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Danganronpa Roleplay [PRIVATE]

Forum-Index Roleplay Private RP Danganronpa Roleplay [PRIVATE]
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Fri, 03/03/2023 02:00 (2 Years ago)

Miyako Hiroto

"Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you." Shi was looking at her, directly at her- and yet something in those words panged in Miyako as untrue.

She released her shoulders and took an awkward step back, muttering an apology.

Right, she realized. Shi can't protect me, any more than she can protect herself.

And yet, as she stared at Shi's strong shoulders, at her bright blue eyes, at her angelic features- as she swore she'd protect Miyako...

That's right. There was always one person who you could count on. The person who'd die with you, thinking their conscience was as black as your own...

Somebody who trusted you, when you weren't a person they could believe in at all.

"Okay," Miyako agreed softly. "It's a promise. I'll protect you, and in exchange, you'll protect me. And we'll always be there for each other." Her words didn't seem to be coming from her mouth- they belonged to somebody else. Somebody who Shi deserved.

Not a killer.

She released a shaky breath. "It's a promise."

Setsuna Jun (PAST)

Setsuna was four years old the first time he saw a dead body.

He was little at the time. Little enough for stupid kid things he got obsessed with. There was one specific thing he remembered- a cute little sailor costume his mum got him for Halloween. He remembered her warm brown eyes bright with delight as he slipped his arms through it- and the hugs she caught him in after.

He loved hugs, and thus he loved the suit. Every day, he'd wake up in it, and he'd get right to work, spraying the ground down with the hose and playing in the mud; Sailor Setsuna, hero extraordinaire. His mum would always sigh and smile indulgently as she put the suit for the wash.

Even now, he associated bleach with that suit. Every time he got a whiff, a wave of nausea would come over him. He'd want desperately to throw up, but even back then, he couldn't.

He was at the playground, the day it happened.

The incident was lost on him- just fractures of time coalescing on the singular moment that mattered to him. The kid must've pushed him. Setsuna scraped his knee and the blood got on his sailor uniform.

When his mum led him away, her eyes weren't smiling.

He was playing in the kitchen, when the dishwasher started up again. He was going for his mum's office, hoping to ask for rescue from the growling in the kitchen, when he heard it.

Four year old Setsuna paused, hovering by the stairwell. Some faint grunting was coming from downstairs. The sound of something heavy being thrown-

The basement was forbidden territory. He traced a hand thoughtfully along the handrail- and then the scream of the dishwasher sent him stumbling forward. He'd just started on the stairwell, when the door slammed shut behind him.

Fear built in him. He tried the knob, but he couldn't reach it.

Then he heard his mom's voice, at the bottom.

...little... b..ch... thought you could...

Mama was down there.

He hurried down, eager for her warm embrace, her gentle smile, for her to promise that the dishwasher was no monster and he just wasn't strong enough to do the doorknob-

His shoe squelched when he took the final step.

For years after, he tried to figure out exactly what he'd stepped on. A disembodied organ, a pool of blood, maybe even some congealed muscle- but the exact details had been lost on him. All he could remember was the squelch, and the dead eyes of the child, bulging out of his gaping sockets, the rest of his face peeled back like the apples he'd peeled with his mum for that morning's breakfast. Except it was flesh, and the only thing remaining on the skull was the bones and those hollow hollow eyes.

Pinned like Jesus on the cross. A butterfly on a corkboard. A kid who belonged on the playground nailed to the walls of his basement.


Her hand clasped around his arm. She lead him out, and sat him at the table. Placing her hands on his shoulders, she offered to clean his sailor outfit. "It's stained, sweetie." He shook his head no, and she peered into one eye and then the other, then gave him a smile. "Do you want to help me?"

He threw up.

They took care to hide it afterwards. No point traumatizing him. He got the message; when he got dressed that morning, he was wearing pajamas.

The blood never did wash out.

Setsuna Jun (PRESENT)

"Mei...?" he whispered. "Don't tell me you-"

His vote was already put in. It didn't matter. The same person would die regardless. Everyone was doomed to die- whatever he said now didn't matter, but-

"What the actual hell?" That was Miyako. She was standing up, glaring at Mei for all she was worth. "What're you trying to say? You killed Futatabi? You threw her off the bridge? You were bleeding out, you bastard, and don't you try and tell me otherwise."

"She's telling the truth," Kubo spoke. Setsuna was glad the detective's eyes were off him now- the terror that lanced up his spine every time he felt Kubo near him made him downright nauseous. "It has to be that way. Setsuna didn't push Futatabi off- and he couldn't have. I only wish I'd figured it out, it was so-"

Setsuna blocked the rest of it out.

All he could think of was a faint image of a long-dead kid in the back of his mind. And the face of Mei, and when she was a kid, and how unfair it all was-

"Why?" His voice broke. "Mei, why couldn't you let me be the killer?"
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 35

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Fri, 03/03/2023 02:28 (2 Years ago)


blah blah blah moonlight ray blah blah blah chuku blah blah blah

Sutaraitsu Umemoto

After some effort, Sutaraitsu (finally) got into a chair in his semi-napping state.

"Heyy...Setsuna. What's g-going on?" He asked quietly.

Mika Uyehara

Mika voted for Mei without hesitation.

Personally, he felt getting rid of Mei was a good choice. He quickly wrote down the details of this case in case it was needed later.

˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ The walls are closing in. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 238
Posted: Fri, 03/03/2023 02:36 (2 Years ago)
Shi smiled. "Thank you. We can make it out. Together."
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Fri, 03/03/2023 02:40 (2 Years ago)

Miyako Hiroto

"Together," Miyako agreed, giving her hand a squeeze. "Then we're going on the best date of our lives, you hear me? I'm expecting candles and roses and all that expensive sh*t. We're going all out."

Setsuna Jun

Setsuna. What's g-going on?

"I think," he whispered. "Mei Akamatsu is giving her life up for mine."

Tears finally streaked down his face. A right that should've been taken from him, long ago, that he still clung onto. The last dredges of humanity in him.

"Oh my god..."
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 238
Posted: Fri, 03/03/2023 02:47 (2 Years ago)
"I'd expect myself to deliver you nothing else. My dads are rich after all, their first date was one hell of a time by their account."
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Fri, 03/03/2023 02:50 (2 Years ago)

Miyako Hiroto

Miyako giggled helplessly. Suddenly, she couldn't stop. One broken laugh after the other, unable to stop, unable to breathe- a gasp of air cut through her laughter. Her hand felt her face, and she realized she was crying.

"Hell of a time. We'll have a hell of a time, all right."
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 238
Posted: Fri, 03/03/2023 02:51 (2 Years ago)
Despite the environment, Shi smiled. Part of her attention shifted to her blackened selection screen, voting for Mei.
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Fri, 03/03/2023 02:54 (2 Years ago)

Miyako Hiroto

Everyone voted for her. Miyako recalled their first interaction dully- the flirting which had been so exciting at the time. The pretty girl grinning back at her. Someone dead, in hindsight. Dead from the very beginning. Mei had never been alive. Neither had Futatabi or Kaoru or Horatia. All dead, the whole time.

She didn't remember them dying at all.

That thought kept her hands from shaking as she selected Mei Akamatsu on her digital screen.
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Fri, 03/03/2023 03:00 (2 Years ago)


The bear didn't move. Their mouths did though. Sounds escaping their lips, waves resonating in the air, all crawling its way into ears that were failing her. They all kept talking and talking, speaking to her and speaking to each other. She only had the strength to gaze over at Lucian as he muttered promises and empty words that felt like nothing to Mei.

"...I'm… not going to hesitate anymore, okay? I'm… going to try everything. I'm going to say all the things I could never say, I'm going to do all the things I could never do… and… maybe, everyone else here… can live happily. I'll help everyone, somehow. It'll be okay. We'll all get through this."

"...and… maybe… I'll even tell him how I feel."

...Funny thing, it was. "Feeling" and all that, y'know. Mei could only grin upon hearing the last part, nothing else.

"...and maybe, we'll meet again, one day."

"I just hope… that you'll be able to walk out of this world with a smile."

I just hope...

That you'll be able to walk out of this world with a smile.

...And that is exactly what she would do. She would smile because she was free.

She had grown so used to the cold chains that covered every inch of her body, she really had.

She couldn't say anything. She instead turned her attention to Darcy. To Setsuna. To Miyako. To Kubo.

"Mei...? Don't tell me you-"

"What the actual hell? What're you trying to say? You killed Futatabi? You threw her off the bridge? You were bleeding out, you bastard, and don't you try and tell me otherwise."

Mei, to the best of her abilities, gave a chuckle and a light shrug. "Eh, what can I... say? Impressed with my... handiwork? Heh, I'm... flattered." She managed to breathe out, holding her grin the best she could. She looked over at Kubo as he gave a reply to Miyako, tilting her head slightly and smiling.

"She's telling the truth. It has to be that way. Setsuna didn't push Futatabi off- and he couldn't have. I only wish I'd figured it out, it was so-"

"...Ding ding ding, you want a... gold star or somethin'... Kubo?" She heaved out a light chuckle before looking away and shrugging once again.


"Mei, why couldn't you let me be the killer?"

Setsuna. She heard his voice again. Her blood began to grow cold and her already abnormal breathing began to worsen. She pursed her lips momentarily before turning back to him, her cold lavender eyes softening as her face twisted into melancholy.

But it was all with a smile.


"Because I..."

She paused, trying to find the right words to say. Not like she could anyways.

Setsuna reminded her of a past long forgotten, a past she knew nothing from. A past that wasn't her own, a past that wasn't Mei's. It stung a little, really.

