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Danganronpa Roleplay [PRIVATE]

Forum-Index Roleplay Private RP Danganronpa Roleplay [PRIVATE]
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Fri, 03/11/2023 02:14 (10 Months ago)

🦋Darcy Harper's POV💌

"Puhuhuhu~ if you insist."

Darcy clasped his hands together and closed his eyes. THANK YOU, God, for sparing us from that... Thing.

When he opened them, Miyako was still crying, a sight and sound that left him feeling distraught and feeling quite bad for the girl breaking down in front of him.

"I-Is it gone? Is it over? Are we safe?"

"It's gone... I think. But I wouldn't be surprised if that's not the last we'll see of... That thing." He wrinkled his nose as he said it.

When Miyako clung to him like that, he was quite taken aback. Had... She been that frightened? The thought deeply bothered him. Poor Miyako...

"Please... I beg of you... if it ever shows its face again... kill me. Put me out of my misery."

His eyes widened. "I-- I'm not going to just--" He sighed. "It's not going to come back, okay? That doesn't seem like the bear to use the same horrendous thing twice."

"Please. I would simply die."

He found himself hugging her, almost instinctively. "I-It's okay. I don't think it's coming back. Please... Don't say things like that. It's not going to come to that. Okay?"

At least... He hoped not. Seeing Miyako like this... Felt so strange, so unfamiliar. So this was the sort of thing she was afraid of.

Seeing her scared like this... It made her feel more human to him than ever before.

"It's okay," he insisted. "It won't come back."

Now Playing: OMORI OST 003 - Lost At A Sleepover
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°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

"Everything is going to be okay."
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 237
Posted: Fri, 03/11/2023 17:41 (10 Months ago)
Shi no Shitshow

Shi sighed as she lay on the floor. staring at the popcorn ceiling.

1, 2, red, blue

1, 2, red, blue

1, 2, red-

She couldn't take this boredom anymore. She sprinted down the hallway, map in mind. Maybe a few laps around the school to kill time.

Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 115
Posted: Fri, 03/11/2023 18:08 (10 Months ago)

Miyako Hiroto

Shaking off the remnants of terror which still clung to her visage, Miyako took a wobbly step forwards. She closed her eyes against the eternal suffering which the monstrosity had provoked.

"Good lord," she whispered. "What kind of twisted mind?"

She shivered. Time to never think about THAT again. "Do you know where Shi went?" she asked.


A golden blur was sprinting towards them at lightning speed.
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Fri, 03/11/2023 22:15 (10 Months ago)
Idris Kallikrates

"The labs might be a good place to start-"

"No one's really explored them yet. Aren't you at least a little curious?"

Idris nodded. "Honestly I forgot that they existed. What's the point of 'em anyways, Detective Douche?"

Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 115
Posted: Fri, 03/11/2023 23:55 (10 Months ago)

Kubo Atsushi

"That's what I want to find out. Think about it- Monokuma gave us access after the first trial, right? Some sort of twisted award."

He kept walking, mind whirling with possibilities.

"If it had some kind of special murder weapon, he'd be singing like no tomorrow. But he hasn't. Meaning it's something actually useful to us. An actual reward."

Kubo stopped dead in his tracks.

"Possibly... even a clue to the identity of the mastermind. The one orchestrating it all."
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Sat, 04/11/2023 04:57 (10 Months ago)

🦋Darcy Harper's POV💌

Miyako was whispering something to herself that Darcy couldn't quite make out. She still seemed noticeably distraught. Jeez. Was Buffkuma REALLY that mortifying?

"Do you know where Shi went?"

Shi? Oh, that girl that Miyako liked for some reason that Darcy scarcely knew. He was about to utter a response but only managed to open his mouth and point in warning at the golden ball hurtling towards them, not realizing that he had just answered the question right then.

Could this day get ANY weirder?

Now Playing: OMORI OST 003 - Lost At A Sleepover
°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

"Everything is going to be okay."
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 115
Posted: Sat, 04/11/2023 05:03 (10 Months ago)

Miyako Hiroto

"AHHH!" Miyako shrieked, throwing herself to the side. Shi barrelled past her as she lay, shivering on the floor. The dented floorboards left in her girlfriend's wake...

