Forum Thread
♡ 2022 Trick or Treat List ♡
Forum-Index → Discussion → ♡ 2022 Trick or Treat List ♡EDIT: Mafia is awesome and suggested me to change the links, so I will be doing that instead of linking to everyone's profiles. Sorry about that folks!!
EDIT 2: If you DON'T remember posting your answer, PLEASE check the Added Users' list first BEFORE making a post! Use the Command+F or Control+F keyboard short cut to find your username in the list. For those who double posts their answers without checking will be given a warning. Triple posting their answers will get a full on removable on the lists.
Link to the Event Page itself!
All I ask if you're commenting onto this thread, do NOT lie about what scares you. It's rather annoying and rude to be given the wrong answers. If I find out that you've lied, you'll be removed from the list itself.
Thank you for understanding!
EDIT 3: The list is much larger than I expected it to be. If you happened to come across a user that gave an wrong answer on the list, PLEASE LET ME KNOW! I will remove said users off the list if there is ANY given wrong answers. Thank you! If you could show me screen shots (if me doing a double check after a time resets takes too long), that'll be helpful! ♡
Trick or treat!
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HolyMami, ~UmbreonLover~, victoria33, Mafia, sleepynebby
SensGirl25, StarlightUmbreon, SpookyBee, Akurone, Aera
Grass_Type_Zane, Darenia, IgnisCarmelita, Crystalmystria, RaspberryPiemon
SerenityFallows, Cloudfairy, Lychee1123, MegaCharizardZ, Rezmag,
Masserozzo, hinayanachan, KD6-37, Rice, YiuXL
WoohooForWooloo, Silvesary, Fujiwa, Cress, RaRaRasputin
caramel, BanzhanMushroom, Waltz, SH1NYM, Hooded
enulaia, Daiko, Dazai, zangetsu, Vixie
champ1509, Hikari~, ghostlycorvid, Trin1030, CaptainParisStarr
TheRockers, Bristlefrost, Wandy, C8lynMay, RC_CLOWN
ygudhhh, Kimie, ~Krishnaa, Aqua_sapphire, Alysrazar
Snomberry, Angel_Blu_Eevee, MR_luckless, SilverShinyCharizard, Sobble45
RastaPastaPanda, RainbowEevee, PandaWarz, Tlilkuautli, Froakiemander
Wolfsdrache, Ravenswing, alcremiie, AlienSnowflake, BoomBoy
TheVoid, _Taro_Queen, Saevir, Expecto_patrONIX, Hunterz~Wolf
~Cookie~, Diplodocus, Nibaki, GizmoTheSenpai, Redfieldy
ChaosAzeroth, StarsInTheWind, moonjester, MetalHeadKendra, EnderBlaze6120
FlameMaster, CatLady, Farigiraf, Milli, cheetahsynth
Menxi, Maniac, Sparrowwa, iwtkms, EpicShuckle
Kroactic, spinorex14, Bouquet, Pfeif, ~BlueberryMuffins~
Ahrim, TedizStalker, Ashlie, Jacharias, Mirej
Ganz, Titubeur978, ~--moully--~, SkyTheSkyWingHybrid, Akemie
Yamiduo, -Vannah-, CommanderVenus, Snickerdoodle45, Fragment
PinkamenaSakaro, Zephtyr, PoK3_TRaiN, Boewings, SkyFlyEevee3
cinnamondogeo, Professor_Mac, Chesed, punkworm, ~Aoi
KittyMeow, Lady_Litwick, ~Tuna~, OrcaNinetales, Wuffels
bohemianpatsody, Redrose199, Helaman1098, Karatewallah, Iono
SoulStar, Rhuna, Rissie, BrianaWalters1991, SouthParkFirefly
Umbreonpanda, Wynter, Hikazura, shiningblaze, alexiis
AshlyKagome15, PenguinPowerful, MiniEarth, Vandal, Vivixian
~Sun~, BLEACHIchigo1, AnimeEmber, -Kamiko-, Zazi
YourAngel_88, LukeArch87, Inu*Sayaka, Komainu, Beth_33
DarkMoonCat, ~Celestine, Pikachow, Linacorada, Kuroo
Emelicious, ~CloverMeadow~, Wendigo, CjNazzy, AllyBear
AHBEE, carlstvns, ~Monarch~, Sauvignonboy, vreninja
ShadowX116, MysteCat, Cardboard_Spaghetti, neferpitoubeans, SilverWarrior
Kittydragon, siqko, KoayZQ, StarPrizm, crimson_garchomp
Melfina, Rimi, CrystalBorf_aDORKable, Crysticia, Hi_Im_Bob
Akito, Blastoise, kirbyisbac, Minesphalt5680, Reolist
spidered, Noobishgod, Sigh-Fi, Rosie, MoonLaLune
Nephew, Cherrycarp, meowsamune, Azzy-Kamado, Zolarmon
Aname, Nausicaa, chopper_45, Cynical_Cryptid, ~Torracat~
Iceland, Greggory_Lee, Okiniiri, Tiger33621, Cinderace123
RandomYoungster, Trupokemon, ShadowWolf18, AnimeFreak, timaeusTestified
Chydizzy, Priyu~, Pinkapop, llamaomega123, 0meh0
Inner-Nexus, DayDreamingDrgn, Dark_Mewtwo, Pinkglaceon1104, Tobster1214
~SilverTheHedgehog~, PandoraPika, NothingSpectac, GreenOfTheOwls, Bumble427
RoyalGecko, GodKitty, MiniEarth, Absbor, DrGrimm
XxSimpAtheticxX, Esper~Terra, Neko-Chan700, ~Lycario, RoyalUltima
rexXie, Tacomon237, Luna~, HisuianZorua, stoicghoul
Hfishgn, GeminiShadowwolf, Cathartic, Clicker, Leranas
Airalin, ShadeKinoSoul, Mirajane, Shadow_, Shadow_Darkrai
Sappho, ~MysteryMew~, MAsterQH, LocalGayPanic, Rezurei
Delta~, Omega~, DraculeShiva, TalaniMae26, Roygbiv

PoK3_TRaiN - Double posted, warning given
Amphygon_404 - Removed for giving wrong answer