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Serpent [P]

Forum-Index Roleplay Private RP Serpent [P]
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 710
Posted: Sat, 18/03/2023 20:16 (1 Year ago)
Sequel to Black Widow
Keeping his wings tightly tucked and arms crossed, Lysander trudged behind Cado at a much slower pace than normal. During the quiet walk into the woods, he became aware that the woods were far, far too quiet. Even the birds were forebodingly silent. Dark branches crisscrossed overhead, leaving much of their surroundings draped in darkness. Had it not been for Cado's flashlight illuminating their path, the eerie woodland would've been impossible to traverse. With the events of his captivity with the Grysk too fresh in his mind, Lysander kept his distance from the older vampire as much as possible. With Cado's sadism becoming more unpredictable, the avian didn't need nor want to be joined at the hip with him.

His throat, however, disagreed: burning with an aching throb from a lack of blood. Of course, there were other symptoms contributing to the avian's general weariness; fatigue and irritability from lack of food and water, as well as lightheadedness from the transformation. He estimated that it would be a while before he became fully accustomed to vampirism.

Up ahead, the light became increasingly faint and Lysander could hear Cado calling back for him. Startled, Lysander tripped on a tree-root and nearly fell on his face. Head spinning profusely, he took a moment to stop. Not wanting to pique the interest of his captor, the avian picked up the pace, coming within view of the bobbing light only a few steps behind Cado. The avian's gaze was appraising but neutral in comparison to the playfulness of the older vampire. "So, we gonna be there soon or are we just getting lost?"
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 92
Posted: Wed, 22/03/2023 15:48 (1 Year ago)
"Aww, have a little faith in me Birdie~" Cado crooned, shaking his head. "I promise we are almost there." Lysander seemed to have problems keeping up which was... slightly frustrating. At least he knew it would keep the avian from getting too far were he ever to try and escape. He gave the flashlight in his hand a smal flip before the finally emerged into a clearing in which the building Cado called home sat. He grabbed Lys by the wrist, pulling him up to the door which he flung open.

The door slammed into the wall, followed by a sound of something clattering to the floor in another room. "Cado!" A voice snapped, clearly frustrated by also rather jittery. A man stepped around the corner, his hair white and sharing Cado's face. He seemed to glare at his brother for a moment before their ga,e slid over to Lysander questioningly.

"Ah, that's right. I don't think you two have met!" He said cheerily, pushing Lys closer to the stranger and shutting the door. "Lysander this is Calin, Calin this is Lysander."

Calin just continued to stare at Lys, the ends of his mouth curling into somewhat of a frown as he stood there awkwardly. "Hi." He eventually said. Ugh, Cado was doing something again and Calin was going have to deal with whatever it was.

Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 710
Posted: Tue, 28/03/2023 23:12 (1 Year ago)
The avian turned away resentfully from Cado's smug words, gut twisting as another wave of hunger coursed through his body. He bit down on his cheek as the symptoms subsided. Having been deprived of blood for nearly two weeks now, the newly-turned vampire found himself continuously wracked with hunger and another sensation he could only describe as hunger pains. Lysander reluctantly admitted that the older vampire was clever in biting him: saddling him with the burden of feeding on blood regularly was a fairly solid method of tightening his leash. Lysander could only hope that whatever misery and pain Cado intended to subject him to wouldn't be totally fatal. How frustrating it was to trail behind him like a dog on an invisible leash, knowing that freedom remained tantalizingly out of his reach at any moment.

Unless someone had an available store of blood. There were rumors among the Grysk prisoners that it was entirely possible to sustain a vampire to sustain themselves on animal blood. It would not be as "filling" nor as delicious as human blood, but if it could keep him alive, then Lysander didn't mind. The thought of bleeding a human was utterly sickening, and Lysander was not reassured by lifeless quiet surrounding him on either side. Not only was the air in the forest cold and oppressive, resting heavy in his lungs, but the aura hanging on to every branch reeked of death, as if something in the forest had died very, very recently. No life, no sound save for their footsteps

The avian blinked in surprise when they came out into the clearing and the house beyond. It was an old, decrepit thing, perhaps lovely once. In most scenarios, Lysander would've assumed this residence to be haunted, yet Cado seemed unfazed. Reaching out with one hand to grab the avian's wrist - "That is not necessary, Cado, I'm not going anywhere" - Cado happily threw the door open loud enough to cause a loud crash and tossed Lysander inside without a second thought. Such rough handling reminded the avian of the prison guards, and he yelped inadvertently.

