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Danganronpa Roleplay [PRIVATE]

Forum-Index Roleplay Private RP Danganronpa Roleplay [PRIVATE]
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Tue, 14/03/2023 18:35 (1 Year ago)

Lucian Arbred's POV

Setsuna hadn't heard him. Of course he couldn't hear him. Lucian imagined that in that moment, he'd been trapped. He couldn't hear anything at all but the roaring in his head.

Lucian stiffened.

...she'd leave here unloved.

...not by Idris.

Lucian let out a dulled squeak as Kubo dragged him by the arm into the Execution Room. But it was so soft, and so small. So... Pathetic. He almost didn't care it was Kubo that was touching him. He may as well have been being pulled under the surface of the water by a monster of some kind.

A Siren, maybe. With its flashing eyes and gnashing teeth, singing promises of a perfect land that couldn't exist.

Lucian watched helplessly as the gruesome events played out for Mei Akamatsu, a grimace upon his face, that he fought to try to turn into a smile. He willed himself to look away, but he just couldn't.

He had to keep reminding himself, that this was for the best.

That Mei Akamatsu's death meant the future. A brighter future for all concerned.


It meant revelation. It meant revolution. It meant escape. It meant that he could figure out a way to help everyone here, and everything would be alright.

They would all escape.

He found himself looking not at the man who had stolen his heart, and taken him by the arm. He found himself looking at Setsuna, but most of all, he found himself looking at--

Mei Akamatsu.

He was transfixed as she hung from that wheel.


He couldn't help but think of her, hanging so limply.

He wanted to cry out, to beg them to stop.

But he knew it was no use, as the wheel slammed down.

...she was gone.

Mei Akamatsu was forever gone from this world.

That girl, that girl who may have been so important... To someone, out there. Who once may have been so innocent.

He could have saved her. But he didn't.

He couldn't dwell on that. He had to dwell on who he could save.

Lucian whispered to himself, but no words came out. He wasn't even sure of what he would say. But he found himself with one thing on his mind...

Darcy Harper's POV

Darcy found himself shaking, and covering Sawyer's eyes. "Hey?... Darcy? What's going on? Let me see!"

I can't.

"Please, I want to see!"

I can't.


Go away. Sawyer, stop asking. I don't want you to get hurt.

"Can I look? Please? What's... That noise?"

"...It's not important," Darcy choked out, trying to keep the tears from flowing.

Mei is gone.

Will is gone, again.

He should have been happy. But he wasn't.

"I told you not to get yourself killed. So why? Why?" he whispered.

It finally collapsed. Darcy stopped covering Sawyer's line of vision.

"Darcy? What was going on?"


"It's not important."


"Was someone... Dying?"

Darcy froze.

Sawyer's mind would rarely jump to such a conclusion. Darcy turned to look at them, wide-eyed.

"No. No, of course not."

"...then why did you not want me to see?" They blinked.


So Sawyer remembered... What dying was.

Darcy didn't like this. What was happening to them? What was going on in their head?


Darcy didn't like any of this.


Mei was dead.


Everyone was acting up.


Oh, God, oh, God. God help us all.


Is He even here?


I don't know if He's even here.

Sawyer Laurens's POV

Why wouldn't he let me see?

Sawyer didn't understand.


Mei... Was she... Killed?

Sawyer wasn't sure why they thought that. Why would Mei have died?

Why would that have been the punishment?


Mom...? Dad...?

...where are you?

This was... All so confusing.

Sawyer wished they could make sense of it all.


Everything was fine.

It had to be.

Your family's fine. You're fine.


Whatever it is...

It's fine.
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Tue, 14/03/2023 18:40 (1 Year ago)
Idris Kallikrates' POV



A scream, a yell, a cry for help, a shriek of pity, of hurt, a screech of pain, of woe, of sadness, of loss.

She's gone and she'll never come back.

I couldn't- I couldn't fathom what the hell just happened.

This was all some kind of far-fetched joke, right? Mei wasn't actually dead, right?

Nahhh, she'd pop up any time soon, laughing and joking.

'Look at the look on your face!' She'd tell me, tears in her eyes, clutching her stomach with laughter.

Such a good prank, right?

C'mon Mei, you can come out now. This was a funny joke but I'm bored now. Let's go prank Lucian or something, that's waaay better.


C'mon, Mei. This is starting to get annoying.

Mei! Damn it, where the hell are you?

Yeah, sure. The special effects were good. Maybe a little over the top, but the blood was a nice touch. Where did you get the budget for this, anyways?

....actually I don't want to know.

Knowing you, 's probably by selling organs or some weird crap you're into.

I'm not going to judge you, c'monnn, you know me!

Idris Kallikrates, least-judgy person in the universe.



I'm starting to get pissed.

Mei, I'm not falling for this.

I know you're not...dead.

she's gone and she'll never come back

Mei! Gah damn.

Look what you made me do, my hands are bleeding.

I'll bleed out if you don't come back here, I'm warning you.

This is taking the piss.

I know you're not dead.

I think.

It's all too real.

she's dead



if only we weren't in this stupid place

if only we could go back in time

i hate it here

no one would be dead

everything would be a-okay

i'd make sure of it



let's go back in time

let's continue where we left off

she's dead



what if none of this ever happened




a sob escaped my lips

i felt tears run down my face

it was a strange feeling

i hadn't felt this since....

since a long time ago

i wanted to forget the salty taste of tears

tears of the damned

tears of loss







the words race faster and faster in my mind

sometimes i think one day i'll lose track of everything

one day there will be nothing

i'll lose my train of thought

what if that's a good thing?

it probably is

i'll forget everything

but i don't want to forget you

the rose tinted glasses are dead

i'm sorry

you were the rose tinted glasses

why did you have to shatter





This isn't a joke, is it?



.....I was really counting on you.

Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Tue, 14/03/2023 18:54 (1 Year ago)

Kubo Atsushi

Well... that was interesting.

There were extents of what the human being could withstand. Pain was one of them. As he watched Mei's fingers curl around the trigger, he recognized that hers had been reached.

Perhaps she'd wanted to die from the moment she'd pushed Futatabi.

I solved the mystery of Mei Akamatsu. Ultimate Detective, yet again.

He choked back an incredulous sob.

"Jesus... bear is pretty violent, isn't he?"

So much blood...

God, how come Mei still had so much? Hadn't she been stabbed? Shouldn't have been much left in her body. She hadn't really gotten a blood transfusion... pretty much impossible to have bled so much, maybe Monokuma packed their suits with fake blood...

Fake blood, yes.

Everything here was so fake, all here to drag their pain out.

Ultimate Detective again. Solving all the mysteries.

Miyako was wailing at the top of her lungs. Someone ought to get her water- her throat had to hurt by now, with all that screeching.

Something was on his mind that made him too busy. What was it?

"Lucian..." his lips formed the name. No, that wasn't it... It was some kind of laugh. Something here he'd created.

He squeezed his eyes shut, and tears trickled out of the corners. But he was smiling- no, he was laughing.

"Ahahha- what a game, huh?"

My game.
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Tue, 14/03/2023 18:59 (1 Year ago)

Lucian Arbred's POV

Lucian found himself turning to look at Idris, his eyes swelling with pity. He inhaled sharply, and pulled his helmet off. ...it was getting difficult to breathe.

They wouldn't need these soon anyway.

His heart ached at the thought.

They wouldn't need them soon anyway, because Futatabi was stabbed to death and pushed off the bridge that he didn't jump off of.

They wouldn't need them soon anyway, because Mei Akamatsu was in that room, underneath that wheel, dead. Or dying. He didn't know which. All he knew was they couldn't save her. She was gone.

Just so they all could freaking breathe again.

Lucian permitted himself to sob quietly, pulling his scarf up. He wouldn't have cared if he hadn't been able to breathe.

There was almost a certain comfort in Kubo holding him by the arm.


He let his head fall onto Kubo's shoulder.


He didn't even care how stupid and inappropriate and informal that gesture was.

This wasn't any better than home. But Lucian strangely found himself wanting to go there.

But he didn't want to go back to home, he wanted to go back to home when it was... Semi-okay.

He wanted... To go back to things being semi-okay.

He'd forgotten what that felt like.

But you had to reach out and grasp that future.

He reflected, briefly... Setsuna and Idris probably needed the most help here. Right now.


I want to go home.


Lucian's eyes widened. "K-Kubo...?" His eyes were wide with alarm. "...are you alright?"


Yeah. The Bear WAS pretty violent.


Miyako didn't seem like she was doing so hot either.

...what a game.

"...what a horrible and twisted game," Lucian murmured to himself with a shudder.

He swallowed.

...truly a horrible and twisted game.

"...what a game indeed."
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Tue, 14/03/2023 19:02 (1 Year ago)

Kubo Atsushi

"Alright...? I'm alive, aren't I?" A cruel laugh escaped his throat, one that didn't sound like him. "I guess Mei can't say that, can she, Idris? She'd sooner die than be with you. That must hurt."

F*cking Kaoru. Why can't they all just die?
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Tue, 14/03/2023 19:07 (1 Year ago)

Lucian Arbred's POV

Lucian froze. He recoiled away from Kubo's shoulder, his heart pounding. The room suddenly felt suffocating.

"Alright...? I'm alive, aren't I?"

"...that's... Not necessarily..."

That laugh. That cruel, cruel laugh.

What was that? That couldn't have come from Kubo, could it?

Lucian hadn't even realized he'd reached for his felt tip pen until it clattered to the floor.

"I guess Mei can't say that, can she, Idris? She'd sooner die than be with you. That must hurt."

Lucian's eyes widened.

"K-Kubo. What the hell? No. You don't... Mean that."

Lucian was shaking. His hand moved on its own, but abruptly stopped.

He'd almost hit Kubo across the face. But he couldn't do it.


Because... How could he say such a thing?

How could anyone say such a thing?

"...Idris. I'm so sorry. I'm sure he didn't mean it! We're... We're all going through a hard time right now."

Oh god. Oh god.

What was happening?...

Darcy Harper's POV

Darcy felt numb. Everything was swirling around him. Swirling, swirling, swirling...

It made him sick. His hands itched for the sides of his head.

Something was in the air now.

Something about Mei Akamatsu's death... Was snapping everyone.

...and Darcy was terrified.

No longer could he hope no one would kill. A killer would strike again.

He couldn't trust anyone, not even people who seemed HARMLESS, like Setsuna.

...maybe... Not even...

Darcy, shaking and trembling, turned to look at Sawyer.

...Sawyer, who...


Were they even Sawyer anymore?

All the same, he found himself running to hug them, with tears in his eyes.



Sawyer was familiar. Sawyer was safe. Sawyer had to be safe.

They weren't a killer. They weren't going to be killed.


"Someone's gonna die," Darcy choked out. "It can be me, BUT I CAN'T LET IT BE YOU!"

Sawyer's eyes widened. "Die...?" When Darcy saw that strange look in their eyes, he'd realized what he said.

But sobbing while hugging them, when they had that bewildered look on their face.... They couldn't care less...

Sawyer Laurens's POV

I... Remember. When they took me to the cemetery. Everyone was so sad. Why were they crying?



Someone was going to die.

Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Tue, 14/03/2023 19:08 (1 Year ago)


thank god she's finally dead or is she jesus christ i don't know if i could've written any more crappy filler, this was getting too edgy and angsty

anyways pack up your bags, there goes 99% of my roleplay involvement, akari can dig his own grave for all i care

anyways it would be nice if he got some friends 👀

i wonder if mei can laugh her ass off at kaoru now, maybe her and rumia can find some bodies to eat

i give rumia permission to eat her corpse


...So this was it, huh?

Blood. My god there was so much blood.

This is nothing, Akari. You've seen worse.


...Yeah... But...

Don't think about it, 'Ri.

He peeled his eyes away from the execution room, screams threatening to spill were suffocating him. God... God it hurt so much... Why the hell did it hurt? He had seen people die, this wasn't any different. He... Didn't even care about Mei in the first place, right?

God, he was losing it. He couldn't think, he couldn't see, he couldn't breathe, he couldn't do anything.

He couldn't even look at anyone before he stuffed his damn hands into his pockets and walked away slowly, his teeth gritted so tightly it was making his head buzz.

Too many thoughts. Too many memories. Too much pain.

...Wonder how Lucian was holding up, how Setsuna was dealing with it.

...Wonder how much pain Idris was going through.

Don't even act like you know, Akari. She meant nothing to you anyways.

If she did, why'd you kill her?

He couldn't, at that moment. He couldn't look at any of them. He couldn't even try to do anything.

He just... Walked away. Walked out of the room. Hopefully to never be seen again.

i have no clue where this was going, adios, akari is bein left in the dust

Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Tue, 14/03/2023 19:18 (1 Year ago)
Idris Kallikrates

"The hell?" Idris looked up, eyes-wide. He didn't look angry, just confused and shocked. "The hell are you on about, Kubo?"

"I guess Mei can't say that, can she, Idris? She'd sooner die than be with you. That must hurt."

She'd sooner die than be with you.
She'd sooner die than be with you.
She'd sooner die than be with you.
She'd sooner die than be with you.

That must hurt.

And it did.

He shuffled away from Kubo, shaking.

Was he scared?

Did Mei's death truly shatter him?


He heard Mei's voice in his ear telling him to stop being a wuss.

"...shut your trap, Kubo. No one wants to hear the rubbish coming out of your muzzle, not even Lucian, and that's saying something. Mei and I are of no concern to you, dead or alive, eh? If it wasn't for you, she'd still be alive."

"I wish you died instead."

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Tue, 14/03/2023 19:23 (1 Year ago)

Lucian Arbred's POV

"NO!" Lucian shouted, before clapping his hands over his mouth. "...I... I... I.. mean..."

The guy was not taking it well right now.

"...hey. We're all tired. We're all hurting, because of this stupid thing. Let's... Stop saying things we don't mean. And take a breath. O-Okay?"

But deep down, he knew they both meant it.

...he knew, and he hated it.
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Tue, 14/03/2023 19:27 (1 Year ago)
Idris Kallikrates

Stop saying things we don't mean. And take a breath. O-Okay?"

"Oh I meant it alright. And I know dumbass over here did too." Idris spat.

He had no sympathy for Lucian anymore. No sympathy for anyone.

"Take a breath? We're not little kids. That pathetic crap won't work on us, not me anyways."

He glared at Kubo, one hand on the knife Mei gave him.

"I'll kill you." Idris hissed at him.

Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Tue, 14/03/2023 19:32 (1 Year ago)

Kubo Atsushi

Alarm bells were ringing in his head. Take it back! they urged him. You can't afford to die here. Stop agitating people! Slip back, hide-

He was tired of playing the fool. Screw that noise.

Kubo scoffed. "Am I supposed to care about your opinion? The only one who did was Mei, and she died wishing that pretty little blade she gave you was embedded in your back. Just try and kill me, see what happens."
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Tue, 14/03/2023 19:35 (1 Year ago)

Lucian Arbred's POV

Lucian was aghast. "I-- I- I--"

He pushed Idris. He pushed Kubo.


He panted.



"...so stop. Please."
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Tue, 14/03/2023 19:38 (1 Year ago)

Kubo Atsushi

He pushed me.



He planted his hands on either side of Lucian's face. "I hate you," he breathed. "I hate you so much, every time I look at you, my chest hurts. If it didn't mean my death, I'd push you right off the bridge after Futatabi."
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Tue, 14/03/2023 19:48 (1 Year ago)

Lucian Arbred's POV


Kubo's words rung in his ears.

Lucian's lips moved, but no sound came out.

"You think I care?"

...he doesn't care who dies...

"You're a coward, Lucian."

He's right. I'm a coward.

"That's why you stick to me like glue."

"...no... That's not it, I..."

I love you.

"I hate you."

...I hate you.

...I hate you.

I hate you.

I hate you.

He hated him...?

He... Hated him?...

More... Than he hated Mei...

Kubo's hands making his way to either side of his face.

...he would have been so happy at that gesture, if it weren't for what Kubo was saying.

"I hate you. I hate you so much, every time I look at you, my chest hurts. If it didn't mean my death, I'd push you right off the bridge after Futatabi."

Lucian, with tears rolling down his face, choked out, "...then I'll do it for you. You'd like that, wouldn't you? To see my dead body?... Would that make you happy, Kubo? I'll jump right off, for you, right now. If you want that so badly. Because the really f**ked up thing is..."

He inhaled sharply.

"...I'd do it for you. I'd do it for you in an instant."


"...because you mean that much to me. S-So... Is that what you want?" he asked, his voice cracking through the tears. "You can see me, soundless, not another noise to be heard. You can see my bloody, battered, body. The life fading out of it. With a smile on your face. I'd bleed out if that was what it f**king took to make you happy. ...so... Do you really want that?"
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Tue, 14/03/2023 19:48 (1 Year ago)
Idris Kallikrates

His ears started ringing.

His skin crawled.

His fists clenched.

He raised his hand.

He clenched the knife.

He stepped forward and-


Damn. Betrayal. Must hurt.

"Oh, back off will you, Kubo. Lucian doesn't have time for your yapping. We both have a headache because of you, y'know? Take a chill pill...geez." Idris spat.

"I hate you so much, every time I look at you, my chest hurts. If it didn't mean my death, I'd push you right off the bridge after Futatabi."

"...I'd push you off.." He whispered.

Would that make you happy, Kubo? I'll jump right off, for you, right now.

"Lucian, man, c'mon. This dumbass isn't worth it. Listen to me. I'll forgive you for pushing me if you ditch this loser and come and drink booze or something with me. Or water, if that's what you prefer. This idiot has been lying to you this whole time, and I dunno why you didn't see it earlier.

Were you blinded by love, Lucian?

To be honest, I was too.

And it hurts, Lucian. It really does.

And I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

'Cept Kubo....maybe.

So please.

Come with me and we'll mourn everyone peacefully. No words exchanged.





Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Tue, 14/03/2023 20:08 (1 Year ago)

Kubo Atsushi

Kubo's heart stuttered. "N-No. Wait. I-" He searched for the words, but he couldn't find them. He didn't even know what he was saying. Why Lucian was looking at him like that.

How come something meant to free him had meant...

"I-I-" He looked back and forth. He felt like every eye was on him.

His mother's singular eye cracked open. Questioning him.

"I- shouldn't we go?"

"No Kubo," Miyako said quietly. 'We shouldn't. For once, I agree with Idris. You don't deserve Lucian, if you can say that to him. If you can let him die for you and still be as self absorbed as you are, refusing to apologize-"

She shook her head. "No Kubo. We're not done here."

"She was crazy. We all knew that."

"She died to save Idris. We all have someone we'd do that for. How about you? Would you do that for Lucian? Hell, anyone here?"

Kubo couldn't say a word.

"We're not done here, Kubo. But I agree, we should leave. Idris needs us right now."
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Tue, 14/03/2023 20:54 (1 Year ago)


somehow she got some popcorn, but she was damn well making sure she was enjoying this show to the fullest.

...If you listened close enough, you could probably hear her rampage of insults towards Kubo.


...Well there goes that plan.

All this chattering, all this yelling, all this bickering and arguing and death threats and-

"I guess Mei can't say that, can she, Idris? She'd sooner die than be with you. That must hurt."

...What? The hell?

For christ's sake Kubo. Somehow, you're making yourself the most hated little piece of s**t here, and Mei set that bar so low.

How the hell could you be such an asshole?

"...shut your trap, Kubo. No one wants to hear the rubbish coming out of your muzzle, not even Lucian, and that's saying something. Mei and I are of no concern to you, dead or alive, eh? If it wasn't for you, she'd still be alive."

"I wish you died instead."

...Don't we all.

Don't we f**king all.

Go on, Akari. He deserves it, doesn't he? You can pummel his s**t-filled mouth in right here and now, and there's no stopping you. Perfect little punching bag, isn't he? Go on, I know you can do it.

Nothing's stopped you in the past anyways. What's changed?

"Oh I meant it alright. And I know dumbass over here did too."

"Take a breath? We're not little kids. That pathetic crap won't work on us, not me anyways."

"I'll kill you."

...God, the air was suffocating.

Footsteps. Slow, heavy footsteps.

Akari made his way over to the group. His fists clenched tightly in his tattered pockets. He begged for them to stay there.

"Am I supposed to care about your opinion? The only one who did was Mei, and she died wishing that pretty little blade she gave you was embedded in your back. Just try and kill me, see what happens."

...Oh we'll do more than try, Kubo.

Eyes that weren't his own glared at Kubo with an intensity that was completely overwhelming. It was seething with hatred and anger, but as different as those eyes looked, they didn't seem... Unfamiliar.

He stayed silent as they yelled and screamed, threatened each other with threats he refused to listen to. It burned, it burned so much, not only the noise but the sheer hostility.

...And suddenly, it all seemed to slow down.

It got easier to listen to his own silent pleas, it got easier to keep his damn mouth closed. He couldn't let himself say anything, it wasn't worth... that.

He listened silently to Idris, turning his head ever so slightly in his direction.

"Lucian, man, c'mon. This dumbass isn't worth it. Listen to me. I'll forgive you for pushing me if you ditch this loser and come and drink booze or something with me. Or water, if that's what you prefer. This idiot has been lying to you this whole time, and I dunno why you didn't see it earlier.

Were you blinded by love, Lucian?

To be honest, I was too.

And it hurts, Lucian. It really does.

And I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

'Cept Kubo....maybe.

So please.

Come with me and we'll mourn everyone peacefully. No words exchanged.







A drink, huh. Drinks usually solved things, right?

Remember what you did, Akari?

...Dad liked to drink. He didn't blame him.

Mom did too. He hated it, they all did.

All the worst things happened when she drank.

...He made the mistake of falling into it. He was young, too.

Turns out those heavy sedatives and a s**t-ton of alcohol didn't go well together.

There's so much blood.

She's dead now.

They all are.

And it's all your fault

...Blinded by love, huh? Yeah, happens to the be-

...Guess that happens sometimes, huh.

Lucian, someone so dead set on making sure everyone stayed alive, got roped in with an asshole like Kubo. What a f**kin shame.

Idris... Well, he just had some s**tty luck, got played a bad hand if you will. Mei was awful, he'd give her that, but now that she was dead...

...Oh god. Somehow it only seemed to get worse.

What about you, Akari? "Blinded by love"?

...Yeah, yeah guess that was true. He clung onto that girl because she was the only good in his life, he forced himself to be blind to the terrors around him all because she was there.

Oh god what a mistake that was.

He stood and listened to Miyako. He... Never really liked her either, to be fair he didn't really like anyone here, but this girl was just... Off. Tad bit rude too...

But she was right. Thank god she managed to shut Kubo up, but... Everything she said was right.

And Kubo, that bastard, really thought he could feel guilty about it. God he was insufferable.

"...Drop it. Can we all just... Drop it?"

Those were the only words he could say, the only words he'd let himself say.

Then he took a deep breath, then looked over at Lucian and Idris.

"...So, room for one more?" He asked hesitantly, unsure if it was an appropriate thing to ask in that moment. Oh well, what can a social reject who is terrible at literally everything do.

god this post is an absolute mess i'm so sorry, akari is so hard to write man, i'm probably missing a bajillion ✨lore✨ opportunities but i'm way too lazy and braindead tbh

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Tue, 14/03/2023 21:13 (1 Year ago)

Lucian Arbred's POV

"Oh, back off will you, Kubo. Lucian doesn't have time for your yapping. We both have a headache because of you, y'know? Take a chill pill...geez."


"...I'd push you off.."


"Lucian, man, c'mon. This dumbass isn't worth it. Listen to me. I'll forgive you for pushing me if you ditch this loser and come and drink booze or something with me. Or water, if that's what you prefer. This idiot has been lying to you this whole time, and I dunno why you didn't see it earlier.

Were you blinded by love, Lucian?

To be honest, I was too.

And it hurts, Lucian. It really does.

And I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

'Cept Kubo....maybe.

So please.

Come with me and we'll mourn everyone peacefully. No words exchanged.







"N-No. Wait. I-"


"I- shouldn't we go?"

"No Kubo. We shouldn't. For once, I agree with Idris. You don't deserve Lucian, if you can say that to him. If you can let him die for you and still be as self absorbed as you are, refusing to apologize-"

"I hate you so much, every time I look at you, my chest hurts. If it didn't mean my death, I'd push you right off the bridge after Futatabi."


"I hate you so much, every time I look at you, my chest hurts. If it didn't mean my death, I'd push you right off the bridge after Futatabi."

I hate you so much.

Every time I look at you, my chest hurts.

If it didn't mean my death, I'd push you right off the bridge after Futatabi.

The walls of the room were closing in. The voices, everyone's damn voices, were too much right now...

He couldn't say anything.

"...Drop it. Can we all just... Drop it?"

"...So, room for one more?"


Lucian shot Kubo one last pitiful glance.

...there was only one thing Lucian wanted to drop right now.

Lucian Arbred leaned down to pick something up.

and then he ran as fast as he could to the Bridge Room.

...he wasn't thinking, in that moment.

He just wanted it all to stop.
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Tue, 14/03/2023 21:21 (1 Year ago)

Kubo Atsushi

I solved the trials! I carried your sorry asses here, and you can't even thank me?

The words were hollow.

The hell am I even saying at this point?

Where had survival gone? Where had his hatred for Mei gone, for everything she said and the pointlessness of causing others hurt?

Where had that all gone?

You're right. You've saved their lives and they're not even grateful. And Lucian should die for you.

Did he really say that?

"Sh*t! Lucian!" Miyako leapt to her feet. "Hold on, guys! I have a kid to catch." He watched her turn in slow motion- the slight of her shoulders, the way her head tipped to the side with a signature sarcastic punch.

Kaoru's here. She'll stop him. He won't die, that right isn't reserved for him.

He shook his head and turned back to the rest.

Setsuna was shaking. Akari was stiff all over, presumably furious.

"Well?" he questioned. "You going to kill me, or what?"
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Tue, 14/03/2023 23:36 (1 Year ago)

Lucian Arbred's POV

Lucian Arbred gritted his teeth.






He ran, he ran, and he ran, and he didn't stop. The gap was wide open, he just needed to jump it.

His legs were shaking. His knees threatened to give out. He took a heavy breath, about to jump off.

...was he... Really doing this?

Kubo's words flashed in his head again.


Had ever hurt him like those words had.

No other blade could cut so deep.

Not that much earlier, he said he'd protect me, no matter what. That he wouldn't let me die... But now...

But why was he doing this? Why... Was he doing something so selfish?

I'm supposed to do better than this.

I'm supposed to be strong for everyone...

His fist closed tightly around the object.

Why? Why had he picked it up?

Why had it even been there?...

Kaoru... I'm so sorry.


Mei... I'm so sorry...

...Horatia. Futatabi.

...this was fine, wasn't it? He... He wasn't needed here... Anyways...

YOU are needed here, YOU IDIOT! More than EVER! Stop being such a wimp.


You're... You're supposed to...

Help, dammit. Why?


Was it too much?

Your mother is dead. Your siblings are dead. Your parents put you through hell, every single minute of your life.

You've had patients struggle before, so many of them.

You've had patients DIE on you before.

...that wasn't too much, but four strangers was?

Quit being so weak, Lucian, step away from the edge.

Or step towards it. Good riddance.

Lucian couldn't stop shivering and shaking. He burst into tears.

And yet... Four people dying...

And the man he loved, saying such atrocious things to him...

He hates me. He wants me dead.

He could hear that horrible laugh, once again.


He didn't want to jump. But he wanted this to be over.

...but dammit, if he didn't jump soon, someone might come.

Don't save me. No one is supposed to save me.

...no one...

He was always supposed to save himself.

He could always hear Mei laughing, and see her rolling her eyes. He could imagine her saying, "Wowwwww, Lucian. Seriously? That's just pathetic! What the hell are you doing? So that's it, then, huh? You made all those bombastic promises about "saving" and "helping" everybody, and getting them all out of here, and then that's the end of Lucian Arbred! Some Ultimate Therapist! He couldn't even help himself."

Lucian took another step closer.

...he just... Had to jump.

He wanted to. He didn't want to.

...which was it going to be, really?

Darcy Harper's POV

"I--" Darcy didn't know how to take what was happening. It was all going by so fast.

"...I'm going after him, too. Someone please watch Sawyer."

I don't trust THEM not to get themself killed either.

Please, let this not be too late...


Darcy would probably kill himself, too.

If he didn't have Sawyer to think about...

Then he wasn't sure what would stop him from doing it.

He remembered, many times, at that bridge...

Many of the thoughts he'd have...

He wondered if Lucian was having similar thoughts.

But before he left, he walked up to Kubo, and slapped him right across the face.

"You. You f**king disgust me. How you can say that to another person, especially someone like him..."

He narrowed his eyes and turned away. "...I don't know how you can live with yourself."

Taking a deep breath, he ran off to stop Lucian.

Sawyer Laurens's POV


Sawyer stared around the room. It felt... Empty and alone.


He'd left. Now the room felt even more unfamiliar.

Sawyer wasn't sure what to make of it all.

"What's... Going on?" they whispered.