/12/2023 22:12 (9 Months ago)
Eris Everlast

"Hmm... I'll just take a strawberry milkshake, please!"......"What about you, Eris?"

Eris scanned the electronic menu carefully. There were so many choices! Was there anything that was potentially.... Her eye landed on something that interested her.

"I... I'd like the Chocolate Raspberry Parfait, please." Eris said, forever nervous and awkward in social settings.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Sat, 16/12/2023 17:46 (9 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

"I... I'd like the Chocolate Raspberry Parfait, please."

The cashier nodded as another worker had prepared the sweets for the girls.

Sakura happily paid for both of the desserts, thanking the cashier before handing Eris her parfait.

"Okay, now we can find somewhere to sit! How about somewhere next to a window? We can eat and enjoy the view there!" She smiled at Eris sweetly.

The two sat down after Sakura found a seat for both of them.

Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 198
Posted: Sat, 16/12/2023 17:52 (9 Months ago)
Eris Everlast

Making sure to thank the workers and accepting the parfait from Sakura, Eris smiled wide.

"Okay, now we can find somewhere to sit! How about somewhere next to a window? We can eat and enjoy the view there!"

With a nod, Eris and Sakura took up a window seat. Trying a spoonful of her parfait, Eris's eyes lit up with delight. The parfait was so good!!

After taking a couple more bites and licking her lips for any remnants, Eris looked to Sakura. "Shall we continue our game?" she asked with a smile.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Sat, 16/12/2023 18:00 (9 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

Sakura took a sip of her milkshake, and let out a squeal. "Soooo good!" She cheerfully took another sip, looking out of the window happily.

She turned to Eris, who also enjoyed her own dessert. Sakura smiled with a giggle.

"Shall we continue our game?"

"Oh, of course! We should catch up! Who's turn was it again? I can't quite remember, the bell rang so suddenly!" She sighed.

Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 198
Posted: Sat, 16/12/2023 18:10 (9 Months ago)
Eris Everlast

"Oh, of course! We should catch up! Who's turn was it again? I can't quite remember, the bell rang so suddenly!"

Eris giggled at this. "No worries, Sakura. I think it was my turn to say two truths and a lie. If I remember correctly, the last thing we ended on was your lie of green being your favorite color." Eris giggled again at the memory, before humming in thought. "Let's see...

My favorite season is winter.

My favorite animal is foxes.

And my favorite extracurricular is music.

Which is the lie within those statements?"