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I'm Feeling Lucky
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malyen OFFLINE Forum Posts: 195 |
Posted: Wed, 06/11/2024 18:15 (1 Month ago) |
He was used to the hustling and bustling of downtown Tokyo. The squeals of rubber on road, the sharp blaring horns of a car, the sounds of the ambulance, he loved it all. After a long day's work, he wanted nothing more than to collapse onto his bed, close his eyes, and let the sounds of the traffic send him to sleep. That was the highlight of his usually boring day. His schedule was pretty average, wake up, down a few cups of coffee, then get to his 'office job'. His real 'job' was unknown to anyone, he preferred to stick with the lie that it was a dreary, run-of-the-mill 9-5, and leave it that. Any further questions would be instantly shot down with a dreary monologue about the amount of paperwork he had daily, another lie he fabricated to put the questioning sort to sleep. And for those annoying little rats who didn't take the bait, he had some other methods of convincing. Yesterday was an ordinary day. He got up, made some of his beloved coffee, yelled a bit at his mother over the phone, then went to work. And let's not forget the odd reminiscing of his ex-girlfriend. They had split around about two years ago, but he was anything but over her. He was never the same after they broke up. He was quieter, more distant. Work was his only distraction to the whole affair. He woke up with a loud groan, expecting to feel the hard mattress of his bed underneath him, but frowned as his fingers made contact with sand. Sand? Was this some weird prank by 'enemy companies'. He rubbed his face with his hands groggily. What on earth was this? He froze. Where was his beloved Tokyo traffic? He heard nothing but the gentle lapping of the waves, the caws of...seagulls? His eyes opened wide. What on earth... The sun was beating down on him. He didn't recognise his surroundings? Where was he? Who was he? He racked his brains, trying to remember something, anything. Tokyo. Coffee. Mom. Ex. Ex... He sighed. It all flooded back to him. He was... KENMICHI ALVAREZ Kenmichi groaned. " c'mon. I did not need this on a Thursday morning." He sighed again heavily, getting to his feet and groaning with every stretch of his limbs. "Did I turn into a geriatric overnight?" Kenmichi spat. "...I feel all creaky and stiff." "If whoever put me here replaced my limbs with ones of an eighty year old, I will have a problem with them." [Read more] |
malyen OFFLINE Forum Posts: 195 |
Posted: Tue, 05/11/2024 18:54 (1 Month ago) |
"What Idris meant to say is... he's a bit upset at having been interrupted. He's going through a lot right now. I hope you understand. We'd be more than glad to have you join us." Idris rolled his eyes. "A lot iiiiis kinda an underestimate, but fine. Whatever. You can join, Shi. I'd be...delighted to have you." "I know who the mastermind is. They've made it so obvious, time and time again. The timing, the manipulation, the connection to every killer... it's there. They know too much about too many things." Idris nodded along, like he knew it all along, which, of course, he didn't, and he also had absolutely zero idea as to what Kubo was on about. "But we can't be wrong. We can't kill them with no proof, and have it come back to bite us in the arse. Forgive my Bri*ish," Idris stifled a gag. He shuddered. The British... "Lucian, we're going to have to fake your death." Idris breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh thank god. I'd be so crap at faking my death. I've done it before but, I can't lay there, all dead-like. I can't sit still..." [Read more] |
malyen OFFLINE Forum Posts: 195 |
Posted: Mon, 04/11/2024 22:01 (1 Month ago) |
Idris groaned. "Oh curse you Shi. Kubo was right about to get to the good part and you just had to ruin it, didn't you. Could you be a dear and like, piss off, before you interrupt Kubo's wonderful monologue again? Thanks." He scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Do continue, Watson!" [Read more] |
malyen OFFLINE Forum Posts: 195 |
Posted: Mon, 04/11/2024 21:33 (1 Month ago) |
"You've got a good head on your shoulders." He grinned. "Y'know Kubo, for once, I think we can finally agree on something." "'re a hell of a lot less arrogant than me." Idris snorted. "Arrogant is kiiinda my middle name, but, agree to disagree on this one." "Listen carefully, okay? If I'm wrong about anything, I'm trusting you to spot it." "I'm all ears, Watson. I'm as ready as ever." [Read more] |
malyen OFFLINE Forum Posts: 195 |
Posted: Mon, 04/11/2024 17:58 (1 Month ago) |
Idris squinted at Lucian. "Yeah...he doesn't really look like the 'mastermind' type. Unless he's really good at hiding it, then, props to you Lucian." He grinned. "A fake murder plot you say? Ooh boy. I need all the details." Idris clapped his hands together. "I'm soooo looking forward to this. [Read more] |
malyen OFFLINE Forum Posts: 195 |
Posted: Mon, 04/11/2024 16:48 (1 Month ago) |
He sighed. Judging by the lack of Kubo, Idris figured he'd better haul his emo ass to the Infirmary. It excited him, the thought of a whodunnit, and uncovering the Mastermind once and for all. It was funny to him how he, out of all people, was going to embark on this Sherlock Holmes-esque quest for some sort of justice. He wasn't cut out for the detective work, Idris hated using his brain. He preferred to sit and listen. He was a good listener, crap at giving advice, but he'd never say no to listening to someone's woes or troubles. As a child, he was the number one, go-to guy to vent your problems too. He didn't look like the type of guy to do that, but deep down, he was a jumble of everyone's problems, and his own. Idris rubbed his eyes drearily. Let's just get this over and done with, eh? For me. For Mei. For the plot. ...and what would he do after uncovering the mastermind? He frowned a little. He supposed he'd....introduce them to his two little friends. Fist one and fist two. Idris grinned. Yeah, that seemed like a great plan. He trudged his way through the Cafeteria, weaving through Recently Bombed Miyako, and Recently A Bomber Miko. That drama could wait for another day, and besides, he didn't have any good bomb puns yet in mind. He'd think of that after his detective work was over. Idris made his way over to the Infirmary and, 'Oh yoo-hoo Kubo! Your knight in shining armour has ari-ii-ved!' [Read more] |
malyen OFFLINE Forum Posts: 195 |
Posted: Fri, 25/10/2024 17:29 (1 Month ago) |
Title: litro doing this in between chem revision so no bbcodeso there idris was, t-posing in the back of the cafeteria, staring at everyone with brooding eyes, and generally looking quite emo and sad. he was up to his usual antics, in deep thought about his everyday fantasy, beating the living crap out of monokuma. it was a particularly fun fantasy of his, as every day made him think up a new way to remove the bear's limbs from its body, and other various, violent threats of torture. it was typical idris kallikrates antics. who could blame him? an emo's gotta do what an emo's gotta do when he's stuck in the back of a cafeteria, in the middle of a plot to unmask the sadistic mastermind behind the sad little game he'd be thrown into, and generally being the result of a year's worth of a teenage girl's shower thoughts on 'what would make a really crappy character'. he had to survive somehow. and then he heard it, a loud bang that woke him from his crappy thoughts and brought him back to an even crappier reality. there was a bomb. how lovely. just what he needed on a lovely friday evening. he was too tired to even care about who had been potentially blown to smithereens, even if it was kubo. as funny as the thought of a million pieces of kubo covering the cafeteria was to idris, he was more concerned on the whole 'detective idris and crappy sidekick kubo' arc he was about to embark on, so he begrudgingly held out a small hope that it was not in fact kubo who had been attacked. that fantasy could occur...another day. [Read more] |
malyen OFFLINE Forum Posts: 195 |
Posted: Mon, 07/10/2024 17:58 (2 Months ago) |
"I think we're a little past that point, Idris. But I appreciate the sentiment, even if my all-knowing detective's intuition suspects there's a little taste of classic Idris sarcasm in there." He grinned. "There is always some classic Idris sarcasm in everything I say, my dear Kubo. Your detective's intuition never fails to show!" "Alrighty then, partners it is. We'll take down the mastermind together. We can meet up in the infirmary after dinner, alright? I'll work to disable the cameras while everyone's busy eating, and then we can put together our plan after." He nodded. "I'm liking the sound of this already. Sounds like one of my netflix documentaries." "Infirmary sound alright? Or would you prefer somewhere else?" Idris hesitated. The memory of watching Mei's unconscious self lie on the infirmary bed flashed in his mind. He winced. "Y-yeah. Sounds...awesome." [Read more] |
malyen OFFLINE Forum Posts: 195 |
Posted: Wed, 02/10/2024 19:20 (2 Months ago) |
Title: bbcode was so last yearHis eyes lit up. "Is that even a question? Hell yeah, I would." He grinned. "This is like the first decent thing you've said all game, Kubo. That's actually a decent idea, for once. Mayyyybeee I won't hate you." Idris lept out bed. "Listen, with your Sherlock Holmes-ness and my strength 'n good looks, I think we'd be a great pair. I've seen every crime drama known to mankind. This mastermind ain't gonna know what hit 'em." Idris snorted. "When do we start?" [Read more] |
malyen OFFLINE Forum Posts: 195 |
Posted: Wed, 02/10/2024 07:07 (2 Months ago) |
Title: no bbcode bcs im omw to school"Hey, Idris?" he called. "You awake?" He groaned. "I am now. Oh boy, I love hearing your voice first thing in the morning, don't I?" Idris cackled. For once, his words weren't laced with malice, even though he really hated Kubo. "Whatchu want? You had nightmares? Awww..." He snickered again. "Comedy gold..." He whispered to himself. "Nah seriously, what is it Kubo? You need me to read you a story for tonight? Perhaps, a lullaby?" Idris' laughs grew louder and louder. "Holy sh*t, I have tears in my eyes. How does it feel, having a world-renowned comedian as a roommate?" Idris grinned. He hadn't laughed so hard since.... His face fell. " [...] prom [...] " His mouth fell slightly open. There was no way, surely? It wasn't like he was going to go, anyways, seeing all those happy couples made him feel sick to his stomach. Also, slightly jealous. Maybe a more than 'slightly'. He hated them. He hated that they had someone to love, and to love them too, and he would never have that. The one person he truly loved was dead and there was nothing he could do to change that. And he wasn't sure he'd ever come to terms with it. He still looked for her around the school, longed for the sound of her voice, the colour of her hair, the way he felt when his eyes met hers. It was all gone. Idris would never see her again. And it broke him. [Read more] |
malyen OFFLINE Forum Posts: 195 |
Posted: Wed, 02/10/2024 07:00 (2 Months ago) |
EDIT: Name: Kenmichi Alvarez Gender: Male [he/him] Age: 29 Birthday: Oct 31st Personality: Kenmichi is a blunt, harsh individual with zero care in the world for other people's feelings. He's self-centred, selfish, and has an ego larger than your mother. He's a spoilt entitled brat who thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread; he's vain, selfish, and pretty much a horrible guy to be around. Obsessed with being the best, the wealthiest and the scariest, and sometimes that need to be the best takes over him. He believes that feelings are stupid and you should follow your head rather than your heart, which is ironic as he struggles to manage/understand his own feelings. He struggles in the romance department, never finding anyone he deems trustworthy. He's very manipulative, cunning and a great liar. He'd do anything to dig dirt on his opponents, seduce them, bribe, threaten. Let's just say, he has a way with words, and good looks. it's a deadly pair. Personality Type: Virtuoso [ISTP-T] 5w6 sp/sx/so Description: x [] Height: 6'2 [] Weight: uh [] Skin Tone: Olive [] Hair Style: Short [] Hair Colour: Black/Blonde [] Eye Colour: Black [] Clothes: [] Accessories: Black cross earrings [] Other: nah History: Born into one of the most prestigious and wealthy families of his country, Kenmichi seemed to have it all. Wealth, fame, everything. Everything he looked at, he could get. He was a well-known name, with many fans, and many, many haters. Kenmichi's family wasn't the greatest of families, they were affiliated with many well known names in various gangs, and the Mafia, and the way they earnt their money wasn't really...ethical. But, if you've had everything in life handed to you on a silver platter, are you really going to care? Sexuality: heterosexual Voice Claim: dawg ion know [Read more] |
malyen OFFLINE Forum Posts: 195 |
Posted: Sun, 29/09/2024 01:03 (2 Months ago) |
Title: it's 2am so screw bbcodeHe despised himself right now. He was seething. He had promised to himself that he was never, never , going to that. Idris groaned. He didn't want to seem any weaker than he already was. And now, Miyako had that dirt on him. If this got out, Idris didn't know what he'd do. He'd be a laugh stock. All his attempts at being hated would crumble away. People wouldn't be scared of him. They'd just view him as some weak, pathetic creature. He sighed. This was so stupid. He was so pathetic. What kind of person reacts to a punch, in the way he did? Why did it burn so badly? Why did it sting and itch and ache? He was such a coward. Where was his inner nonchalant dreadhead when he needed it? 😔 Idris glared at the ceiling. Oh well, no use crying over spilt milk now. He had to switch up, before another incident like...that...happened. He closed his eyes, and awaited sleep. [Read more] |
malyen OFFLINE Forum Posts: 195 |
Posted: Fri, 27/09/2024 22:22 (2 Months ago) |
"I definitely won't forget any of this. And for as much as you claim I don't know you, you don't know me very well either if you think I can just 'drop it'. So in any case... be ready, 'kay?" He bit his lip angrily, and his pale fingers curled slowly around the knife's hilt. "Alright then. If you're just gonna be a b*tch like that. I can't stop you, can I?" He sighed. "No amount of my 'lil threats will put you off anymore, will they? Not after all this." He gestured around with his knife. "Okay Miyako. You wanna do that then. Fine, do what you want. Remember it. Treasure this memory with your little heart, why don't you." He spat. "But if you f**king dare tell someone else, I will kill you. Genuinely." And with that, he glared at her once more, and left. As soon as he was out of view, he began to run. He ran and ran and ran until his legs gave way and he arrived at his dorm room. He opened the door, and collapsed on the ground. He lay there, unmoving, unblinking, and just staring into the ceiling. Oh how Idris wished it would fall down, at just this moment. [Read more] |
malyen OFFLINE Forum Posts: 195 |
Posted: Fri, 27/09/2024 22:00 (2 Months ago) |
He didn't say anything, just looked. And stared. His eyes were a pool of emotions. Mostly anger and hate, but there was a trace of fear still left in those black eyes of his. Idris grimaced. He was so pissed, so unbelievably mad that Miyako out of all people saw this. Like some pathetic, weak, child. Now she'd have more reason to look down on him. He groaned. How could he have been so foolish, so goddamn stupid? His fists curled. He hated her. He hated this. He hated everything. He hated himself. "So that's why..." He scowled at her. "I said drop it. Don't go making any assumptions about me. I don't need another shrink to f**king analyse me again." Idris groaned. His throat was sore from the childish crap he pulled a couple minutes ago. "...d'you know if Monokuma keeps any water coolers 'round here?" He paused. "Actually, I think I see one over there." Idris pointed randomly. "This has been fun and all but I gotta goo..." [Read more] |
malyen OFFLINE Forum Posts: 195 |
Posted: Fri, 27/09/2024 21:20 (2 Months ago) |
His skin was crawling. It felt like there were hundreds of tiny needles, tiny bugs, tiny fingers poking and prodding him. He ran a hand over his stinging arm. "ithurtsithurtsithurtsithurtsithurtsithurtsithurtsithurtsithurtsithurtsithurtsithurts..." "Do you think I'm... your mom?" "getawayfrommegetawayfrommegetawayfrommegetawayfromme" His skin was still crawling. It felt like there were thousands of tiny needles, tiny bugs, tiny fingers poking and prodding and pricking him. He ran a hand over his stinging arm again shakily. "Look, it's me. It's Miyako. You know me, right?" Idris tilted his head up at her, and narrowed his eyes. "..miyako?" His skin was still crawling. It felt like there were millions of tiny needles, tiny bugs, tiny fingers poking and prodding and pricking and scratching and scraping and biting him. "Miyako?....oh sh*t. Oh sh*t." He shook his head violently. She wasn't there. "Oh sh*t. Oh f**k. Goddammit." He spat. "...I-i'm sorry that you had to see that. Just, ignore it. I'm a 'lil tired, okay?" Idris glared at the floor. "Was nothing. Forget 'bout it. Just d-don't f**king punch me like that again, you bi-....Miyako." He caught himself. [Read more] |
malyen OFFLINE Forum Posts: 195 |
Posted: Fri, 27/09/2024 20:58 (2 Months ago) |
"So now I'm saying all the wrong things? While you threaten me with a knife in front of everyone? Seems to me like you're setting yourself up for a quick execution. You really thought that one through, huh?" He scoffed. "Come on, I'm not gonna kill you, dumbass. If I wanted to, you'd be dead right now and no one would ever find your body. You think I'm that dumb enough to threaten you in public? God, if I gave two f**ks about whatever you say, I'd be offended. Jesus Christ, I'm not that dumb, Miyako. Like gimme some credit.." "Whatever she did, she got more than what she deserved, getting a son like you." He paled. "You don't- you can't- You don't know. You don't know anything about what she did, Miyako. You can't. You can't compare me to that woman, you b*tch. You can't. I could never...I-I could never do what she did Miyako." Idris stared at her. His eyes were not filled with anger, but fear. They glistened. "You don't... you don't know a f**king thing, Miyako. I'm all talk and no action. My m-mother...that-" His fists were shaking. "If you knew what she did, you'd be regretting your words now Miyako, I swear to God, you'd be-" Sharp pains exploded in his arm. Then it started to burn, and sting, and ache. It felt like his skin had been electrocuted. He stifled a scream. He fell to the ground. He was shaking. His skin was crawling. His skin was electric. His skin was burning. His skin was on fire. Idris glanced up, his eyes brimming with tears and filled with such, pure, fear. " punched me?" He choked out. He shuffled back until his back hit the wall. "...please, not again m-mom." [Read more] |
malyen OFFLINE Forum Posts: 195 |
Posted: Fri, 27/09/2024 20:17 (2 Months ago) |
"The hell are you talking about? I keep my nails trimmed and clean for your information, though I'm sure you wouldn't know that, considering you probably haven't washed that hoodie of yours since we started this godforsaken killing game." Idris suppressed a snigger. "Ouch. I'm so hurt, Miyako, how the hell will I ever recover?" "If I touch you, then you'll kill me? That's a bit of an overreaction I think." Idris tilted his head. overreaction? i'll show her a goddamn overreaction, that f**king b*tch i'll slit that pretty little throat of hers and i'll- and i'll- "...not much of an overreaction when every single f**king touch feels like acid on your skin, Miyako!! Like jesus christ Miyako, you're saying all the wrong things right now." He scoffed. "What the hell have I ever done to you? I've been nothing but good to you from the start, and you just come after everyone like they killed your mother or something." Idris started to cackle. Tears pooled in his eyes. "You're funny Miyako. You're so funny. You have no f**king clue what you're talking about, oh boy. That's the best thing I've heard all goddamn year. You don't know jack sh*t about me, you f**king cow. If they killed my mother, I certainly wouldn't be here all emo 'n sh*t, dude. I'd be the happiest 'lil mofo in this hell-hole. Oooh boy. That's a thought, someone killing that old hag. Damn. I mean, one can wish, can't they?" He sniggered again, tracing the edge of the knife with his finger. "Wish it would be me, y'know. The mofo who watches the life drain out of her eyes." Idris closed his eyes, his lips curling into a small grin. "I'm getting giddy just thinkin' 'bout it, Miyako." He opened his eyes, and glared at her. "Why do you do that? Why do you just lash out at everyone who so much as tries kindness on you?" Idris stopped smiling. "I don't know what you're talking 'bout. You don't know what you're talking about Miyako. I suggest you shut that 'lil mouth of yours before you say something you regret, 'kay?" [Read more] |
malyen OFFLINE Forum Posts: 195 |
Posted: Fri, 27/09/2024 19:45 (2 Months ago) |
Title: Bbcode was so last year"Touch my shoulder with those claws of yours and that'll be the last time you have 'em." Idris spat. He took a few steps away from her, and turned around to glare at her. Wasn't the last time they had spoken....the whole b.s with Saeko? "If you've come to give me hell about Saeko, I'm really not in the mood. Like seriously , if you start, it'll be my knife against your throat this time." He sighed impatiently and pinched the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes a little. [Read more] |
malyen OFFLINE Forum Posts: 195 |
Posted: Thu, 26/09/2024 22:28 (2 Months ago) |
Title: ion know what to postit's funny, looking back on things reflecting and all that crap wishing you could change stuff things you coulda said 'n not said and, looking back i regret a lot i regret not being as open, maybe as... affectionate as a person like myself can be i regret not loving not caring ive lost too much and i don't want this to be my downfall i wish i could go back in time and change things so badly id tell her a few things I'd say " I hate you. I hate you so freakin' much. I poured my heart and soul into trying to have a decent mother-son relationship for you to do this to me. To treat me like crap. To leave me. I stayed, night after night, listening to your pleas and your cries and all your depressing bs 'bout dad whilst you were flat out drunk and I ‘bottled’ my feelings up so I could give you 110% of my attention. I sacrificed so much for you, blood sweat and tears for you. I stayed up for you most school nights. I have bags under my eyes now. Freakin' bags. And look at you, you pathetic little woman. You freakin' spineless cow, going and leaving me after all this. With no warning as well. How much of a goddamn COWARD do you have to be to do that. With no warning? It's honestly hilarious how goddamn sad you are. You say it's ' for the best ' and it was the ' right thing to do ', well maybe for YOU it was. But did you ever stop to think, maybe for a couple of seconds, about how I felt? Your freakin' son? Did you? Did you get it into your thick goddamn skull about how I would feel? Or are you too much of a dense, selfish cow to even stop to consider someone's feelings apart from your own? Can you manage that, you damn brainless baboon? I pity you now. Just looking at you now, I feel a mix of disgust and pity. Pitying what you've lost now. We’re never gonna have the mother-son relationship I so truly wanted. I look at you with disgust now, not love. I don’t love you. I can’t bring myself to look at you, much less, call you my own mother “ and id spit at her my fists would clench and my knuckles would turn white and id look at her with such anger fire in my eyes tears in my ears and id feel so proud i stood up to her, i did it i said how I felt and yet id feel nothing emptiness then pain my heart break into a million tiny pieces and my tears would start to roll down my cheeks and id id id sob and sob and sob and sob and sink to my knees and sob and sob and sob and sob sob for the loss of my mother and my sister and my father and mei and myself sob like there's no tomorrow because there is no tomorrow im always stuck in the past i can't move on i can never do this never change the past and do what I've always wanted to do I'll never truly have the childhood I've read about in those silly children's books I'll never have a proper mother I'll never have someone to care for me and love me I'll never have someone to love And my chest will hurt It will yearn for the sweet yet painful embrace of a caring parent It will yearn for that magical phrase of 'it will all be better soon' And for it to come true It will yearn for someone to never leave my side And for someone to say ' i love you ' And for someone to mean it Is it so selfish of me to want to be loved? Is it so hard to be loved? Do I even deserve to be loved? [Read more] |
malyen OFFLINE Forum Posts: 195 |
Posted: Wed, 12/06/2024 19:04 (6 Months ago) |
a random scene i was 'dared' to write slightly altered from the original prompt because frankly the names suggested for the scene were ummm....awful. tw:// fire final wc: n/a Show
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the world was on fire. charred, black, twisted branches crackling and hitting the forest floor with a little pitter-patter of thumps. the tongues of fires danced up and down like pixies. the bright green colours of the tree were long gone, taken by the fire; beautiful things were always the first to go. they just looked at each each other, puzzled, no- mesmerised. the fire snapped and crackled and fizzed, dancing and twisting in the cool breeze. a sharp gust whipped through their hair as they watched one another. "who's done this then, eh mark?" the man was short, fair-skinned, with deep, sunken, expressive eyes. they reflected the glowing embers, even as they remained cold and fixed on his companion. "couldn’t tell ya, dave." the taller, darker-skinned man laughed softly, but there was no mirth to his eyes. with a hooked nose and eyes that resembled small black pits, he was a miserable looking fellow. yet like his companion, he too looked utterly mesmerised. it was enthralling, the flaming tongues of red, orange, black, yellow, battling for control. light versus dark, good versus evil. "you have it too, don’t you?" mark was frowning. his eyes seemed to be staring into the tree, or somewhere past it. his mouth moved in some silent prayer that slowly morphed into words. “this weird feeling...I just...I just want touch it. I just wanna feel it, I wanna touch the flames, I wanna touch them so goddamn badly-" ".....i-" dave cut himself off. with some odd look in his eyes, he made for the tree. his movement didn’t seem to be fully his- he jerked forward with each step, nearly about to fall flat on his face before he caught himself. left. right. left. right. left. right. closer. and closer. he stumbled once. the fire reached him. the flames danced carelessly. an ember brushed the top of his dirty blonde hair, singing his eyebrows. they curled and twisted around him, embracing his form as the blaze grew and grew and grew, a roaring, blazing, roaring column of fire and ash that swirled and swirled around the tree. tysm for serendibite for helping me adjust some points, you're fab <3 [Read more] |
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