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signups. || warriors: fear in the fields of paradise

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up signups. || warriors: fear in the fields of paradise
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 1,548
Posted: Tue, 21/12/2021 17:35 (2 Years ago)

section i. plot
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You don't know how it's happened. CloverClan was supposed to be everything a cat could desire, but suddenly, it wasn't. It all started with an accident near the lake. Two cats perished, and several more were injured. Then, out of nowhere, your Leader has lost not one, but two of their lives at once. Every cat is in a panic now, and desolate desperation is beginning to crawl in your skin.

Fortunately, there's hope. You just need to seek out your Warrior Ancestors and speak to Leaders and Medicine Cats past. Then, you might have some answers. But when your Medicine Cat reveals that not even the Cats of the Rain know what is happening, you realize that it's perhaps more hopeless than initially thought.

Now, you and your Clanmates have one job: To survive.

section ii. information
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It's a known fact that in the rolling prairies and lush meadows, a large group of cats resides.
They call themselves CloverClan, named for their late founder, Prairie Clover. They follow the Cats of the Rain, whose voices seem to whisper with the raindrops.
Their territory is lush, filled with all sorts of herbs and flowers, and forests bordering the stony cliffs above. They are used to running about the hills, and their cats are often lean.

Cats of the Rain.
The StarClan equivalent of Fear in the Fields of Paradise. Rather than being held to an unrealistic standard of wisdom, the Cats of the Rain are usually seen as guides to the afterlife. Only the Leaders and Medicine Cats of the Cats of the Rain have the capacity to deliver omens to the living.
The Cats of the Rain have an individual ranking system. Leaders and Medicine Cats sit at the top, followed by Deputies and Elders, then Warriors, Queens, Apprentices, and Kits. Below them are those who wronged CloverClan to a severe degree.
It is recognized that there is some sort of higher being that delivers information to the highest-ranking Cats of the Rain, but none know of what it is.


The territory is hilly, but is usually covered in greenery year-round. They are surrounded on three sides by rocky, desolate cliffs, but warm breezes come from the Northwest.

section iii. rules
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i. Do not metagame. If you know something OOC, your character does not know it IC unless specifically stated.

ii. On a similar note, do not bunny or powerplay. Others do not want their OCs controlled, and it'd be rude to do autohitting or something.

iii. Come to me before suggesting plot additions. (For example, an anarchist movement in CloverClan, a traitor in the Clan, etc.)

iv. While there is no character maximum, you cannot be a Medicine Cat, Deputy, and Leader. You can only choose one. You'll need to talk to me before claiming one, too.

v. NPC cats are perfectly fine, especially if you'd like them to be claimed! Just talk to me about it.

vi. Pokeheroes rules apply here! Thank you.

section iv. application form
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Please remove everything in parentheses, and don't make the entire thing bold. That's all!
name: (name goes here.)
pronouns: (pronouns go here.)
age: (age in moons.)
rank: (what rank are they?)
appearance: (either a long description or an image.)
short appearance description: (for the allegiances!)
personality: (provide at least 2 flaws.)
other information:

This information is optional, but helps with worldbuilding/development!

[b]short appearance description:[/b]
[b]other information:[/b]


section v. current allegiances
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(Name) | (Pronouns) | (Roleplayer)

Goldenbriar | She/Her | sleepynebby
A heavily scarred, white-furred molly with patches of cream tabby.

Mothcloud | She/Her | ShatteredDiamond
A snow white short furred she cat with clouded baby-blue eyes.

Petalcloud | She/Her | sleepynebby
A large, tortoiseshell-and-tabby she-cat with blue eyes.

Hollyface | He/Him | sleepynebby
A thick-furred, long limbed ginger tabby tom with brown eyes and a graying muzzle.

Ashwish | He/Him, They/Them | Serendibite
An odd-looking russet tom with a white dash running down his chin and chest fur. Sharp yellow eyes.

Daisyfall | (Pronouns) | Serendibite
An odd-looking, russet she-cat with a white chest-splotch. Light green eyes.

Fawnsnow | They/Them | Serendibite
A white cat with a large brown tabbied patch running along them from head to tail. Piercing, watery green eyes.

Vineskip | He/Him | Serendibite
Smoke tabby tom with short legs, and watery green eyes.

Brokenice | He/Him | Serendibite
A black tom with a very thick, ragged pelt and sharp eyes that seem to linger between yellow and green.

(Name) | (Pronouns) | (Roleplayer)

(Name) | (Pronouns) | (Roleplayer)

(Name) | (Pronouns) | (Roleplayer)

(Name) | (Pronouns) | (Roleplayer)

Mosspaw | (Pronouns) | Serendibite
A black and white mottled she-cat with sharp green eyes.
MENTOR: Daisyfall

Sunpaw | She/Her | ShatteredDiamond
A short furred calico she cat with green eyes and missing her back right leg.

Flintpaw | He/Him, They/Them, It/Its | Serendibite
Fluffy, black/cream tabby tom with large white stripes and dark green eyes.
MENTOR: Brokenice

(Name) | (Pronouns) | (Roleplayer)

(Name) | (Pronouns) | (Roleplayer)

(Name) | (Pronouns) | (Roleplayer)

(Name) | (Pronouns) | (Roleplayer)

(Name) | (Pronouns) | (Roleplayer)

(Name) | (Pronouns) | (Roleplayer)

(Name) | (Pronouns) | (Roleplayer)
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 1,548
Posted: Tue, 21/12/2021 21:05 (2 Years ago)
Archer's Characters.