"...What, is it so wrong of me to... not think of myself for a... bit? Didn't... want you dead... Simple as... that, really..."

You were dead as soon as you laid hands on Futatabi, Setsuna. This murder would've never gotten you anywhere, even if you wanted it to.

Oh Mei, you're such a big fat liar. You saw the opportunity and you took it, don't act like you did it for someone else. It was never that simple in the first place. You never wanted it simple.


She wished it was though. Simple things couldn't hurt so much. You could understand simple things.

She watched silently as everyone voted for her, one after another. It was almost relieving in a way, watching your fate slowly be decided in such a way.

"I think. Mei Akamatsu is giving her life up for mine."

"...Damn right I did, and you... better not waste it. Hear me?" Her gaze hardened as she looked over at Setsuna, her tone more harsh and demanding rather than teasing like it just was.

She had given up everything. And for what? Why did she do it? She...

She gave up everything she never had, everything she didn't even want in the first place.

But the fireplace was warm and cozy, the blanket was soft and wrapped around her tightly. The room was dimly lit and the faint smell of burning wood, peppermints, and cocoa filled the lonely air. The orange flames danced in her purple eyes, the lights on the tree sparkling ever so brightly in the corner. The air was silent, yet it hugged her like precious memories she never had. The steam from the cup she held rose into the air and danced along with the flames.

...Maybe she wanted that after all.

Hopefully the fire that burned in hell was hot enough to make her hot cocoa.

honestly i have no clue what the fk i'm doing


Akari simply sat in silence as the noise around him filled the air. So much talking, so many conversations that had no meaning to him, even if he wanted them to. This was just all so... rough. Could they all really get through this?

Screw you Akari I honestly have no clue how I'm supposed to write you.

A familiar voice seemed to catch his attention, albeit not exactly in a "positive" way. It caused his head to raise and look at the voice, the voice that belonged to Sawyer.

"Has anyone ever called you 'Karster?"

His face darkened slightly at the name, but he didn't react much to it. Even as innocent as it was, Akari didn't need any more nicknames. He had gotten over the puzzlement he felt back at the cafeteria when he heard it first, and instead found it to be more of a bother now. He quickly shook it off though, finding it stupid to be worrying about something as simple as one of Sawyer's absurd nicknames. Speaking of Sawyer...

"...Yeah... You did..." He muttered softly, adverting his gaze to the floor instead of right below their face.

...He couldn't help but to be concerned though. Darcy didn't seem too happy about the event, obviously, and something like this was just shocking to begin with.

How the hell was everyone here so edgy????

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Fri, 03/03/2023 06:07 (2 Years ago)

Lucian Arbred's POV

Lucian felt a pang in his heart, looking at Shi and Miyako, promising to protect one another. Would… they be able to do it?


Lucian tried to suppress the bitterness that clouded his mind. It could… possibly… be partially her fault that Kaoru was dead.

He shook his head.

No… what did it matter?

Even if it was her fault, Lucian couldn't hold onto that grudge. He was going to save everyone here, somehow. Even Miyako.

And honestly… as he saw her clinging to Shi, like that…

Two things stirred within his mind.

One, he couldn't help but feel bad for Miyako. He wasn't exactly sure why but… he felt bad.

Two, he…

Lucian found himself glancing at Kubo, before his eyes flitted away, his heart thumping.

Could that be… them, if he just told him how he felt?

If he just threw his arms around Kubo, and gave in, if he just told him how he felt…

No, there was… no way Kubo felt the same.

Was there?

Sure, he was… flustered earlier when Lucian accidentally… implied they were doing something like that together, but…

"Regardless of the... literary correlations you can see here, our relationship is... Purely platonic. Like Lucian said."

Lucian swore he felt his heart stop, as he recalled those words. Of course… why…

Why could he hope for any different?


Was there a chance, even a sliver of a chance, that Kubo hesitated there a moment, because he…

Slowly, he reached inside his suit pocket for the-

Lucian took his hand out and shook his head.

He… he could think about that later.

"Eh, what can I... say? Impressed with my... handiwork? Heh, I'm... flattered."


Mei, that was… that was murder. That was the taking of the life of another human being.

He couldn't put into words just how jaw-droppingly insensitive that sounded, but he didn't bother to. His lips didn't move.

Mei… really seemed to be weakening. And there was something so awful to him, that just hours earlier…

He, Akari, and Idris, had taken her to the Nurse's Office to save her life, by patching up her injuries with ointment and bandages and stitches…

And now, all that hope… all that love, all that care… that had gone into keeping her alive, was in vain.

Lucian looked at the lever, tears threatening to start up in his eyes.

He suppressed them.

Why? Why?

Who was the sick person behind all this?

Were they all doomed to die, one by one?

No. Of course not. I'll… get us all out of here somehow. No matter what it takes.

Mei would be the last person to die here. It'd be okay…

Lucian turned at the sound of Kubo's voice.

"She's telling the truth. It has to be that way. Setsuna didn't push Futatabi off- and he couldn't have. I only wish I'd figured it out, it was so-"

"...Ding ding ding, you want a... gold star or somethin'... Kubo?"

He grimaced. Something made him so uncomfortable, about Mei making fun of Kubo.

…but… she made fun of everybody.

Did Lucian feel like… he had some kind of right to Kubo?

"...it's okay, Kubo, I don't think it was that easy to see. It was a tough case… right?" He looked over at him. "...and… you got really close. And I'm proud of you for that."

He felt awkward as he said the words, and he couldn't help but smile as he did so. But his smile faded at the sound of Setsuna's voice, pulling him back to reality.

Or rather, back down to Earth, but not literally, they're in sussy Among Us space guys


"Mei, why couldn't you let me be the killer?"

"...Setsuna…" Lucian felt his chest lurching at the painful sound of his voice. He felt once again like this was his fault.

If he had jumped, only he would be dead. Not Futatabi, not Mei… and Setsuna wouldn't be feeling like this.


"Because I..."

You care, don't you? You really care… Lucian thought.

"...What, is it so wrong of me to... not think of myself for a... bit? Didn't... want you dead... Simple as... that, really..."

"...there's nothing wrong with that," Lucian murmured. "...it just, feels strange for you, at least in regards to your previous behavior…"

"I think. Mei Akamatsu is giving her life up for mine."

"...Setsuna… your life is worth as much as everyone else's is. You didn't have to kill to sacrifice yourself…"

Lucian breathed in and out harshly. He felt so bad for everyone here… no one won. Everyone lost. But it was okay…

Because he'd find a way to make sure everyone would be okay.

Then everyone can be happy.

"...Damn right I did, and you... better not waste it. Hear me?"

Lucian somehow, couldn't help but smile a little bit at that comment.

"...Mei… I'm sure he won't. Thank you… for what you did for him. Although… killing Futatabi wasn't right, I… it was kind of you to sacrifice yourself…"

He couldn't believe she was just going to be gone.

"...are you… are you… coming to the tree," Lucian murmured to himself. "...Where I told you to run, so we'd both be free…"

Mei was coming to the tree now.

…she was coming to the tree.

Far too soon.

Darcy Harper's POV

Darcy briefly recalled Setsuna. He remembered that silly little moment when he'd…

Pffft. Flirted with him, and Setsuna had walked off. It was almost pathetic, really.

…But he had remembered, too, how that boy had been willing to get himself executed so that everyone else would live. Back in the first trial.

And now, he had been trying to risk the same thing.

Darcy wasn't sure how to feel.

He didn't like how he could relate.

Killing… in the name of love.

Still killing.

It reminded him of something he'd rather forget.

Erica… I'm so sorry.

Seeing Miyako and Shi together…

Part of it brought up a curious envy in Darcy, to see them so happy.

And another part of it… well, he was glad Miyako was with someone else.

But he felt bad for Setsuna, he really did.

He felt bad for Mei, although part of him felt like he shouldn't.

He didn't know what the hell to do with these feelings.



Seeing them like this… it hurt like hell.

They'd be okay, though. They usually were.

No, they always were!


Sawyer Laurens's POV


So much noise. What was going on?

Apparently someone someone killed someone someone.


What did that mean again?

Everything was in blurry, fragmented pieces. It was as though Sawyer had tripped over the giant jigsaw puzzle of their mind, and the pieces had spilled everywhere. There were all these pieces… floating around, and they couldn't quite figure out how they fit together.

Or… used to fit together. Some of the pieces were broken.

Furthermore, the air was misty. Sawyer could barely see a thing.

Frantically, they tried to put the pieces together.

But why frantically?

Why were these pieces… important?

Their mind floated to Akari and Darcy, the two people they had just been introduced to.

But… there was something familiar about both of them.

"...Yeah... You did..."

"I did?" Sawyer blinked. "Wow, that's so interesting! You sure it wasn't someone who looked like me? Maybe I did. Huh…"

Darcy sighed and shook his head. "Yes… you did, Sawy-" Something seemed to occur to Darcy. "Yes, you did, SOY BEAN. You called him Karster! We were discussing maybe having a party?"

Sawyer tilted their head.

Soy Bean?

"Who or… what is Soy Bean? Are you calling me that?"


What party?


Sawyer's head spun.

"Soy Bean. I feel like… someone called me that at some point… though, I can't quite recall…"

Mom was in the kitchen.

Mom…? Kitchen? What?

…she had a…

She had a… thing.

What thing?

The thing. What was it?

It was sharp.

And there was these things…


That what?

Sawyer headed towards their (mom???) But…

She disappeared.



So foggy.

What was it?

What was the thing?

What is a thing?

It's all so bizarre.

