Forum Thread
Prophecy of Chaos (Sign-Ups Open!)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → Prophecy of Chaos (Sign-Ups Open!)Evil is born, from deception and lies...
Time will halt, before the end of all...
Final Nine hopes, will prevail or fall...

be rude!
- Make sure to keep it PG-13 but have fun!
- Romance is okay! To an extent- Follow rule 2
- No godmodding! Keep characters reasonable!
- Please keep it to one or two characters per person!
- Keep in line with your element! Water Mana users can't use Frost Mana, Frost Mana users can't use Water Mana, Fire Mana users cant use Air Mana and etc. People can share an element!
- Make sure to keep it PG-13 but have fun!
- Romance is okay! To an extent- Follow rule 2
- No godmodding! Keep characters reasonable!
- Please keep it to one or two characters per person!
- Keep in line with your element! Water Mana users can't use Frost Mana, Frost Mana users can't use Water Mana, Fire Mana users cant use Air Mana and etc. People can share an element!

Nickname: (Optional)
Mana Element: {Check list for availability}
Social Class: (Royal, Noble, Commoner)
Additional Info: (Optional)
Password: (It's hidden and broken up...gotta read the rules [hint: some letters look a bit different!])
Nickname: (Optional)
Mana Element: {Check list for availability}
Social Class: (Royal, Noble, Commoner)
Additional Info: (Optional)
Password: (It's hidden and broken up...gotta read the rules [hint: some letters look a bit different!])

Flame: OmegaDusk
Aquatic: ~SatoruGojo~
Nature: Burned_Librarian
Wind: Hawseentire
Frost: AceSpadeAS
Earth: Drakonia
Storm: Drakonia
Shadow: Arkinienth
Flame: OmegaDusk
Aquatic: ~SatoruGojo~
Nature: Burned_Librarian
Wind: Hawseentire
Frost: AceSpadeAS
Earth: Drakonia
Storm: Drakonia
Shadow: Arkinienth
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Mana Element: Storm
Social Class: Commoner (Known of one of the [spoiler] before the [spoiler])
Appearance: Zeraora wearing a blue scarf, nothing special.
Backstory: Later
Likes: Being alone, pizza, boxes, [spoiler]
Dislikes: Strangers, snakes, bullies, annoying people
Additional Info: Some parts are censored, cause this character appears in my other RPs, not only on Pokeheroes. I don’t want to reveal her backstory that quickly because it should be revealed in another RP before in this one.
Nickname: Hawk
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Mana Element: Air
Social Class: Noble
Personality:faithful ,likeable, has a strong sense of values

Backstory: TBRP'D
Likes: Mountains, 3d modelling, being touched on the back, fresh breeze, late winter
Dislikes: being in close spaces, crowds, kissing, locked doors, not being respected, treated as a child.
Additional Info: He is searching for a mate currently which will appreciate him, respect him if he tries to communicate to others without reason. He won't found his true friend
Password: Chaos!
Nickname: Sketchy
Age: 16
Gender: Genderless
Mana Element: Earth
Social Class: [Unknown]
Personality: Shy, easy to scare, doesn't trust people
Appearance: Sketchop
Backstory: [TBRP'd]
Likes/Dislikes: Not really sure about that...
Additional Info: -
2 characters max so I am doing another (related to Niya)
Age: 22
Gender: male
Mana Element: Nature
Social Class: Noble (family runs most of the fruit baring land
Personality: Soft and timid
Appearance: tsareena with a black stem instead of a rose one
Backstory: Kind in nature all his friends used him to the point he felt drained in fact if anyone wanted a fruit they would often have to expend mana just to give a friend a fruit
Likes/Dislikes: L: fruit and sweets D. the dark and social interactions
Additional Info: (Optional) some parts will be more developed later since I wanna give some mystery to them
If you wish to view a mystery, I shall be right here.
(Trying to get the Pure Strength Badge)
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The pokemon I am
Nickname: N/A
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Mana Element: Holy
Social Class: Royal (Family rules over the Frozen Tundra)
Personality: Polite, reserved, occasionally mischievous
Appearance: Backstory: Born as a Shiny Snorunt, into a family that was entirely made of non shiny Glalie. She was shunned for being shiny, but she was kept due to the Royal Advisors and a mysterious fortune teller. She is now regarded by the people as the 'Snow Queen', a name given to her when she evolved into a Froslass.
Likes/Dislikes: L- Friends, Sour foods, Shiny objects, Her ability to Mega Evolve.
D- Spicy foods, Dawnstones, Mirrors.
Additional Info: Despite the neglect/abuse she has suffered, Eris holds no ill regards towards her family. She was gifted her Megastone by the mysterious fortune teller.
Password: Chaos!
Nickname: (Optional)
Mana Element: {Check list for availability}Frost
Social Class: (Royal, Noble, Commoner)Commoner
Personality:Doesn't really talk much and pretty much have an emotionless face but still care of others
Appearance:my pfp
Backstory:He is an orphan when his parents were killed by nobles and live alone but never able to make friends since his face was always emotionless
Likes/Dislikes:Likes: fighting and sharpening weapons Dislikes: Romance (since he never knew what is romance)
Additional Info: (Optional)He is very good in combat especially using his leg
Password: Chaos!

Nickname: N/A
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Mana Element: Water
Social Class: Commoner XD
Personality: Very kind to people he doesn't know in hopes of befriending them. He does this so he can hopefully have people listen to him talking. He is outgoing and sometimes is oblivious to things.

Backstory: He got lost while trying to go somewhere special. Guess this is now the "someplace special" he wanted to go to.
Likes/Dislikes: Likes curry, being able to pay with just enough money that he brings out and being near people. This works with people he doesn't know, doesn't have to be people he knows. Doesn't like cockroaches, the colour grey and onions. Somehow he likes them when cooked.
Additional Info: N/A
Password: Chaos!
Nickname: N/A
Age: 9
Gender: Male
Mana Element: Flame
Social Class: Noble
Personality: Cocky but not unbearable.
Appearance: Duskull with a small indistinguishable pendant
Backstory: Many tutors were called to teach him magic and they succeeded-he could control and deflect any type of fire ( the element of flame allowed to do that?)
Likes: Food
Dislikes: Sharp things
Password : Chaos!