Forum Thread
*•~The Pokémon Express~•* (Sign-ups) [14/20]
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → *•~The Pokémon Express~•* (Sign-ups) [14/20]You have successfully been accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Ah ha, but there aren’t any humans here! Just Pokémon. The staff are human though. They will help you to be the best Witch/Wizard you can be.
On arrival, you will receive your wand and a partner to accompany you. We look forward to welcoming you to the school!
- Professor Dumbledore
(This is a Harry Potter and a Pokémon rp)
All Ph rules apply!
4-6 moves only! You can put ‘unknown for now’ if you want but you must reveal a move when you use it!
Backstory can be unknown for now but you have to reveal it at some point in the story!
Might allow some legendary Pokémon….
Choose at least 5 of the following traits—
Loyal, Kind, Reliable, Clever, Witty, Creative, Cunning, Ambitious, Daring, Brave,
Sign-up form:

Nickname (optional):
Crush (optional):
My forms:

Name: Vortex_V.6
Pokémon: Wolf/Fox/Demon/Glitch hybrid
Gender: Gender Neutral
Age: 20
Nickname (optional): Vortex
Crush (optional): Midnight
Pronouns: He/him
Appearance: A grey Wolf/fox with a long Red Devil tail.
Backstory: (Bit too long to write here)
Moveset: Unknown.
Shiny: No.
Mega-Able: No.
Traits: Loyal,Kind, Reliable, Witty, Daring.

Name: Sylvie
Pokémon: Sylveon
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Nickname (optional): Sylv
Crush (optional): Unknown
Pronouns: She/Her
Appearance: Has a lot of scars on legs and tail, One dark red scar on right eye, purple torn scarf around neck,Tail has a black/red/purple mysterious aura.
Backstory: (Too long to post here)
Moveset: Unknown
Shiny: Yes (And a Shadow)
Mega-Able: Somehow…Yes.
Traits: Kind, Reliable, Witty, Daring, Cunning

Name: Midnight
Pokémon: Wolf/Fox/Demon/Human hybrid
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Nickname (optional): —-
Crush (optional): Vortex_V.6
Pronouns: She/Her
Appearance:Has Silver/blue hair and Silver fur. She has a long fluffy tail coloured dark blue/grey.
Backstory: Currently Unknown. She is the Queen of a great clan in hell.
Moveset: Unknown
Shiny: No
Mega-Able: No
Traits: Witty,Cunning,Brave,Ambitious,Reliable

Name: Electris
Pokémon: Jolteon
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Nickname (optional): —-
Crush (optional): Sylvie
Pronouns: He/Him
Appearance: A Jolteon/Vampire with black fur and red eyes.
Backstory: Unknown
Moveset: Unknown
Shiny: No

Name: Axel
Pokémon: Jolteon
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Nickname (optional):
Crush (optional): —-
Pronouns: He/him
Appearance: A normal Jolteon.
Backstory: Unknown
Moveset: Unknown
Shiny: No
Mega-Able: No
Traits: Clever, Cunning, Ambitious, Daring, Brave.
Sylvie~—- Vortex_V.6, Midnight, Sylvie, Axel, Electris.
Drakonia—- Vortex,Felicity, Moonlight
ShatteredDiamond—-Eris Everlast,Mari
RoyalUltima—-Inazumi Adaki
FatHead—- Monika, Natsuki, Sayori, Yuri, Libitina.
AceSpadeAS—-Ace, Paps, Fell.
Milotic6721— ???

Pokémon: Shiny zzorua
Gender: Female??
Age: 11
Nickname (optional): Called Violet for no reason
Crush (optional): No
Pronouns: She/it
Appearance: Shiny zorua with one eye scarlet and other one violet
Backstory: Probably Vortex_V.6's clone/sister
Moveset: Dragon tail (idk how), night shade, crunch
Shiny: I said yup
Mega-Able: Yes, but wont use it cuz dont want to evolve
Traits: Crazy, talkative, sometimes not normal From choosen: Brave, witty, Clever (more in way to trick people), cunning, ambitious (Witty, cunning and clever are mayor traits)
Pokémon: Umbreon
Gender: ungendered (gender neutral)
Age: 15
Nickname (optional):
Crush (optional): a Furret called Mable
Pronouns: They/Them
Appearance: Umbreon with yellow, blue and pink eyes. (The color of a pan flag
Backstory: Got bullied alot since I’m “not true” and my crush is a furry…
Moveset: Charm, Night shade, Dark pulse and Psybeam
Shiny: Yes
Mega-Able: No
Traits: Ambitious, Kind, Creative, Clever, Reliable
Also this is my first ever RP.
Pokémon: Absol
Gender: Gender neutral, but leaning more towards male
Age: 12
Nickname (optional): Shade
Crush (optional): Magius
Pronouns: They/them
Appearance: An Absol with a dark purple horn.
Backstory: Shadow was born into a clan of Absol who had silver horns. Because he was born with a purple horn, he was immediately kicked out of his village the day he turned 11.
Moveset: Night Slash, Psycho Cut, Aerial Ace, and Iron Tail
Shiny: No
Mega-Able: Yes
Traits: Cunning, kind, loyal, reliable and brave
-Zenitsu Agatsuma, Demon Slayer
“The trees can’t be harmed if the Lorax is armed”
“You touch my trees, I will break your knees”
-The Lorax, 2023
“I see now that one's birth is irrelevant. It's what you do that determines who you are.”
-Mewtwo, 1998
Pokémon: Kirlia
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Nickname (optional): Ev or Lyn
Crush (optional): Unknown for now
Pronouns: she/they
Appearance: Normal - with a little witch hat
Backstory: Lived with a variety of others, travelling all around before she got her letter and moved to live in hogwarts
Moveset: vine whip, solar beam, razor blade, stun spore, psychic
Shiny: no
Mega-Able: no
Traits: Loyal, Kind, Clever, Witty, Creative