That would've been me. Miyako shuddered.
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 237
Posted: Sat, 04/11/2023 05:12 (10 Months ago)
Shi no Shitshow

Shi skid to a halt, complete with cartoony tire squeals playing over the PA system.

"Ah, shit! Sorry, Mi-mi, lost control."

She turned around and stretched out a hand to help her girlfriend up.

killing, time, killing time, it's killing time, killing time,
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 115
Posted: Sat, 04/11/2023 05:17 (10 Months ago)

Miyako Hiroto

"You better be sorry." Miyako stuck out her tongue. "Honestly, Shi-Shi, you're the worst."

But she couldn't keep a smile off her face. A nickname, huh? I don't think anyone's ever called me that before.... I like it.

She accepted Shi's hand and allowed her to hoist her up. "We were going to search the school," she explained, swiping a stubborn cowlick behind her ear. "For possible exits. Figure out how to leave this place... or if escape is even possible."
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 237
Posted: Sat, 04/11/2023 05:22 (10 Months ago)
Shi no Shitshow

"Oh! Good luck, I can try to help but I've been around a lot of this place and haven't seen much. Then again, I also saw it all blurry for the most part so I could've missed something." She chuckled before noticing the floorboards.

"Oy, was that me? Damn, this place must've been cheap."
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Sat, 04/11/2023 05:26 (10 Months ago)

🦋Darcy Harper's POV💌


Darcy let out a sigh of relief as Miyako heeded the warning, and got out of the destructive creature's wake. Even more relieving, rather than it being some horrendous Goldilocksikuma, it was just Shi.

"Ah, sh*t! Sorry, Mi-mi, lost control."

She sure was fast. No wonder she had that talent. Still... She could have hurt somebody.

You better be sorry. Honestly, Shi-Shi, you're the worst."

Somehow, Darcy wasn't so sure she meant it. There was something... Affectionate about the sort of tease to Miyako's voice, that gripped at Darcy's heart, thorns of envy creeping in and poking him in the worst of places. There was this pang of emptiness, of lacking.

"We were going to search the school. For possible exits. Figure out how to leave this place... or if escape is even possible."

"Yeah." Darcy nodded. "We're uh... Definitely not sure it can be done, but, it couldn't hurt to try, I guess."

"Oh! Good luck, I can try to help but I've been around a lot of this place and haven't seen much. Then again, I also saw it all blurry for the most part so I could've missed something."

Well... That was unfortunate. "Good to know." He tried his best to keep the disappointment out of his tone.

"Oy, was that me? Damn, this place must've been cheap."

Darcy raised his eyebrows. "I know it sounds cliché, but... What if there is something hidden under some of these floorboards?" The thought randomly occurred to him, as Shi brought attention to it.

Now Playing: OMORI OST 003 - Lost At A Sleepover
°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

"Everything is going to be okay."
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 115
Posted: Sat, 04/11/2023 05:30 (10 Months ago)

Miyako Hiroto

"I'll have you know that that is hardwood flooring and it is very expensive! I could buy and sell a child with that! If I peeled it up from the ground, I could actively become a dealer in the black market and seller of illegally imported cars." She crossed her arms. "This is. A. Travesty."

She stared seriously at Shi for all of two seconds then burst out laughing.

"Sorry sorry!~" Miyako sang. "Alright. I'll murder you later. For now, what do we want to do, besides mothers? More dinosaur nuggies? Or do we stop torturing Darcy and actually go do something productive? It's up to you, honestly."
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 237
Posted: Sat, 04/11/2023 05:37 (10 Months ago)
Shi no Shitshow

"How about we go write self-insert fanfics? Red string of fate, get all romantic~!" Shi swooned and did a dramatic twirl as her heel dug deeper into the fragile wooden floor.
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Sat, 04/11/2023 05:38 (10 Months ago)

🦋Darcy Harper's POV💌

"I'll have you know that that is hardwood flooring and it is very expensive! I could buy and sell a child with that! If I peeled it up from the ground, I could actively become a dealer in the black market and seller of illegally imported cars. This is. A. Travesty."

Well... That was dramatic.