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name: Petalcloud
pronouns: She/Her
age: 45 Moons
rank: Warrior
appearance: [x]
short appearance description: A large, tortoiseshell-and-tabby she-cat with blue eyes.
personality: Petalcloud is a stubborn cat who sticks close to the code. She is a firm believer that all cats deserve a chance to live under the careful watch of CloverClan, but is doubtful in the legitimacy of the Cats of the Rain and their messages when she hears of them. She can often come off as rude, and may be seen as having a sharp tongue, but she ultimately cares for the well-being of her Clanmates.
other information: Petalcloud is a lesbian! So if you plan on wanting to play a mate for her, has to be a molly.

crush/mate: (Open!)
kits: (Open!)
parents: Oakstorm (Mother) / Cliffstone (Father)
siblings: Sweetberry (Sister), Slatetail (Sister)
mentor/apprentice: (Open!)

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name: Hollyface
pronouns: He/Him
age: 110 Moons
rank: Warrior
appearance: [x]
short appearance description: A thick-furred, long limbed ginger tabby tom with brown eyes and a graying muzzle.
personality: Hollyface is a quiet, reserved old tom. A once clever and sharp Warrior, he has now become clumsy on his paws. However, this does not stop him from trying his best to serve his Clanmates. He's very paranoid about cats from outside of the Clan coming to kill him and his Clanmates, though, and often seeks reassurance from close friends. He's ultimately a caring guy, but has his own issues he's dealing with.
other information: He's bound to be retiring to the Elders' den soon!

crush/mate: (Open!)
kits: (Open!)
parents: Vulturefeather (Mother); Fennelnose (Father)
siblings: Dustkit (Brother); Flamekit (Sister); Rosewhisker (Younger Sister); Brambletuft (Younger Brother)
mentor/apprentice: (Open!)

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name: Goldenbriar
pronouns: She/Her
age: 76 Moons
rank: Deputy
appearance: [x]
short appearance description: A heavily scarred, white-furred molly with patches of cream tabby.
personality: Despite seeming battle-hungry, this couldn't be further from the truth. She's rash and impulsive on the battlefield, yes, but she ultimately has every intention of protecting the weaker members of the Clan. Despite this bravery, she's very passive in Clan politics, usually being metaphorically-walked-over by outspoken Clanmates. She tries to hear many opinions at once, but ultimately fails to formulate her own. A bit of a pushover, but she does her best.
other information: I can't believe the Deputy has no backbone.... oh noooo...

crush/mate: (Open!)
kits: Sunpetal (Daughter); Cherryfreckle (Daughter); Applecloud (Daughter)
parents: Dewdust (Father); Boulderstripe (Biological Father); Shellstone (Biological Mother)
siblings: (Open!)
mentor/apprentice: (Open!)
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 28
Posted: Wed, 22/12/2021 04:42 (2 Years ago)
I got rid of this character.
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 1,548
Posted: Wed, 22/12/2021 15:00 (2 Years ago)
Contacted you about certain things regarding your character!

Feel free to apply still!
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Wed, 22/12/2021 17:34 (2 Years ago)

My Cats


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Name: Ashwish

Pronouns: He/Him, They/Them. (Identifies as a tom but doesn't care too much for pronouns)

Age: 34 Moons

Rank: Warrior

Appearance: [x]

Short appearance description: An odd-looking russet tom with a white dash running down his chin and chest fur. Sharp yellow eyes.

Personality: Ashwish is a confident, bigoted cat who looks down on others, while charming them with a silver tongue at the same play. He hates those who can't see past his veneer- going out of his way to make their life miserable. He's highly insecure in this way, but overcomes it by idolizing himself and telling himself that one day he can seize power and lead CloverClan to the ultimate victory in claiming territory and becoming stronger and deadlier than they had ever been in their history. For some reason he's constantly fighting to prove himself- Fighting and fighting each day to accomplish more and more. He can't stop at this point. He just needs to continue. And win.

Because if he gives up fighting for even a moment... how much will his built-up walls and mind crumble?

Personality Type: ENTJ (Te-Ni-Se-Fi)

Other information: Ashwish was born outside of the clans and raised as a foster-kit by a queen who, despite looking nothing like him- he believes to be his mother to this day. Perhaps if he knew, he wouldn't disdain non clan-kits so far to this day- but his sister, Daisyfall has always kept it from him. No matter how much she dislikes or fears him, she knows he couldn't live with anything less than perfect clan history. He was apprenticed to an average warrior and received his warrior name for his traits of intelligence and grace (slightly debatable).

Crush/Mate: [OPEN]

Siblings: Daisyfall [The two are estranged, often going out of their way to avoid one another. Daisyfall distrusts him and often sets her own apprentice, Mosspaw against him. She believes he wants to take over the clan- a possible truth, but one that Ashwish disdains. This is usually Ashwish's attitude toward her- disliking her and refusing to take her seriously or do anything but condescend her. He doesn't necessarily hate her- but he doesn't necessarily like her all that much either. There's no close history between the two. Even in kithood they weren't very close and they've only grown farther.]