This interaction thus having concluded, Lysander found himself staring bemusedly at the white-haired male Cado was sharing the house with. Younger and fairer in feature, Calin was actually surprisingly pretty, but also terrified. Gentle as he may seem, Lysander didn't give him a second glance. "Yeah, charmed." He uttered brusquely, not meeting their eyes as he gazed around the finely furnished house. The house had to be a mansion of sorts, but Lysander didn't believe he would be staying here. "Anyway, now that introductions are done. Mind telling me where I'll be staying?"
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 92
Posted: Thu, 06/04/2023 03:53 (1 Year ago)
Calin frowned as he stared at the avian. Hmph. Maybe he shouldn't have expected anything different from one of Cado's new toys. He wasn't surprised that Lysander so quickly dismissed him, though there was a small inkling of dismay that made itself at home within his gut.

"Come on Calin, why don't you show our guest where he'll be staying?" Cado crowed, shaking the white haired man from his thoughts. Calin just glared at the ground as he turned to walk out of the room and down the halls. He just gestured for Lysander to follow. Honestly the faster he was away from his brother the better. He didn't lift his eyes from the flooring as he navigated the house.

"So. How'd you meet Cado?" He asked idly, though his tone indicated he really didn't care.

To be edited when not lazy and really tired ig

Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 710
Posted: Mon, 10/04/2023 23:28 (1 Year ago)
Lysander did not pay the white haired twin any more mind than he did Cado, seeing in him a smaller, yet no less irritating version of his captor. Yes, his fear was very much evident, but it served him no better for one twin to thrive in malice while the other cowered in fear. Cado dismissed him with an amused flourish, leaving him with Calin for the meantime. To his surprise, Calin began leading the way down an adjacent hallway that presumably led to the avian's quarters. A general feeling of surprise briefly overcoming his resentment, the avian followed Calin without a backwards glance.

Honestly, the more time that Cado left him alone, the better. The way the older vampire had been treating him thus far was ... disturbing to say the least, especially concerning the abundant physical contact that had been involved. What Cado wanted him for... he didn't know, and really didn't want to consider.

Once out of earshot, Calin piped up tentatively but did not bother to raise his eyes. Hard to believe these two are related. The avian scoffed irritably at the question. How did he meet Cado? The avian thought over his answer before deciding on a more cold response. "I met him after he decided he wanted a new companion." He swallowed hard to rinse his mouth of the bitter taste that followed his words. Companion. That was putting this whole situation lightly. Cado had been nothing but crazed and disturbing recently. Perhaps, he thought that he could take whatever he wanted, with the avian having nowhere to go. Another twist of hunger made him wince, and he bit his cheek to keep it from becoming obvious. "I'm not elaborating." He growled irritably, hunger making him cranky.

His quarters were...fairly minimalistic, just a bed, a desk and a chair. Everything looked fairly worn, as if no one had stayed here in a very long while. Shadows hung low on the walls, creating an eerie ambience. The room had a window from which the darkness of the forest peered through. Oh "Well, this is depressing." He observed sardonically with a sigh. Better than nothing. Reaching over to shut the door, he pointed outside. "Can I get some time alone now? I'm seriously done with both of you."
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 92
Posted: Tue, 18/04/2023 03:53 (1 Year ago)

Hm, so Cado was already bored again he supposed if he wanted to pick up some kind of new companion. Calin... should mind more but he didn't. Anything that kept his brother busy really. Calin just wanted some time alone to read without having to worry about being tormented every few seconds, or having to try and tear his book back from his older brother. Although Lysander did not seem too pleased to be here. That did cause him to wonder but he quickly shook the thought. It wasn't like the idea should shock him.

He watched the avian survey the room silently, his own eyes giving the room a cursory glance. He rarely came back here to be honest, and he had to agree with Lysander. Maybe he could try to sneak some more color in here or something. Perhaps a book or two to keep the avian entertained. After all, he couldn't even see himself in this room. He blinked as the avian spoke, seeming to snap himself out of his thoughts.

