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Danganronpa Roleplay [PRIVATE]

Forum-Index Roleplay Private RP Danganronpa Roleplay [PRIVATE]
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Sat, 11/02/2023 18:55 (2 Years ago)
Idris Kallikrates

"...oh thank god-" Idris mumbled.

He stepped a little into view. "...Mei?"

Relief flooded through him.

"Who....who did this to you?"

I'll kill them.

I'll find them, and I'll cause them so much pain.

He glared at Lucian and Akari behind his thick hair. Maybe one of them did it?

Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Sat, 11/02/2023 19:19 (2 Years ago)


She heard a voice, one she hadn't heard speak yet, one that was familiar.

She opened her eyes again and slowly moved her head over, squinting as she tried to make out who it was.

...It was Idris, and all she could do was stare. She wasn't sure whether she should be relieved? Happy? Worried?

"...Oh... Hey..."

She turned her head back to face the ceiling, sighing as she finally decided to just sit still, let Akari sew her up or whatever. As much as she hated it, it wasn't like she could do it herself, and dying like this was not on her to-do list, so...

What other option did she have? Not like she could keep resisting anyways.

As soon as she heard a small mutter, something she could barely even hear, she turned her head back to face Idris and looked at him blankly. Something seemed... Hostile about him, but Mei didn't have the energy to think about it too much anyways.

"Who....who did this to you?"

Mei froze upon hearing that, unable to react other than pursing her lips.

Who... did this to her...?


Who... did this... to... her...?



She couldn't even reply, her voice was wearing out anyways, and...

She didn't know what to say.


Akari is now playing sewing simulator, i wonder if his grandma would be proud

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Sat, 11/02/2023 19:32 (2 Years ago)

Lucian Arbred's POV

Lucian stared between Mei and Akari frantically. "Maybe... I should go get her some food and water. You can continue treating her, and, you can both watch over her... Right?"

Oh... God...


Even if she would be okay... The question loomed in the air.

Whoever did this might strike again.


She probably didn't want him here right now.

And Akari and Idris? Yeah, they didn't need him here.

It was all under control...

And if she lived through this, well, there were other concerns besides that they had no idea who attacked her.

Lucian couldn't help but wonder if it was a detail relevant to the case. That Mei might have known something, or could have known something, and needed to be silenced? Was it merely an attack, or an attempt on her life?

...well... Probably the second. But either was alarming.

One of the worst parts of all this, selfish as it was a thought to have, was that Mei would be as useless as Femi from last game inside of the trials.

...wait, Femi, last game? Lucian blinked. What did those things mean?

It's okay. We'll... Figure it out. We have Kubo with us... After all.

Lucian didn't know exactly why... Maybe it was the previous trial, or the fact he was the Ultimate Detective.

Or just... Something about him.

But he trusted that Kubo would be able to help them all through this.

And they'd... All have each other too... Right?

"Is... It alright with you two, if I go get her some food and water?"

Now Playing: OMORI OST 003 - Lost At A Sleepover
°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

"Everything is going to be okay."
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Sat, 11/02/2023 19:36 (2 Years ago)
Idris Kallikrates


She didn't know who attacked her.

"....Futatabi's dead." He mumbled. "...thought someone should tell you. Maybe the murderer attacked you too?"

"Is... It alright with you two, if I go get her some food and water?"

"Mmm? Yeah...sure." He glanced at Lucian suspiciously. "...yeah I'll stay...I guess."

He looked up at Akari. "...you alright?"

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Sat, 11/02/2023 20:04 (2 Years ago)

Lucian Arbred's POV

Lucian nodded. "...thank you. I hope she'll be okay."

Lucian was a bit nervous about leaving the very injured Mei alone with Idris and Akari.

Idris... And Mei seemed close. (They were Semi-Canon, Close Friends, Mutual Feelings on their Shipping Page after all) So... He probably wouldn't hurt her. Unless it was just an act.

And as for Akari... Well, Lucian didn't know him all too well. But he didn't seem like he'd just kill Mei... Did he?

Lucian searched for the cafeteria.

...were.. things going okay at the murder scene?

He frowned.

Poor Mei... She should be at a hospital right now. But she's trapped up here with us all.

Futatabi's death did provide one reassurance, however. That killing Mei wouldn't solve anything for someone. Unless... Their goal wasn't to leave, but simply to kill her...

His eyes widened.

No. Dear God. This was the PERFECT time for someone to kill her!


But... Surely... No one would just... Do that, would they?

How? How do we keep succumbing to murder? How much of our humanity have we lost?

Lucian's fingers tightened into fists.


This place... Was just like back at home.


Everyone was hiding a knife or a gun behind their back. Some of them also had love letters. But usually, they chose their weapons, rather than their love.

Lucian scrounged around in the cafeteria.

...what kind of food did Mei like? What would be appropriate right now?

He had to find something fast. He didn't like the idea that Mei was trapped in that room with...

...two potential murderers.

He'd finally admitted it to himself.

Anyone here could kill.

There was no law out here.

There was no humanity.

We're all nothing more than savages, although we pretend to be more. We pretend to be warm embraces and kind words and sweet, good, honest truths... But we're all nothing but liars. Lying, brutal killers.

Now Playing: OMORI OST 003 - Lost At A Sleepover
°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

"Everything is going to be okay."
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Sat, 11/02/2023 20:35 (2 Years ago)


Food and water... She didn't exactly think she could eat anything, but she couldn't really argue. Water sounded good right now anyways. She was getting annoyed at the pricks she felt as Akari stitched her up, but she refrained from doing anything. She almost forgot that stitches were this annoying, but then again, she always did them to herself and that somehow nullified the pain. Besides, she would've thought the pain of everything else would've masked it.

"....Futatabi's dead. ...thought someone should tell you. Maybe the murderer attacked you too?"

She turned her head over to face Idris again, her breathing suddenly stopped momentarily.

Futatabi... Was dead...?


"Futatabi...? I... I don't... know..."


Akari was too busy trying to drown everything out, and trying to keep himself from think too much. He didn't even hear Lucian at first until Mei suddenly flinched when he accidently went a little too fast. That snapped him out of whatever mindless thing he was experiencing.

"Is... It alright with you two, if I go get her some food and water?"

"...Hm?" He didn't look up at either Lucian nor Idris, he still continued to work.

...But if Lucian was going to leave, that.... That worried him. He would much rather have Idris retrieve the food and water, leaving Lucian here just in case something went wrong with Mei, but...

It was obvious he didn't trust the two. Idris would most likely refuse to leave, and it was probably better if he didn't anyways. Mei probably didn't want him to leave either.

Funny how he had so little faith in himself that, even though muscle memory was doing a good enough job to properly do this, he still thought he was making Mei worse. Or at least, he was worried that he was.

Just don't think about it, just keep doing it and get it over with.

"...If... If that's what you want to do, t-then... Sure, go ahead..."

But if Lucian was alone... And if the killer knew that Lucian was helping Mei...

Oh god...

Would Lucian be safe? If he was alone, the killer could strike again, and...

There wasn't any other option, was there? Unless Lucian stayed, which would mean no food or water, but he wouldn't be 100% safe if he left... Akari almost stepped in and volunteered to go instead, but he couldn't just leave Mei untreated. Lucian already said that he wasn't experienced anyways, and Idris wasn't either so...

"Just... be careful, ok...?"

That was all he could say, all he could do. He just had to hope Lucian wouldn't be attacked. He just had to keep working, keep working until he was finished. Just keep working until these wounds were healed, and pray to whatever god was out there that this was the one person he could save. Just keep wo-

"...you alright?"

His body was shaking. His breathing was erratic, but low. He hadn't blinked in ages, his eyes were burning.

He quickly shook it off and attempted to get ahold of himself, then looked back at Idris.

"...Yeah, yeah I'm... I'm fine. ...You?" He replied simply, taking a moment to give his hands a break before looking back at Mei.

Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Sat, 11/02/2023 21:26 (2 Years ago)

Kubo Atsushi

Everyone was with Mei. This was his chance. He gave a cursory glance around the room. Miyako appeared otherwise preoccupied-

He knelt besides Futatabi's body and ran his eyes over her- or rather-

"It," his hand said. "It's dead. Nobody ever gave a damn about you." A little too far, he thought, running his hands over the mangled legs. Solid breaks there. They started underneath and ran upward. It seemed like widespread damage- over the entirety of her.

"Falling. She fell."

"But the stab wounds..." Kubo began.

"Before. The stab wounds happened before. One factor killed her."

"Lots of blood here."

"Look up."

Kubo glanced at the ceiling and gave a double-take- for there was no ceiling. This room... "What's above here?" he muttered.

"You know."

He did. Kubo released Futatabi's body. She had injuries on her hands, he noted- Undoubtedly, she'd fought back. Possibly she'd been stabbed and then dragged over the edge when weakened.

If it was who he thought it was, this would be a relatively straightforward case.

"He's a murderer. I could tell the moment I saw him."

And Kubo agreed.
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Sat, 11/02/2023 21:27 (2 Years ago)

Lucian Arbred's POV

Akari had told him to be careful, to which he had nodded in understanding.

It occurred to him, then, just how little he valued himself. That he hadn't thought he might be at risk if Mei's attacker found him.

He was more worried about Mei right now... He had to bring her back something soon.

Drat. The question was... What food to bring back?

He got the water ready, and he looked to see what he could find.

Was there anything he saw Mei eating in the cafeteria back before...


No, don't cry, dang it.

Back before Kaoru died...

He could almost see her now.

"...Kaoru... I miss you," he whispered, trying to keep tears from leaving his eyes. "I wish you were here..."

She didn't deserve to die...

That should never have happened...

Darcy Harper's POV

Darcy watched Kubo with curiosity.

"Someone seems to know a lot," he remarked.

Well... He was the Ultimate Detective, after all. But Darcy still couldn't help but feel surprised. Was there... Something more going on here, that he wasn't aware of?

He paled. "I can't believe she's just dead..."

Sawyer Laurens's POV

Sawyer poked Futatabi's body repeatedly, with their stare fixed upon it. "Huh..."

How curious...

What was going on here?

Well, it could be... Anything, couldn't it?

Now Playing: OMORI OST 003 - Lost At A Sleepover
°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

"Everything is going to be okay."
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Sat, 11/02/2023 21:36 (2 Years ago)

Bridge Room

Kubo knew where to go next. Miyako and Setsuna followed him to give him an alibi at his request. They arrived at the bridge room to a horrific sight.

Miyako shrieked, clapping her hands over her face to muffle it.

Deep pools of blood were splattered all across the room. There were smears of blood- the murderer had dragged the victim across the floor, leaving smears everywhere. One particularly thick pool of blood rolled on and over the edge.

"She must've dragged herself away... and fell over," Miyako whispered.

"Yeah..." Setsuna agreed softly. His eyes didn't move from the scene. He was very still.

Kubo didn't reply, studying the room with fervour. The bridge had splatter all over it- and it was down, the button by their feet well taped over, with mottled bloody handprints all over it.

Miyako started towards it.

"Don't bother. We won't get a fingerprint- whoever it was had their gloves on."

She stopped.

"There's one more room I want to check. Sound good?"
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Sat, 11/02/2023 21:41 (2 Years ago)
Idris Kallikrates

"...yeah. Wonder who killed them.." Idris whispered.

They're probably in a better place than this hell.

"How're you feeling? Any better, any worse?" He mumbled.

Saeko Katsumi.

"HEYYYY KUBOOO!" Saeko screeched. "Whatcha up to, eh? Detective stuff? Oooooh, I looooooove detective stuff? Found the killer yet?"

Saeko's voice was like a cross between a squealing rat and nails on a chalkboard. It was hell on your ears and made you want to pull a Vincent van Gogh and chop your ear off.

Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Sat, 11/02/2023 21:44 (2 Years ago)

Kubo Atsushi

Kubo twitched. They were shameless. Utterly shameless, and brainless to boot. "Whatever you say," he said coolly. "We're going to the armoury next. They have spare suits there."

If I'm right... he thought.

Why had the killer fused off the right door in the dorms? Why had they wanted to keep them from reaching that side... when they had the bridge taped down already?

Why had the killer wanted to lure them to the exact room where the evidence would be found?

His hand twitched by his side. He knew.

"Come on."
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Sat, 11/02/2023 21:51 (2 Years ago)

Lucian Arbred's POV

Lucian came back with unspecified food and water because tbh I don't know what Mei likes eating so just pretend it's something edible--

"...hey. I'm back. How's she doing?" he asked, carefully bringing it in. "I hope this'll help bring her strength up."

Darcy Harper's POV


He seemed to know exactly what he was doing. Darcy couldn't help but find that admirable. His head was spinning as he followed along with the group.

And, truth be told, he felt queasy seeing all this blood...

"Who could have done this? It... Seems so elaborate," he murmured, petrified.

Sawyer Laurens's POV

Sawyer was tapping at the walls with great curiosity. "Woooo. Crime scene! This is so interesting!" They beamed. "Gosh. I do wonder who coulda done it!" They hopped along.

"Glad you're enjoying yourself," Darcy muttered sarcastically. "One of us might as well."

Now Playing: OMORI OST 003 - Lost At A Sleepover
°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

"Everything is going to be okay."
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Sat, 11/02/2023 22:02 (2 Years ago)

The Armoury

In the Armoury, there were a row of lockers. Kubo opened each of them, until he came to a stuck one. He gave it a sharp tug and it groaned, revealing its innards- a very bloody suit, and a knife thrown at its feet.

"Thought so," he muttered.

He shut the locker behind himself and turned around. "I think we hit our 20 minute mark."


"Alright then. Guess we better get going."
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 35

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Sat, 11/02/2023 22:26 (2 Years ago)
(rumia destroyed bbcode)


Rumia magically materialized and yeeted Mika and Sutaraitsu back into existence.

"Time for the class trial bitches, you don't wanna miss that. And go investigate for 3 seconds before Monokuma comes for you so you get participation points too." She said as she blasted them with Moonlight Rays.

Mika Uyehara

wait what

Mika was blasted back into existence through a mysterious force that may or may not be plot relevant, thereby ending his temporary Chuku arc (FOR NOW).


Dammit, no participation points for our fluffy marshmallow. Too bad, I guess.

He held a knife in his hand in case another mysterious figure appeared and blasted him with lasers.

Sutaraitsu Umemoto

Sutaraitsu promptly fell into the murder scene.

"*yawn* Nnngh..." He lazily stood up and opened his eyes.

Strawberry jam and a funny thing was strewn across the room. Upon further inspection, it was actually a corpse of someone he didn't recognize. Surprisingly he didn't seem disturbed at the Ultimate Animator's corpse, but he's probably half asleep so whatever.


Sutaraitsu walked three steps out of the room before the reality that he looked at a corpse hit him and he passed out.

˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ The walls are closing in. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Sat, 11/02/2023 22:34 (2 Years ago)

Lucian Arbred's POV

Lucian heard the very loud, very obnoxious announcement.


He shook his head at the bear's shameless copyright infringement. "...that sound, it just pierces my ears," he murmured.

He bit his lip. Hopefully he'd be able to help... Although he had barely seen the crime scene.

"How are we going to get Mei to the trial?" he pointed out worriedly.

Darcy Harper's POV

Darcy nodded. "Guess... We'll have to figure out where that is." He shuddered.

Something about this whole thing... Just gave him the creeps.

Sawyer Laurens's POV

Sawyer gasped excitedly. "WOOO! COME ON, GUYS! LET'S FIND THE IMPOSTER!" they exclaimed.

Darcy just shook his head and facepalmed.

Now Playing: OMORI OST 003 - Lost At A Sleepover
°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

"Everything is going to be okay."
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Sat, 11/02/2023 22:44 (2 Years ago)

Miyako Hiroto

Futatabi was dead. Honestly, all Miyako felt at this point was numb. She had formed bonds and connections with people, derived opinions and arguments, and found a billion different souls here- but she hadn't known Futatabi.

Did it make her a bad person, she wondered, that she didn't care?

The answer to that one was obvious.

Miyako pushed it away, because it made her feel sick.

And for a single moment, when the thought of that corpse drifted through her mind, the head tipped back, and her brother's eyes stared directly into hers.

God. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to curb the nausea. Just- take this away from me. Just keep me out of this.

Setsuna Jun

Setsuna was twelve when he saw a dead body for the very first time.

Or at least that's how it was in his memories.

In actuality, he would've been two the first time he came face to face with a dead human being. In a mangled car, staring up at his mother's dead face.

He would've been two.

He would've been two goddammit.

They arrived at the Trial Room.

Kubo Atsushi

It was time to begin.

Kubo opened his eyes, flashes of amber still dancing in the corners of his vision. He gripped his podium and counted to ten.

Let's go.

Niwa Atsushi

It was at the tender age of 10 that Niwa developed feelings for a beautiful 10yo named Abra. He found her eloquent stick insect puns and obsession with a crappy children's franchise attractive. He offered her flowers which she accepted and they got married underneath the swings.

It was a happy union.

This is a threat, Abra. I will be needing Setsuna and Saeko interactions. If you deny me, I will be cataloguing your happy marriage and adoption of ten children with your beloved husband Niwa.
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Sat, 11/02/2023 22:54 (2 Years ago)


"...yeah. Wonder who killed them.."

Mei tried her best to give a small grin, still looking over at him. "...Yeah... Hope that bastard... F***kin gets it..." She chuckled, which lead to her coughing more.

"How're you feeling? Any better, any worse?"

She still continued to grin, slightly coughing a bit. "I feel like s**t... Can ya put me outta my... misery?" She tried to laugh again but it hurt too much. Yeah, that was probably a really bad joke to make, and Akari shot her down anyways.

"After what we've done to keep you alive? No thanks, Mei..." He grumbled, finishing up the last of the wounds before stepping back and glaring at her. Thank goodness Lucian came in, otherwise he would've said something else.

Before Mei could say anything back, or even look at the food Lucian brought, something blared on the speakers.


Mei groaned, and so did Akari, but she noticed that he had jumped slightly when the sound came on. So... How long had she been out...?

"How are we going to get Mei to the trial?"

She went silent as she thought about it, staring at the ceiling before taking a deep breath and muttering curses under her breath. She then proceeded to try and get up, again, failing to do so, she just fell back to the bed. Her limbs were shaking from being so weak. even though she tried to hide it. That already wore her out, and now she was breathing heavier than usual.

"I can... I can get up... Just... Give me a... Minute..."

She tried once again, this time managing to sit up and move her feet to hang off the bed, but even that was way too much for her. She was really pushing it. Akari already tried to stop her, but she shot him a piercing glare that made him stop.

"...Mei I don't... I don't think you should be moving..." Akari looked between Lucian and Idris, obviously concerned but slightly annoyed as well. "If Monokuma is gonna make her go... You guys want me to carry her...?" He asked cautiously, looking back at Mei who was still trying to keep herself from collapsing.

"Mei, I swear to god... You'll open up the stitches again and... Goddammit could you just... Can you... not?" Akari shot a glare back, even more annoyed but his voice was still shaky. He obviously didn't know what to do, and he wasn't even going to try to hide the fact he was panicking

"Shut up... Akari... I can..."

"...Don't wanna... Keep the bear waiting... Y'know...?"

Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Sat, 11/02/2023 23:17 (2 Years ago)
Idris Kallikrates

He looked down. "...i could...y'know, piggy-back ride?"

"Unless...Akari, you wanna take her? I don't mind." He glanced at Akari.

Saeko Katsumi.

"YAAAAY! TRIAL TIME, BABYYYYY~" Saeko screeched.
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Sat, 11/02/2023 23:42 (2 Years ago)

Lucian Arbred's POV

Lucian gave Mei a worried, disapproving look. Here they all were, needing to head to the Trial Room, and they had a heavily injured attack victim on their hands.

He groaned. This was just like back at home, but no, no matter how badly you got hurt, you had to cover it up and head to school. You didn't want anyone asking questions...

He shivered. That was the worst. Interrogations were the worst.

But he couldn't help but admire those who went to the effort of doing them...

He shook his head at Mei. "You're not dying, okay? Come on. You're coming with us, whether you like it or not. Who knows what the bear will do if you don't..."

She was alive. He breathed a sigh of relief. God... He knew she was alive, but it was so good to hear her being snarky again.

"...We're... Really glad you're still here. Thank you for hanging in there. You're really strong, I hope you know that..."

He glanced over at Akari, and then at Idris. "...maybe we could all help carry her. I know I-- wouldn't be that much help. But every little bit counts, right?" He shook his head. "...this is so messed up. She shouldn't be going through this. Not in her condition..."

He almost laughed at the piggy-ride suggestion. Not as in it was stupid, it just...

It was so playful. It reminded him of when nothing really mattered...

But you couldn't turn back time, to the way things were before they all went to hell. You could just make the best of what you had now.

Darcy Harper's POV

Darcy Harper made his way to the elevator, albeit reluctantly. God...

He hated this whole thing.

Why did someone have to die... Again?

Why would someone else have to die too?

...why were they all trapped here?

This place was so cold. So cruel, and unforgiving...

He felt Sawyer reaching out a hand to him. "You okay?"

He took it. "I'm... Fine, Sawyer. This whole thing... It's just so messed up."

Sawyer went silent a moment. They glanced off to the side.

"Yeah... It really is."

"Please... Promise you won't let go, until we get there?"

"..." Sawyer took a long look at Darcy. "Okay. I promise."

There was something different about them. That Darcy couldn't quite place.

There was something... So off, about everything. So gruesome. So horrible.

But that was all subjective, wasn't it?

Sins weren't sins, if you didn't think of them that way...

Sawyer Laurens's POV

Sawyer grinned in Miyako's direction, waving with their other hand. "Heyyyyy, Miyako! Good to see youuuu!" Ugh. They wanted to go over and talk to her, but they'd promised Darcy they wouldn't let go of his hand.

What was this, anyway? A little game Darcy was playing?...


This was... Truly... A peculiar...


Now Playing: OMORI OST 003 - Lost At A Sleepover
°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

"Everything is going to be okay."
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Sun, 12/02/2023 00:06 (2 Years ago)


"...We're... Really glad you're still here. Thank you for hanging in there. You're really strong, I hope you know that..."

Mei sat there in silence, desperately trying to hold herself up. She didn't want them to even touch her again, and she certainly didn't want them to see her fail. She hated looking like this, it sucked.

"...Uh huh... I'm sure... You guys are..."

"You're really strong, I hope you know that..."


Uh huh, sure she was.

If she was so strong, how'd she let herself be attacked like that? She could've probably killed them, honestly.

If she was so strong, why'd she let herself become vulnerable?

She glanced over at Idris and her grin faded, and she looked away soon after, right back at the floor.

She'd let herself become weak.


"I told you guys... I can f**kin do it myself..."

She tried to get up once again, but this time, she finally collapsed. Thank god it was back on the bed. She groaned in pain and annoyance, staring at the three of them.


"...Fine, jesus christ..."

She groaned once again, then looked at Idris.

"...You sure you still wanna... Carry me? Perfect opportunity to... stab your neck, y'know..." She chuckled, not even trying to get up from her collapsed state.

She didn't trust Akari enough to carry her, and she knew Lucian definitely wouldn't be able to. She wasn't in a good enough condition to walk on her own anyways, so literally being carried was her only option.

She hated that.

"So... You're sayin' that... That the offer is... still available? Heh..."

referring to this post bc I can u_u


"...this is so messed up. She shouldn't be going through this. Not in her condition..."

Mei laughed once again, albeit very weakly. "Aww... Brighten up, Lucian...! I'm... I'm fine, and... It's gonna be... fun anyways... Don't worry about... Little ol'... me... hehe..."

"Besides... I'll get to... Laugh in their face... Once we... Find out who did it... Yeah?" She was obviously slipping, on the verge of passing out again, and she knew it. She decided to shut up and preserve her energy.


Akari groaned as Mei tried to get up again, but didn't stop her. He didn't even touch her when she collapsed. He knew he couldn't do anything to stop her, and nothing terrible was happening so... She should be fine, right? She was back to making those sick jokes, and even seemed to be a little too excited about the trial.

"...i could...y'know, piggy-back ride?"

"Unless...Akari, you wanna take her? I don't mind."

...Were they really that close? Idris didn't seem like the type of guy to-

Y'know what? Best to not think about it, none of his business anyways. He shrugged and backed off, still looking at Mei with concern.

"...maybe we could all help carry her. I know I-- wouldn't be that much help. But every little bit counts, right?"

He turned his head to face Lucian and sighed. "I... I think I've done enough... B-besides..."

Turning his head back to Mei wasn't a good idea, he took one glance at her eyes and immediately looked away.

...Let's just say he didn't doubt that she actually would stab him in the back, probably as a "joke" too...

"So... You're sayin' that... That the offer is... still available? Heh..."

"...I think she'll be alright..." He looked over at Idris and took a deep breath. "...So... You sure you can do it? ...You can handle being stabbed... right?" He tried to joke, but it was probably not a good one. Besides, that was Mei's job.

"...We should p-probably go... Who knows what'll happen if we keep Monokuma waiting..." Akari muttered, putting his hand to the back of his neck out of nervousness before turning to the door.