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Danganronpa Roleplay [PRIVATE]

Forum-Index Roleplay Private RP Danganronpa Roleplay [PRIVATE]
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Fri, 27/09/2024 00:51 (1 Day ago)

💌Darcy Harper’s POV🦋

"You're asking after everyone else, when you're sitting in a dust pit, next to the guy with the knife?"

Uh… okay. That was actually a really good point. Still, Darcy couldn’t help but ask about it. His hand slowly reached up to cup his face. His breathing felt heavy, and yet the exhales came out ever so lightly. His face was all scraped up, giving little continual pinches of pain, that hurt slightly more as he touched them. So why, when he woke up in this place, could he not help but worry about everyone else?

Perhaps it was the fact they were all in a goddamn Killing Game. That probably had something to do with it. And Darcy couldn’t help but feel like he had been… selfish. Horribly, begrudgingly selfish. Only caring about what happened to him, or to Sawyer, not to anyone else.

“Well… alright. Jeez. Guess you kind of have a point there.” Darcy slowly removed the hand from his face, awkwardly rubbing the back of his head. It was funny, really. That this guy, of all people, had come back to get him. That he had even cared. That was still difficult to wrap his head around.

Maybe I’ve been too cynical of these people… It wasn’t as if he’d known them for very long. Although Kubo was probably one of the more impressionable of them, given that he was such an as*h*le.

"Darcy... don't worry. Everyone's fine. It hasn't changed since you left. We don't even have a trial to attend. And as far as I see it, we won't ever."

“Wait… really? Is it Christmas right now?” Darcy’s eyes widened.

That seemed too good to be true. And Kubo wasn’t the type of person to lie about this sort of thing. Something had to be wrong.

Darcy’s mind lingered on the last word.


“What do you mean by…”

How could we never have another trial?

"Everyone's fine, Darcy. And anyway... even if they weren't, I couldn't tell you sh*t. We're in the same pit. For all I know, Monokuma's put Idris in one of those tutus, and Lucian's currently on a killing spree with a lawnmower."

“Oh. Yeah, I guess that’s true.” Darcy cupped his hip with his hand and rolled his eyes, snorting in amusement. “Lucian. On a killing spree. With a lawnmower? I didn’t know you were capable of joking.”

At least, not good ones.

“And… wait. Idris in a TUTU? When did that happen? Was it pink?”

Wait a minute. Why do I…

Oh god, not Idris. Not after-

“So… how are we going to get out of here? Is there a rope or something?” Darcy asked hurriedly. The less he had to think about Idris, and by extension, Mei, the better.
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 115
Posted: Fri, 27/09/2024 01:21 (1 Day ago)

Kubo Atsushi

"Glad you're finally coming around. Maybe ol' K-Kubo Atsushi isn't always the bad guy, huh?" Kubo rolled his eyes, remembering all the other times he and Darcy had spent yelling at each other. Weirdly enough, he wasn't sure why he'd hated the guy.

The others were evil liars still, of course. They'd turn around and stab someone in a minute. If even Kaoru, the very best of them, had been able to succumb to the allure of murder, then really, who could resist the siren's call?

Though... maybe that was unfair.

After all, this whole time, someone had been whispering plots in peoples' ears. A mastermind with a true grasp of the act of murder, someone who could solve a case more effectively than the Ultimate Detective could.

It was... unnerving, to say the least. None of it made sense. How were they always aware when the Ultimates were going down the wrong path? The way Monokuma subtly changed the focus of the trial, the way the Execution Room was set up from the start, tailored perfectly for its victim...

The Mastermind knew who the killer was every time. Never were they blind.

If only they could be blind, just once, then the Ultimates might be able to get the jump on them. But of course, someone deserving of the title The Ultimate Mastermind could never be caught so easily.

He was reminded once more of that person's blank face as they watched Mei's execution. Someone so unswayed by all of it.

Kubo was supposed to be unswayed. He was supposed to be smart, strong, collected. But he'd yelled so many horrible, stupid things at Idris, while that person watched. Never so much as a twitch.

"Christmas?" Kubo smirked. "Ha, I wish. I'd take the mistletoe over the murder any day."

For some reason a picture of Lucian popped into his head that moment, and he shook it off, hoping that it was too dark for Darcy to see his face. It wasn't that he was blushing... his face just felt hot in this stifly tunnel. Too much carbon dioxide. That was all.

“What do you mean by…”

Kubo shrugged, readjusting his weight to support Darcy better. His shoulder was starting to ache. "Who knows." He stared ahead into the empty blackness, and Kaoru stared back- her amber eyes accusing, judging- calling him out as the liar he was.

He would trust people again.

But hell if he'd give up the only cards he had to Darcy. No, he was too close to that person. The risk was too great. Darcy would have to settle for lies right now. But still... someday, he swore to himself, he would tell Darcy the truth. The whole truth about himself, the mastermind, and his plan to end the killing game.

"It's hope," he told Darcy. "If we hope, a-anything... anything can happen. That's what K-Kaoru always said, right?"

Because, she had added once. Hope leads to action. And when we try, when we really try, the hell can this world do to us, us who've been given a hit in the jaw every day of our lives? What can it do to us now, when we finally take a stand and tell this whole screwed up system to go to hell?

She'd never been a believer in fate, not like he was. She thought things could change.

And maybe it was time for him to see if she was right. Time to see that he could make that difference, be the person that Niwa said he could never be.

Kubo laughed softly to himself. Now that was too cheesy. But it was fine, he could work on his one-liners later when they were out of this whole killing game.

“And… wait. Idris in a TUTU? When did that happen? Was it pink?”