"Sorry sorry!~ Alright. I'll murder you later. For now, what do we want to do, besides mothers? More dinosaur nuggies? Or do we stop torturing Darcy and actually go do something productive? It's up to you, honestly."

"How about we go write self-insert fanfics? Red string of fate, get all romantic~!"

It was almost like he wasn't even there. Only Miyako's momentary mention of him reassured him he was still there. Darcy felt more like... A statue, than a person. Just...

Standing there... As those two lovebirds joked around, without a care in the world. In the middle of a Killing Game.

His idea was unheard. As he should have expected.

What else could he expect, really? But to be ignored.

And forgotten.


It made him want to vomit.

Now Playing: OMORI OST 003 - Lost At A Sleepover
°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

"Everything is going to be okay."
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 115
Posted: Sat, 04/11/2023 05:47 (10 Months ago)

Miyako Hiroto

"Oh that sounds lovely!" Miyako took Shi's hands in hers and gave them a firm squeeze. "Soulmate strings, wrapped tight around our pinkies. Destined lovers."

She smiled at her beautiful girlfriend. The whole world seemed to be blooming in colour, ever since she met Shi. For so long, everything had been rainy, monochrome, limited to a set world in which the encounter of cardboard and concrete were the only certainty. But when she was with her, everything seemed like it had seemed when she was a kid.

Right and wrong were still there. She could feel hate and its red, angry fire. And she could also feel love. A gentle, blue colour, the exact shade of Shi's sky blue eyes.

Every time they met hers, then the whole world seemed to open up. For a moment, the city was gone. The pain was gone.

All she could see was the field of flowers in which they danced, laughing and dancing together. The gentle breeze which stirred Shi's golden hair. The dandelions they plucked and weaved into Miyako's. Matching.

Just them, existing. In the wild, in the real world.

Together, everything was beautiful.

"You," she told her softly. "Are my destiny. I don't care what anyone says. I don't care who I was born to or who I'm supposed to love. This is fate."

This is who I am- and who I've always been meant to be.


(Btw Spriggy, Darcy can check below the floorboards. I'll write what he finds from POV *Narrator*.)
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 237
Posted: Sat, 04/11/2023 05:49 (10 Months ago)
Shi no Shitshow

"Destiny, soulmates, it's all so sweet. Like a storybook ending. Everyone knows and understands each other and everything works out."

But it didn't work out then, did it?
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Sat, 04/11/2023 05:55 (10 Months ago)


Akari immediately noticed the sudden change in mood upon answering, guilt falling upon Lucian's face as he muttered a reply.

"...oh... I..."

Great, now he felt bad. Couldn't even have a simple conversation without it becoming all depressing, huh? "S-sorry, I just... Y'know-..."

"...Akari, I know there's... not much of a chance, but..."

"maybe there... is a way out. that we haven't considered yet."

He shut his mouth, looking away towards the floor, almost in a sense of guilt. He had already given up any sign of hope, even long before coming to Hope's Peak. Even his original plan before coming here was depressing, just come for the studies, then go back to his job and do the same thing every day like he always did. Akari really didn't want Lucian having that hope for him. It would've been wasted, left the poor guy more hurt than need be. Couldn't he just keep to himself? Just for once? Why the hell did people just randomly start caring for him like this, only to end up broken in the end?

...Why? Why did they care so much? Why couldn't he just get them to stop?

Why did you care about me...?

"...I'm... sure you'll get out of here, somehow, Akari. I believe in you."

His heart sank. How was he even supposed to reply to that? Anything he'd say would just make the mood more depressing than a funeral, unless he lied of course. Before he could stop himself, a slew of words slipped through.

"Lucian it's..." He pulled his arm up to rest behind his neck. "Not that I don't think I can, it's just..." He took a deep breath and sighed.

"I don't want to."

"...maybe... you and everyone else... can make it out of here. we just haven't found the answer yet."

God... Why was he so insistent? How did he have so much hope? How could he so blindly and selflessly care about people he hardly knew? How could he-

Doesn't he know how much it kills you in the end?

He sighed and bowed his head. "...Yeah. Maybe..."

"...is... there anything you'd like to eat? I was going to make pasta, but..."