"Oh right uh... just a few things I should tell you first.. Cado doesn't really like people leaving the clearing. Forests are off limits. there are uh... hunters out there anyways so it's not the best idea." He trailed off, shaking his head. "Doors stay unlocked and try to keep the volume down and uh... yeah just do whatever he says." He mumbled that last part, kind of frowning to himself. he rubbed his wrist with his hand. That was... about it. Awkwardly he quickly stepped outside to leave the avian to himself before scurrying away down the hallways once more.

Cado would walk back to Lysander's room a few hours after their initial arrival, figuring that was more than enough time for his new 'friend' to get comfortable. He opened the door without even knocking or announcing his presence. "Lys, guess who came to visit you~" He crooned rather loudly, flopping back onto the bed next to Lysander. "It's me, yes I know I'm the greatest." He praised himself with a laugh, splaying a hand on his chest in a dramatic fashion. He turned his head to look at the avian with a smirk.

"I sure hope Calin didn't get you all turned around, he can be such an idiot." He laughed again, wiping at his eyes as if he had been brought to tears by his own joke.


Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 710
Posted: Thu, 04/05/2023 00:45 (1 Year ago)
The moment Cado spoke, Lysander whipped around bristling like a threatened snake. Finding the older vampire mere inches from his face was an equally flustering and enraging moment. Shock delayed his response for a single precious second. While it wasn't the first time Cado had gotten physically close to the avian, the fact that he did so in his bed was more than a little unnerving. He knew better than to think there was anything romantic about the older vampire's actions. But, where did that leave him? Vulnerable was a good place to start.

What the kriff is wrong with you?! "Back up! Or better yet, get out of my room!" Lysander snapped, furious he couldn't even get an ounce of space in his room. Black pupils dashed into angry slits before his hand struck out forcefully, catching Cado's cheek. Blood dripped like scarlet rubies, and the avian watched this with cold interest. Feeling suddenly forceful with Cado in a vulnerable prostrate position, the avian raised his hand to strike again with equal harshness. "Or you could stay there, and let me hit you again."

The avian did indeed have an inkling that Cado was doing this for pleasure's sake, but either he wasn't taking the avian seriously, or he simply enjoyed being beaten. He took pleasure from pain, both pain inflicted on him and inflicted on others. The very thought made his mind recoil. It was a twisted way to live.
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 92
Posted: Thu, 04/05/2023 03:54 (1 Year ago)
Cado just continued to laugh, even as he watched the avian's hand lash out. The man didn't even seem to flinch as a sharp stinging sensation was now felt on his cheek. His eyes looked to the raised hand for a moment, his laugh stopping rather suddenly as his gaze then slid over to meet Lysander's eyes. "Now come on, you and I both know there's nothing you could do to scare me."

A short manic giggle escaped him as he sat up, leaning closer to Lysander. It was funny to him, that after all this Lysander still thought he could make any sort of threat. To think that the avian could try to intimidate Cado when he knew that he was his only option for survival. Cado blinked, placing his head on his hands. "But I'd like to see you try. Go ahead, hit me again." He gave an arrogant grin.


Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 710
Posted: Tue, 09/05/2023 22:47 (1 Year ago)
Whereas the lack of space between the avian and his captor was merely oppressive before, Cado closed the gap, forming a suffocating bubble encapsulating them. The space felt darker, more impure with the two of them mere inches apart. A bird pinned by the cat. Forced to scoot backwards again, Lysander jumped when the bedpost smacked into his spine, preventing him from moving further. With the older vampire so close, memories of the turning bite flashed in his mind's forefront and his heartbeat was so loud he was sure Cado could hear it. Now, there was no more distance, no more safety and boy did the older vampire know it.

Up close, Cado looked nothing short of unnatural, black hair falling on pale skin and fangs flashing like blades in the half light when the vampire spoke. His eyes had lost their human light, the blue cold and flat like the eyes of a corpse. Like a flame on a winter night, mania danced within Cado's dead eyes, a frenzied mad light. Lysander's neck tingled from the earlier bite, and he reached up to cup his neck protectively.

There was one last thing he could try, a stray rumor among the Grysk prisoners. A plant, naturally sprouting near his own home in the woodland, a forest plant. "I don't need to. I know a plant that can sicken a vampire. I've seen it myself. I can find it within five weeks."

