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Death Cats [Discussion/Club]

Forum-Index Fan Clubs Death Cats [Discussion/Club]
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 3,071
Posted: Sun, 08/09/2024 12:19 (22 Days ago)
Alright I guess i'll put some things here for people to think about/maybe discuss???
When battling is introduced as a mechanic, what do you think the lootpools should contain?
For the record battling is gonna be like. Pretty automated like loot rolling - meaning it won't require any player input, luckily! Still has a bit of rng ofc and the enemies will be scaled to be of similar stat ranges to your own death cat. I have the mechanics of battling down but I do need to test it + hear feedback on what rewards should be included before I release it as a mechanic for all to mess around with.
The loot pool I can think of so far would include clusters [5-7?] of items [UC/R items??], with a chance for potion rewards [C/UC/R/E], normal skull fragments, and maaaybe a special potion that lets you apply special traits that're exclusive to this potion [or breeding with Death Cats who have the traits applied] but if anyone has alternate/additional ideas i'm down!

On a similar vein, some discussion behind the scenes has been had to maybe have special potions added to the lootpools of each area that each have area-exclusive traits [similar to the event trait potions, basically] which can, ofc, still be passed on via breeding too as well as maybe sometimes show up on skull fragment death cats requested from that area. They will follow the rarity of normal traits - so a mix of C/UC/R/E and on the traitlist will be marked with the fact they come from a certain area. As a hypothetical example "Underwater Mine Tail (E) [Deep]" or "TV Antenna (C) [Mechanical]"
But if people think this is too limiting/etc or don't like it for any other reason feel free to give your thoughts n stuff!! the traits can still be made either way - its mostly just the methods of distribution we're considering here!

Feel free to discuss here or otherwise palpad/pm me with your thoughts, i'll pay attention either way!
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 1,984
Posted: Sun, 08/09/2024 14:43 (21 Days ago)
I think maybe for the battling, hopefully the special prize might be a secret realm that has yet to reveal such as Realm of the Books and I think having the prize of normal skull fragment and some specialty items to create potions might be a good idea

Credit to Veris

Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 3,071
Posted: Sun, 08/09/2024 14:54 (21 Days ago)
I will say im not planning on releasing a new realm super soon, esp not as a prize of sorts. I'm thinking more, individual prizes that can be pulled from a loot pool for each individual person upon a victorious conclusion to any battle rather than a huge thing that everyone can benefit from, which i'd likely release as a part of another feature/etc *if i do* [which again, not really in the plans rn]
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 338
Posted: Sat, 28/09/2024 22:18 (1 Day ago)
hey all!
just giving notice to anyone whose subbed here that im planning on opening 3 pairing slots sometime after next month's first egg drop :3
same rules would apply, at least 1 death cat paired must be created by me, no potions of mutation!
note - im not doing the event breeding pairings, so dont throw one of those sillies in, please! :3 (this will all be restated when im opening the slots!)
im giving notice though because id be interested in doing a 3-cat/4-cat pairing if anyone were to be interested in that! feel free to plan ahead of time or check other other users' death cats (maybe discuss here?) to see if theyd be interested in tagging their cat in! if they say no, it'll be okay, im wanting to offer more slots/opportunities later, too!