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gearborne - roleplay

Forum-Index Roleplay gearborne - roleplay
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 450
Posted: Sat, 21/01/2023 05:56 (2 Years ago)
"I don't hate it, I'm just...not particularly fond about it. There's a difference, and a sort of long story." Theo said, and then added something in a whisper. "...im not good looking."

she wants to dance like uma thurman / bury me till i confess
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Sat, 21/01/2023 05:58 (2 Years ago)
He nodded, grinning.

"sure. Keep telling yourself that, cat-boy."
Is it

Or is it

You decide.
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Sat, 21/01/2023 06:00 (2 Years ago)
Amber kept watching Kendo, and Barley kept trying to get Kendo to pet him. Raaja was watching from beside her owner now, purring, and Ravenpaw had settled down in the bush, flowers covering the tom as he purred in the sweet scent.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 53
Posted: Sat, 21/01/2023 06:01 (2 Years ago)
Astra nodded. "Peace...I myself am searching for that. The future has been cloudy, the more i try to tell the future, the worse my migraine gets. Something is wrong, and i believe it has to do with the fall of aetherhaven, lets talk more inside my house...speaking of which, we're here."

The doors of the house were broad oak wood, banded with iron, the doors swung open easily at ones touch. Inside the air smelled of incense. There was a great-room set with tables and benches as if for a feast. A hearth anchored one end, at the other, a corridor led away to the kitchen and bedrooms. It was large enough to hold 3 dozen men, and at every turn Saiko expected to find servants, but no, the house was devoid of ny other signs of life.

Treasures shone on every side: Elegantly carved chests, soft rugs made with the finest egyptian leather and golden hangings, beds, stools, intricate tripods and ivory statues. The windowsills were white marble, the shutters scrolled ash wood. In the kitchen, Astra ran her thumb across the knives, bronze and iron, but also nacre shell and obsidian. Saiko founds bowls of quartz crystal and wrought silver. Though the rooms were deserted, there was no seck of dust, and Astra assured Saiko tht none would cross the marble threshhold. However the crew trecked on it, the marble floor was always clean, the tablrs gleaming. The ashes vanishedbfrom the fireplace, the dishes washed themselves, and the firewood would reappear overnight. In the pantry there were jars of olive oil and wine, bowls of cheese and barley-grain, alwys fresh and full.

Astra sat down at the great table, motioning for the others to join her. "Well then, what brings you here to my humble bode?"
I stopped caring, I'm past that point in my life.
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 450
Posted: Sat, 21/01/2023 06:03 (2 Years ago)
Theo grumbled something unintelligible. It sounded like something along the lines of "that's not my name". That nickname just made him feel a tiny bit insecure.

Well, entering the house was a good distraction. "Well, we were just looking for you so you could come along with us...but it feels like someone has some other plans while we're at this island."

she wants to dance like uma thurman / bury me till i confess
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Sat, 21/01/2023 06:06 (2 Years ago)
Amber kept watching Kendo from the doors of the house, Raaja promptly laying down on the couch as Barley ran in and sniffed a chest, sitting down next to the couch Raaja was on. Ravenpaw was laying on the ground under a table, now.
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Sat, 21/01/2023 06:07 (2 Years ago)
Kendo clapped.

""We're here to gay!"
Is it

Or is it

You decide.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 53
Posted: Sat, 21/01/2023 06:07 (2 Years ago)
Astra chuckled glancing at Athena and Kendo. "As much as i hate to admit it, there're things more important than love. For instance..." Astra inched forward, uncomfortably close to Theo. "You all getting the hell away from this island."
I stopped caring, I'm past that point in my life.
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 450
Posted: Sat, 21/01/2023 06:09 (2 Years ago)
"...eh-?" Theo took a step back. "We're here to try to help-"

she wants to dance like uma thurman / bury me till i confess
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Sat, 21/01/2023 06:10 (2 Years ago)
Kendo shook his head.

"Yep, no, we can't help, can we?"
Is it

Or is it

You decide.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 53
Posted: Sat, 21/01/2023 06:15 (2 Years ago)
A look of resignation dawned across Astras face. "I've seen my death in the future, and the fall of this island. I was in some kind of dark room,tapping away at a keyboard, when i was shanked in the back by someone. The someone was hooded, and he got to typing on the keyboard i had been working on. A few moments later, the screens started to flash the words "Impact imminent" and the vision exploded. All of my visions come true, so i don't have much faith for myself. It's better if you run for it. The vision takes place one day later in normal time and a week in the future for delphinus time, so you still have time to run. All i can give you is the fact that someone seems to be actively trying to crash the islands."
I stopped caring, I'm past that point in my life.
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 450
Posted: Sat, 21/01/2023 06:17 (2 Years ago)
"W-well, we can try to find the person.." Theo muttered, but there really was no fighting. "If this is going to come true...you should evacuate this island."