I am open to 1-on-1 role plays just message me
Pokémon: Shiny Froslass
Gender: Female
Age: 13
Nickname (optional): N/A
Crush (optional): 乁( •_• )ㄏ
Pronouns: she/her
Appearance: Backstory: Born as a Shiny Snorunt, her family was entirely made of non-shiny Glalie. She was shunned for being shiny, and eventually exiled when she accidentally touched a Dawnstone and became a Shiny Froslass.
Moveset: Will-O-Wisp, Powder Snow, Ice Shard, Protect
Shiny: yes
Mega-Able: yes
Traits: Kind, Clever, Creative, Cunning
Hoping this RP will have some sanity. Not likely though, lol.
Pokémon: Mimikyu
Gender: Female
Age: 11
Nickname (optional): Ina or Zumi (She's fine with both)
Crush (optional): N/A
Pronouns: She/Her
Backstory: Inazumi was orphaned at a young age, since she was found in a side alley. She was raised by these two adults, who did their best to love her, but when she was a young child, they went missing and she was left to fend for herself.
Moveset: Shadow Sneak, Shadow Claw, Play Rough, Swords Dance
Shiny: N/A
Mega-Able: N/A
Traits: Kind, Clever, Witty, Creative, Reliable
✿ Where there are bees there are flowers ✿
✿ And wherever there are flowers, there is new life and hope ✿
✿ And wherever there is new life and hope, there is love, and someone there ✿

Name: Monika
Pokémon: Actually, I'm a human, but that's okay! Not all of us are perfect!
Gender: Female
Age: Seventeen
Nickname (optional): None
Crush (optional): She has no specific "Crush", but she if often known to be very controlling over most boys, and will sometimes become aggressive if a boy loves somebody else more than herself.
Pronouns: She/Her/They/Them
Backstory: Unknown
Moveset: Manipulate, Reconciliation, Delete, and Jumpscare
Shiny: No
Mega-Able: Yes
Traits: Clever, Creative, Cunning, and Ambitious

Name: Natsuki
Pokémon: I'm a human, you BAKA!
Gender: Female
Age: Fourteen
Nickname (optional): Shorty
Crush (optional): None... Yet.
Pronouns: She/Her/They/Them

Backstory: Unknown
Moveset: Bake Sale, My Sweets, Baka, and Home
Shiny: No
Mega-Able: Yes
Traits: Witty, Daring, Loyal, and Ambitious

Name: Sayori
Pokémon: I'm a human, hehe... That's okay, though! I don't mind a little mistake, it doesn't hurt anybody!
Gender: Female
Age: Fifteen
Nickname (optional): Bekfast
Crush (optional): None... Yet.
Pronouns: She/Her/They/Them

Backstory: Unknown
Moveset: Rain Clouds, My Confession, Joyride, and Stagnant
Shiny: No
Mega-Able: Yes
Traits: Loyal, Kind, Reliable, and Ambitious

Name: Yuri
Pokémon: Ufufu... I'm a human... This is quite embarrassing.
Gender: Female
Age: Seventeen
Nickname (optional): Violet
Crush (optional): None yet, but Yuri is known to become VERY attracted, VERY quickly.
Pronouns: She/Her/They/Them

Backstory: Unknown
Moveset: Deep Breaths, Shrinking Violet, Obsession, and Markov
Shiny: No
Mega-Able: Yes
Traits: Clever, Creative, Kind, and Ambitious

Name: Libitina
Pokémon: The Subject is actually a human.
Gender: Female
Age: Seventeen
Nickname (optional): None
Crush (optional): None
Pronouns: She/Her/They/Them

Backstory: Libitina has been a Subject at a secret facility for a long time, up until this, her one and only chance to escape, and live out a happy rest of her life... Oh yeah, and she has a Third Eye located beneath her hair on her forehead, so watch out for that.
Moveset: Third Eye, Corrupted File, Access Denied, and Granted
Shiny: No
Mega-Able: Yes
Traits: Clever, Witty, Creative, and Daring