Apprentice: [OPEN]

Sexual Orientation: Bi.

Romantic Orientation: Bi.


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Name: Daisyfall

Pronouns: She/Her

Age: 34 Moons

Rank: Warrior

Appearance: [x]

Short appearance description: An odd-looking, russet she-cat with a white chest-splotch. Light green eyes.

Personality: A stubborn, permanently on-edge and cautious she-cat who's rebellious and constantly fighting for her own moral principles and stands. She's never one to be bigoted- just judge those who she believes to be weak or cruel. She's constantly thinking up ways around rules and situations, pouring her imagination into ways to defend cats she cares about or respects. She's harsh and snappish besides this, even to cats she likes, and always brutally honest. She still remains no-nonsense and a tad strict, but she certainly cares, perhaps too much. Emotions guide her actions and her morals and injustice will always get her temper stricken.

Personality Type: INFP (Fi-Ne-Si-Te) [Highly Developed Si and Te]

Other information: Daisyfall has no idea of her origins. She and her brother- (unfortunately, she's quite sure they're siblings)- were born outside of CloverClan. They were raised under a foster Queen who died shortly after they'd been weaned off milk. Daisyfall understood that they were outsiders- they looked strange enough to confirm her suspicions- but her brother, Ashwish never realized it. This is partly why they're so divided. Daisyfall believes that outsiders should be cared for and protected, feeling that they were lucky to be taken in. Ashwish, on the other paw, believes that outsiders should be kept outside the clan in favour of pure clan heritage. Daisyfall knows just how she could shatter the wall between them- and break those horrible thoughts of her brother's. But in doing so, she'd undermine who he was- and she doesn't know how he could live with himself. So despite how much she hates his beliefs and what he stands for, she refuses. Even if they're estranged, she cares about him. He's her only family in this whole clan. And he'll always be beloved to her, no matter what he does.

Crush/Mate: [OPEN]

Siblings: Ashwish [These two littermates do not have much affection for one another. Daisyfall refers to Ashstar by his own name, very rarely- oftentimes, more "monster" "cunning piece of crow-food" or even, on occasion, in a good mood, or sarcastically, "my clever little brother". Daisyfall often warns her apprentice, Mosspaw of him, and remains highly distrustful, despite the care she feels deep down. They're total opposites. She's not going to approach him just to get her head rippen off.]

Apprentice: Mosspaw

Sexual Orientation: Daisyfall generally isn't very attracted to other cats based off of their appearances- she isn't ace, she's attracted primarily to toms- and yet, she finds it hard to connect their appearances with who they are and develop feelings.

Romantic Orientation: Straight.


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Name: Mosspaw

Pronouns: She/Her

Age: 8 Moons

Rank: Apprentice

Appearance: [x]

Short Appearance Description: A black and white mottled she-cat with sharp green eyes.

Personality: An aggressive, hot-headed she-cat. And yet, somehow, she's very resigned- and follows her own principles on how to act. Even though her reserved and anti-social side is quite evident, she can be overemotional- not at all a stoic cat. A pessimist who has little to no naivety within her. She'll always distrust others and believe them to be using her- the only thing that matters to this contradictory, hurting cat is fighting to prove she's more than her murderous father. That she can be a loyal member of CloverClan. Even when she's busy hurting herself.

Personality Type: ENFJ (Fe-Ni-Se-Ti) [Occasionally falls into a Ti loop.]

Other information: Mosspaw was born into a group of rogues along with her now deceased brother Feathery as the full-clan product of Mossy and Feather Upon discovering her heritage was purely CloverClan, Feather took her young, quarter moon old kits to CloverClan, leaving Mossy behind when he told her he couldn't betray his kin. CloverClan offered over the newly named Featherkit in an attempt to sooth the anger of Mossy's kin as a peace offering upon Feather's death at Mossy's paws. His family accepted, though Featherkit passed away only a moon later. Mosskit, however, grew up in CloverClan, and was apprenticed under Daisyfall. To this day, Mosspaw tries her best to be an excellent apprentice for CloverClan.

Crush [OPEN]

Parents: Mossy [She hates her father who killed her mother and stole her brother from her- and has sworn revenge, despite her sheer fear at the thought of meeting him. He may crush her like a bug, but she has to do this, doesn't she? She has to prove herself...] and Feather [Mosspaw loves her mother and holds no blame in her heart for her, regardless of the role she may have played in her brother's death. Her mother is beloved to her and she longs for the day she can finally see her again.]

Siblings: Featherkit/Feathery [She misses her brother dearly and regrets that he'd been the one to be taken away from CloverClan- That she could've been the one to die and join their ancestors. She should've fought harder... she shouldn't've let him be lost.]

Mentor: Daisyfall

Sexual Orientation: She's attracted physically to toms.

Romantic Orientation: She's attracted to all genders (Omni), although she tends to prefer toms as with her sexuality- and she-cats over non-binary/genderqueer cats in general.


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Name: Fawnsnow

Pronouns: They/Them (Might mess up on this since I'm adjusting from a long-standing roleplay with different pronouns, please be patient.)

Age: 43 Moons

Rank: Warrior

Appearance: [x]

Short appearance description: A white cat with a large brown tabbied patch running along them from head to tail. Piercing, watery green eyes.

Personality: Though not cardboard, Fawnsnow is a rather forgettable cat, with little to no achievements. They're kind, but much too to be natural. They seem to lack many morals that are present in ordinary cats, and will go to frightening extents for those they care about. They have a talent at making other cats feel at ease with them, which can be frightening, especially when they shows some of their true colors.

Personality Type: INFJ (Ni-Fe-Ti-Se)

Other information: N/A, may be TBA.

Crush/Mate: ???

Siblings: Firefang [The two are very distanced, particularly in recent times.]

Apprentice: [OPEN]

Sexual Orientation: Bi.

Romantic Orientation: Bi.


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Name: Vineskip

Pronouns: He/Him

Age: 16 Moons

Rank: Warrior

Appearance: [x]

Short appearance description: Smoke tabby tom with short legs, and watery green eyes.

Personality: Vineskip is a childish, hyperactive tom with ADHD. He's slightly spoiled, too informal and rather silly, but these tend to endear him to others. He's kind at heart and gentle, and he has a strong sense of justice, as well as powerful, unconscious charisma and natural care for others. He can be a little pushy and annoying at times as well, but his sweetness and genuine adoration and empathy for other's situations tends to win over his flaws, and he is generally considered a good cat.

Personality Type: ENFJ (Fe-Ni-Fe-Ti)

Other information: Vinekit's mother, Scrabble, and his aunt, Dangle were both born rogues. Along with their three brothers, the littermates trained themselves to hunt after their mother went missing. They didn't know how to fight, however, and on the edge of the field they hunted in, a fox cornered Scrabble and Dangle. Scrabble was badly wounded, but managed to escape when Dangle feigned an attack on the fox. Scrabble managed to drag herself home, where her brothers barely managed to save her life when she caught fever. They mourned Dangle for many moons, but eventually had to move on. The stick-thin kits grew up, and disbanded their little group, done with the company of their moping littermates. Scrabble herself, started a family, and gave birth to Vineskip, naming him Whisper. Unawarely, she had created her den on the edge of clan territory, and one day, a patrol found her while she was hunting. Amongst the patrol, she spotted Dangle, her pelt free and clean of the wounds she once had. Scrabble attempted to talk with "Gingerpool" , but was driven off of CloverClan territory. Angrily, she vowed never to trust Gingerpool again- she was no longer Dangle. The only affection she had was for her son, who she vowed to raise to adulthood. Gingerpool, who had recognized Scrabble, found her den at the edge of CloverClan territory. Not even The Cats of the Rain know what happened that night- but every cat of CloverClan know that Gingerpool had fought, and smashed the skull of a rogue into a rock. Driven by guilt, Gingerpool brought Whisper home. Unaware of his name, she chose to name him Vinekit. To this day, Vineskip attempts to serve his clan with dignity, despite the many tragedies that have, and will befall him.

Crush/Mate: [OPEN]

Parents: Gingerpool [Vineskip is very close to his adoptive mother, practically worshipping her. He follows her around most of the day and is constantly trying to talk with or play with her. She's kind to him, and desperately idolizes her as the picture of what's good and true in society. He may be very wrong... she isn't exactly a perfect cat. But in his eyes, she is.] Scrabble [Vineskip is uncomfortable with the thought of his mother and tries to avoid thinking about her.]

Apprentice: [OPEN]

Sexual Orientation: Demi.

Romantic Orientation: Omni.


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Name: Brokenkit

Pronouns: She/Her, They/Them.

Age: 6 Moons

Rank: Kit

Appearance: [x]

Short appearance description: Black she-cat with a few white mottles on her back as well as pale yellow eyes.

Personality: A cruel-tongued, pompous, harsh she-cat with an arrogant outlook and little respect for those she views as weak. She believes that all cats who fail to try, who settle for mediocrity for happiness, are those who do not properly serve the clan. The clan comes above one's own wishes, and being able to fight- to conquer- is its greatest. She looks down on everyone, particularly those who seek peace with no strength to boast. And yet, to her higher ranks, she's polite and respectful, always listening, always using what they teach her to better her own actions. And to elders and kits, the future of the clan, she will always worship, as it is her own goal to become a beloved elder and teach her kinsmen, leading them to glory. Overall, she's one of the cats with the most ordinary of goals- and yet the harshest way of overcoming them. Does she know the meaning of the word "kindness" or "rest"?

Personality Type: ENTJ (Te-Ni-Se-Fi)

Other information: Brokenkit is a training maniac, despite not being apprenticed yet. She'll study the apprentices' forms for hours, trying to replicate them and constantly dismisses things she views as "kittish" or "juvenile" in exchange for her constant, relentless practice. This is part of the reason why she's so estranged from her siblings.

Crush: [OPEN]

Parents: Brightheart [Brokenkit isn't particularly close to her mother- disdaining her lackadasical attitude and kindness. She'd rather be related to a stronger, harsher cat, and thus tends to lie about their relation- or at least keep it off the topics list.] Darkclaw [She doesn't recall her father very well- but she respected his position as a warrior and would gladly share their kinship, though not her mother's.]