"Monokuma and Wifekuma are a terrifying pair." Kubo shook his head solemnly. "Don't ask questions you don't want the answer to, Darcy. There are some things worse than death."

“So… how are we going to get out of here? Is there a rope or something?”

"A rope? Well, there should be, but..." He glanced down at his gloves, at the rip through the centre. "The rope's not exactly... intact now. I suppose we'll have to find another way out." With a wry laugh, he ran a hand through his hair. "And besides, we're already down here. Aren't you curious to find out what lies at the ends of these tunnels? Maybe it's an emergency exit. Could be the easiest p-possible end there is to this killing game."

Miyako Hiroto

Miyako looked up sharply, her eyes landing on Idris' silently shaking form. She didn't know him... not really. He was Mei's pet, not hers. But even so, seeing the way he mourned... so quiet...

She couldn't stay still any longer. So she walked up to him, and gently reached for his shoulder.

"Hey, Idris-'' she started.
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Fri, 27/09/2024 04:06 (1 Day ago)

Mika U(y)ehara

Mmm... 24 hours for an investigation...?

He had plenty of time left then- no rush or anything. Maybe he could even take a nap...

He didn't remember the last time he'd taken one either... it's not like he would work well without enough sleep anyway- even if he fell asleep for ten hours, which was much more than he usually did, there'd still be quite a bit of time, and with any luck the others would already have done all the hard work by then.

Pursuing Akari was probably not worth it, on second thought. Someone like him's chance of murdering someone was practically in the negatives, depressive aura and all. Mika would know, of course.

...When was the last time he'd even entered his own dorm? Well, it was empty anyway, so might as well get comfy...

Sutaraitsu Umemoto

Please proceed, Imperatrix. Is it not embarrassing for you to live in such comfort?

Sutaraitsu felt a weird feeling in his head. Really weird. What was it? Ngh...

Well, nothing to do but hope it goes away. You know, the usual. Wiggling a hand into an intertwined position with Setsuna, he looked upward, glittering eyes and all. There's always been people who loved him... but Setsuna?

It's clear they need some love too, and he'll do his best to repay what he's gotten!

"E-Eh...? What's with the sexy French agents?"
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ The walls are closing in. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Fri, 27/09/2024 04:08 (1 Day ago)

💌Darcy Harper's POV🦋

"Glad you're finally coming around. Maybe ol' K-Kubo Atsushi isn't always the bad guy, huh?"

Darcy narrowed his eyes to slits. His arms very slowly, painstakingly crossed themselves. He let out a huff of annoyance.

Kubo Atsushi isn't always the bad guy?

"That's funny. I seem to recall things a little differently." Darcy bit his lip stiffly, with a sigh. He was trying so hard not to throw hands with Kubo right now, but that seemed a little difficult. Besides, how could he not call him out? If he really wanted to say he wasn't such a bad guy...

Then he should really acknowledge what he did first.

"Kubo I-don't-know-your-middle-name Atsushi. I seem to recall a certain guy telling Lucian to kill himself. Or... did I hallucinate that particular ordeal?"

Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite.

That singular word flashed through Darcy's head, over, and over, and over, and over again. Crushing him like broken glass under its scornful, unyielding heel.

Because, oh, had he really never wished for something bad to happen to someone else?

The second that the words left his mouth, he longed to take them back. To glaze over them. Something. Anything.

And for a second he swore he thought he saw Mei Akamatsu, standing before him, and not Kubo Atsushi.

She was whole again. Not covered in blood, so, so much blood. Her hands, her body, with that dull, pathetic look in her eyes. Her usual offensive humor, and sharp tongue laced with bitterness, dulled by her lack of energy. She was giving up. So close to giving up.

But then she was whole again. She stood before Darcy again.

And she said all that stupid f--ked up stuff.

About what she did to all those people.

All those people that did and didn't deserve it.

No... wait, that wasn't right. Did deserve it? Did anyone deserve it?

He remembered that particularly dreadful conversation.

Oh, Mei was a sicko. She was absolutely a sicko. How could Darcy trust a single thing she said? Of course he couldn't. She was a liar. A liar, a liar, a liar, a goddamned liar. What did she know about him? What could she possibly know-

That goddamned monster. She deserved what she got. Oh, she deserved it, she deserved the pain, she deserved to die, she deserved to-

No. That- that wasn't right.

Darcy... he- he didn't mean-

He said sorry. HE SAID SORRY. He- he apologized. Surely that meant something?

But Mei had it coming, she'd-

. . .

I didn't mean it. I didn't mean it. I didn't mean it.

Oh, so you didn't mean it? You didn't mean it?

She could almost hear Mei's voice, laced with malice.

That's soooo funny, Darcy. Didn't you say something about how you probably deserved to go to Hell? But, oh. Don't feel too bad about it. I'll be seeing you there, mkay?

Screw you. Screw you. You don't know anything about me. F--K OFF.

I didn't mean to-

I didn't mean to---

Lie to her.

And yet... as it happened...

I thought I'd have everything.

I thought I'd be satisfied.

I thought I'd finally be happy.

Everybody would finally love me.

Everybody would finally see me.

Will and I could finally be together.

Mom would... she would finally be proud of me. She'd care about me.

All I had to do was tell one lie.

One harmless lie.

And those words had slipped out, along with those crocodile tears. They'd worked like a charm.

Oh, it made Darcy sick, just thinking about it.

Yet that moment brought a certain satisfaction, in a way.

Did he regret it?... yes.

It didn't change the fact that it had happened.

It wasn't something a good person would do.

It wasn't something ANY good person should do.

But he didn't have a choice.

Besides, Kubo needed to hear it. Right.

"I don't recall you ever apologizing to him for that," Darcy snapped. Then... he hesitated, slightly. "Look. I'm... willing to let bygones be bygones."

Well, that was a first.

"I just want us all to escape here together. Nothing has to happen to anyone else."

Nothing that YOU caused?

"It's just... you never did apologize to him for that, you know. He very nearly did it. I mean... damn. That was seriously such a d**k move, Kubo. The lowest of the low."

I know I'm one to talk...

"It would already be terrible if you'd told anybody else here that. But goddamn Lucian?! That guy's a fricking saint. He's been trying to help you and everybody else this whole time. I don't regret punching you in the face for that. Not in the least."

Darcy gritted his teeth and let out a breathy sigh.

"...okay. That's- all this has probably succeeded at doing is provoking you. But what I'm trying to say is... you haven't just been super rude and entitled to everybody here. But you nearly made Lucian kill himself over what you said to him. That's... that's a lot."

"Christmas? Ha, I wish. I'd take the mistletoe over the murder any day."

Darcy raised an eyebrow. The... mistletoe? Specifically? He thought he saw something particularly odd, a blush passing Kubo's face as he mentioned something with traditionally romantic connotations. Huhhh...

"Honestly? I'd agree with that. Maybe Monokuma would give us the greatest present of all... letting us escape." Darcy scoffed. "But, uh, jeez. Any particular reason for the mistletoe, Kubo? Do you have the same consistency as a poisonous plant or something? Because that would suit you." And, yet, despite it all... "Or... is it something else?" He couldn't help but say it with a slight smirk.

Okay. I'm not even sure why I said that. I don't even know how to feel about those two being together since Kubo's such a d**k. It must have been a random shipping moment response wired into this by some other entity. Wait... what was I thinking?

"Who knows."

"So... like, you didn't know?" Darcy raised an eyebrow again. "That's a bit odd for the Ultimate Detective."

"It's hope. If we hope, a-anything... anything can happen. That's what K-Kaoru always said, right?"

"Yeah... uh. I guess she did." Kaoru... Darcy felt a bit uneasy hearing about her. She, too, was someone who clung to her faith. Who thought that if she trusted in God, and in structure, then everything would be fine. Darcy couldn't really claim to know her much.

And he also felt a bit guilty about the annoyance that came to mind at the fact Sawyer followed her like a puppy. Sawyer...

I mean, goddamn. Kaoru was dead and in the grave. She had been for probably over 2 years at this point a... few days? A week? Strangely, he couldn't quite recall anymore.

"I'm sorry about that. The fact that... she died," Darcy told him awkwardly. "I mean..."


Darcy hated this guy. Like... seriously hated this guy. And yet, he wanted to work with him.

"I didn't really know her all that well. But I don't think she deserved it, did she? Kaoru... was important to you. Even if things seemed somewhat complicated. I imagine you must miss her."

Darcy couldn't imagine losing Sawyer. Not again. Not after everything.

"Monokuma and Wifekuma are a terrifying pair. Don't ask questions you don't want the answer to, Darcy. There are some things worse than death."

Oh. Uh. Darcy paled. That was particularly unsettling...

"Is there... anything worse than... Buffkuma?" he asked hesitantly, remembering how he shielded Miyako from that abomination. God. He shuddered at the memory.

"A rope? Well, there should be, but... The rope's not exactly... intact now. I suppose we'll have to find another way out."

Darcy groaned. Hooray, more time with his favorite Ultimate Detective. "It figures... oh, well. Thanks again for coming to get me, I guess."

"And besides, we're already down here. Aren't you curious to find out what lies at the ends of these tunnels? Maybe it's an emergency exit. Could be the easiest p-possible end there is to this killing game."

Huh. Darcy perked up slightly with interest.

"Is that... possible? I don't think the mastermind would make it that convenient, but... alright. Guess we could try."

Yeah. You can always try.

❄️lucian arbred's pov🕊️

Miyako was talking to... Idris of all people? That was interesting. He wondered what she could possibly want with him. Knowing Miyako, he wasn't entirely sure if it would be something good.

Well... he hoped it would be... but. Well. He wasn't going to interfere unless something bad happened. That would be disrespectful.

The young therapist glanced down into the pit, longing for an answer. Would they be back soon? He could only hope. And it made him a little sick thinking about it.

All the worst things happened when you had your back turned.

The moment you closed your eyes, the moment you turned away, you lost everything.


Sawyer too could only stare into the darkness. The void beneath them all. And wonder...

What about... was the question. It was difficult to hold onto a single thought. Every time they tried, it would get all muddled up...

The darkness beneath them didn't quite... make much sense...

All they'd ever known was light. So, so much light. So many different lights.

It's funny.

Very funny!

Light is a good thing. Light is always a good thing. Any story will tell you that. Light is about the hero, the good guy. It shines through, and it fixes everything.

It fixes every problem. Every issue.

Especially the ones with your head.

. . .

Sawyer couldn't see. They could never see.

Never remember...

Never recall that day.

No matter how much they tried.

Well! Most of the time, they didn't try.

They'd just smile, and joke around, not think about it...

Think about anything but it.

People were talking. They weren't sure what about.

They weren't sure they cared.

It was probably all meaningless nonsense anyway.

Meaningless noise, like everything else.

Like the things you'd forgotten.

The things that didn't matter.

You'd plead with them to just stop. Stop it. It wouldn't change a thing. It wouldn't change you. It wouldn't change how you--

Were screwed up undeniably, beyond compare. In a way nobody could understand. A way nobody could fix.

You could never come to terms with the reality everyone else did. And in a way, it made you immune to their mockery. You could live in ignorant bliss. Everything was a game to you. You knew nothing but joy. But you could never understand. You could never understand.



it's hopeless. useless. laughable.

none of it really fits.

I feel like I remember you from somewhere. I feel like I know you! I feel like you were my friend.

Everyone's my friend, I think!! That's right. We're all friends. That's what we all are. Playing a bunch of. Meaningless...
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 115
Posted: Fri, 27/09/2024 05:44 (1 Day ago)

Kubo Atsushi

Well, he thought, staring at Darcy's perfect face, its beautiful features twisted in hate. That was the wrong thing to say huh.

A twinge of bitterness pierced his heart, a voice in the back of his head whispering, he hates you. He always hated you. From the beginning he wanted to be rid of you, and he'll want to be rid of you 'till the end. You'll die here, hated by him, hated by Kaoru, hated by Mei, hated by everyone, and Lucian will be smiling at you right through, because he hates you too.

It was idiotic to come down here to begin with. Darcy wasn't his friend; Darcy was an enemy. Someone who couldn't be trusted to know about the knife hidden in the slit he'd cut into his jacket last night.

"That's funny. I seem to recall things a little differently."

"I'm sure you remember everything," Kubo muttered. He lifted his chin and opened his mouth to yell at Darcy, to call him a liar and a hypocrite and-

"Kubo I-don't-know-your-middle-name Atsushi. I seem to recall a certain guy telling Lucian to kill himself. Or... did I hallucinate that particular ordeal?"


Did I say that?

Yes. He had. He remembered Lucian's face, twisted in anguish. The terror in his expression; it was that of a small child fearing draconian retribution. In that moment, Lucian hadn't even seemed like he was seeing him.

Because that wasn't me, some weak, lying voice whimpered. I'm not mean, it was because of Darcy. I was stressed and I was-

"Shut up," he said hoarsely, not sure if he was talking to Darcy or himself. "Just- stop talking."

"I don't recall you ever apologizing to him for that."

He hadn't.

"Look. I'm... willing to let bygones be bygones."

Why should Darcy? He was right.

"I just want us all to escape here together. Nothing has to happen to anyone else."

Except the mastermind. Another person he would murder.

"It's just... you never did apologize to him for that, you know. He very nearly did it. I mean... damn. That was seriously such a d**k move, Kubo. The lowest of the low."

Darcy didn't even know. It wasn't just that Kubo didn't apologise. He hadn't even acknowledged it. He'd just shoved it off to the side, pretending he forgot it even happened. Just a little kid, pushing all his dirty laundry in the closet, and saying it was okay.

How could he? How could he say that to Lucian and then pretend he hadn't?

Kaoru was right. He should just...

"It would already be terrible if you'd told anybody else here that. But goddamn Lucian?! That guy's a fricking saint. He's been trying to help you and everybody else this whole time. I don't regret punching you in the face for that. Not in the least."

"I know," Kubo responded hoarsely. "I know you don't regret it. But still... I owe you a 'f**k you' for that one, Darcy."

He smirked, but inside his thoughts were awhirl. God, why couldn't he think? Why couldn't the world just stay still awhile and let him think? This was stupid, this was unfair. I wanna go home. Why couldn't he just-

Kubo paused, his hand feeling something in the tunnel ahead.

"...okay. That's- all this has probably succeeded at doing is provoking you. But what I'm trying to say is... you haven't just been super rude and entitled to everybody here. But you nearly made Lucian kill himself over what you said to him. That's... that's a lot."

"Pot meet kettle," he muttered back, then blinked, coming to himself. "Look, D-Darcy, if you can't handle me, if you say I'm rude and entitled for who I am, then screw you too. I h-hate you. I think you're annoying, self-absorbed, and most of all, the most self-righteous POS I've ever met. You pretend to be better than everyone else, when in reality you're just like the rest of us. A stupid kid who does nothing but impede our trials and make a fool of himself."

His heart gave a little stutter as he finally breathed out, then took in a sharp breath and began again. "And before you interrupt me, let me finish. I'm not saying... you're wrong. I'm definitely those things, so that's why we we're not meant to be friends. I can't change how I was raised, or the fact that I don't like or want to like any of the people here. It's screwed up, but it's who I am, and it's who you are." He closed his eyes. "And... about Lucian... you're absolutely right. I shouldn't have said any of those things. Even to someone I hate, I shouldn't say any of that. Not to someone who was just trying to be kind to me."

That's right... Lucian was just trying to be kind. He's never wanted to hurt me.

Kubo would never understand why. But he couldn't call Lucian a liar. He couldn't try and destroy a saint, just for the mere crime of choosing to believe in someone like him.

If Lucian was going to get close to his thorns, then he should wear down the points, because someone like that would only fall deeper and deeper into his bloody arms. And if Kubo had to cradle him against all the world, then that was all Lucian deserved, for being the kind of person who would throw himself to hell over and over again, because of a fool who had willingly trapped himself in the inferno.

"It is a lot. It's way too much of a lot. And I should've told him that instead of walking away." Kubo blinked, surprised to find that there were tears in his eyes, and he quickly rubbed them away before Darcy could see. "You're an idiot, Darcy, but to hell with it, I'm worse of one. I've been saying all this stupid stuff. To you, to myself, and most of all, to Lucian."

He frowned, staring into the door in front of them. His hand searched for the knob.

"So the moment we get out of this pit... I swear to you, I swear to myself-" I swear to Kaoru, and mom, and Niwa and everyone else dead- "I'll apologise to him. This doesn't mean I like him, god no, but..."


"You're right, okay? He didn't deserve that. He didn't deserve any of that."

"Honestly? I'd agree with that. Maybe Monokuma would give us the greatest present of all... letting us escape."

Kubo quirked a smile at Darcy's little laugh. What a weirdo. He could go from berating somebody to talking about Christmas in the span of ten seconds. The hell was up with that?

"But, uh, jeez. Any particular reason for the mistletoe, Kubo? Do you have the same consistency as a poisonous plant or something? Because that would suit you. Or... is it something else?"

"Don't be stupid," Kubo scoffed, though his cheeks were red. "It was just a joke, Darcy. God, you take everything too seriously. This is exactly why I just can't stand you."

He was still smiling though. And he found he didn't really mean it. If anything... maybe there was some camaraderie to be found, in finding somebody who you could openly hate, and who would just hate you back.

Or maybe he was just going insane. That was another possibility.

"So... like, you didn't know? That's a bit odd for the Ultimate Detective."

Never mind, people sucked. "Oh, shut up," Kubo snapped. "I don't have to prove myself to you. If you were actually attending those trials instead of being lost in Soy Sauce's eyes, then maybe you'd have had a chance to contribute to my argument."

Did he just... call Sawyer Laurens "Soy Sauce"?

...Oh, so he was going insane. And possibly morphing into a Walmart- though far more aesthetic- version of Mei. Excellent information, he would definitely keep it in mind.

"I'm sorry about that. The fact that... she died. I mean... I didn't really know her all that well. But I don't think she deserved it, did she? Kaoru... was important to you. Even if things seemed somewhat complicated. I imagine you must miss her."


Well, this guy knew how to give you emotional whiplash. Kubo never knew until this moment.

Had anyone ever asked him about her? Maybe Lucian had, after the trial... but until this moment, he'd never known to question...

Kubo felt dead, drained of energy all of a sudden. His chest was empty, hollow, emotions carved right out of it. But...

"No," he whispered. "She didn't deserve it. And she was just like me, we came from the same awful place, the same awful people. She was just as screwed up as me, and she didn't deserve it, because..."


He blinked.

"Darcy... did you know we met at church?"

Then reality flooded in and he shook his head. "Forget I said that. It doesn't matter."

"Is that... possible? I don't think the mastermind would make it that convenient, but... alright. Guess we could try."

"Yeah." He pressed his hand to the doorknob, finally finding it. "Well, at the very least we've found a door. So we can presumably make our way to a place with better ventilation from here. Or at least a tunnel that we won't find Sandworms in."

But just as he made to twist it-

"Puhuhuhu~ Oh no, what are our naughty children doing, my love?"

"I'm not sure, darling! But I think that they've gotten very messy down here in the labyrinth! They must surely be asking for a beautification. Look at all that dust! And oh dear, is little Darcy hurt? We must get that treated up with Buffkuma brand bandaids immediately!"

Kubo gulped. "Darcy... let's just back away slowly..."

Setsuna Jun

"E-Eh...? What's with the sexy French agents?"

"Sexy French agents? Where!?" Setsuna whipped his head around. If a sexy French agent was going to drop in on them, then he'd need to protect Sutaraitsu! It was his duty as Sutaraitsu's boyfr-



The blood ran to Setsuna's head too fast, and the power of blush immediately knocked him out.
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Fri, 27/09/2024 19:45 (1 Day ago)

Title: Bbcode was so last year

Idris Kallikrates's POV:

"Touch my shoulder with those claws of yours and that'll be the last time you have 'em." Idris spat. He took a few steps away from her, and turned around to glare at her.

Wasn't the last time they had spoken....the whole b.s with Saeko?

"If you've come to give me hell about Saeko, I'm really not in the mood. Like seriously , if you start, it'll be my knife against your throat this time."

He sighed impatiently and pinched the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes a little.

Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 115
Posted: Fri, 27/09/2024 19:57 (1 Day ago)

Miyako Hiroto

Her fingertips had just brushed the fabric of his clothes when she pulled back, startled. "Excuse me? Claws?" She glanced down at her nails, eyeing the chipped nail polish, and anger surged in her. "The hell are you talking about? I keep my nails trimmed and clean for your information, though I'm sure you wouldn't know that, considering you probably haven't washed that hoodie of yours since we started this godforsaken killing game."

Miyako puffed out her cheeks indignantly, already remembering why she hated this guy. A selfish, obnoxious jerk, who'd threaten you for so much as touching him. As if she was dirty.

Issues, much?

"If I touch you, then you'll kill me? That's a bit of an overreaction I think."

She meant to stop talking then. But for god's sake, if she was going to do her damn best to be nice to this group of idiots then she better get some return on that investment.

"What the hell have I ever done to you? I've been nothing but good to you from the start, and you just come after everyone like they killed your mother or something." She crossed her arms. "Why do you do that? Why do you just lash out at everyone who so much as tries kindness on you?"
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Fri, 27/09/2024 20:17 (1 Day ago)
Idris Kallikrates

"The hell are you talking about? I keep my nails trimmed and clean for your information, though I'm sure you wouldn't know that, considering you probably haven't washed that hoodie of yours since we started this godforsaken killing game."

Idris suppressed a snigger. "Ouch. I'm so hurt, Miyako, how the hell will I ever recover?"

"If I touch you, then you'll kill me? That's a bit of an overreaction I think."

Idris tilted his head.


i'll show her a goddamn overreaction, that f**king b*tch

i'll slit that pretty little throat of hers and i'll-

and i'll-

"...not much of an overreaction when every single f**king touch feels like acid on your skin, Miyako!! Like jesus christ Miyako, you're saying all the wrong things right now." He scoffed.

"What the hell have I ever done to you? I've been nothing but good to you from the start, and you just come after everyone like they killed your mother or something."

Idris started to cackle. Tears pooled in his eyes.

"You're funny Miyako. You're so funny. You have no f**king clue what you're talking about, oh boy.

That's the best thing I've heard all goddamn year.

You don't know jack sh*t about me, you f**king cow.

If they killed my mother, I certainly wouldn't be here all emo 'n sh*t, dude.

I'd be the happiest 'lil mofo in this hell-hole.

Oooh boy. That's a thought, someone killing that old hag. Damn.

I mean, one can wish, can't they?"

He sniggered again, tracing the edge of the knife with his finger. "Wish it would be me, y'know. The mofo who watches the life drain out of her eyes." Idris closed his eyes, his lips curling into a small grin. "I'm getting giddy just thinkin' 'bout it, Miyako."

He opened his eyes, and glared at her.

"Why do you do that? Why do you just lash out at everyone who so much as tries kindness on you?"

Idris stopped smiling.

"I don't know what you're talking 'bout. You don't know what you're talking about Miyako. I suggest you shut that 'lil mouth of yours before you say something you regret, 'kay?"

Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 115
Posted: Fri, 27/09/2024 20:40 (1 Day ago)

Miyako Hiroto

"...not much of an overreaction when every single f**king touch feels like acid on your skin, Miyako!! Like jesus christ Miyako, you're saying all the wrong things right now."

"So now I'm saying all the wrong things?" Miyako tilted her head to the side, mockingly. For some reason, an image came to her head of Mei doing the exact same thing. "While you threaten me with a knife in front of everyone? Seems to me like you're setting yourself up for a quick execution. You really thought that one through, huh?"

She was like acid to him, huh? Sweet little Miyako, untouchable as poison to him. Well, she'd show him poison. She'd show him that maybe, he shouldn't have underestimated her... or her will to kick his ass.

Then his posture straightened, and for a second, she saw her little brother standing there. Ready to kill her. That same hate in his eyes as the day she left him.

The day she betrayed him.

"You're funny Miyako. You're so funny. You have no f**king clue what you're talking about, oh boy. That's the best thing I've heard all goddamn year. You don't know jack sh*t about me, you f**king cow. If they killed my mother, I certainly wouldn't be here all emo 'n sh*t, dude. I'd be the happiest 'lil mofo in this hell-hole. Oooh boy. That's a thought, someone killing that old hag. Damn. I mean, one can wish, can't they? Wish it would be me, y'know. The mofo who watches the life drain out of her eyes."

His smile sent a chill up her spine, which she fought down, summoning up her old anger, and meeting his eyes, years of repressed memories rising up in her, anger at this spoiled brat who seemed to think his mommy issues gave him the excuse to treat everyone like crap. Everything about it got on her nerves.

"Well," she said coldly. "Whatever she did, she got more than what she deserved, getting a son like you."

This guy was just absolutely nuts. His reaction to everything was violence. Even his mom, even the people he was supposed to love...

It made her shiver. This guy had no empathy. He was...

A psychopath, a voice in the back of her head whispered.

"I'm getting giddy just thinkin' 'bout it, Miyako."

Miyako's fist clenched, and for a second, she considered just murdering him right here and now. How could he? Forgetting your duty as someone's kid was one thing. But dreaming about their murder?

It just made her sick.

He was like like her little brother. A murderer, down to his core. A failure as a kid, a failure as a person, and somebody who the world would be better off without.

"I'm the judge, jury, and executioner. There's no other law that would have touched him," she remembered her little brother's words, staring down at their dad's swollen corpse, the ends of the broken bottle buried into his throat. The blood was everywhere, but most of all, on the mop that he clutched in his hands. Murder cleanup. "He was guilty, Miyako. The guiltiest person alive. The world was better off without him."

But no... She shook her head off. No matter what, she wouldn't kill anyone. She wasn't like her brother, she wasn't like Idris, and she certainly wasn't like their dad.

"I don't know what you're talking 'bout. You don't know what you're talking about Miyako. I suggest you shut that 'lil mouth of yours before you say something you regret, 'kay?"

She blinked, coming back into reality. For a second, she thought there was almost a change in his expression. Some sort of emotion passing through... but staring into those cold dead eyes, she remembered that she was looking at a murderer.

Someone made to kill people.

"Something I regret?" Her eyes narrowed. "Sorry Idris, but I'm afraid I don't regret this at all."

And then she punched him.
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Fri, 27/09/2024 20:48 (1 Day ago)

Mika Uyehara

Meh... maybe he didn't want to sleep after all.

Hmm... alibis. He needed one, didn't he?

Eh, he wasn't feeling like doing all that. He flopped onto the bed like a dying fish and passed out for about three seconds before the sudden burst of energy kicked in. Amazing. (not intended to be in a sexual way)

Well. It's not like someone would be stupid enough to suspect him, right? Maybe he'd just go get ice cream or something.

Sutaraitsu Umemoto


Sutaraitsu watched as Setsuna's face gradually began to resemble that of a sentient tomato person, and felt a splotch of light red fade onto his own face too. He squeezed his boyfriend's limpish, vaguely reddened hand, and-

"Don't you wanna know what that tastes like? Cmon, bite it. As hard as you can, of course."


He pressed Mr. Tomato's hand onto his lips anyway. What could go wrong?
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ The walls are closing in. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Fri, 27/09/2024 20:58 (1 Day ago)
Idris Kallikrates

"So now I'm saying all the wrong things? While you threaten me with a knife in front of everyone? Seems to me like you're setting yourself up for a quick execution. You really thought that one through, huh?"

He scoffed. "Come on, I'm not gonna kill you, dumbass. If I wanted to, you'd be dead right now and no one would ever find your body. You think I'm that dumb enough to threaten you in public? God, if I gave two f**ks about whatever you say, I'd be offended. Jesus Christ, I'm not that dumb, Miyako. Like gimme some credit.."

"Whatever she did, she got more than what she deserved, getting a son like you."

He paled. "You don't- you can't-

You don't know. You don't know anything about what she did, Miyako. You can't. You can't compare me to that woman, you b*tch. You can't. I could never...I-I could never do what she did Miyako."

Idris stared at her. His eyes were not filled with anger, but fear. They glistened.

"You don't... you don't know a f**king thing, Miyako. I'm all talk and no action.

My m-mother...that-"

His fists were shaking.

"If you knew what she did, you'd be regretting your words now Miyako, I swear to God, you'd be-"

Sharp pains exploded in his arm. Then it started to burn, and sting, and ache. It felt like his skin had been electrocuted. He stifled a scream.

He fell to the ground.

He was shaking. His skin was crawling. His skin was electric. His skin was burning. His skin was on fire.

Idris glanced up, his eyes brimming with tears and filled with such, pure, fear.

"...you punched me?" He choked out.

He shuffled back until his back hit the wall.

"...please, not again m-mom."

Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 115
Posted: Fri, 27/09/2024 21:08 (1 Day ago)

Setsuna Jun

Setsuna stirred, two seconds after blush-induced unconsiousness. He looked up and around at him, studying the dorm. What a nice dorm... so nice and calm and beautiful and he was with Sutaraitsu. He smiled to himself.

Then he looked at his darling, precious Sutaraitsu. Who's lips were on a hand.

His hand.

Setsuna passed out again.

Miyako Hiroto

"Come on, I'm not gonna kill you, dumbass. If I wanted to, you'd be dead right now and no one would ever find your body. You think I'm that dumb enough to threaten you in public? God, if I gave two f**ks about whatever you say, I'd be offended. Jesus Christ, I'm not that dumb, Miyako. Like gimme some credit.."

"Well, for someone who's not 'dumb enough to threaten me in public' you're sure as hell doing a lot of it right now. The second somebody decides to capitalize and kill me, then you're on the chopping block." Her eyes narrowed. "I think I've already given you well enough credit. It sounds more to me that you're too stubborn to realise that maybe lil ol' Miyako might have a valid point, because you're so determined to treat her like an idiot."

She crossed her arms.

"You've already put me at risk, so I'd appreciate if you could keep your voice down and stop drawing more attention to us."

But even as she spoke, she noticed a change coming over him.

Was he... trying to get away from her? That was... weird. She didn't know how to deal with that. It wasn't like she'd threatened to kill him. Deep down at his heart, was Idris lashing out because he was a coward?

She didn't like that any more than the psychopath hypothesis. So she crossed her arms, choosing to glare at him.

"You don't- you can't- You don't know. You don't know anything about what she did, Miyako. You can't. You can't compare me to that woman, you b*tch. You can't. I could never...I-I could never do what she did Miyako. You don't... you don't know a f**king thing, Miyako. I'm all talk and no action. My m-mother...that- If you knew what she did, you'd be regretting your words now Miyako, I swear to God, you'd be-"

"Is that a threat or a..." She paused. "Are you scared of me?"


"...you punched me?"

"Yeah I did, and I'll do it again if you try any of that sh*t." Miyako opened her mouth to admonish him, that little coward, all bark and no bite. And then she'd-

"...please, not again m-mom."

She froze.

"Repeat that," she said softly. But he didn't need to. She was looking at him, but he wasn't looking at her. This whole conversation, he'd been looking through her. He'd been seeing someone else.

And he hadn't been him. That big, scary boy was looking at her like he was just a little kid, and she was...

"Do you think I'm... your mom?" she asked, bewildered. "Idris, are you- are you seeing me?" She crouched down to his level, and considered taking him by the shoulders, but seeing the look in his eyes she refrained. "Look, it's me. It's Miyako. You know me, right?"
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Fri, 27/09/2024 21:20 (1 Day ago)
Idris Kallikrates

His skin was crawling. It felt like there were hundreds of tiny needles, tiny bugs, tiny fingers poking and prodding him. He ran a hand over his stinging arm.


"Do you think I'm... your mom?"


His skin was still crawling. It felt like there were thousands of tiny needles, tiny bugs, tiny fingers poking and prodding and pricking him. He ran a hand over his stinging arm again shakily.

"Look, it's me. It's Miyako. You know me, right?"

Idris tilted his head up at her, and narrowed his eyes.


His skin was still crawling. It felt like there were millions of tiny needles, tiny bugs, tiny fingers poking and prodding and pricking and scratching and scraping and biting him.

"Miyako?....oh sh*t. Oh sh*t."

He shook his head violently.

She wasn't there.

"Oh sh*t. Oh f**k. Goddammit." He spat. "...I-i'm sorry that you had to see that. Just, ignore it. I'm a 'lil tired, okay?" Idris glared at the floor.

"Was nothing. Forget 'bout it. Just d-don't f**king punch me like that again, you bi-....Miyako." He caught himself.

Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 115
Posted: Fri, 27/09/2024 21:34 (1 Day ago)

Miyako Hiroto

He wasn't saying anything. Just muttering something over and over again under his breath, holding himself as if he were keeping himself from shattering into a thousand pieces.

Is that the only gentle touch he's ever had? Some part of her brain wondered for a second. His own?

Then she shook the thought off, because she had no idea where it came from, and it was just totally unnerving. Of course that wasn't true. Her brain was being melodramatic and seeing stuff where there was nothing. She was just going crazy.

"Idris..." she began softly. "I'm not going to hurt you. Please. Just count to ten. It'll be okay."

Suddenly, those intense eyes were on her and she flinched, wondering how she ever thought they were dead. There was some sort of desperation in them. Panic, fear, hope... and suddenly she realised that rather than looking at her, he was looking right through her, seeing who she was.

And he hated her and he was terrified of her, and he was right.

And god were those eyes beautiful. It sent a shiver down her spine.

"Oh sh*t. Oh f**k. Goddammit."

Then the moment was over, and it was back to your regularly scheduled airing of intensive swearing and just being an all around douche.

"...I-i'm sorry that you had to see that. Just, ignore it. I'm a 'lil tired, okay?"

Oh... no, he was...

"Oh, Idris..." Her heart broke, and she fought the urge to reach forward and touch his cheek, knowing it'd be like needles to his skin right now. She'd screwed up, hadn't she? He really was just scared of her.

"Was nothing. Forget 'bout it. Just d-don't f**king punch me like that again, you bi-....Miyako."

Or not. Her eyebrow twitched. But still, she just continued staring at him, studying him, and realised that right now, he was putting his mask back on. It was falling on and off, because he couldn't figure out how to work it back over. His dignity was shattered, and he was looking for her to hate him again.

Had she ever met anybody who wanted to be hated so badly?

"So that's why," she whispered to herself, then blinked, coming back to reality. "Alright, Idris. I... I accept that."
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Fri, 27/09/2024 22:00 (1 Day ago)
Idris Kallikrates

He didn't say anything, just looked. And stared. His eyes were a pool of emotions. Mostly anger and hate, but there was a trace of fear still left in those black eyes of his.

Idris grimaced. He was so pissed, so unbelievably mad that Miyako out of all people saw him...like this.

Like some pathetic, weak, child.

Now she'd have more reason to look down on him.

He groaned.

How could he have been so foolish, so goddamn stupid?

His fists curled.

He hated her. He hated this. He hated everything. He hated himself.

"So that's why..."

He scowled at her. "I said drop it. Don't go making any assumptions about me. I don't need another shrink to f**king analyse me again." Idris groaned.

His throat was sore from the childish crap he pulled a couple minutes ago. "...d'you know if Monokuma keeps any water coolers 'round here?" He paused. "Actually, I think I see one over there." Idris pointed randomly. "This has been fun and all but I gotta goo..."

Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 115
Posted: Fri, 27/09/2024 22:10 (1 Day ago)

Miyako Hiroto

Idris scowled at her, but this time she didn't react, just continued watching him. It didn't matter how far he pulled his mask back up. She'd seen under it and it was...

So sad.

What had his mom done to him, to make him fear her so much? Seeing just how terrified he was of little Miyako, probably looking ridiculous with her hands on her hips, glaring up at him... somehow, seeing how scared he was of her that scared her more than any of his violent attempts to intimidate her.

"I said drop it. Don't go making any assumptions about me. I don't need another shrink to f**king analyse me again. ...d'you know if Monokuma keeps any water coolers 'round here? Actually, I think I see one over there. This has been fun and all but I gotta goo..."

Miyako let a smile trail over her lips. "Alright," she agreed sweetly. "Go get your water. But Idris?"

She waited a moment, then breathed out and met his eyes. "I definitely won't forget any of this. And for as much as you claim I don't know you, you don't know me very well either if you think I can just 'drop it'. So in any case... be ready, 'kay?"

Throwing a grin over her shoulder, Miyako walked away, her mind awhirl. She had to find Shi. She had to know that she was right.
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Fri, 27/09/2024 22:22 (1 Day ago)
Idris Kallikrates

"I definitely won't forget any of this. And for as much as you claim I don't know you, you don't know me very well either if you think I can just 'drop it'. So in any case... be ready, 'kay?"

He bit his lip angrily, and his pale fingers curled slowly around the knife's hilt.

"Alright then. If you're just gonna be a b*tch like that. I can't stop you, can I?" He sighed. "No amount of my 'lil threats will put you off anymore, will they? Not after all this." He gestured around with his knife.

"Okay Miyako. You wanna do that then. Fine, do what you want. Remember it. Treasure this memory with your little heart, why don't you." He spat. "But if you f**king dare tell someone else, I will kill you. Genuinely."

And with that, he glared at her once more, and left.

As soon as he was out of view, he began to run. He ran and ran and ran until his legs gave way and he arrived at his dorm room.

He opened the door, and collapsed on the ground. He lay there, unmoving, unblinking, and just staring into the ceiling.

Oh how Idris wished it would fall down, at just this moment.

Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 115
Posted: Fri, 27/09/2024 22:30 (1 Day ago)

Miyako Hiroto

Miyako nearly scoffed at his threat. He really didn't get her, did he? No matter how much he threatened her, no matter how much of a dirtbag he was, she wasn't going to blackmail him. It grated on her nerves, the assumptions he made about everything she did.

But it was fine. No matter what, she wouldn't lose sight of who she was, and she sure as hell wouldn't sacrifice her morals for some woman-hating idiot.

So she'd figure out a way to help him. God save my soul.

"Kill me, huh?" she muttered, and her hand found the edge of her bracelet, fiddling softly with the stone. The image of Shi's gentle face flickered in her mind's eye. "Sorry Idris, not yet. Maybe some other time."

After all, that life was already promised to somebody else. And until she fulfilled her promise, she'd stay here, with her guilt and her hatred, and she'd do everything she could to make up for what she'd done.

No matter what, she'd help Idris. Because after all, she was to blame for what happened to Him. And she'd do whatever it took to get his soul out of purgatory, even if it sent her own right to hell.
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature