Forum Thread
Supertraining for mega evolving
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Supertraining for mega evolvingThat is why I like to suggest some kind of super training like in the new games, where a pokemon can get stronger, but a little bit different. How would it be, if you can train any pokemon that can evolve into a mega version with this training. That training should be like a quest, which you can only do once a day and it takes a few days/weeks to train it so it will mega evolve. The point on which it obtains this bubble could also be totally random on every pokemon you're going to train in there. So maybe it gets it's bubble on day 7, or maybe on day 83. Just totally random. It could also cost some Pokédollar.
So what I mean is:
They will obtain the MEGA BUBBLE, they wont mega evolve only through the training.
You will need a Mega Stone too to evolve it.
They Quest should be hard.
It should also take a lot of time. I am talking about WEEKS. Not days.
It should cost Pokédollar everytime.
Is the Pokemon that's being super trained also a Shiny, the chances of getting a mega bubble will be lowered.
Every day a different task!
So, what do you guys think about it?

I love the idea. When I think about a quest system I always remember the legendary-cape quest of wow. (yes, it have to be different for sure)^^ I think that's the kind of "time effort" a person should spend, to earn a mega-pokemon on this way.
It shouldn't be too easy - so the 'Quest' have to be a enormous. But as I said before: I love the idea.
edit: because not everyone here is playing wow, I'd like to explain how this could look like:
- collecting 2 x 10 different hard-to-get items (randomly by interacting, forum posts, tall grass founds, etc)
- winning 25 battles
- 7 rumbles over 12h
- collecting 250 gems of the pokemon's type
- collecting rare gems (50-75 max) (to reinforce the upcoming special power maybe?)
.... edit here more steps to make it more difficult ;)
Secondly this idea sounds more like the result of an unsuccessful long hunt for a mega Pokemon, hu? :P \r\nWell I can understand that this might be a bit disappointing sometimes, though I think having to wait 86 days for a super training is disappointing, too.
Also you can not really argue that “mega evolutions have nothing to do with breeding in the original games“ since we are not an official game; no. It IS about breeding and hatching eggs on this site all of the time. So why not implement mega evolutions to be part of this main feature?
Just an example:
Senrier hatched more than 12 shinies, and didn't even get a normal mega Shuppet.
It's much more frustrating hatching egg after egg, than to train. Those trainings could be fun, but hatching eggs and do nothing else than this is reaaaally frustrating ^^ I didn't try to mega hunt anything, I just saw that on so many profiles.
Mega hunting shouldn't be frustrating either. It should be fun.
And I don't think that hard is meant to be frustrating. ^^
Or, a special kind of Pokeradar that chains for megable Pokemon instead of shiny ones.
getting a mega able pokemon is based on luck - but it is needed for completing the pokedex (not like shinies btw). where's the problem to provide a way that is propably much longer than for a lucky user, but successfull for the ones that have no luck?

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(c) by Pein
I like the quest idea and kind of Sturmochter's idea. Maybe...
A new area in the Ancient Cave. Going there, you're told to:
You must see Prof. Rowan and have 300 dex entries before continuing.
Select the pokemon you want the mega bubble on.
Have the pokemon at X lvl.
Find a certain item or amount of item around the site. Example, coconuts (beach background).
Something to do with searching the tall grass.
Hatch whatever you get.
Turn over whatever hatches to whoever.
Gain X amount of trainerpoints.
Obtain X amount of gems/type of gem. Possibly different on which pokemon you selected.
Ending with to send that pokemon on a 12hr/(1day if available) rummble mission.
After which, you still might not get the mega bubble on that pokemon. Leaving a bit of chance still in there will make it even harder. It shouldn't take 83 days to do it all. Maybe, if they are very persistent, someone could get it all done within a week. As said, leaving some chance to it wont make it guaranteed.
However, I do like the idea of like kind of specifically hunting. It could be incorporated to keep track of which pokemon was last selected, and how many times in a row (like the radar counting the hatched eggs) it has completed the quest. Each time it's completed, and does not gain the mega bubble, then it gains a little more "luck" for next time. That is, unless the quest chain is broken by selecting a different pokemon.
Erm.. sorry for the lengthy post..
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As someone who spent my entire summer (3 whole months) to hatch a shiny mega, I feel that this isn't fair to people who have already worked for it above and beyond.
Heck, I am still proud to own the only shiny mega gengar from my three months of work, as it proves that persistence is the key to getting what you want.
And like Riako said - this game is about breeding.
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