He wasn't sure Cado's idea of an alternative would be pleasant for him.
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 92
Posted: Wed, 10/05/2023 02:26 (1 Year ago)
Cado stared at Lys for a moment, the smile still seeming frozen on his face. He watched as the avian tried to back up, his smile adjusting into more of a smirk. He reached his hand to try and pull Lys's away from their neck as the action was made. "Oh come on now, I won't bite. Again. It would serve little purpose at this point." He laughed.

The man idly listened to Lysander's threat, just giving a quiet hum. "That would require you leaving, and I can think of plenty of reasons why you may not want to do that." He started to say, "It's a dangerous place out there for us vampires, don't you know? You'd be killed in just a few days, you would wish you never left, praying for me to find you. So don't start thinking about chasing after some measly plant." He laughed to himself.

Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 710
Posted: Fri, 12/05/2023 19:42 (1 Year ago)
Cado removed the avian's hand with condescending gentleness, putting it on the mattress between them. Lysander managed to restrain a wince at the gesture, feeling for the first time how bitterly cold his limbs were becoming. The sensation of fingers on his throat was unnerving, cold fingers scraping at his throat; another symptom of vampirism perhaps? At least to the avian, it made sense. Given that vampires could not stay in the sun at all, it made sense that the frigidity of limbs would be a prominent characteristic. Cado's touch was just as cold and dead as the rest of him.

When faced with the threat of the vervain flower, Cado didn't so much as blink before dismissing it entirely, as if he'd had a long time to think over the answer. But, Cado had a point. Even navigating the forest was a nightmare, especially without a flashlight. But what was the alternative? Letting Cado come in and touch him whenever he wanted? One glance at the lazy, cold smile of his captor, the dead eyes, was enough to convince him otherwise. Lys was already growling, "Do you honestly think that I will beg for you? I can assure you, that won't happen. And even if I did die from a hunter, then it would be better than staying here and ... oh, I don't know, catering to you. I'm not a mere slave." The avian ripped his hand free, "You don't get to come in here and put your hands on me whenever you please."

At least Cado wouldn't actually expect Lysander to start looking
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 92
Posted: Sun, 14/05/2023 02:42 (1 Year ago)
Cado just smiled, tilting his head an inch. "Oh Lys... I don't care if you'd beg. I can do whatever I want and there's nothing you can do that would stop me." He at least scooted back from Lysander, standing up to stretch out his arms. The limbs seemed to crack as he did this.

"Man, that bed isn't too comfortable. I don't know how you tolerate it." His voice sounded nothing like the mockery it was meant to be. The vampire brought a hand to his lower lip, tapping at it thoughtfully. "Hm... I know I came in here for a reason but... why?"

Cado laughed almost to himself but more for a theatric effect as he finally seemed to pull a dead crow from nowhere. "Now I remember! You must be getting pretty hungry so I got you something." He tossed the dead bird at Lysander's feet. "So drink up. I'll see you later Birdie!" And with that, Cado was gone.

Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 710
Posted: Mon, 15/05/2023 22:52 (1 Year ago)
Cado's smile was sensual and cruel, but the avian didn't look away from his captor. His words were self-worship, and it left the avian wondering at not only the torment they promised but also how many times the older vampire had to reassure himself of these things before he believed them. If demeaning people was the way Cado built up his confidence, then it would make sense why the avian was here, hidden away like a gem in a jewel box. Cado's arrogance was what made him dangerous, the confidence that he could take anything he wanted from his captive and walk away with it. But it wasn't so rashly executed; if anything, Cado was being patient. Fortunately, Lysander would be left alone now as the older vampire had better things to do. The avian couldn't help but sigh in relief when Cado drew back, each movement as graceful as the snake that squeezes until its prey dies of asphyxiation.

Cado had constantly reminded Lysander of a great black-scaled serpent.

Given a chance to breathe a little deeper now with more distance allowed, Lysander took a few relieved breaths and stretched out, taking full advantage of the space he was allowed. Space that no longer only belonged to him. "Good riddance." He growled openly, rubbing his neck. Cado hummed thoughtfully, remarking that Lysander's living quarters, his bed, was as undesirable as they appeared. He scoffed, "If you don't like it, get out." Never one for close contact in particular, the avian doubted he would miss the cramped feeling of Cado pinning him against the wall.

A thud beckoned Lysander's attention downwards as the limp corpse of a crow thumped against his foot. The avian's response was automatic. Leaping upwards like a coiled spring, he let out a sharp yell of fury and disgust and slammed backward into the nightstand. Even eating anything relating to birds was disgusting enough. He had eschewed it all his life, refusing to take a bite. Reacting instinctually, Lysander snatched up the crow and threw it as far away from him as possible. It hit the wall with a dull smack and the crunch of a few more broken bones.

Cado's mocking laughter trailed down the hall.

The avian eventually withdrew to the bed, wings quivering madly with disgust and raw fear. The crow lay where it landed, dead eyes staring.
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 92
Posted: Wed, 17/05/2023 02:17 (1 Year ago)
After a few hours there was another knock on the door. Calin stood outside the door, waiting to hear any indication that Lysander was still inside and perhaps a verbal cue to enter. After receiving a response, the white haired man stepped inside the room, an armful of books nestled in between his side and elbow. "I uh... I brought some books." He said, shuffling to the desk to set them down. "I wasn't sure what kind of genre you like so I brought a small variety. I hope that's okay." Calin's words slowly tailed off as he spotted the crow on the ground, his gaze then turning to face the avian.

Oh. Cado had come, and apparently pulled on of his stupid little jokes. Calin figured this one maybe went too far... then again, when did they not. He considered bringing Lysander something else but the idea was quickly shut down before he could think on it too much. Calin couldn't risk Cado getting mad with him again. "I did find one about the basics of vampirism if maybe you want to take a look at it. Sorry if not... you should also really drink. Even if you don't want too. It's worse if you starve yourself, trust me."

Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 710
Posted: Wed, 24/05/2023 20:49 (1 Year ago)
It took at least a half hour for the tremors to cease. With only a few hours break between each interruption, Lysander gave up on doing much else other than lying on the bed. He lay on his side, twisted away from the crow and instead focused on his own breathing. On the inside, however, he could feel himself shaking. Very rarely ever was someone so brazenly close to him, in his face demanding something. Not just from physical contact, which he usually avoided as a whole, but from vulnerability. There was a part of him that at least wished he was back in the compound, back in his cell. Not in this room, where every single piece of furniture, every centimeter of space didn't belong to him.

If Cado wanted to make Lys feel like an animal in a cage, then ... well, that message certainly got across.

And there remained the question of the vervain flower. While Lysander was familiar with the flower itself, he had no idea how to obtain it. Nothing grew in the vicinity of the dark forest outside. Navigating it without a flashlight was likely going to be close to impossible. But it was a start. While his body posture appeared defeated and limp, Lysander's mind was churning. But if Cado's deflection was anything to go by, the avian had a confirmation that vervain did in fact have an effect on vampires. Otherwise, why didn't Cado just laugh it off? Point out directly that the flower had no effect on him? If the older vampire was truly so confident that Lysander could do nothing to harm him, then he surely had nothing to lose.

Unless he did. Cado feared death more than anything. That much was clear. Perhaps a vervain flower was worse for the vampire's body than he previously thought. Say there was another way through the forest? Lysander pinned the thought against the metaphorical billboard in his mind when he heard a polite knock. He sighed half-heartedly before picking himself up and throwing the door open in a half-hearted gesture. As expected, Calin was waiting patiently, a stack of books in his hand. Fully aware that it was all too easy to kick the younger twin out, Lysander let him in without a complaint. Calin was nothing more than a kicked hound after all.

"I'll read it. Might be important." Lysander said flatly, his voice no doubt betraying how tired he really was. Mentally and physically exhausted, and dogged by hunger. Calin seemed to notice this before urging him to bleed the crow lying broken under the table. He couldn't help a cynical scoff. "What, like worse than what your brother likes to do to me? Doubt it. I'm not eating unless I have to." He turned away dismissively, a curt growl on his tongue. "If that's all, leave me alone."

He wouldn't touch the crow, even after he saw Calin depart. But he did sit down to read, flipping each page carefully. Looking for mentions of the vervain flower.
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 92
Posted: Thu, 25/05/2023 00:51 (1 Year ago)

Calin took not of Lysander's flat tone, taking it as a sign of annoyance. The man's shoulders pulled in closer to himself, appearing just a touch smaller. "I- I brought other books to if- if that's not to your liking." He said awkwardly, attempting to keep the avian from getting angry with him. Of course with Lys being so stubborn Calin would have to pick which to upset now... Cado or Lysander?

"I know it's not pleasant. I- I could help if you need." He tried to offer. Cado would kill him if Lysander died or something. "It was difficult for me too at first... you could close your eyes it helps. pretend it's like... a fruit or steak or something else you like. I dunno. Sorry." He mumbled, of course he still found himself quickly dismissed, so he shut his mouth with an audible snap, backing out of the room. He apologized one more time before shutting the door.

Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 710
Posted: Fri, 16/06/2023 07:40 (1 Year ago)
It wasn't long afte Calin left that Lysander became restless. His hands fidgeted and clawed at the sheets as he wrestled with the pain in his throat. Only by sheer will did the pathetic squeaking whimpers lodged in his chest not arise. Gods how it burned as if a fire had been lit within it. Every part of his throat was raw, and swallowing stung. Interestingly, there also seemed to be a pit in the ball of his stomach, a sensation vaguely reminiscent of hunger. As if he hadn't eaten properly for a day. It wouldn't be the first time a mission had left Lysander so pressed for time that he'd been forced to rely on rations and makeshift meals for a day or two.

Unconsciously, he reached for the crow that lay abandoned in one corner. He wasn't sure if he needed one drop to make the pain go away, or if he needed to drain the poor bird completely. He was within reach of it within two long awkward strides, picking up the corvid and laying it in his lap. He hadn't truly realized how small it was until it was actually in his lap. He could lay both his hands across it, even crush it in a cruel and iron grip without costing him any effort. So fragile, so quiet. Perhaps only good for this one purpose now, seeing that it was very long dead. He could feel his gut twisting with disgust as well as morbid fascination as he considered the task.

Oh, so this was how Cado saw him then. A mere plaything. A ... toy. Innocent and helpless, bound by an eternal thirst for blood. Sickening, but not unusual for what Cado had already demonstrated.

I don't care if you beg.
I can do whatever I want and there's nothing you can do that would stop me

Crows didn't beg.

But would dying truly be an escape? It would merely be a temporary reprieve, like a long slumber, until Cado no doubt ripped that away from him as well. He'd been revived once. Death wasn't a hiding place. So if he couldn't hide anymore, he'd have to come out. At some point. On his terms. But right now, he needed a moderate sense of control over his body. An anchor. He wouldn't be able to concentrate on anything if his throat was killing him. Running his fingers along the crows body, he used a single talon to quickly locate where the windpipe should be. (Avian anatomy was a major focal point growing up, unironically.) and he brought it to his mouth and bit down.

Oh, oh the rush. A massive sense of euphoria exploded from his mouth, like a jolt of electricity from head to spinal cord. Like taking a gasp of air in to his lungs after an eternity of drowning. A growl ripped from his jaws, a sound of pure predatory pleasure as Lysander relished the first taste of blood. Something in the back of his mind told him that he'd had more than enough of the blood, but for some reason he couldn't stop. It was like scratching an itch despite knowing it would bleed. The burning, needy, sensation in his throat drained away, leaving only raw pleasure behind. But all too soon, he was ripping the avian away from his jaws, shocked and mind numb. He was completely unable to process what had happened.

The knock shook him to his senses. Voices outside, Calin and a young female he didn't recognize.
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 92
Posted: Fri, 16/06/2023 14:54 (1 Year ago)
Calin hadn't been expecting Seraphina to visit today, or anytime soon really, and he was pretty sure Cado wasn't happy about it as well. Cado never liked it when Seraphina came over. He was trying not to let the tension between the two ruin her visit though, and he was quick to pull her into a hug upon seeing her in the doorway.

He did still have to check in with Lysander for Cado though. He had taken Seraphina by the hand to take her with him since he was not wanting to leave her and Cado alone. That would be a recipe for disaster. Of course once Cado was out of ear shot, she had a number of things to say to him.

"You shouldn't let yourself be pushed around by him." She said, giving him that concerned look that always seemed to twist his heart. "You know you don't have to stay here. You could come stay with me, we could work things out-"

"It's fine." He cut her off with a smile trying to reassure her. "Things are getting better, promise. No need to worry about me."

That didn't seem to comfort her at all though, even if it was true. Cado hadn't been as horrible since Lysander got here honestly... but Seraphina just didn't appreciate his family. She never had. He couldn't understand why. Calin sighed, knocking on Lysander's door. "Hey uh... Cado wanted me to tell you we have a visitor over so... yeah. Feel free to come out if you want.." He mumbled.