I don't know who or what "Mom" is, but it's comforting. …I… miss… Mom…

"Anyway, it's wonderful to meet you guys! Though, I'm… kinda confused. What are we doing here? Why are we wearing these… things?"

"These are suits, Sawyer. You know, like… Among Us?"

Sawyer blinked. "...was that… a game… with venting and… imposters?"

Darcy sighed with relief. "Well, yes. I… guess you remember a few things, although… it's really odd all the things you don't remember."

Darcy frowned thoughtfully. "...and… we've been forced into a school, with other Ultimates. Where we have to kill each other and get through a class trial if we want to get out. Do you remember that?"

Sawyer blinked rapidly. "School? Ultimates? Kill? Class trial?"

There was… something strangely familiar about Darcy's words. But at the same time, they all seemed to buzz like bugs, in a way Sawyer couldn't quite understand…

Darcy looked quite troubled. He must have very low self-esteem.

"Maybe, if I showed you some things… you might remember more? What do you think, Akari?"

Sawyer tilted their head. Akari sure was quiet! What was going on with him?

Now Playing: OMORI OST 003 - Lost At A Sleepover
°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

"Everything is going to be okay."
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Sat, 04/03/2023 02:59 (2 Years ago)

Setsuna Jun

Setsuna stopped. He couldn't move, couldn't breathe. "Mei-" he whispered, and tears suddenly choked him. What the hell was this?

Was he about to see another dead body?

Was that what this was?

Just hell all over again?

His shoulders began shaking first. "N-No-" he sobbed. "You can't- I won't let you!"

"...Damn right I did, and you... better not waste it. Hear me?"

Not hear you? I can't hear anything but you.

"I'll swear to anything you want! Just- tell Monokuma I'm the killer. That technically the bleeding was caused by me, that technically you should be able to live... I swear, I'll do anything, just please Mei- don't die on me."

He couldn't get his jumbled thoughts in order. Everything circled on that one question- how to save Mei. That one person- Mei.

I was supposed to have escaped. But hell's chains drag me back down again- and I've brought Mei with me.

Kubo Atsushi

"That's fine Lucian."

This wasn't how it was supposed to go.

Why were they all looking at her? What was so special about her that she deserved all those pitying stares? What had she done, what had she lost to earn their love?

...What a ridiculous thing to focus on.

Kubo gave his head a brisk shake. The truth had been found- they should just count themselves lucky Mei had chosen to reveal herself. Their lives had been saved, and the fact that they could continue on was all that mattered. No jealousy was to be found here.

No anger towards Mei for pulling the wool over his eyes.

He might've caught her, if he hadn't fixated on the bloody suit for as long as he had. Right?

In fact, all he was thinking about was that maybe he'd messed up in the past.

He wasn't furious at all, as he switched his vote to that girl's ugly icon.

Miyako Hiroto

"Everyone, just please vote." Miyako ground her teeth together. "Look, I get you're mourning. But we don't have much time."

"Puhuhuhuuh~ I second that! You have thirty seconds to vote, Ultimates, and then we're onto Execution Time. You've been dragging this trial out too long, and I haven't had enough time with my incest children. I'm a terrible father!"

He shook a paw.

"Absolutely terrible! So vote before I kill you all!"
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Sat, 04/03/2023 03:43 (2 Years ago)


Mei said nothing to Lucian. She couldn't. She didn't want to. As much as she hated to admit it, he was right, or something like that.

"I'll swear to anything you want! Just- tell Monokuma I'm the killer. That technically the bleeding was caused by me, that technically you should be able to live... I swear, I'll do anything, just please Mei- don't die on me."

...Why the hell did he care so much? He even tried doing this for Kaoru, didn't he?

...Was it really possible to be this selfless? To beg and beg to have your life be put in the place of another if that meant they didn't have to suffer? They hardly knew each other, right? So why did he care so much? Even if at some point in the past they knew each other, why the hell...

...She did this to save him from being the blackened though, didn't she? She went through all this trouble to be the sacrifice instead.



Funny how that worked.

"No can do... Setsuna. I... shouldn't be able to... live in the first place. Even... Before this bulls**t..." She chuckled, her voice getting lower and lower as she spoke. "Stop, Setsuna, you're... pissin' me off. I'll... die if I wanna..." She tried to joke, but her voice was hollow.

"Everyone, just please vote. Look, I get you're mourning. But we don't have much time."

Mei looked over at Miyako and gave an exaggerated eye roll, grinning while doing so. "Lil' miss ghostbuster is right... 'M gettin' sick and tired of this... sappy s**t anyways, just... get on with it already... Would'ja? Y'all have... wasted enough time... b***hin' over this s**t, no point in... wastin' anymore, right?" Her tone was harsh but she tried to make it obvious that she was just fooling around, even if it was hard to do so.

Too bad she missed the totally epic conversation between Miyako and Shi, she would've offered to join them. Probably even offer to pay for the hotel too, if she felt generous enough.

"Puhuhuhuuh~ I second that! You have thirty seconds to vote, Ultimates, and then we're onto Execution Time. You've been dragging this trial out too long, and I haven't had enough time with my incest children. I'm a terrible father!"

Mei scoffed and glared at the bear, the grin still not fading from her face. "Damn... right you are... Heh..." She would've probably made a crude joke about his relationship with his "oh so beloved gay build-a-bear knock-off" of a wife, if she even had the energy.

ok i've been trying to end mei in a horrible sappy way for like 10 posts now in preparation for the execution so i'm just giving up, screw you guys and your edgy filler.


All Akari could do was gaze worryingly at Sawyer, unsure of what exactly to do. He momentarily turned his attention back to Mei, but regretted it upon hearing whatever jokes she had to spew out of that ugly mouth of hers. Right. They were in the middle of a damn trial. Monokuma was demanding that they vote. Vote for the killer. Vote for the blackened. Right.

Honestly, Akari was a little confused about the whole "Among Us" thing, but he shook it off and ignored it for the time being. He was just letting Darcy explain, it was far better than anything he could ever do. Besides, he didn't even know Sawyer all that well.

He nodded subtly at everything Darcy mentioned, only saying something when his name was spoken.

"Maybe, if I showed you some things… you might remember more? What do you think, Akari?"

"I..." Akari paused, then frowned slightly.

...Why was he asking for his opinion?

Not like it mattered.

"...You heard Monokuma, we... Don't have much t-time left... Can we... Focus on this f-for a second?"

"S-sorry but I-..." He sighed, unable to say anything else, he just had to hope that Darcy and Sawyer understood what he was trying to say.

I can't remember if he already voted, but he flicked the lever reluctantly to Mei, surprisingly not all that happy about doing so.

All his efforts amounted to nothing in the end after all.

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Sat, 04/03/2023 06:25 (2 Years ago)

Lucian Arbred's POV

Now Playing: The Violin - OMORI

"Setsuna!" Lucian cried out. "...it's okay. Please, there's nothing that can be done now. I'm sorry."

As Lucian reluctantly spun the lever to vote for Mei, there was only one thing that made him do it. Although he hesitated so, as he flicked it with a grimace. No one should have to die. This was all so awful.

Why? Why was someone forcing them all into this?

"...it's not your fault, Setsuna. And... Mei wants this. She..." Lucian hesitated. "She wants to do this for you... Please, don't blame yourself. Just try to live with your life that she saved."

That one thing, that was getting Lucian to spin that lever, was that everyone might die if he didn't. That was all. That was the only thing preventing him from spinning it to vote for himself.

He knew, it wasn't technically his fault.

He knew that...

And yet...

He felt like it was. But... That was okay.

He wouldn't let anything like this happen ever again.

It would all turn out okay, somehow.

He shook his head at Kubo's words.

It wasn't fine. Things weren't fine.

Not yet.

He clenched his hands into fists. He wanted to angrily shout at Miyako, about all those things he shouldn't say. About how it might have been her fault that Kaoru was dead. And Horatia...

But... That was just the thing, wasn’t it? Lucian held nothing but theories on the matter. Theories, and possibly a grudge based entirely on emotion. He didn't want to blame her.

Shout things about how she didn't truly care about anyone here but her precious girlfriend. That she was just letting Mei slip away, without a word of any kind of noteworthy care, or love of any sort.

But Lucian kept quiet. He kept quiet, like he always did. Therapists weren't supposed to say such things. They were supposed to be unbiased, and the only thoughts he should hold were the ones that would help people get better, not worse.

Because what would be the use? What would be the point, for him to shout at Miyako... About things she may not have meant to imply? Maybe she had nothing to do with Kaoru's death. Maybe Lucian had made that all up, out of grief.

Lucian Arbred thought he had grown used to pain. Pain, suffering. He saw it all around him. He had tasted grief, and so many different types of pain and suffering.

Both from himself, and he saw it, he heard it, he smelled it, he sensed it around him. He did whatever it took to ease such suffering.

Lucian didn't feel mad at Mei, as she connotated all those things they had said and done to one another as sappy BS. He remembered Kaoru, now, and fought to keep the tears from his eyes.

How ridiculous, wasn't it?

One day Mei Akamatsu was in your life, teasing and mocking and berating you and everything you held dear, teasing you about sleeping with people you were close to, acting annoyed at your trauma and--

Okay, maybe it was time for some serious self-evaluation. There was nothing endearing about Mei at all. But it was funny, really...

How you realized you were going to miss it. How you got used to having someone around, and then... They were just gone.

Maybe there was something endearing about her, in a way. In how she was casting aside her life for Setsuna's sake. In how, Lucian knew... She had a story. She had a family, of her own. She had friends, or, maybe she didn't, who knew? She had acquaintances, frenemies, enemies.

She was... Human.

Even if she may not have seemed that way anymore. Maybe she didn't even see herself as human, Lucian wasn't sure.

But even hearing her speak so... Insensitively about the many murders she had committed...

Lucian couldn't care less.

She was human, just like the rest of them, deep down, at her core.

And he would miss her. He knew he would miss her.

Everything would feel strange without her.

And Lucian knew, he knew... As...

He glanced at Kubo.

He glanced at Miyako.

He glanced at Akora.

He glanced at Setsuna.

He glanced at Saeko.

He glanced at Idris.

He glanced at Akari.

He glanced at Mika.

He glanced at Sutaraitsu.

He glanced at Rumia, except he didn't.

He glanced at Darcy.

He glanced at Shi.

He glanced at Solaro.

That whether everyone loved her, or loathed her, everyone had been marked by Mei Akamatsu.

She was the Mister Kane of this school,

and she

in all her bizarre, chaotic, imprinting essence,

would never be forgotten.

And everyone would be haunted till their dying days by her last words.

At least, Lucian would.

"...goodbye, Mei," Lucian whispered, mostly to himself.

Darcy Harper's POV

"...Feeling like I'm always just barely there
Only a shadow, and it's never fair"

Darcy grinned, an awful, forced grin, in tears. Dear God, his mascara was a mess now. He'd have to fix that later... Huh?...

It seemed like such a strangely ordinary thing. Like life hadn't changed forever at all.

Like they weren't all trapped inside this horrible thing.

Darcy let out a deep breath of air and pushed his fingers up against the surface of his helmet.

Mei was going to die.

Will was going to walk away again.

He could almost hear the piano. He could almost hear the rain.

He could almost hear that last conversation that he had with Erica... The day before everything went to hell.

She was talking about surprising him with daises, and this new song. This new song, she wrote it herself...

Darcy grimaced. He... He didn't want to remember that song...

He shook his head. He couldn't think about that.

He spun the lever to Mei.

Condemning someone, huh?...

...condemning someone...

He voted for Mei Akamatsu.

There were no fairy tales in real life. No happy endings.

Love... What was the point of love?

So many ways it could end so badly.

Heck, just read Romeo and Juliet.


Erica got the role of Juliet in the play. Why was she always... So good at everything?

He knew he should be happy for her, but it just... Hurt.

What was the point of love?

He found himself looking at Idris.

Your lover dies, and leaves you alone. Your lover breaks up with you, or divorces you. The person you love never loves you in the first place, and rejects you. You're with them for a long time, they realize they never loved you.

Darcy knew he probably had no reason to be so pessimistic, but...

He glanced at the perplexed Sawyer, a sad smile upon his face.

And in some cases, the person you love... Doesn't feel the same way, and they'll never understand the way you feel. Or worse... Worst of all...

Darcy felt his heart sinking, like a rock to the bottom of a pond...

They forget you ever existed.

Darcy couldn't help but think, hearing Setsuna's pleading… would the people he loved see less of him now?


Under the spreading chestnut tree,
I sold you and you sold me…

…Sawyer loved that book. It was their favorite…

Darcy's eyes widened. He spurred into reality.


"No, Akari, I understand… I'm sorry." He sighed, and promptly forced Sawyer to pull the lever to Mei.

Sawyer Laurens's POV


Akari was… saying something about focusing on… this? Focusing on what?

They felt Darcy tugging their arm, and making them pull a lever.

It felt… strangely nice. Comforting almost.

There was something so familiar about him, but Sawyer couldn't quite place their finger on it.

The pieces shuffled again in their mind. The puzzle couldn't quite seem to fit together.

Their heart pounded in their chest, and they found themself smiling without knowing the reason.

"Why didja make me pull this thingy?" Sawyer asked, puzzled. Then, they gasped. "Is it like, part of a Redstone contraption?!"

Darcy blinked, let go of Sawyer's arm, and crossed his arms. He muttered something about, "...I guess their memory is still good for video game references…" while Sawyer stared in puzzlement.

"I don't know what the big deal is about this… memory stuff? But, hey! Maybe the three of us can explore this place! I wanna see what it's like!" Sawyer chirped.

Darcy let out a strange quiet piercing whistling noise with gritted teeth. "Hhh, Sawyer, I'm afraid we can't do that. We're leaving after Mei…" He faltered. "...after Mei dies."

Something shattered in Sawyer's face. "...dies? This Mei person is… going to die? Why?"

Darcy sighed. "She, well… Sawyer… it's no use explaining it to you." He shook his head.

"But- but, I wanna know! Pleeeease? Karster, can you tell me?!" Sawyer eagerly grabbed Akari's hands, while Darcy stood there with the 🚨🆘⚠️ jealousy alarm 🚨🆘⚠️ WARNING! WARNING! 🚨🆘⚠️ JEALOUSY ALARM!! 🚨🆘⚠️ going off in his head while he stood there, eye slightly twitching.
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Fri, 10/03/2023 19:37 (2 Years ago)


can she die already


Akari had completely zoned out at this point, all he could do was stare at the icon in front of him while everything seemed to fade away. This was all just so... surreal. None of this could've been real, right? It was all too absurd, nothing really felt real.

...Was he slipping? Was he losing the very little he still had of himself, was he losing it? Everything only seemed to mix together in this ugly, twisted, demented spiral of insanity, and all he could do was watch. Watch as the multitude of blood-tainted colors mixed together, somehow producing its own horrifying cacophony that rang in his ears.

This "game", the bears, the students, the Ultimates, it was all just so... overwhelming. There was so much about this that could only petrify him, but in reality there really were no words that could describe this disastrous monstrosity that he had found himself in, even the strongest of words could do so much, all of them seemed to just be understatements. The world was crashing down on him- No, all of them because of this damn killing game, and it was going to be the death of them all. There was pretty much nothing any of them could do at this point, right? This murder only proved it. Monokuma would just keep bringing out more and more of his BS to force more and more of these murders. It was only going to get worse from here.

...Would any of them be able to survive this? Not just... actually survive, but... Live? Stay sane enough for it to actually matter? Akari was already starting to break, he knew damn well he wasn't going to make it even if he wanted to, and he could probably say the same about everyone else here.

Before he could dwell on these morbid, horrible thoughts any longer, a small movement out of the corner of his eye caught his attention. It was Sawyer, and they...

Every muscle in his body tightened, terror resonating through his body as his blood ran cold and his heart completely stopped. With one swift movement, Akari forcibly jerked his hand away from Sawyer and stared at them wide-eyed.

Calm down, Akari. You look pathetic.

They only touched you, it's not a big deal, is it? Not like you can feel it anyways. Stop being such a sensitive baby for once in your goddamn life, would you?

Not like they'd ever know anyways, right? You have nothing to worry about, it's not a big deal anyways.


Right, Akari?

You're just being a child, a sensitive, touchy, idiotic child.

You're hopeless, Akari. Weak, selfish, weak, horrible, weak, whiny, weak, crybaby, weak-


His voice could barely even be heard, not like he wanted it to be anyways. He lowered his head and let his arm fall back to his side slowly, not once looking back at Sawyer.

He... couldn't be mad at them, even if he wanted to. None of it was their fault, Sawyer didn't know. And... besides, that's just how they were, right? That's what he slowly and painfully had to learn, even if he didn't want to.

He couldn't be mad at Sawyer for doing that, he couldn't lash out at them for anything, even when he probably would've done it anyways out of pure... fear? He wasn't exactly sure what made him react so negatively at such a thing, but all he knew was that it was agonizing.

Even when he couldn't feel it, being touched was utter hell.

Especially when it came to these damn arms.

Especially when it came to-

"S-sorry, Sawyer..." Akari spoke quietly, a tinge of guilt in his tone, but not like it was noticeable due to the monotony and poor condition of his voice anyways.

"But- but, I wanna know! Pleeeease? Karster, can you tell me?!"

Akari glanced subtly in Darcy's direction, flinching upon seeing his... unpleasant expression before turning his head away once again, giving a small sigh. He tried not to think about it, but Darcy's face only burned in his mind, an expression he never wanted to see again. It shook him to his core, the daggers for eyes ripping into his flesh once again, and the desperation for something to relieve him of this pain that only rose and rose until it became overwhelming.

He'd never be able to escape it, would he? Darcy's face... He'd never be able to run from it, would he?

"...Mei... This is h-her punishment..." His voice was still low and obviously a little shaky. Akari tried saying more, but couldn't. Darcy was right anyways, it was pointless to try and explain it.

Mei had killed someone, and she was being punished for it.

...And Akari deserved the same fate. Actually, he deserved a fate far worse than death.

Because at least death could save you, give you relief from the pain you deserved. At least death could finally be the end of it, death would be a blessing.

Akari didn't deserve any blessings.

pretty sure there was more i wanted to add but whatever i'm kinda braindead right now so uh... here's a crappy filler post ig

Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Sun, 12/03/2023 02:32 (1 Year ago)

Voting Time!

"Puhuhuhu~ the votes are in. Who will be chosen as the blackened? Have you made the right choice or the dreeeadfully wroooooong one?"

The slot spun over and over and landed on three icons of Mei's face.

"Ding ding ding! The Blackened hiding among you is none other than Mei Akamatsu!"

The screen at the far wall lit up. A ghost vote for Sutaraitsu, 13 votes for Mei, and 2 votes for Setsuna.

A horrible keening sound was coming from Setsuna's form on the floor. He was curled into himself, arms wrapped tight about his knees, unwilling to move, perhaps unable.

Kubo grimaced and looked away.

"Puhuhuuhu~ You're exactly right! How wonderful it must feel."

"I still don't get why you turned yourself in, Mei," he said. "But I suppose I have to commend you for... whatever it was that did."

He didn't buy that altruist bullcrap for a second, no one gave up their life to save anyone else.

No one.

Kaoru was one of the best people on the earth, and she would've taken her precious Lucian to the grave. They were all sinners, and anyone who said otherwise was either stupid or covering up some ulterior motive.

"Then we're onto the Execution." He glanced at Miyako, slightly surprised at the dead note in her voice. She stood there, unmoving, arms wrapped about herself. "Good luck Mei... wherever you end up."
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Sun, 12/03/2023 03:11 (1 Year ago)

Lucian Arbred's POV

Lucian breathed in intensely, closing his eyes. So it had been confirmed, then…

Mei Akamatsu had killed Futatabi Akarui.

As he opened his eyes, he found his gaze itching over to look at Mei. And then… at Setsuna.


Poor Setsuna.

Mei had made herself the villain in their history, so that she would die and he would live.

But Lucian forced himself not to cry. He forced a grim smile upon his face.

It was… almost a relief, really.

He saw Kubo trying to look away. And how could he blame him, really?...

Lucian walked over to Setsuna, making sure he kept himself slightly at a distance.

…this boy…

He was almost a killer.

He had killed with the intention of saving everyone.

He had fully intended to give up his own life, just so they all could live.

Lucian knew what that was like.


He had been willing to give up his own life himself. But he thought momentarily, of Futatabi's lifeless body.

Would he have been willing to become a killer… even if he were the killer of a stranger, and would not have to live with what he had done…

If it could save everyone?

He could almost see Kaoru's desperate, pleading face.

How she had begged…

…begged for EVERYONE to die.

Just so she could live.

But yet, Lucian couldn't be mad at her. He just… couldn't.

Not at that person, that he had known such a short time, but that he had held so tightly as she buried her tearful face in his shoulder.

Screaming, begging, pleading with him…

"Don't leave me."

Kaoru's words left his lips, though they had not been directed at anyone at all.

Perhaps… Lucian had known how to empathize with Kaoru.

It was funny, really.

When your siblings were older than you, but you had to be the mature one.

I remember Caroline looked so despondent. Her eyes were always so empty when she sat in that chair.

I remember, when I was very young… that I got out of bed once, late at night.

My mom and… Father… were arguing.

I don't recall what it was about.

Caroline hadn't even raised her voice that much, but he hit her all the same.

He hit her all the same.

The hitting was inevitable.

The pain… was inevitable.

I remember how I saw her, growing thinner and thinner every day.

I didn't quite understand back then, what was going on.

But somehow, I knew she was suffering.

I wanted it to stop.

But not like that.

…I didn't want to find her hanging outside, at that tree, that same empty look in her eyes.

Kathryn was so mortified, and I didn't yet understand why.

But as I grew older…

And I looked back…

It haunted me.

I would cry, and I would cry, and I would cry…


…My father never liked crying.

That wasn't what real men did.

You had to learn to be so good. You had to learn to be so quiet. So compliant.

The slightest thing, and you were beaten. Or worse.

…I don't know what Caroline saw in him.

I miss Caroline, sometimes.

I miss her, and I wish I hadn't been too young to understand.

And then there was Kathy, and although she was older… it was always me who had to look out for her.

Who else would?

…in the end, it wasn't enough.

Funny how everything can all be over, with just the pulling of a trigger.

Is my father still alive?

Part of me hopes he isn't.

That's just cruel, though, isn't it?

Why did my father do the things he did?

I'll never understand.

Maybe his father was bad too.

I hate alleyways. They're so narrow. It often feels like there's no escape from them.

Is there any escape for me, even?

I'll die too.

I'm already dead.

"...Setsuna… can we talk later?" Lucian asked, careful not to touch him. He didn't want to startle him too much. Not when… not when Mei was…

About to die.

She was going to die too.

Death was always an inevitability.

But it was okay.

Everyone wasn't going to die. Not yet.

I hate guns. I hate knives. I HATE KILLING. And in this school… no more. And someday… in the world, maybe…

Lucian looked awfully distant.

No more.

Darcy Harper's POV

Darcy blinked in surprise, realizing that Akari looked… upset. Hurt about something.

"A-Akari?! Are you alright?" Suddenly all jealousy was forgotten, and Darcy just felt really worried about him. …and then…

Darcy heard Monokuma, and swallowed sharply.


Mei had killed Futatabi.

No surprise there, was there?

There was no framing involved whatsoever.

Funny… that somehow seemed familiar.

Darcy didn't even know how to begin with the turmoil he was feeling.

Mei is going to die.


Mei is going to die.


Mei is going to die.

…Please go…

Mei is going to die.

Please don't go…

"Well, Darcy. I guess it's time for us to be going then."

It was the first time his mother had spoken to him since the time they had been getting ready to move.

"...anything else you have left to do?"

Darcy opened his mouth to respond, but the words didn't form.

I have to say goodbye to Sawyer.

He hadn't even told them… that he was going to be moving away.


As cruel as it sounded, he didn't want to.

…why would he?

It wasn't like Sawyer had done anything wrong.

It wasn't their fault they didn't know.

It wasn't their fault… that… because of them…

No, it wasn't their fault.

But if I told them… they'd want to know why. And I can't bear to tell them…

"...no, Mom. Nothing at all."

I can't bear to tell them the truth, about Erica, about Will… Sawyer… I'm so sorry.

And Darcy had spent all that time convincing himself…

He told himself every single thing he hated about Sawyer. Every single thing he envied about Sawyer.

He tried and tried and tried to justify it to himself.

…that he had left, without ever saying goodbye.

…that Sawyer now felt just as invisible, as Darcy himself, had never wanted to be.

Darcy's stomach squirmed as he looked at Setsuna.

He… was like a reminder.

A reminder of what Darcy did.

…and Darcy… didn't want to think of that.

Will is walking away… again.

…this time, to a grave.

Sawyer Laurens's POV


Punishment? For what?

"Is… Mei going to stand in the corner?" Sawyer blinked.

Standing in the corner…


What was that…

Bearbot thingy?

Karster looked upset. "W-Whoa! Karster, you 'kay?"


Who was that?

…Why did…


A flash of some kind came into Sawyer's eyes.

"...cards?" they whispered.

Why were cards… sad?

…what… gambler?

Why was Sawyer… sad?

No, they couldn't be sad. They weren't sad.

Nothing was sad.


Was ever sad…

Now Playing: OMORI OST 003 - Lost At A Sleepover
°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

"Everything is going to be okay."
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Sun, 12/03/2023 05:01 (1 Year ago)

↳ currently playing ;;

[ Here With Me ]
[ d4vd ]
1:46 ————•—————— 4:02

↺ ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏<< ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ll‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎>>‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏ ⋮≡

ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ: —•———


Mei stared at the screen with slightly damp, dulling lavender eyes that only got worse by the second. As much as it hurt to have the whole ordeal happen right in front of her, setting her fate in stone, it was... Relieving, in a way. She got what she wanted in the end. This execution would finally put an end to it all. Her poison would finally slow to a stop, and the plague would be no longer.

...Was this what she really wanted?

She watched as the first icon popped into place, like the pictures at a slot machine. She was good at those things, never really liked them though.

Sure, she didn't want to die, but at least she accepted this, right? She knew it was for the better, right? She couldn't hurt the one thing she cared about anymore... right?

The second icon clicked into place now. It was the same little icon of her, staring blankly at the students with its doll-like form and proportions.

She never really cared about anything, really, she just wanted to spread her poison, latch onto innocent victims and run them dry for her own twisted entertainment. She wanted to be a plague that dominated over all, bringing people to their knees and leaving them utterly hopeless, all so she could see that look on their face and witness the pain and suffering it brought to everyone involved. Was there really any motive behind this madness? Was there ever really a reason for her doing this? Anything to justify whatever she did? Any explanation would've allowed things to just make more sense, right?

But there wasn't any, really. Mei had no reason to be the way she was. Those nightmares didn't either. Funny how Mei Akamatsu and these horrid nightmares had become one in the same, all without a reason. Guess that was just how the Ultimate Psychopath came to be.

Finally, the third. They all fell into line, three tiny little Mei's standing in a row, all on screen for the world to see. The sight made her smile slightly, but it looked painfully forced. What's done was done. Mei Akamatsu was the blackened, the killer of Futatabi, the victim of this damn killing game.

Mei Akamatsu finally fell victim to her own nightmares, and that was that. The monsters under her bed finally got what they wanted, and they could happily rest. They could cease to exist. Maybe they were so desperate for that fate of nonexistence because they too suffered, but that didn't seem plausible, right?

"Ding ding ding! The Blackened hiding among you is none other than Mei Akamatsu!"

...Maybe the monsters under her bed were scared too.

. . .

She glanced over sadly at Setsuna, trying to cover it up with an eye roll and a chuckle but the effort was pointless. She was trying so hard not to seem like all of this bullcrap was getting to her, but after-...

It was so, so hard.

Why now? Why, at the end of her life, did she went back to the very beginning? The girl that stood there, covered in wounds and blood, a face that could only be described as agonizing, none of it was Mei at all. Mei didn't feel regret, Mei didn't care about anyone or anything, Mei didn't feel pain that shook her to the core, Mei didn't long for something better, Mei didn't-...

...But none of it was Mei after all, was it? The Mei that had been built up on top of a pillar of nightmares slowly crumbled when she started to look down on everything she towered over. When she saw the one thing that made her feel like being on top of the world wasn't worth it after all. When she started to take a step down and let that pillar fall.

When she started to feel again.

But feeling anything at all hurt way too much for someone like her. She tried to keep that pillar intact, she tried to advert her eyes to the horizon instead of the earth below. The horizon where everything only seemed beautiful, but there really was nothing there. She was so addicted to leaving her comfort in the skyline littered with blood that she saw the things below her tower of nightmares as utter filth. She tried to convince herself that the tower was her lifeline, it made everything better in the end, the sunset and being in the clouds was enough for her.

But she made the mistake of looking down at the pile of filth below her, the reason why she built a pillar. She made the mistake of looking down and seeing something that the horizon would never have.

...But she was attached to this tower, forever planted in the top of it, no way to get down. There was no Rapunzel, there was no prince, there was no fairytale BS that would ever save her. Not unless she wanted to plummet to her death, that is.

...She could've brought them up here with her, she could've shown them the horizon. But that would only leave them empty. Up on her tower, it was only hell. This high up, it was cold enough to kill you, the air was so thin it was suffocating, it was so, so lonely, and...

She couldn't do that to them. She couldn't doom them to a fate like that. She just couldn't. Maybe the horizon wasn't worth it after all.

So she decided to take the only other way out.

...Falling felt nice, it really did. The wind rushing through her hair, the sense of weightlessness as she fell below the clouds, the harsh sound of the wind was oddly... Relaxing. It cleared her mind, and she could finally think. She could stare at the horizon for one last time as she fell, all until she finally hit the ground.


"Puhuhuuhu~ You're exactly right! How wonderful it must feel."

"W-wonderful... indeed, Monokuma..." She barely managed to get out of her lips that were forcibly upturned, pain crawling its way onto every inch of her face. If the damn bear didn't hurry up, Mei would probably just straight up die or somethin' I dunno, guess Setsuna can be a blackened after all ;)

"I still don't get why you turned yourself in, Mei. But I suppose I have to commend you for... whatever it was that did."

She turned her eyes over to Kubo and let out a small chuckle, her grin still stitched onto her face.

He didn't get it, huh?

Not like Mei did either, really. She didn't know why she did it either.

...Things were going so well, right? Just had to trust him, and everything would've been fine, right? Things would've worked out in the end? ...Things didn't have to be this way?

Oh. But she knew. She knew why she did it.

She just wanted to be free. She wore shackles every day of her life, and she had grown used to the weight, the pain, the sound of chains dragging against the floor. She collected a line of chains from everyone she met, all shackled to herself, all binding them together so that she could spread her plague.

Maybe the weight just became too much. Maybe she finally cracked.

I wish I knew, Kubo.

"Heh, t-thanks..." She muttered out a reply, then looked over to Miyako and gave her a grin as well.

...Then, possibly for the last time, she looked over at Idris.


Watch the sunrise along the coast

As we're both getting old

...Wish things were different, I'm sorry.

Maybe I could've shown you the sunrise I see every morning, take you down to the beach.

Maybe we could've lived, maybe we could've lived long enough for it to matter. Long enough for time to mend our wounds.

I can't describe what I'm feeling

And all I know is we're going home

...Maybe if things were different, I would be different too. Maybe if I was different, I wouldn't be able to cause you pain. Maybe if I was different, I would know what to do. I would know how to feel. I would know how to make things better. I would know how to be everything you deserve.

I wish I could tell you everything, I really do. I wish I could say all the words I want you to hear. But I can't do that when I don't even know myself, right?

I can't describe what I'm feeling. . .

...But this is the end. After all this, I'm not sure of anything anymore. How can I be? One thing I know for sure though...

Is that this is the end, isn't it? End scene, close the curtains. It's my turn to walk off stage now, I've done all I could. You've still got some time left, I'll be waiting at the door for you, so do your best, ok?

We can go home after this is over, We can all...

So, please don't let me go

Don't let me go

...Don't let me go, please. Just... Don't let me go. We can... Do this together, can't we?


And if it's right, I don't care how long it takes

As long as I'm with you, I've got a smile on my face

I don't care anymore, I never cared. I just wanted to see you there.

You made everything fade away, you put a smile on my face. I wish I could've done the same. I wish I could see you smile more, it made me happy. You made me happy.

Save your tears, it'll be okay

All I know is you're here with me

Don't cry, please. It'll all be ok. I promise. I'm not worth the tears, you deserved better. Don't cry when I'm gone, I won't be there to wipe them away. It'll all be ok, it'll all...

It'll all be alright, I'll be at the door. I may not know anything, I may not be the person I was, I may be utterly clueless and hopeless, but... I know that it'll all be ok. It'll all be ok as long as you're ok. You've been there for me, sorry I couldn't return the favor.

Ooh-ooh, oh, oh-oh


...Mama? Can you sing for me again? It's getting cold now... It's... getting dark... Your voice is pretty, mama...


I can hear the piano again, mom. That song plays every time I think of you. I remember when you taught me the song, my fingers were too small to reach the keys. I remember that you used to play it all the time.

You still do, but I can't find you. I can't find you sitting in that chair, the paper propped against the stand. Maybe you didn't need it anymore, you played that song so much.

...My fingers can reach the keys now. I play that pretty song when I think of you. I play it along with you. I wish I could hear your voice again, maybe that would be enough.

Watch the sunrise as we're getting old, oh-oh
I can't describe, oh-oh

...It was pretty, Idris. Watching the sun rise on the horizon was always so... Pretty. I wish you could see it. I wish we lived long enough for you to see it.

I... can't describe...

I wish I could live through every memory again

Just one more time before we float off in the wind

I wish we could've lived. I wish we could have memories of the good things.

...I wish I had memories. Then maybe things could be different.

...I just wish we had one more chance, before everything faded to black.

And all the time we spent waiting for the light to take us in

Have been the greatest moments of my life

All this time, every moment I stood here with you, I felt something for once.

So thank you, Idris. Those moments were something I'll never be able to have again. They really were the best moments of my life, as crazy as it is.

Thank you.

I don't care how long it takes

As long as I'm with you, I've got a smile on my face

Save your tears, it'll be okay

You're here with me


"Then we're onto the Execution."

Mei peeled her eyes away, as much as she didn't want to, and turned them to Monokuma. "...Yeah, I... Suppose so..."


He didn't even watch as the icons appeared on screen, as the vote count rolled in, and as Monokuma spewed his Bs or whatever it was that he did. He just stood there, drowning it all out, pinning his eyes to the floor.

"A-Akari?! Are you alright?"


His teeth began to clench together as his eyes shut, anger towards himself rising at an alarming rate. Darcy noticed, he noticed Akari being weak and pathetic, reacting to a goddamn touch like that. Who the hell does that?

God... Get. It. Together.

"...Yeah. I'm fine." Although hesitant, Akari muttered quietly, not once moving his head. Anger seemed to be built up in his voice, maybe even hatred towards himself was in there somewhere.

"Is… Mei going to stand in the corner?"

...Akari couldn't say anything to that.

"W-Whoa! Karster, you 'kay?"

"I'm fine." Akari snapped harshly, his voice raising a significant amount as his tone grew sharper and more brutal. His hands could only tighten into a heavy fist, his teeth clenched so fiercely that they could've shattered, and the weight of the world crashing down on him...

Could only pour a little faster, amplifying the agony.

Look what you did, Akari.

You just can't help yourself, can you?

Always gotta be ruthless, don't you? Yelling at people, snapping at them, lying to them...

You're no better than them.


He paused and tried to lift his head to Sawyer, but he couldn't. Guilt began to overcome him, but there was nothing he could do. This was the second time today that this happened, he was really starting to lose it, wasn't he? And this time... could he even apologize?

Akari tried opening his mouth again to speak, but no words came out.

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Sun, 12/03/2023 19:09 (1 Year ago)

Lucian Arbred's POV


Hearing even Kubo say that, to Mei. Was a shock to Lucian's ears. Not that much earlier, he had been lashing out and trying to kill her.

Well, in a way, could Lucian really blame him? He wasn't thinking straight. The sorts of things Mei Akamatsu said could really get to a person.

Like right now...

They had been right, and that should have been a good thing. Such a good thing. Such a relief.

But it wasn't.

It really wasn't.

What had been her story...?

What had been Mei Akamatsu's story, before she wound up here?

Lucian could almost see a sweet, smiling, laughing little girl. Playing with toys, hugging her parents, sleeping peacefully in her little bed. In a cozy little house, where nothing went wrong.

It was funny, really. They all had been that once. Once upon a time.

Just little kids with hardly a care in the world. There were no such words as "Ultimate" nor "Killing Game", nor any crushing expectations for everyone to follow.

The only love you knew was that of your family, of your friends.

The only achievement you knew was building your first little sandcastle.

The only death you knew was the death of your ice-cream cone, and Mother always bought you another one.

It was funny, really. Lucian had never had such experiences. But really... It was... What being a kid should have been like. What some of these people may have, or should have, experienced at some point.

No goodbyes, only hellos.

In a world where "I promise I won't go" isn't a lie.

In a world where "I love you" means forever.

In a world where everything means nothing but you look at the skies as though they're made of cotton candy. Where you look at the rolling fields as though they're made of stardust.

In a world where someone could tell you you could fly, and you could believe it.

And when Lucian thought about it... They were all still kids, really.

"I still don't get why you turned yourself in, Mei. But I suppose I have to commend you for... whatever it was that did."


What did Kubo mean? She'd...

No. It wasn't that simple. He was right, really, wasn't he?

But Lucian wanted to believe otherwise. He wanted to believe in that sliver of hope. He wanted to believe in that girl.


Who was she, before all this happened?


She'd killed hundreds of people. Was that a lie, intended to distance him?


There was always a before.

People always had reason that they turned to a life of crime.


Lucian wished he could have gotten to know that reason for himself. Was it really... So foolish?

That he wanted to believe, that Mei had done this, for at least the slightest bit of a selfless reason?

That she had thought of Setsuna, and decided she wanted to save him?

That she had thought of them all, and decided... She wanted to save them all?

Did... Lucian really need to know the answer?

He and Kubo really did have one thing in common, though, didn't they...

They wanted to know the truth, without having to share their own.

Lucian reached into his pocket and stared at the slightly crumpled most recent note upon his notepad.

My truth...

No, he couldn't write it. He just couldn't write it.

What were those last three words doing there anyway?

"I love you."

I mean… what the hell was he going to do? Drop a bomb on Kubo about himself and then say "I love you, please go out with me?"

Well, okay, maybe he'd have to, but… he wanted it to be something… breathtaking. Heartfelt. Romantic. Emotional.

Kubo was too cool for something like this…

But none of the poems he'd tried writing so far seemed to encapsulate his feelings.

And he looked over at Mei, and at Idris, who could have had such…

Lucian forced himself not to cry thinking about it. The future those two could have had together, if it weren't for this place.

(You and the entire fandom, Lucian.)

And poor Setsuna…

It'd be alright. Somehow. No one else would have to be separated.

He didn't want to have to watch Mei be executed, but he knew in his heart…

He held onto that hope, that it could mean something new.

Not just the end of Mei, but the end of sadness. Torment. Bloodshed. Suffering.

But then he looked over at Sawyer, who seemed so hopelessly lost and confused. At Darcy, who seemed to quiver and shake, to be struggling to hold it together. At Setsuna, who now had the deaths of not one, but two people, on his conscience, and possibly the hatred of almost everyone here.

At Akari who… well, he was Akari, when was that guy ever okay?

And at Mei, and at Miyako, and at…

At Idris, and Saeko and…

Everyone, really…

But it was okay.

…everything would be okay.


What was broken could be repaired.

And Lucian found himself writing a poem, that was definitely not a reference of any kind.

I pop off my scalp like the lid of a cookie jar.
It's the secret place where I keep all my dreams.
Little balls of sunshine, all rubbing together like a bundle of kittens.

I reach inside with my thumb and forefinger and pluck one out.
It's warm and tingly.
But there's no time to waste! I put it in a bottle to keep it safe.
And I put the bottle on the shelf with all of the other bottles.
Happy thoughts, happy thoughts, happy thoughts in bottles, all in a row.

My collection makes me lots of friends.
Each bottle a starlight to make amends.
Sometimes my friend feels a certain way.
Down comes a bottle to save the day.

Night after night, more dreams.
Friend after friend, more bottles.
Deeper and deeper my fingers go.
Like exploring a dark cave, discovering the secrets hiding in the nooks and crannies.
Digging and digging.
Scraping and scraping.

I blow dust off my bottle caps.
It doesn't feel like time elapsed.
My empty shelf could use some more.
My friends look through my locked front door.

Finally, all done. I open up, and in come my friends.
In they come, in such a hurry. Do they want my bottles that much?
I frantically pull them from the shelf, one after the other.
Holding them out to each and every friend.
Each and every bottle.
But every time I let one go, it shatters against the tile between my feet.
Happy thoughts, happy thoughts, happy thoughts in shards, all over the floor.

They were supposed to be for my friends, my friends who aren't smiling.
They're all shouting, pleading. Something.
But all I hear is echo, echo, echo, echo, echo
Inside my head.

Lucian blinked and stared. How had the poem gotten like that?... It was so strange. He'd almost not been aware he had even been writing it. His cursive was all… scribbled.

He shook his head. He couldn't think of poetry at a time like this.

"...goodbye, Mei Akamatsu."

...and goodbye to Horatia, he thought, making a little drawing of her.

...and goodbye to Kaoru, he thought, adding a little drawing of her next to Horatia.

...and goodbye to Futatabi, he thought, making a little drawing of her next to them.

...goodbye, Mei. I'm sorry, he thought, adding the little drawing of her.

He'd drawn the four of them holding hands. Smiling, even.

He wanted to imagine them as happy.

…maybe somewhere out there, they would be.

At least, he hoped so.

The ink from his pen stained his hands.

. . .

No. He didn't want to do this.

. . .

He didn't want to help with this.

. . .


Lucian didn't know why it all came back to him now. All those memories, all those horrifying memories…

He closed his eyes, and took a deep breath.

Why would Kaoru not leave his mind?

Not her gentle voice. Not the warmth of her touch. Not that softness of her hair and her skin…

Not her tears. Not her screams.

Not her body, hanging there, in the Execution Room.

It had only been a day or two.

But he'd never forget her, he knew that.

Nor the promise they made.

He'd figure this out, somehow.

I'll help you all, okay?

Idris. Setsuna. Akari. Saeko. Kubo. Miyako. Shi. Darcy. Sawyer. Solaro. Akora. Mika. Sutaraitsu.

I promise.

He just had to hold onto that hope…

That they could all get out of here.

A nagging voice within his mind told him he couldn't possibly hope to save them all.

He knew that, and yet…

How could he not?

Knowing everyone who had died already. Knowing what could have been…

Mei would be the fourth casualty.

It almost didn't feel real.

Eighteen of them had come here, almost without a care in the world.

Some thought they'd escape. Others thought they'd live there. Others thought… it wasn't really happening.

They'd all been alive.

Lucian inhaled sharply.

He'd been in far more dangerous situations than this before.

But it hurt so much more…

When you lived with these people.

When you got to know their smiles, their laughs, their hopes and their dreams.

You wanted them all to make it to morning.

But you saw them, slowly, but surely, breaking down. Even Setsuna…

Even Setsuna Jun was driven to murder.

And Lucian couldn't help but feel like that may have been his fault. He knew Mei wouldn't want that though.

"...I guess it's time for the execution," he murmured.

And with it, he hoped, this would be the last time.

And with it, he hoped for a bright new future for everyone.

The doors would open. And everyone, joined together, some of them friends, some of them lovers…

All of them smiling, despite the pain.

Maybe even being given a chance to grieve outside this horrible place.

For those that they lost.

I'll tell Kubo the truth. …somehow. Someday. And maybe… I'll tell him that I love him.

Maybe one day I'll be brave enough to tell everyone my truth.

When the realization hit him.

There was one person here he could tell.

One person, who would understand.

One person, who could take it with her to her grave.

But in that moment, he hesitated.

What would be the point? What peace of mind would it bring him to know that she died knowing the truth?

But some part of him… wanted to tell her.

(And Dorky couldn't freaking decide if Lucian should tell her or not)

I wish I could have told him no.

I didn't want that kind of life anymore.

I didn't want to hurt people.

…but he'd kill me.

My father would kill me. I know he would.

Sawyer Laurens's POV


What was… that look in Akari's eyes?

That… pain.

It felt somehow, all too familiar.

Sawyer flinched.

"Blood," they whispered. "...why was there… blood on the kitchen floor?"

Since when…

Was it blood?

Wasn't it pasta sauce?

She's gone on vacation.

She's dead.

Your dog ran away to a butterfly farm.

Your dog died.

I'm going away for a little while.

I might not come back.

"H-Hey. Akari… I think you're frightening Sawyer!" Darcy pulled them away.



Something so familiar about that name.


Everything was all so disconnected, like an unsolved word search puzzle.

"Mama, can you help me solve this one?"

"Ooh, that looks like a hard one! I think that word is… crosswalk?"



The world.


Everything is fine.

Everything is not fine.

What happened that day?

I can't remember.

I can't forget.

I don't know what happened.

You know what happened.

I did nothing wrong.

Not on purpose, anyway.

I visited my friends today. Everything was fine.

Everything was not fine.

It's all a game. Nothing is real.

It's not a game. Everything is real.

. . .


"Darcy, Darcy, can I go see Mei?" Sawyer asked, blinking. "She looks awful sad. I don't think she deserves to be punished!"

Darcy Harper's POV


Darcy saw the pleading look in Sawyer's eyes, and sighed. "...okay. If you must."

They were so innocent… and it hurt.

Darcy inhaled sharply. He wanted to be mad at Akari, he wanted to shout at him. He could have hurt Sawyer!!


He couldn't be mad.

He just couldn't be.

He wanted to go talk to Mei, but he couldn't.

You're a coward, Darcy.

She's right, isn't she?

"...Erica, why does no one like me?"

"Darcy, what do you mean? I like you."


…because she couldn't like him. No one liked Darcy.

"...well, it's just… nothing. Nothing at all."

"Darcy, if something's bothering you… you can tell me, you know? I'm your sister."

Darcy shook his head.

"...no. I'm fine."

And he would smile and say he was fine.

But Sawyer… Sawyer could do it without it being pretend at all.

How did they do it? How did they stay… so happy, all the time?

It hadn't been nothing at all.

Erica, why do our teachers like you better? Why does Mom like you better? Why does Will like you better?

And then the truly horrifying thing struck Darcy.

He had done to Sawyer exactly what his own dad had done to him.

…left, and never came back.

Sometimes Darcy couldn't help but resent his father.

How could he just leave, with no explanation?

How could he just… abandon them?

Mom wouldn't be drinking. She wouldn't be crying, when she thought she was alone, and Darcy would hear…

Maybe she wouldn't be hitting people either.

Maybe she wouldn't be shouting either.

…maybe Erica wasn't doing so great either. Given how Dad left, and the state Mom was in… she probably felt like she had to be the overachiever of the family.

But all that realization did, was make Darcy feel worse.

He heard Sawyer over there, talking to Mei.

"Hey, Mei! Why are you being punished? That's not very nice… you shouldn't be punished! Why's this happening? Are… you okay? Do you need a hug? (why does she look so sad?)"

Darcy sighed.

"Akari… are you alright?"

A worried look came into his eyes.

"...do you have… problems about being touched?"

Darcy could still almost feel the fresh welts and bruises.

The funny thing was, he almost missed his mom.

How was she even holding up right now?

"I know what that's like. It's okay if you do. Maybe… we could tell Sawyer. If that's the case."

Naïve, innocent Sawyer. Who thought the punishment wasn't death at all.

"When the punishment is over… maybe we could play a game together or something?"

…No, Sawyer, NO! Don't say that!


Darcy buried his face in his hands.

…how could this be happening?

Would it happen again?

Would… someone else die, just like this?

…where was God when you REALLY needed him?

Was he EVER really there?...

"Lucky is she, who lives unaware," Darcy whispered to himself.
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Sun, 12/03/2023 20:44 (1 Year ago)


Mei couldn't say a word to Sawyer. She just couldn't. She knew that she would only poison them anyways, even in her final moments.

I'd sink my fangs into their neck, and there will be nothing any of us can do.

Good luck with that, Sawyer.

idk what to write can she die now please


Look what you did, Akari.


You did it again, Akari. Just. Can't. Help yourself, can you?

Nonononono... Stop, stop I'm not-

You're just like them, Akari, people never change.

Dread it, run from it, destiny arrives all the same. You can't escape it, stop. trying.

Nononono please... I-I'm not, I-...

"I-I'm not, I-" You're not WHAT, Akari? SPEAK UP! I can't f**king HEAR you over your USELESS, PATHETIC WHINING

"Blood. ...why was there… blood on the kitchen floor?"

Blood, Akari. Look what you did.

"H-Hey. Akari… I think you're frightening Sawyer!"

Look. What. You. DID, AKARI!

No... No stop I didn't-...


P-Please... Please sto-...


No... Nonononono I didn't-

Look what you did, Akari. They're scared of you now. You did this. How could you?

I'm not... I'm not like-... Please... S-stop, I didn't-

"Sawyer, I-... I didn't..."

Didn't what, huh? Didn't scream in their face? Didn't lie to them? Didn't what, huh?

Tell me, Akari, you didn't what? Tell me.

I-... S-stop... Please, I didn't-

Tell me, Akari, TELL ME!


God, you're so goddamn pathetic. Can't even keep it together like the little baby you are. You're so weak Akari, you can't even mutter out a few words without looking like a whiny b***h. Get it together already, I'm sick and tired of having to deal with your childish bulls**t.

And what did I tell you about other. people, hm? You can't keep doing this, Akari. Can't have you be tainting this home with your weak, pathetic bulls**t, you hear me?

Keep this up and I might have to-

No... Nononono please... I can't-... I can't take it... I-I can't-

"Darcy, Darcy, can I go see Mei? She looks awful sad. I don't think she deserves to be punished!"


...Mei sure does look sad alright.

I don't think she deserves to be punished!

...Does anyone deserve this?

You deserve every. f**king. thing you got, you worthless pile of s**t. I could put a bullet through your damn skull and even that won't be enough. I gotta be the one to make sure you get what you f**king deserve.

...In fact...

No... Nononono please... Please not-

Begging is WORTHLESS, Akari. Don't even try to wriggle your way out you bastard



...Did he deserve these scars? Did he deserve... That?

...Did he deserve any of that?


Yeah, yeah he did.

So why did it hurt so much?

...Why was he questioning it?

"Hey, Mei! Why are you being punished? That's not very nice… you shouldn't be punished! Why's this happening? Are… you okay? Do you need a hug?"


"Akari… are you alright?"

He couldn't shake the thoughts, the memories, the yells, the scars, he couldn't shake any of it. God it just... The pain just...

"...Y-Yeah... I'm-..."

He couldn't get rid of the shake in his voice, the absolute fear that clouded it.

Goddammit Akari... You really can't do anything right, now can you? You're letting them see how f**king weak you are, you're ruining everything, Akari. You're fine, you're perfectly fine.

Get. It. Together.

He was fine. Nothing was wrong. Nothing. Was. Wrong.

But his voice refused to lie. It refused to come out of his throat.

N-no, Darcy, I'm-

You're fine, Akari.

No, No Darcy I'm no-

You're fine, Akari.

No... No I'm not, this is utter hell, Dar-

Akari, you're FINE, goddammit.

"...do you have… problems about being touched?"


So, do you, Akari? Do you have problems? Problems are for the weak, Akari, toughen up and deal with it. Stop being so goddamn weak.

Being touched isn't even a big deal anyways, is it? You're just being a baby, Akari.

But I-

Weak, Akari. Weak.

N-No, please... Please d-don-

What's wrong, Akari? Come on, speak up, Akari. Come on, what's so bad about being touched?

P-Please... Stop, stop I don't-... I can't b-breathe, please, please please please I'm begging you-... L-Let go of m-me, I can't- S-Stop I don't-

"...S-sorry, I don-... It's... Not a big d-deal anyways..." His voice was breaking, he was obviously shaken up really badly. He almost looked to be on the verge of tears, tears of pain and agony that threatened to spill but Akari made sure that didn't happen.

Not that big of a deal. It's nothing, Akari. Stop being such a child about it.

"I know what that's like. It's okay if you do. Maybe… we could tell Sawyer. If that's the case."

...It's utter hell, isn't it? So many... So many scars and bruises and cuts and-

Shut up, Akari. It's all lies. Since when was it ok so be so goddamn weak, huh? It shouldn't even matter anyways. You're overexaggerating it all, acting like every little thing is such a big. f**king. deal.

You can't let them know how much of a weak bastard you are, Akari, or I'll-

Nononono... No please... A-Anything else, pl-

"...N-No, no, it's... It's alright, you don't-... It's-... I'm f-fine, Darcy..." He spoke a little too quickly, his words rushed and almost panicked.

Akari quickly realized his mistake, he had to stay calm, he couldn't be doing this. He grit his teeth in a fearful frustration of sorts, trying to slow his erratic breathing. "S-sorry, Darcy, I... I'm just... Don't worry about it..."


He wasn't making it any better, was he? God... Why was it so... hard?

"When the punishment is over… maybe we could play a game together or something?"

He glanced up for the first time in what seemed like forever, staring at Sawyer and Mei.

...A game, huh?

...Wasn't it all that this was? Some sick, cruel game made to torture them all?

...Sawyer... Jesus, what the hell...?

I honestly don't even know anymore, take this goofy ahh akari lore post ig i dunno, it's god awful

Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Tue, 14/03/2023 18:16 (1 Year ago)

Setsuna Jun

Mei... He wanted to reach forward and clasp her hand. Look her in the eyes and tell her he was sorry, that this was his fault, that she shouldn't be dying.
The suits were in the way, but it wasn't just that.

It was something between them all. Something that made them unable to say another word to her.

If she is to die... what meaning is there in anything I say? She'll be dead, just like Kaoru, just like Horatia, just like Futatabi- even that kid from decades ago.

Nothing mattered, when death opened its jaws. It would tear out a chunk of your heart, and you couldn't say jack, because no matter what, it would ultimately change nothing.

"Puhuhuuhuh~ I see you're all done saying your goodbyes. So sad, but to be expected. It's not like any of you really liked her anyway! She came here unloved, and she'll leave here unloved."

Shut up, shut up, shut up-

"So let's get on it! For killing Futatabibibibiibibibi, it's time for the execution of the Blackened, Mei Akamatsu, Super High School Level Gambler!"

Monokuma brought down his mallet, and the sound smashed through Setsuna's skull. He pictured his brain matter spattered on the ground and squeezed his eyes shut.

Oh god Mei... I'm so sorry.

I love y-


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Gore warning.

The claw seized Mei and hoisted her up by the throat. She fought against its grip, eyes bulging out of their sockets and it dragged her across the room- and then she vanished into the wall. The door to the Execution Room creaked open. Its ominous tone resounded through the Trial Room.

"Let's go," Kubo muttered. His voice echoed through the silence, and he seized Lucian by the arm and dragged him for it.

Mei was dangling inside, suspended above the floor. She was choking, struggling to get loose, her feet writhing an inch above the ground. Around her, giant playing cards were face down.

The claw scrunched her collar. She gasped for air, and then she was swinging about, her feet landing on different cards for just an instant- and the moment she gave a gulp she was dragged back up again.

Monokuma checked each card she touched, and gave her an evil grin as he placed them back down.

Laughter echoed around her. Hoards of Monokumas clapped rhythmically from the stands. She came close to one of them, and it reached out as if to try and touch her.

The claw dragged her back up again, finally moving so it only held her by the waist. Her face was red by this point as she sobbed and gasped for air.

Then it released her.

She hit the ground and looked up to see she was on... an enormous roulette wheel.

The Monokumas were still laughing.

The wheel began spinning not a moment later. Round and round and round- only a flash of Mei's form as it was thrown about like a rag doll.

It came to a stop. Blood was all over the inside- at some point, Mei had hit her head- badly. She was completely collapsed against the wall, eyes closed, a trickle of blood coming out of the corners of her mouth.

"You Won!" lit up. The music faded out.

A gun clattered by Mei's feet. She opened her eyes. Struggling, her bones cracking and splintering with every movement, she put it to her head and pulled the trigger.

A click. Empty.

She looked up, and then the entire thing collapsed.

Her body was still twitching, even as the lights went out.
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature