Forum Thread
Danganronpa Roleplay [PRIVATE]
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Private RP → Danganronpa Roleplay [PRIVATE]"So... You're sayin' that... That the offer is... still available? Heh..."
He nodded. "...yup. C'mon, we don't have long."
"Thanks Akari....for the help.
And you too Lucian."
"I've been stabbed before. I'm used to the feeling."
"Hehe... Pretty fun, isn't... it?" She responded, laughing a little afterwards but it was clear that it was getting difficult for her to keep talking. In reality though, that statement concerned her for obvious reasons, but she didn't like the idea of showing it anyways.
guess they're walking to the trial room now idk, mei's nearly passed out again and hasn't said a word.
"I've been stabbed before. I'm used to the feeling."
Akari paused upon hearing that, quite shocked since it came out of nowhere and... That was just something you couldn't ignore. He turned his head back to look at Idris with concern, but didn't say anything, he instead looked over at Lucian.
""Thanks Akari....for the help.
And you too Lucian."
"...Yeah... Y-You're welcome, and... T-Thanks Lucian, I... I'm glad you were here..." He muttered back, then proceeded to make his leave, only looking back once to make sure they followed.
wee woo trial room time ig
The fact that Mei didn't say a word, combined with the attitude she seemed to have while she did speak, only made his concern grow. There was something going on with her, something she wasn't saying, but he couldn't quite figure it out. Maybe it was the fact that she was attacked (or was it a suicide attempt to frame someone else...?) that was messing with her, but...
Oh. He just considered the possibility of that second option.
...Would Mei be crazy enough to kill herself just to get someone else? Just to kill them all? Did she really want to go that far just to get everyone killed? Was there... Another possibility? Another reason he just wasn't think about...?
...Was she really that insane...?
No, the way she spoke... Either she was lying, which was a highly plausible answer, or she really was attacked. But... Oh god, there was just way too many uncertain variables in this, way too many questions that he couldn't exactly get answers to. This sucked, and he absolutely hated it.
He just had to hope that this trial went well, or...
"Went well" wasn't exactly the best choice of words, was it? No matter what happened, someone else would end up dead, or maybe even all of them would.
But all he could do was hope.
All he could do was take his place at his podium, looking back at Idris and Lucian with an anxious look in his eyes, but nothing else. Mei couldn't stand on her own, that was obvious, so he just had to hope Monokuma, being the sick bastard he was, found an alternative instead of forcing her to do something she physically couldn't do.
...Then something hit him. He was showing up to the trial room...
Completely covered in blood. Mei's blood.
...Guess he had some explaining to do, there was enough of it that it was impossible not to notice.
After he got over the burning sensation in his back, giving Mei a piggy back ride wasn't actually that bad.
He thought it'd feel worse than it did already. Maybe the space suits were helping, in a way?
Eh, he wasn't going to think about it.
"Almost....there..." He mumbled.
"Is it mention that I've never given....a piggy back....ride?, ever?"
He grinned.
"I'll try not to drop you....I can't promise anything, though-"
He grimaced.
"Is it mention that I've never given....a piggy back....ride?, ever?"
All Mei did was smile and give a short, small, and barely audible laugh. "Heh... Never had one so... Guess it's somethin' new for the both of... us, huh? Heh..."
Well, that wasn't true. Not like she'd know though, since Akari carried her while she was unconscious, and...
Her dad used to give her piggy-back rides all the time as a kid. They liked to go around the field of fireflies together under the canopy of stars, doing stupid stuff but having fun.
...But why were the fireflies red?
...Where was her dad...?
Her expression darkened upon thinking about that, but she tried not to make it obvious, or even think about it. She didn't remember any of that. She didn't remember.
She didn't want to remember.
Instead of thinking about that, she decided to think about the upcoming trial. "So... Uh... How... How is all this gonna... work...? I ain't... I ain't stayin' on your back... the entire... trial... heh..."
But... She didn't mind that, did she? She was fine right now, she didn't really feel much pain anymore. She doubted Idris was fine though, so...
Lotion Ourbread's POV
"...Uh huh... I'm sure... You guys are..."
"Mei… of course we are. We all were hoping you'd be alright. Well, of course, with the exception of whoever did this to you…" He narrowed his eyes.
"I told you guys... I can f**kin do it myself..."
Lucian's eyes widened. "No! No you can't! …careful."
"...Fine, jesus christ..."
He sighed. She really wasn't making it easy for them to keep her alive, was she?
"...You sure you still wanna... Carry me? Perfect opportunity to... stab your neck, y'know..."
Lucian felt… disturbed at her saying this to Idris. To say the least. But considering what she was like, and… what she said, and… the way she was laughing. Well… it was just her idea of a joke, wasn't it?
For some strange reason, Lucian found himself smiling. Maybe it was at the absurdity of it all, or maybe he was just glad she seemed to be herself again.
"No one is stabbing anyone," he said firmly, but he couldn't keep the slight amusement out of his voice.
"So... You're sayin' that... That the offer is... still available? Heh..."
Offer? What offer? Was she talking to Idris? Lucian wasn't sure.
" thing is for sure, I'm definitely going to have to give some people therapy after all this," he murmured regretfully. His face reddened. "...Darcy, why the hell did you have to go and make that like a date?..."
"Aww... Brighten up, Lucian...! I'm... I'm fine, and... It's gonna be... fun anyways... Don't worry about... Little ol'... me... hehe..."
Lucian gave Mei a concerned glance. "....well. Glad you're enjoying yourself. Just… take it easy, okay? I don't want you reopening your wounds."
How would it… be fun? Someone would die. And it'd be Futatabi's killer (and possibly Mei's attacker, if, the two in question were the same person), or they'd all be killed…
"I suppose we have different definitions of fun though, don't we?"
"Besides... I'll get to... Laugh in their face... Once we... Find out who did it... Yeah?"
Lucian shook his head. "...maybe. But this is more like a funeral," he remarked dryly. "A funeral I couldn't prevent."
He turned to Akari.
"I... I think I've done enough... B-besides..."
Lucian smiled warmly at him. "you've done plenty. Thank you, for all your efforts."
"...I think she'll be alright… ...So... You sure you can do it? ...You can handle being stabbed... right?"
Lucian's eyes widened, and he went still a moment.
"You can handle getting stabbed… right?"
"You can handle getting stabbed… right?"
"You can handle GETTING STABBED… right?"
Lucian knew he was joking around with Idris. But something in his stomach twisted upon hearing those words.
"...the excruciating pain of the blade," he murmured darkly, "is not for the faint of heart. Those who recover still remain marked forever… be it mentally or physically. Sometimes both."
He blinked. Oh. He… hadn't intended that to come out…
"sorry. That- was weird. I don't know what came over me."
"...We should p-probably go... Who knows what'll happen if we keep Monokuma waiting..."
"I agree…" He shivered. "...let's go, everyone…"
"I've been stabbed before. I'm used to the feeling."
"...oh, I'm– quite sorry to hear that." So Idris… had been stabbed before too. He was surprised to hear him be so blunt about it, as though it weren't even a big deal. As though it weren't one of your near-death experiences that made you wonder if your every breath was your last.
And that was part of what made Lucian a ghost. He was already dead. Every day, he lived it like he was already dead.
The coffin was picked out, the hammer was ready to pound the nails in. And Lucian was flickering and fading, one foot in the grave.
I've stopped being human long ago. I learned to live, half-alive.
Horatia… dead. Kaoru… dead. Futatabi… dead.
Kathryn was dead. Caroline was dead. Caleb was dead. Kaden was dead.
And so were so many others.
Why not complete the pattern?
It gets a little lonely.
His voice barely a whisper on the wind.
Barely comprehensible.
Barely… tangible.
His presence, scarcely meaning a thing.
Just like back home.
Just like… everywhere.
"...yup. C'mon, we don't have long."
Lucian nodded. "'re right…"
"Thanks Akari....for the help.
And you too Lucian."
"'s what I'm here for, isn't it?"
"'s… all I'm here for."
He didn't matter in any other sense.
"Hehe... Pretty fun, isn't... it?"
He could almost feel the knife, carved into his chest. Into his back. Into his arms. Against his neck. Trembling, shaking, pleading, hoping it would all be over soon…
But your blood pooled out mercilessly and all you knew was pain, and laughter. Not your own laughter, but someone else's.
" I wouldn't say it is. Not in the least." He drew in a sharp breath.
"...Yeah... Y-You're welcome, and... T-Thanks Lucian, I... I'm glad you were here..."
"'re quite welcome, Akari. Really… I'm glad you were here, too. I couldn't help her without you. I'm glad you were there for her too, Idris. She really needed you here."
(Anyway I'm tired of recapping dialogue and it's Mei and Idris talking to each other so-)
Lucian raised his eyebrows. Was it just him or… was there something going on between them? No, he was probably imagining things.
Maybe he just wanted to forget about how dire things were right now.
He whispered to Idris, a little too loudly, so Mei could hear (on purpose), "… Mei really is something, isn't she?" He gave a teasing, upturned smile.
Or maybe they were just good friends. It didn't really matter to him.
Well… they were almost at the elevator. Lucian took deep breaths.
This could only go two ways, and both were really bad.
Darcy Harper's POV
And Akari, Lucian, Idris…
What was taking them so long?
Mei… she was alright, right?
Of course. If she was dead, they would have come right back, wouldn't they?
She had to be alive. Something had been holding them up.
Darcy sighed. Well… he was glad it was probably much less like a courtroom this time.
He did not do well with courtrooms.
I wish no one had to die…
Was God even out there?...
He had to be.
Sawyer Laurens's POV
They were a bit concerned, though. What was keeping them?
Two of those people were their friends and… well, the other two were just to-be-friends! People that weren't your friends were just friends you hadn't made yet!
They were all friends when they thought about–
Someone killed Futatabi.
Isn't killed…
A strong word?
"Maaaan, this is boring," Sawyer grumbled. "Anyone have something we can do?"
Darcy sighed. "Besides waiting in tense silence? Yeah, I feel you."
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"Everything is going to be okay."
"So... Uh... How... How is all this gonna... work...? I ain't... I ain't stayin' on your back... the entire... trial... heh..."
Idris frowned. He didn't exactly think this far.
"..uuh...I guess you could sit down? Would that cause you pain?" He whispered.
He was busy concentrating on figuring out who attacked Mei.
He'd find them, and cause them so much pain.
Idris knew what it felt like to be stabbed. He'd never wish that on another person.
Unless....unless....they were-
But that didn't matter. None of it did, now. He came here to forget, not to remember.
Forgetting was difficult, unless you drowned your sorrows in a bottle of liquor.
Just like-
Dammit, Idris. Forget, don't remember.
Forget all the pain.
Forget the stitches and scars.
How many stitches did they give you after....?
You remember it vividly, don't you? The befores and the afters?
You remember cleaning the wounds, right?
No parent to help you?
Remember how old you were?
He grimaced.
How many scars d'you have?
Isn't that one of the reasons you hate wearing t-shirts?
How were they caused, again?
You remember, don't you? You remember, right?
You remember, right?
His fists clenched.
How many scars criss-cross your back?
How many?
How many, Idris?
How many?
How many?
How ma-
A smal tear ran down his cheek.
"… Mei really is something, isn't she?"
Mei scoffed and turned her head away, and... Was she... blushing?
"...Shut up Lucian..." She muttered under her breath.
"..uuh...I guess you could sit down? Would that cause you pain?"
She paused for a moment, thinking about it before sighing. She didn't want to move, but she knew that it would be for the best. A sick feeling in her stomach didn't want to leave, but she knew she couldn't stay. Wouldn't be fun for Idris after all.
"...Yeah, yeah I guess..." She muttered weakly, her tone seeming almost sad. She sat in silence for a moment, her head still turned away from everyone, and then...
"...Idris...? H-hey... You ok...?"
She looked at him the best she could with worry flooding her face, she didn't care if anyone else saw, that didn't matter anymore. It hurt so much to see him like this, she hated it. She was scared. She was scared that she was making it worse. She was scared that she wouldn't be able to stop whatever the hell was going on. She didn't know what to do, she didn't know what to say. She just didn't want him to hurt. She just wanted to help, but she knew she never could. She knew nothing she could do would be able to do anything. She had lost her heart long ago, and there was nothing she could ever give to anyone.
"...Idris... Please... I-I'm... I'm sorry... you don't... You don't deserve any of this..."
...Was her voice... breaking? The voice that she whispered so softly that only Idris could hear it, the voice that was so weak it seemed like she was doing everything she could to speak, was it... Breaking? Why was she getting all emotional...?
This wasn't supposed to happen, what the hell was wrong with her...? This wasn't... She wasn't...
...No, she was fine with this. She didn't care. Not anymore.
Akari was having an edgy anime flashback moment as he simply stood there, trying to distance himself, don't mind him.
That whole operation really did a number on him, didn't it
Lucian Arbred's POV
"...Shut up Lucian..."
Lucian gnawed on the inside of his cheek. Had… he said something so wrong? Maybe she was right though. He should shut up.
After all, he couldn't act invasive about the two of them. That just wasn't appropriate.
"...I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything."
It's their relationship. I shouldn't interfere with it.
…that voice. Not that damned voice…
. . .
Lucian winced. He thought he heard something from Mei, he couldn't quite make it out, but…
She seemed frantic. Akari seemed to be breaking down. Idris seemed to be breaking down.
…this wasn't right. They shouldn't all be forced to go to some life-or-death trial.
Everyone needed a chance to breathe. A chance to sit down, and sort their way through their feelings. Maybe over a cup of tea.
Regret stirred in Lucian's gaze. If he had met any of these people, outside of this place… maybe things could have been different.
"...Akari. Mei. Idris." He took a deep breath, and intertwined his fingers together, rubbing his thumbs against one another.
"...I'm so sorry. That we have to go to the Trial Room, right now. It's all wrong. You should all be given a chance to sort through your feelings, and to make sense of this situation that we've all found ourselves in. And… a possibility to overcome your pain."
He paused, deep in thought. "...and I know, things are horrible right now. I'm not going to pretend that they're not. But, let's just all breathe for a moment. We'll face this together. And we'll figure things out from there. And… maybe…"
Lucian's voice faltered, hesitating. "...maybe no more deaths will have to happen. A-After this. We'll figure things out, make sure this doesn't happen again, and… maybe everyone can recover. Maybe we can all…"
Usually, he was so good at this kind of thing. He knew the things he was supposed to say.
But what were you supposed to say… at a time like this?
Maybe we can all be friends? Maybe we can all help each other heal? Maybe we can all live here together? Maybe we can all escape?
He knew how naïve and foolish he sounded.
So… he said the only thing he knew that could be true.
"...maybe things won't turn out as well as they should. But… we'll all help each other through it. And, I want you all to know, I'll always be here if you need me. I swear it, so long as I'm alive, I'll do everything in my power to help you all. So if there's anything you need from me… please, don't hesitate to ask."
"...because I'm everyone's therapist. I'm everyone's friend."
And so long as he was still breathing… so long as his life didn't come to a halt as well…
Lucian decided right then and there, that he'd do everything in his power to help everyone. While he was still here.
" Let's figure out how to get to this room, together, okay?"
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"Everything is going to be okay."
Using her godly powers, Serendibite teleported every character into the trial room. It was... different from the usual. There were no levers or podiums- merely a singular button in the centre of a table. And towering in a throne at the end of the room, Monokuma waved a white flag.
"Welcome! Welcome all to the despairfullll second Class triallll!" Dead silence answered him. Monokuma was not deterred. Instead, he grinned brighter. "You are here today to discover the truth behind the despairfully delightful death of your beloved classmate, Futatabi somethingidon'twanttospelllllll! Under mysterious circumstances, she has died, crumbled all over, and smelling like something horrible- pringles! Pringles who knew who a mastermind was!"
Monokuma smirked. "The rules of the trial go as follows; You will debate over the death with the evidence and the Monokuma files you will find underneath your podiums. At the end of the trial, you will press the button and put a sticker on this random sheet for your vote!" He waved a random sheet that looked weird and definitely copywrited. "Obviously after selecting who you believe to be the killer. If you're right- the blackened will receive rightful justice for their heinous act- and if you're wrong-"
Monokuma grinned.
"You will all be executed in their steed. And they will graduate from this school into the outside world."
Miyako looked downright bored. "Get on with it, bear."
Kubo eyed her out of the corner of his eye. There was something glittering in those amber depths. "I wonder..."
"Puhuhuhuuhu! Let the class trial... BEGIN!"
Lucian Arbred's POV
His face flushed, and then he promptly looked away and shook his head. HE NEEDED TO FOCUS!!
Still... He was glad Kubo was here. What a strange new trial system they all had to follow...
But the thing he was most worried about is he had barely gotten a single look at the crime scene. Hopefully, he could still help figure this out.
"...we can all figure this out together. Somehow," he murmured.
If he told himself that enough times... Maybe he'd learn to believe it.
Sawyer Laurens's POV
Darcy Harper's POV
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"Everything is going to be okay."
Kubo Atsushi
Why was Lucian so adamant on making Kubo trust him? They were in a class trial- did he think Kubo would be more vulnerable? Or was he just... trying to make him feel better?
Kubo shook his head. He had to focus. Stay on the topic at hand.
"I think to start off with, we should view the Monokuma files. There's something I want to double check."
"...I'm so sorry. That we have to go to the Trial Room, right now. It's all wrong. You should all be given a chance to sort through your feelings, and to make sense of this situation that we've all found ourselves in. And… a possibility to overcome your pain."
"...and I know, things are horrible right now. I'm not going to pretend that they're not. But, let's just all breathe for a moment. We'll face this together. And we'll figure things out from there. And… maybe…"
...But wasn't the trial something she... looked forward to? She wanted to squeeze out the murderer little by little, look them in the eyes and laugh one final time before they became a victim to Monokuma's sick little game. She wanted this to happen, it wouldn't be any fun without the tension of the trial, now would it?
So why...
She didn't even turn her head back to face Lucian, she couldn't risk him seeing her like this. Pathetic. Emotional. Vulnerable. Weak. This wasn't her. Mei Akamatsu wouldn't be on the verge of tears. Mei Akamatsu wouldn't truly care about anyone but herself. Mei Akamatsu wouldn't have let herself become so weak and helpless, not even able to move on her own.
Mei Akamatsu wouldn't long for a heart again, one that could feel again. One that could cure her poison, one that didn't give her nightmares.
...But she wasn't Mei Akamatsu at all, was she?
...Then who was she?
. . .
"Lucian... Shut. Up." She grit her teeth in anger, her voice almost a growl if her voice was strong enough.
"...maybe no more deaths will have to happen. A-After this. We'll figure things out, make sure this doesn't happen again, and… maybe everyone can recover. Maybe we can all…"
"...maybe no more deaths will have to happen."
Mei just sat in silence.
She couldn't say anything.
"...maybe things won't turn out as well as they should. But… we'll all help each other through it. And, I want you all to know, I'll always be here if you need me. I swear it, so long as I'm alive, I'll do everything in my power to help you all. So if there's anything you need from me… please, don't hesitate to ask."
"...because I'm everyone's therapist. I'm everyone's friend."
"...Shut up... Just... shut up..." Her voice was lower than a whisper, barely audible, and almost impossible to understand because of how much her voice was breaking. It hurt to speak, it hurt so much.
Just like it hurt to hear that damn bear again.
wee woo class trial time hehee
Mei looked at the stupid little red button with confusion and hatred in her eyes, absolutely not liking whatever the hell this was.
"Let the games... begin, I guess..." She grumbled, not even bothering to try and sound enthused.
Akari simply nodded at whatever Lucian had to say, not even daring to speak. He knew pessimism would be the only thing coming out of his mouth and that wasn't what was needed right now. He obviously didn't think that would work, but he begged himself to at least try considering the option.
wee woo triallllll
He simply stared at the button and didn't dare to look at the bear. He instead glanced over at Kubo for a second before turning his eyes over to the rest of the group.
...Did Kubo already know...?
...One of the killers, who was also possibly the attacker...
They were in this room, masquerading as an innocent. The thought worried him, and the pressure wasn't helping, but...
He just had to hope this case could be solved.
He groaned. Class Trials were always exhausting. Idris never contributed anything to the Trials, ever. Not like he had much to say, anyways. He was more focused on the more important thing-
Who attacked Mei?
The question was stuck in his mind.
He glanced at every person in the room, glaring. Was it you, you or you? He'd find out soon enough, and nothing pretty would happen after that.
He sighed. Futatabi's death had to be his main concern, unfortunately, to speed up this Trial.
Did he feel bad for Futatabi?
He didn't feel any remorse, or pity.
Saeko Katsumi.
"TRIAL TIIIIMEEEE!" Saeko grinned.
Oooh, what fun!
It was just like a detective show they loved watching.
The best part was always unmasking the killer~
Who's it gonna be? Kubo? Sawyer? Idris?
And for who attacked Mei....nahhh. Saeko didn't care.
If I did it, Mei wouldn't be here right now. Ugh.
Saeko pouted. Honestly, people seemed really unexperienced with stabbing, huh.
Omniscient POV
He couldn't help but wonder about all the things he might not have seen... Still, he hoped he could be of some help here.
Darcy eyed Kubo curiously. "What are you hoping to see there? Something about the cause of death, or the time?" He crossed his arms. "I guess I can't say I disagree with that notion... This seems like a complicated case."
Lucian blinked at Darcy. What exactly had he seen at the crime scene? He frowned. It... Would be bad if this was such a complicated case. They could all be in danger.
And Sawyer was seemingly just super excited at the whole Among Us thing, and probably not going to be much help.
Lucian sighed in frustration. Whatever they may have seen may have been twisted by their mind.
"The time of death might be useful to know," Sawyer chirped. "It would help eliminate who well, couldn'ta done it, say it couldn't have been someone in the dorms for example?"
"We all know how well that worked out," Darcy muttered darkly.
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"Everything is going to be okay."
Kubo Atsushi
"Obviously, it'll be important to work out alibis." Kubo drummed his fingers impatiently on the table. "But I'm looking for the Cause of Death. Something about the murder I need to clear up. So, Monokuma? Can we have it?"
"Puhuhuhu~ so impatient. Check under the table."
There was a stack underneath. Kubo plucked one up and waited for it to start up.
"Who has an alibi for last night?" Kubo asked. "A confirmable one, please." He narrowed his eyes at Mei.
And then, like Rumia, the screen turned on at an inopportune time.

Lucian Arbred's POV
...oh... Dear... God.
Darcy Harper's POV
Oh. Oh wow.
He... Shared. A bed. With Kubo. Wow.
"I was... Inside my room. With Sawyer." Darcy decided to ignore what Lucian just said. "We slept. In separate bunks. Like a sleepover."
"Congratulations on your sleepover with Kubo, Lucian!" Sawyer exclaimed, beaming. They were, as usual, completely oblivious.
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"Everything is going to be okay."
Miyako Hiroto
"Woah, woah!" Miyako seized Shi by the shoulders and held her in place. "Hold on a friggin' second. I'm fine, stop freaking out!"
Less gently than she should've, she pushed Shi towards the table. "We're in the middle of a trial, okay? We can't just- jump into it like a monster truck going through Mei's bedroom window." She had no idea who had implanted that analogy in her brain, but it was probably a higher being with a fantastic sense of humour. "So- let's just sit down, debate calmly, and eat chicken nuggies after, 'kay?"
She huffed, trying her best to sound angry. Her cheeks actually felt kinda warm. Knowing Shi cared about her so much...
"Crime for you later, 'kay?" she whispered and blew Shi a kiss.
"Uh- uh-" Kubo appeared constipated. Miyako wondered what she missed. Sad.
Kubo Atsushi
Kubo couldn't keep a blush off his face. The hell? What was Lucian thinking? Why would he imply that-
Right! Class Trial, right.
Stupid teenage hormones. Why couldn't he be a manipulative asshole in peace? Oh, right- because "karma" and "Kaoru". Honestly, screw this, he didn't have to deal with it. Murder school aside, he hated this place and its teenagers and their stupid innuendos.
"Look at how she died!" he yelled. "LOOK AT HOW SHE DIED!" He clapped his hands over his ear, and slapped the helmet instead. He grimaced and tried to duck under the table instead.
"I was... In my bed with... Kubo."
As terrible was the mood that Mei was in, she still felt the need to comment on how stupid that was.
"Heh... Dirty little sleeper, huh? Both times you screwed someone... heh... We found a body in the mornin'... How funny is that? Did you at least-"
"Mei, knock it off..." Akari snapped, his stern voice was raised slightly and his eyes glared coldly at Mei. Geez... what was his deal? Already tired of hearing her BS?
"Whaaaat, come on...! I'm just sayin'.... Y'know.... heh heh... Maybe Lucian is a... bad omen or somethin', I dunno... Heh..."
She had a small grin on her face but her eyes were already on Kubo, and she glared at him for a moment. She didn't say anything in response, she only glared.
...Only to yawn and turn her head away.
"We're in the middle of a trial, okay? We can't just- jump into it like a monster truck going through Mei's bedroom window. So- let's just sit down, debate calmly, and eat chicken nuggies after, 'kay?"
"...Yeeaahhhh, monster trucks.... wooooooooo...." Mei said, almost sarcastically. "Chicken nuggies sound so good right now... mmmmmm I'm hungry... Mind savin me some...?
he's so over this s**t.
Kubo Atsushi
She is injured, Inner Kubo said. She likely has a concussion. She doesn't know what she's saying.
Screw that noise.
Kubo lunged for her over the table.
Setsuna Jun
Setsuna was scared. Why was everyone yelling?
Mom... what do I do?