Yeah, probably best to move on. Lucian was trying his best and he just had to be a depressing jerk about it. He didn't really have a preference, really, and he couldn't be in the mood for a specific meal if he... well, wasn't exactly in the mood to eat anything anyways.

"Pasta is fine, I guess."

"...Need any help?"

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Sat, 04/11/2023 05:59 (10 Months ago)

🦋Darcy Harper's POV💌

"Feeling like I'm always just barely there
Only a shadow, and it's never fair..."

There they were. Off in their own little world together, chattering on and on about some fairy tale ending. Floating off into their own paradise, while Darcy just watched. Completely... Irrelevant. Just off to the side. It felt all too sickeningly familiar. They gritted their teeth, and his fingers curled into fists.

"Fine," he muttered angrily to himself, not loudly enough to hear (not that those two would bother) fighting to keep the tears from his face. "I'll just look myself."

Darcy started peeking under the floorboards. Maybe there was something useful there? Was it too much to hope for?

Maybe it really was a dumb idea.

Now Playing: OMORI OST 003 - Lost At A Sleepover
°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

"Everything is going to be okay."
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 115
Posted: Sat, 04/11/2023 06:18 (10 Months ago)

Miyako Hiroto

A storybook.

She thought of the timeworn book she'd had since she was a kid. It'd always been there. As far as she could tell, always a hundred years old too. It didn't make it any less beloved. She remembered tracing her fingers along the coloured illustrations. They were faded, but still beautiful.

She also remembered a little kid scrambling onto the armchair. Grinning at her as he tried to peer at her book.

'What a dumb book. Real princesses don't act like that. They're really poor and they work really hard and their prince finds them at the ball!'

She laughed. He stared intently at her the whole time.

'Where'd you get that?' she teased. 'Sleeping Beauty? Don't think I haven't noticed you stealing the DVD player, baby brother. You know too much tv will rot that brain of yours. And you don't have a lot left in that puny head of yours!'

She reached out and ruffled his hair. He swatted her hand away with a pout.

'I'm serious! Princesses are nice and... nice and they do everything for the good guys! You're nice, and you made me dino nuggies!'

'So I'm a princess now? Geez, how insufferable do you think I am?'

He let his head slide into her lap, the rest of his body dangling over the edge of the chair. 'Yeah,' he mumbled. 'You
are a princess. You're pretty and nice and you have blue eyes... And your prince is gonna save us...'

She felt his tiny arms go around her waist. A flash of pain went through her. Something like guilt, maybe? Regret? A horrible little tidbit of knowledge, weighing hard on you and...

'What's the prince gonna save us from, little princess?'

'Not a princess...' he mumbled. 'Gonna save us from the dragon. No more yelling. Nice quiet... everything... and it's Cinderella too..."

His eyes slipped shut.

Her hand smoothed her little brother's hair down, gently petting it as he slumbered on her lap. Even then, twelve year old Miyako knew...

Her lips twitched up in a sad smile.

Princesses never saved themselves. Much less sad little brothers with soulful blue eyes who talked about heroes and dragons and storybooks... when the only reality was the cold skip of the countertop beneath your awaiting fingers.

"Shi," she whispered. "Be my prince."

She was perfect. Blonde hair, blue eyes, fair skin. Youthful stature, charming smile- Shi was the perfect hero of any story. Exactly the kind of person that Miyako wasn't.

The kind of person she needed in order to forget. To pretend she wasn't a coward, to pretend that she needed saving.

To pretend that her little brother was right.

She wrapped her arms around Shi. Her vision began to blur, strangely watery.


Underneath the floorboards was a gaping empty void. It stretched on and on, far past the reach of Darcy's fingertips, sinking deep into the earth... then making a sharp turn and continuing.

Hallways echoed beneath the school, room after room after room- each constructed beneath the very dorms they inhabited. The endless darkness seemed to stretch on for infinity. Noise echoing down below...

Secrets lurking around every corridor.

Underneath the school... was another floor.

One which would be used to its full deadly potential.
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 237
Posted: Sat, 04/11/2023 06:26 (10 Months ago)
Shi no Shitshow

"Your... prince?" Her mind spun. She had a lot of nicknames and titles, good and bad. Mostly good nicknames from her dads. But still, this was definitely a new one. "O- ok."