she wants to dance like uma thurman / bury me till i confess
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 53
Posted: Sat, 21/01/2023 06:25 (2 Years ago)
Astra sighed. "Yes, I'll evacuate the island, but first i want to celebrate the anniversary of the island, which is coming up in 6 days. Once it ends, everyone will leave the island except for me, I've decided that if i have to die i might as well do so on my own island. As of finding the person, I supposed we could do that, but i'm not sure if we can change fate that easily. Why don't you stay with me on the island and celebrate the anniversary with me if you're so dead set on your choice? Time moves slower here anyways, and you look like you could use a break to gather together some semblence of a plan."
I stopped caring, I'm past that point in my life.
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 450
Posted: Sat, 21/01/2023 06:28 (2 Years ago)
"...Yeah, we'll stay here for the anniversary. Fate might not be easily changed, but we'll do everything we can." Theo said. There was a small hint of sadness in his eyes.

she wants to dance like uma thurman / bury me till i confess
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 53
Posted: Sat, 21/01/2023 06:37 (2 Years ago)
Astra hugged Theo. "Thanks, I knew i could count on you. What about you all?" She turned to the others standing there. "Will you be staying as well?" Saiko shrugged non-challently. "Fine by me, Since time moves slower here, I'm in no rush."
I stopped caring, I'm past that point in my life.
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 450
Posted: Sat, 21/01/2023 06:40 (2 Years ago)
Theo visibly looked awkward, but didn't resist the hug at all. He just awkwardly smiled.

she wants to dance like uma thurman / bury me till i confess
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 473
Posted: Sat, 21/01/2023 08:04 (2 Years ago)
"Of course!" Athena wasn't the most focused person. She easily forgot the 'task' at hand if no one bothered to mention it or remind her. Now it was back to "Let's Save The World!" mode.
Hush dear,

Let me tell you a secret,

The real monsters don't look like monsters~
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Sat, 21/01/2023 17:41 (2 Years ago)
"I'll stay, I guess. I really hope my little brother keeps feeding my other cats-" Raaja meowed and Amber sat down next to her jaguar, petting Raaja. Ravenpaw was trying to get Astra's attention, Barley now chilling under the table instead.
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 21
Posted: Sun, 22/01/2023 06:57 (2 Years ago)
Cornelis watches what everyone is doing with great intensity.
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 205
Posted: Thu, 26/01/2023 13:51 (2 Years ago)
Again and again... Error watched the others leave with nary a word or look to her. She could have followed, SHOULD have followed... Yet she didn't. She was still on the stolen ship... Why was this the way things were for her?
ꡍꡎꡖꡱꡖꡄꡱꡀꡑꡄꡱꡁꡑꡈꡋꡋꡈꡀꡍꡓꡫꡱꡍꡎꡖꡱꡖꡄꡱꡀꡑꡄꡱꡏꡄꡑꡅꡄꡂꡓꡫꡱꡍꡎꡖꡱꡖꡄ/ꡈꡱꡀꡌ-ꡱꡨꡧꡤꡧꡥꡤꡤꡥꡧꡍꡄꡖꡋꡈꡍꡄꡓꡎꡊꡄꡍꡨꡧꡦꡤꡧꡥꡤꡨꡱꡁꡔꡓ,ꡱꡈꡱꡆꡀꡕꡄꡱꡈꡍ. ꡀꡍꡃꡱꡍꡎꡖ,ꡱꡈ'ꡌꡱꡓꡎꡱꡁꡋꡀꡌꡄꡱꡅꡎꡑꡱꡎꡔꡑ/ꡌꡘꡱꡅꡀꡓꡄ-ꡱꡨꡧꡤꡧꡥꡤꡤꡥꡧꡍꡄꡖꡋꡈꡍꡄꡓꡎꡊꡄꡍꡨꡧꡦꡤꡧꡥꡤꡨꡱꡈ'ꡌꡱꡒꡎꡑꡑꡘ... ꡈ'ꡌꡱꡒꡎꡱꡒꡎꡑꡑꡘ... ꡈꡱꡒꡇꡎꡔꡋꡃ'ꡕꡄꡱꡃꡎꡍꡄꡱꡌꡎꡑꡄ-ꡱꡨꡧꡤꡧꡥꡤꡤꡥꡧꡍꡄꡖꡋꡈꡍꡄꡓꡎꡊꡄꡍꡨꡧꡦꡤꡧꡥꡤꡨꡱꡏꡋꡄꡀꡒꡄ,ꡱꡋꡄꡓ'ꡒꡱꡍꡄꡕꡄꡑꡱꡒꡏꡄꡀꡊꡱꡎꡅꡱꡓꡇꡈꡒꡱꡀꡆꡀꡈꡍ-ꡱꡨꡧꡤꡧꡥꡤꡤꡥꡧꡍꡄꡖꡋꡈꡍꡄꡓꡎꡊꡄꡍꡨꡧꡦꡤꡧꡥꡤꡨꡱꡈ... ꡖꡇo... Who am I?