Siblings: Darkkit [Brokenkit dislikes her sister even more so than her mother. She dislikes her "natural" talent with fighting and her sly, manipulative words. Brokenkit is going to be the strongest, best kit- and her strange little sister doesn't give her the respect she needs to view her as a rival.]

Sexual Orientation: Straight.

Romantic Orientation: Heteroflexible.

[Let me know if I'm missing anything! Thank you so much for creating the roleplay!]
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 199
Posted: Wed, 22/12/2021 21:09 (2 Years ago)
Cat Number one:
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name: Mothcloud
age: 49 moons
rank: Medicine Cat
appearance: here
short appearance description: A snow white short furred she cat with clouded baby-blue eyes.
personality: A serious yet optimistic cat, who refuses to let her disability inhibit her. Loves to listen to stories and to tell stories of her own.
other information: Born blind, but has trained herself to identify herbs via smell and occasionally taste.

crush/mate: TBD
kits: None
parents: Unknown
siblings: Unknown
mentor/apprentice: TBD

Cat Number two:
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name: Sunkit to Threeleg to Sunpaw
pronouns: She/Her
age: 13 moons
rank: Apprentice
appearance: here
short appearance description: A short furred calico she cat with green eyes and missing her back right leg
personality: Bubbly, insecure yet passionate about proving her worth despite her disability.
other information: When she was a mere kit, her littermates went near the edge of the camp's border. There they were attacked by a badger. Sunkit(at the time) saved her littermates by distracting the attackers, but her leg was mauled as she tried to escape. Her leg had to be fully removed. The clan treated her horribly and her father renamed her to Threeleg so she ran off, finding the CloverClan where she was welcomed with open paws... Despite her injury, she is surprisingly fast. She wants to be a warrior and watches the older apprentices train.

crush/mate: TBD
kits: TBD
parents: Doesn't associate with them, due to mother being distant and father being abusive, especially after the incident.
siblings: None
mentor/apprentice: TBD

Let me know if anything needs to be edited. Hope this Roleplay goes strong!
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Thu, 23/12/2021 17:16 (2 Years ago)

More Cats


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Name: Flintpaw

Pronouns: He/Him, They/Them, It/It's.

Age: 10 Moons Old

Rank: Apprentice

Appearance: [x]

Short appearance description: Fluffy, black/cream tabby tom with large white stripes and dark green eyes.

Personality: Flintpaw is a selfish, self-serving, flirty, antipathic tom who tends to focus on himself and disregard the feelings of others. He doesn't have any particular goal, floating between whatever catches his interest (usually she-cats and toms alike in romance, regardless of clan) and dropping them like a hot potato when he finds someone more interesting. Flintpaw is a charming and courteous cat, similar to Ashwish- a subconscious habit of what will win him the affection of others, rather than true kindness or goodwill.

He is rather blunt in nature, quick to dismiss cats and express his opinion, regardless of the feelings he will crush. Don't mistake this for honesty, however- he's willing to lie and manipulate to get whatever he's interested in at the moment, whether it's a piece of prey or a cat's heart.

Personality Type: ESTP (Se-Ti-Fe-Ni) [Se/Fe loop]

Other information: Flintpaw was born outside the clan, which he's quick to point out as the cause of his messy reputation. Something emotionally happened to him as a kit, shortly before he joined the clan which his current mentor Brokenice could tell as he dragged him out of the brook. The kit was choking nonsense and fear, unable to speak for moons at a time. Until one day he 'awoke' and spoke. He seemed to be a changed cat- no longer a mute kitten who would space out and hide his face at the slightest noise, but rather a crude flirty cat who'd step on other's feelings for what seemed to be no reason at all. Nobody is really sure what to make of this change, and its tended to be ignored, by both Flintpaw and his clanmates.

Crush of the Week: [OPEN]

Mentor: Brokenice

Sexual Orientation: Bi, attracted to cats of binary genders.

Romantic Orientation: Bi, attracted to cats of binary genders, though he's perfectly fine with romantically manipulating cats who are outside of it.


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Name: Brokenice

Pronouns: He/Him

Age: ??? (A rather elderly tom, probably between 70-100 moons.)

Rank: Senior Warrior

Appearance: [x]

Short appearance description: A black tom with a very thick, ragged pelt and sharp eyes that seem to linger between yellow and green.

Personality: Brokenice is a cold, ominous tom who holds nothing but disdain for his clanmates. He appreciates quiet and solitude and likes listening to birds, though he holds a certain disdain for pigeons. Brokenice lives up to his name, ice-cold down to the bone, though there is one cat of whom he cares about and bases his actions off of... a cat long dead, whom he knows he will never join as a Cat of the Rain. His strict, aggressive attitude has lead him to isolate himself off from his clanmates. Even though he'll serve his clan to the end... he still won't care for the cats inside it.

Personality Type: INTJ (Ni-Te-Fi-Se)

Other information: [Wrote up a history but yeeted it out the window. Goodbye.]

Crush: [Closed]

Apprentice: Flintpaw

Sexual Orientation: Straight, attracted to she-cats.

Romantic Orientation: Straight, attracted to she-cats.


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Name: Crowkit

Pronouns: She/Her, They/Them, He/Him, It/It's, Ze/Zir, etc. (Genderfluid, goes by all pronouns.)

Age: 2 Moons

Rank: Kit

Appearance: [x]

Short appearance description: A black and white mottled kitten with light blue eyes.

Personality: Crowkit is terrified of many things, finding a potential for fear in everything. That's why Crowkit admires Marigoldkit and Fierykit as much as they do. Crowkit is a rather jumpy and nervous cat. Despite this, they aren't necessarily very good at heart- she is kind, certainly, but deep down, Crowkit is rather self-motivated and selfish, something easily misinterpreted as he himself isn't aware of it, especially combined with his natural kindness and skill with words. The shy, sweet attitude they take can easily be recognized as kindness, but they're actually quite apathetic deep down in every manner that isn't in regard to their siblings.

Personality Type: ENFP (Ne-Fi-Te-Si)

Other information: Crowkit was born to Scorchscar and Larkfur in CloverClan, along with his littermates Marigoldkit, Fierykit, and Spottedkit. Unfortunately, their parents passed away along with their sister Spottedkit a few days after they were born. Some cats like to attribute her shyness and nervousness to this, but in fact, she doesn't really remember or care about her deceased kin.

Parents: Scorchscar [Crowkit doesn't even remember their father's name- she's hardly aware of his existence, and will awkwardly change the subject if it's ever brought up.] and Larkfur [Crowkit doesn't have a single memory of his mother. He knows her name, unlike his father, but he doesn't really understand her existence except as a strange concept of "mother."] Foster Parent(s): [OPEN]

Siblings: Marigoldkit [Crowkit finds Marigoldkit a little weird. He's rather overly protective. Sure, Crowkit admires his strength, and maturity, and determination. But Crowkit didn't latch onto him the way she did to Fierykit. While Fierykit is kind and open and fully honest with his feelings, Marigoldkit was rather reserved and shy. Crowkit talks with Marigoldkit often, as he's often watching protectively over Fierykit, but Crowkit doesn't particularily like or care about him], Spottedkit [Crowkit has a vague memory of his sister- but nothing beyond that. Just the vague memory of warmth and a scent they can barely bring to mind], and Fierykit [Above everyone else they have ever met, Crowkit admires Fierykit. She watches from a distance as he talks, she stares wide-eyed as he speaks up in defense of others. Crowkit's admiration for Fierykit borders on unhealthy, as they sees the cat they've always wanted to be in their kindly brother.]

Sexual Orientation: ACE

Romantic Orientation: ARO

NOTE: Fierykit and Marigoldkit are going to be NPCed for now. I may roleplay them later, but they're currently open for anyone who'd like to roleplay them. If you'd like to permanently roleplay them, let me know and I'll send you a short summary on them.

to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 1,548
Posted: Fri, 24/12/2021 14:52 (2 Years ago)
@Serendibite & @ShatteredDiamond
Accepted! I'll add them into the allegiances when I can!

Feel free to keep applying!
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Mon, 27/12/2021 17:14 (2 Years ago)

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Name: Honeystar

Pronouns: She/Her, They/Them

Age: 59 Moons

Rank: Leader

Appearance: [x]

Short appearance description: Small white she-cat with golden splotches.

Personality: Honeystar is a gregarious, friendly cat who enjoys leading others. She is very charismatic and seems to be very kind. She's by no means weak however- she's a very tough, headstrong cat who never lays down for others. She also is highly distrustful, having no faith in even the kindest of her clanmates. She also has a bad adventurous streak and enjoys going on patrols or trips outside the territories; romanticising the adventurous over the mundane. She seems fairly decent, right? A good strong leader who'll protect the cats under her... But in fact, she's loyal to a dangerous extent. She'll do whatever it takes to help her clan survive. The end will always justify the means to her and she'd gladly kill a rogue outside the clan and take their kits. And punish any cat whom she suspects of betrayal. Usually she's quite kind, but this side of hers is always there... waiting and lingering, ready to snap.

Personality Type: ENFJ (Fe-Ni-Se-Ti)

Other information: Honeykit was always an adventurous kit, exploring the camp in her first few days of life. But, that slowly blossomed into something on a much larger level, when she left the camp, at a single moon of age. She protested when she was scolded, "I wanted to see something new! And it's not boring out there!" Even though it was repressed, she always longed to go out and see new things. Her father, the former leader of CloveClan, named her deputy, forcing her to stay out of obligation. Honeystar is mostly happy in her clan now, but she still wonders what life outside the territory is- something she'll never tell anyone out of fear. She has taken Dandelionstrike as a mate, and adopted a lone kit, Leafthorn.

Honeystar has 3 lives remaining.

Mate: Dandelionstrike [Honeystar and Dandelionstrike have a frayed relationship, constantly arguing and fighting, and undermining one another. The two just don't mesh well, and deep down, Honeystar longs to have their sweet, cheesy relationship from long ago. It's impossible, however- while they do care about each other, there's too much anger and bitterness from a lifetime of fights and neither of them are willing to forgive each other.]

Kits: Leafthorn [Honeystar cares about her adopted son deeply and tries to spend as much time with him as her position allows. Unfortunately, due to Honeystar's role within the clan, they aren't very close, something very saddening for her.]

Parents: Unnamed Tom. [Honeystar doesn't think much about her deceased father. She disliked him and his attempts to emotionally manipulate her- He never cared about her wants or needs, rather that she stayed in CloverClan. He is the stem of many of her issues and deep down, she can't forget his presence- what he always wanted of her. To serve her clan faithfully to the end. Every time she goes off into their territory, she'll always sense him on her heels. Waiting for her to turn around and go home. And she will, not because of love or loyalty- but because of fear. Fear that maybe he was right- and clan life is the only one she could survive in.]

Sexual Orientation: Gay.

Romantic Orientation: Gay.


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Name: Dandelionstrike

Pronouns: She/Her

Age: 46 Moons

Rank: Senior Warrior

Appearance: [x]

Short appearance description: Long-haired white she-cat with sharp yellow eyes.

Personality: Dandelionstrike is a temperamental, insecure mess who's constantly manipulating and twisting cat's feelings to make them stay by her side. She's always in a state of fear and anger, lashing out and accusing cats of cruelty as soon as she sees such a thing. She is incredibly slow to figure things out, and jumps to conclusions at the slightest hint of bias. She's not a fully bad cat, however- she'll care for those who are hurting. And she is actually quite good deep down. Even if she is so harsh all the time..

Personality Type: ISFJ (Si-Fe-Ti-Ne)

Other information: Dandelionstrike was given a rather distant childhood- her parents were constantly ignoring her and so she started to act up, hoping to draw their attention. That didn't end very well, however- and she walked away with more than emotional scars. Her cheery (and yet often cruel) father vanished from the clan one day and Dandelionstrike felt alone. No matter how cruel he'd been, he had paid far more attention to her than her distant mother and with it, Dandelionstrike swore that one day she would surround herself with "kind" cats like him. She's find a way to make them stay by her side. She was apprenticed under a senior warrior and earned her name for her specialty in hard-hitting, powerful blows. She took Honeystar as a mate and adopted a lone kit (quite against her will) Leafthorn. To this day, she serves as a senior warrior of CloverClan.

Mate: Honeystar [Dandelionstrike and Honeystar argue a lot more than either would like to admit. The two were probably not meant to be, but they force their relationship out of hope of regaining the simple childish love they once had It's quite sad- two hurt, emotionally crushed cats clinging to one another, begging for love from a cat who reminds themself of their abuser. If only they could finally talk- But that's unlikely to happen.]

Parents: Unnamed Father [I'm not getting into this.] Unnamed Mother. [Again.]

Siblings: OPEN

Kits: Leafthorn [Dandelionstrike cannot stand her adopted son, seeing him as an issue in her and Honeystar's relationship. She often will pin things on him, or purposefully get him in trouble over small issues.]

Apprentice: [OPEN]

Sexual Orientation: Pan.

Romantic Orientation: Omni.

to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 199
Posted: Mon, 27/12/2021 22:38 (2 Years ago)
Cat Number Three
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name: Brightheart
pronouns: She/Her
age: 50 moons
rank: Warrior
appearance: x
short appearance description: A Siamese she-cat with blue eyes
personality: As her name suggests, Brightheart is a cheerful cat who looks on the bright side of things. Loving to prance about and roam the territory of the clan, many were shocked when she became mates to Darkclaw, a tom who was notoriously mean and snarky. But she managed to win his heart and had his kit(s), who he at least got to meet before his demise.
other information: She worries about her daughters, Darkkit and Brokenkit, a lot. Brightheart plans to take Darkkit as an apprentice to try to understand the two a bit better and often seeks the advice of the Medicine Cat and, subsequently, the Cats of the Rain.

crush/mate: Darkclaw(deceased)
kits: Darkkit, Brokenkit(Serendibite's character), (Open!)
parents: Unknown
siblings: Unknown
Apprentice: Will be her daughter, Darkkit

Cat Number Four
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name: Darkkit
pronouns: She/Her
age: 5 1/2 moons
rank: Kit
appearance: x
short appearance description: A black she-kit with piercing blue eyes
personality: Sly and manipulative, Darkkit will get what she wants when she wants it. She has a strange fascination with fighting and death.
other information: From a young age, Darkkit understood she was... different from the other kits. While other kits chose to play with mossballs and play fight, she was interested in real fights, with claws and teeth. She watched apprentices train with their mentors and trained herself by mimicking the attacks she(they) learned on trees and sometimes other kits. She always got away with it because she could manipulate the other cats into believing her stories over the kits she had hurt.

crush/mate: Too young/Not interested
parents: Father: Darkclaw(deceased) Mother: Brightheart
siblings: Brokenkit(Serendibite's character), (Open!)
mentor: Will be her mother, Brightheart
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 212
Posted: Mon, 27/12/2021 23:39 (2 Years ago)
name: Raggedwings
pronouns: she/her
age: 76 moons
rank: Elder
short appearance description: Ragged is a long furred calico with scars littering her body, she is missing one of her eyes.
personality: Raggedwings is a wise old cat who loves to tell story's, she is gentle and kind. she has a soft spot for kits and loves to visit the nursery
other information: Raggedwings lived a life alone most of the time.She lived with her Mother but her mother kept her away from the clans.Raggedwings real name was Bird, she always wanted to Fly and see the world. So she ran away from her mom and found cloverclan and her dad, From her past of being a rouge her name was changed to Raggedkit, she was often bullied by some kits , she found bird wings all over her nest. Later she accpeted her name and fought in many battles.
crush/mate: LightingStrike [dead]
kits: Moonheart (Kittypet)
parents: Dad:Thunderheart[dead] Mother:Fern(dead)
siblings: None
The stars shine bright and are calling me to go

Advi From Demon Slayer season 1
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 58
Posted: Mon, 27/12/2021 23:49 (2 Years ago)
name: Heathersight
pronouns: She/Her
age: 18 moons
rank: warrior
appearance: white with red eyes (albino)
short appearance description: Fluffy white cat with heathery-red colored eyes.
personality: Protective, Fierce, Loving, can be cold.
other information: *shrug*

crush/mate: her lore its Rabbitstar, but in this none
kits: none
parents: Willowdew/Crowstar
siblings: Bramblespines/Witherrose

name: Willowdew
pronouns: She/Her
age: 32 moons
appearance: White with a steely, grey blue color, one blue and one yellow eye.
short appearance description: Soft, white cat with steely gray-blue drizzles on back, paws, tail and tear like marks on eyes, stripes on ears.
personality: LOving, kind, good at keeping secrets.
other information: none

crush/mate: Crowstar (in this he can be Crowwing)
kits: Heathersight/Bramblespines/Witherrose
parents: Mewsong(deceased)/Dawnwing(deceased)
siblings: Shadestar (in this she'll be Shadefeather)

Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 468
Posted: Tue, 28/12/2021 09:05 (2 Years ago)
name: Dewkit
pronouns: She/Her
age: 1 Moon
rank: Kit
appearance: x
short appearance description: Light grey, almost silver, blue eyes
personality: Shy and Gentle, takes some time to warm up
other information: Can she be attracted to the medicine cat den? So she is destined to be a medicine cat?

crush/mate: No
kits: No
parents: Dawnmist - Mom, Riverclaw - Dad
siblings: Silverkit, Stormkit
mentor/apprentice: No
Hush dear,

Let me tell you a secret,

The real monsters don't look like monsters~
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 468
Posted: Wed, 29/12/2021 08:46 (2 Years ago)
name: Dawnmist
pronouns: She/Her
age: 22 Moons
rank: Queen
appearance: - Tell me if you can’t see it...
short appearance description: Light grey, almost silver, light her daughter, with green eyes
personality: Kind and gentle, but protective of her kits and mate
other information: It is easy to overlook her loss of her brother Firefur, who drowned at the age of 17 Moons, as she comes through as a friendly and understanding cat. Yet her loss is shown in her protectiveness of her kits and mate, she doesn’t want to lose and of them.

crush/mate: Riverclaw
kits: Dewkit, Silverkit, Stormkit
parents: Doveflight - Mom, Goldflame - Dad
siblings: Firefur (Dead)
mentor/apprentice: Rocktail - Mentor, No apprentice yet
Hush dear,

Let me tell you a secret,

The real monsters don't look like monsters~
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 155
Posted: Thu, 30/12/2021 18:07 (2 Years ago)
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name: Splashleap
pronouns: he/him
age: 36 moons
rank: Warrior
appearance: blue-gray tom with little black spots
short appearance description: river-coloured tom with little black splash-like patterns
personality: outgoing, adventure-loving tom
other information: nah

crush/mate: Sweetfur
kits: Glowingkit, a cream she-cat, Ripplekit, a white-and-gray tom, and Swimkit, a blue-gray she-cat
parents: Father: Runningleap Mother: Grasspool Both dead
sibling: An exile, Jag, formerly Jaggedclaw
mentor/apprentice: Pollenpaw
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 60
Posted: Fri, 31/12/2021 01:48 (2 Years ago)
name: Shadowflame
pronouns: he/him
age: 18 moons
rank: warrior
appearance: black fur with fiery paws and blue eyes
short appearance description: Jet black fur with crimson red paws as well as teal eyes
personality: Calm and Warmhearted
other information: He is a new warrior and has a brother named Sunstrike who is died in a battle, his father (Redheart) also died too in a battle and a sister named Sparkfur who went missing.

crush/mate: Silvercloud
kits: None
parents: Redheart (dead) and Heatherstream
siblings: Sunstrike (dead)
mentor/apprentice: None (but soon to get apprentice named Shrewpaw)
Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 199
Posted: Tue, 18/01/2022 19:22 (2 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 0
Posted: Tue, 18/01/2022 23:21 (2 Years ago)
name: Sparrowshade
pronouns: She/her
age: 13 moons
rank: Warrior
appearance: here
short appearance description: Small, warm brown tabby with cream underbelly, chest, muzzle, and legs with orange-amber eyes
personality: Judgemental, passive attitude. Sparrowshade hides behind a mask of not caring and being generally grumpy, though she is very kind deep down. She’s very stubborn and embarrassed easily.
other information: Bisexual

crush/mate: [Open]
kits: Too young
parents: N/A
siblings: [Open]
apprentice: [Future apprentice open]
Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 199
Posted: Thu, 27/01/2022 20:28 (2 Years ago)
(another bump)
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Wed, 02/02/2022 23:08 (2 Years ago)
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature