Forum Thread
Danganronpa Roleplay [PRIVATE]
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Private RP → Danganronpa Roleplay [PRIVATE]Kubo Atsushi
All these people... all these cowards...
Kaoru took it all with a stone face. She didn't move, she didn't look away from Kubo.
The Ultimate Detective, her voice said mockingly. Kill him.
Mei had something to say about that.
He set his jaw and turned back to the table, tapping on the icon of Kaoru's face, then yanking down the lever. He saw her out of the corner of his eye. She voted someone. He wasn't sure who.
Miyako Hiroto
Miyako shivered as Mei's words washed over her. For once she was grateful for bratty little Miko. At least he had some bite in him.
Kill her, she thought.
The girl was dangerous. Not to be trusted.
And so was Kaoru. The fact that somebody so innocent looking had committed the first murder- it would do nothing if not bring about the next. Her face would bring about death, even after her own.
Miyako closed her eyes, breathing out deeply. Then she looked for Kaoru's icon and pulled the lever.
Kaoru Kajiwara
"Thanks," she whispered to Shi. "I hope you do too." She turned to face Lucian and just watched. Waited. Who knew what he would say or do next.
Maybe he would cry again.
She wondered if she wanted that or not.
Touhou 8: Imperishable Night - Cinderella Cage ~ Kagome-Kagome
[Ambient Version]
-is too short to vote-
Mika Uyehara
Touhou 15: Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom - Eternal Spring Dream
[Orchestral Remix]
Mika sighed and tapped on Kaoru's icon. He quickly pulled the lever.
He wished he would vote Mei instead, but couldn't get himself to do so.
Touhou 6: Embodiment of Scarlet Devil - Apparitions Stalk the Night
[Rumia's Theme]
votes kaoru even though they shouldn't be in this rp
Lucian Arbred's POV
"...I'm so sorry," he whispered.
No matter what Akora said, in a way, Lucian felt like this was his fault.
He was supposed to be the Ultimate Therapist. He was supposed to keep everyone safe.
And he'd failed his dearest friend here.
Sawyer Laurens's POV
"Huh. Funny face icons!" They blinked.
Darcy Harper's POV
Kubo was the Ultimate Detective. Kaoru said to kill him.
NO! How could anyone kill someone just because of their talent?
That was absolutely horrible.
Inhaling, Darcy half-reluctantly spun the lever to Kaoru.
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"Everything is going to be okay."
The tension in the courtroom was almost suffocating, but Mei always thrived in these situations. Except... She kind of felt bad, in a way. Sure, she didn't really care about the sob story with Lucian, or whatever dynamic Kubo and Kaoru had, but...
It's voting time anyways, no need to worry about that. She looked down at the little wheel that had everyone's faces on it, a small smirk clawed its way to her cheek, Shi's comment only making it larger.
"Do me a favor and say hello for me too, I've heard he's pretty nice once you get to know him." This one time, this one sentence, Mei's voice wasn't the same. It was obvious that she was trying to force the humor, unlike every other time she said some snarky comment.
Immediately after, Mei pulled the lever. Her vote was in. She lifted her hand off the lever, then looked at everyone in the room. Kubo, Idris, Sawyer, Darcy, Akora, everyone. They were all voting now. Well... Time to say goodbye to their "dear" friend...
In the end, Mei's excitement for the execution had seemingly vanished. Whether she was putting on an act to seem down in the dumps, or if it was actually true, was very unclear. Even if she was putting on a show, it didn't change the fact that this trial did not go as planned, and she wasn't all that happy about the events that occurred.
Akari simply cast his vote on Kaoru, as bad as he felt. This felt like he was playing a role in her death, but she killed someone, right? Then again... He wouldn't doubt that everyone here had dirt on their hands. Maybe not Sutaraitsu or Sawyer, but still.
After his vote was set, he glanced over at Mei, who was radiating a dangerous and unpleasant feeling. She was doing something, and Akari did not like it. He watched the last moments of her vote, his disbelief skyrocketed. No... He couldn't have seen that right...
Wait... Did she really...? No... But... Why...?
What was the purpose...?
Voting Time!
"Puhuhuhu~ the votes are in. Who will be chosen as the blackened? Have you made the right choice or the dreeeadfully wroooooong one?"
The slot spun over and over and landed on three icons of Kaoru's face.

"Ding ding ding! The Blackened hiding among you is none other than Kaoru Kajiwara!"
The screen at the far wall lit up. 14 + 1 phantom votes for Kaoru Kajiwara. One vote for Mei Akamatsu. One vote for Kubo Atsushi... and one vote for Sawyer.
"Of course you voted me," Kubo said venomously.
"Wasn't me." Kaoru waved a flippant hand. "I suppose this is it then." Her gaze dropped. "My death."
Lucian Arbred's POV
He wanted to wake up from this, as though it were just a very long nightmare...
"...please. Don't go. Tell me she doesn't have to go..."
Sawyer Laurens's POV
"Heyhey, Kaoru! You're... not dying, right?"
Darcy Harper's POV
God... where is it when you need it?
No, I can't.
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"Everything is going to be okay."
Third Person POV
Kaoru regarded Lucian with cool eyes. In a sweeping motion, she was moving forward, and her hands went up to Lucian's face-
She pressed forward and kissed him, lips against his.
Kubo made a low, dark noise. His hand clenched by his side. He might punch both of them- the fury in his amber eyes spoke to lengths of that.
And then Kaoru pulled back, her eyes closed, face unreadable. "I'm ready, Headmaster." She turned and surveyed the rest of the students. "Are you?" Her mouth twisted in a smile. "I would hope so. This was your choice after all."
"Puhuhuhuuh~ if everyone's said their goodbyes, then I'd assume that we're to move onto the Execution?"
"Yes please." Kaoru turned her back. "I'm ready whenever you are."
Lucian Arbred's POV
Did that... really happen?
Kaoru Kajiwara, his dear friend, just... kissed him on the lips.
Lucian had never been kissed before. And when it was when she was just about to die... now could never be a worse time.
He felt his heart shattering, into pieces of cut glass. The truth hit him, and his eyes responded with wetness slithering down his cheeks.
She was in love with me.
She was... soon to be, had been, in love with him. And he had never thought of her that way.
He recalled her hurt face earlier.
...what could he say? Lie that he loved her too?
No. She might realize, that might hurt more...
"...Kaoru," he choked out. "Please, just... don't die, okay? I'll live through all this, somehow. And... maybe, we can get out together. Maybe- everyone can get out! Just... please, live through this. I know you can," he choked out.
He slunk to his knees.
Why? ...why?
We were supposed to get out of here together, Kaoru. We were all supposed to.
Did... she have to be executed?
Ugh. He was being such a wimp right now. There were far worse things that happened than this.
My siblings, my parents... everything that happened to them, and to me... to everyone I knew...
He knew the world was colder than snow. He knew that the world was cruel.
And yet, he had foolishly let himself become a part in it.
He'd grown attached to Kaoru.
And now, it was too late.
Sawyer Laurens's POV
Sawyer's face pulled up with a smile.
Yes, a dream. A silly little fantasy.
That's all this was.
Darcy Harper's POV
Darcy couldn't help but wonder what history the two had. Darcy listened to Lucian's words, realizing the truth of the situation had finally hit him. Too late.
They wanted to cry, but all Darcy did was close their eyes and clasp their hands together.
Please, God. Don't let Kaoru die. Let her repent in some other way. I know I've messed up myself, I know I don't deserve your blessing. Maybe that's why Grandpa died that day. But please... save her. Let everything be alright. Please.
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"Everything is going to be okay."
Third Person POV
Kaoru opened her mouth, as if to respond. Then, she smiled, shook her head, and turned to Monokuma. Before she could even face the bear-
A claw seized her from the ground.
She was yanked through the ceiling, and across the room, a door swung open.
Touhou 8: Imperishable Night - Cinderella Cage ~ Kagome-Kagome
[Ambient Version]
"Wh-execution? What's going on-"
Mika Uyehara
Touhou 15: Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom - Eternal Spring Dream
[Orchestral Remix]
"So, this is it, I guess."
Mika stared idly at the soon-to-be corpse.
Rumia because she now exists
Touhou 6: Embodiment of Scarlet Devil - Apparitions Stalk the Night
[Rumia's Theme]
[insert something about eating kaoru here idfk]
Lucian Arbred's POV
Sawyer put a hand on Lucian's shoulder. "Don't worry! She's fine!" they chirped.
If only that were true...
Darcy was shaking their head, as though that was the wrong thing to say.
Darcy Harper's POV
Darcy didn't care how much they hated Kaoru for what she had done. Darcy wanted her to live. Repent in some other way, if necessary...
Sawyer Laurens's POV
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"Everything is going to be okay."
The Execution Begins
Gore Warning.
Miyako hurried into the adjacent room. It was wooden- except for a singular glass wall. A stage sat beyond the wall. A crowd of Monokumas dressed like children clapped and cheered in the seats below. On the stage, Kaoru was lowered, and released onto the ground.
She collapsed, and immediately tried to push herself up.
Two Monokumas seized her, and she fought against their grip.
𝔅𝔢𝔡𝔱𝔦𝔪𝔢 𝔖𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰
As Kaoru struggled against the Monokumas holding her, a third Monokuma walked up to her, holding metal shoes with a pair of tongs. Her eyes widened, and she fought harder, but her legs were stretched out-
And the shoes were placed on.
She screamed loudly, and it was at that moment that the Ultimates realized the shoes were burning hot.
The Monokumas released her and jumped back.
And then the execution began.
A sign above the stage lit up. "Dance time!"
She leapt to her feet, and stumbled this way and that, in a horrific parody of a dance. She stumbled for the edge, and just then, a spear lashed out and plunged into her shoulder, dragging her back. Her mouth opened in a continous scream. More spears lashed out from the stage and plunged into her knees.
The Monochildren bobbed in tune to the music.
A noose made of piano wire dropped from the top of it. Kaoru lunged for freedom, reaching for the first Mono-child in the row, but the spears dragged her back. The child laughed, and then the noose sank around her neck and tightened.
Blood spilled over the stage, and the lights went off.
Gore Warning Over
"Oh my god," Miyako breathed. She couldn't take her eyes off of the limp figure of Kaoru- gently swaying under the noose. "Oh my god."
"Is that me?" Setsuna whimpered. "Is this- what I'm going to be?" He fell to his knees and began sobbing into them. "No- NO! I don't want to die-"
Even Kubo looked sickened.
Touhou 8: Imperishable Night - Cinderella Cage ~ Kagome-Kagome
[Ambient Version]
Sutaraitsu stared but saw nothing.
An eternal blank space, filled with a void of nothingness and denial.
Sutaraitsu lives another day, for he failed to witness the execution.
Mika Uyehara
Touhou 15: Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom - Eternal Spring Dream
[Orchestral Remix]
Mika clutched his notebook tightly, but said no more.
Rumia because she now exists
Touhou 6: Embodiment of Scarlet Devil - Apparitions Stalk the Night
[Rumia's Theme]
"That corpse must be delicious."
Lucian Arbred's POV
He couldn't bear to watch it. (No puns intended.)
She's really gone.
His eyes burst out into tears.
He wasn't even... all too horrified at the bloody scene. But rather... that she had to suffer through that. That Kaoru Kajiwara, was really gone.
"I failed you," he choked out. "I failed you. This is all my fault."
Lucian Arbred wasn't afraid of dying. Heck, he'd gladly kick the bucket if it benefited others. But...
He had two reasons for living. One, so that he could continue to help others, as the Ultimate Therapist.
And now, two.
His promise to Kaoru.
That he would live, and make it out of here.
And he clutched this promise tightly to his heart, as though it were physical.
"I'll get out... for both of us."
Darcy Harper's POV
Darcy looked hollowly at the remains of Kaoru Kajiwara. They wanted to vomit. They felt empathy for her, in there. It was like Grandpa, all over again, when he slowly died from cancer.
Except so much pain hit Kaoru, all at once.
"...please. Take good care of her," they choked out. "Take good care of her."
Is that... going to happen to me? Am I going to die too? Are you even out there, Lord?
They didn't even know Miyako and Setsuna, but came over and hugged them.
Darcy didn't care. They looked so hurt.
"It's okay. It's okay..."
Sawyer Laurens's POV
This was all a dream. So why did it hurt so much to watch?
Why did Sawyer feel themself quivering in fear, that Kaoru's presence... was no longer near them?
No, Kaoru was fine! She just went away somewhere. Kaoru is on vacation!
That's just a knockoff!
Sawyer laughed. "It's okay! It's fine. Nothing's wrong. Everything's cool! Cupcakes, puppies!" they exclaimed, waving their hands.
But somewhere, deep at the depths of their being, they felt hurt, betrayed, and completely, utterly heartbroken.
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"Everything is going to be okay."
Touhou 8: Imperishable Night - Cinderella Cage ~ Kagome-Kagome
[Ambient Version]
"Y-yeah! Everything's fine, r-right? Kaoru's just taking a trip t-to the afterlife or s-something."
Rumia because she now exists
Touhou 6: Embodiment of Scarlet Devil - Apparitions Stalk the Night
[Rumia's Theme]
"I'll claim that murder for myself."
Sawyer Laurens's POV
I must be thinking of a record company or something. Huh.
Lucian Arbred's POV
He almost wanted to extend the offer to Sawyer as well.
"If... anyone here needs to talk. Just come see me."
But he moved in Kubo's direction, and whispered in his ear.
"Hey... be careful, okay? I don't think people will kill you just because of what Kaoru said. If you need my help with anything, just ask."
Darcy Harper's POV
It was sadistic. It was so horrible.
And, they couldn't help but reflect, It feels like there really is... no god here. To defend us. But I think he's somewhere out there... somewhere. This must all be part of a plan...
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"Everything is going to be okay."
His hands were shaking, eyes wider than usual.
"I've seen worse." Idris remarked, a little louder than he hoped.
He looked around.
She's dead. Just like the rest of 'em. Just like Fa-
He felt sick.
Idris glanced around the room quickly before departing.
He made his way to an empty part of the building, before slumping down.
Deep breaths.
It's not the same. It's not the same as last time. You had no control over it.
15 for the caretaker, one for Sawyer, one for her, and one for Kubo. That was funny, her vote was alone. Hmm... That was interesting, the person Kaoru was referring to...
Oh well, not like it mattered right now anyways. Though she did have to wonder, who voted for... She couldn't pick out the person who voted them, but she didn't really care.
Anyways, time to jam out to the absolutely fantastic execution music.
A tear rolled down her cheek, whether it was real or not was uncertain. The kiss, the blood, the death. Kaoru was dead, and she went out in a beautiful display of horror. Mei stared in awe as she watched it all, admiring Monokuma's work. What a way to go out, huh?
"Woooooow, that was so cool! OOH OOH Monokuma, can I do it too?! It looks so fun! Hehe, great job little bear, you sure do know how to entertain a crowd!"
She would've continued rambling if she didn't see Idris leave out of the corner of her eye. A small bit of concern flashed on their face before she followed after, giving the other students a smile and a wave goodbye. Sure, he probably wanted to be left alone, but she was just curious. Besides, since when did she care about what others thought?
"Oooooh Iiiiidriiiisss! Where'dja gooooooo!" She called out as she went to look for him, eventually finding him slumped down and panicking over something or whatever. Oh come on, not him too! Gee, it was just a small little death... How weak were these people?
Akari still stood at his podium, unmoving as the execution happened. he was bent down with his head resting on his arm, which was on the stand. His entire body was shaking slightly, his breathing was erratic, his eyes were closed, and his jaw was so tight that it was giving him a headache. He couldn't watch, he knew he'd collapse on the spot if he even saw a second of it. Lucian's screams, the music, all the noise... He just wanted it to stop...
Blood. Crimson red. Terrifying noise. Screams. Fear.
The sound of metal piercing through flesh, ripping it apart.
Akari could hear it all, and the fear, tension, pressure, and horror filling the room made it hard to breathe, or even think.
He could hear Kaoru's cries, her panicked yelps, her pleas, her dying breaths. He could hear everyone else's too. He couldn't even move right now, not even to cover his ears once again. This was hell, this was absolute hell. He couldn't even imagine what it was like for Kaoru...
Akari had seen enough horrors in his life, he didn't need more. As stone cold as he was, he still had a heart, a heart that had been shattered and ripped, a mind that had been tainted with blood, and a life that no one would ever want to live. He'd gone through hell and back multiple times, yet he was back there again.
Why couldn't he escape the cold embrace of death? Torture? Hadn't he already been through enough? Hadn't he already paid for what he did?
Why... Why did he have to be here...
Why couldn't you have saved me from this? None of the s**t I've had to endure wouldn't have happened if you had just...
A tear fell down Akari's right eye, his head still glued to his arm on the podium. His hair had blocked anyone from seeing him, but it was obvious he was going through some stuff.
Solaro seemed unfazed, until it became apparent that she had spaced out, her eyes staring weirdly at the stage. Upon somehow detecting it was over, she shuddered and turned away, crying a little.