Forum Thread
🌻300PD mons🌻 [CLOSED]
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → 🌻300PD mons🌻 [CLOSED]Pokemon: Charmander, Pidgeotto, Rattata (Retro), Eevee (x3)
Box#: Sell2
Pokemon: Blastoise, Rattata, Vulpix
Box#: Sell4
Pokemon: Gloom, Muk (Alolan), Staryu (x2)
Box#: Sell5
Pokemon: Cloyster, Onix, Electrode
Box#: Sell6
Pokemon: Grimer, Dragonair
Box#: Sell7
Pokemon: Jynx, Goldeen
Box#: Sell18
Pokemon: Machoke
Box#: Sell21
Pokemon: Shellder, Hypno
Box#: Sell24
Pokemon: Doduo
Box#: Sell26
Pokemon: Spearow, Venonat
Box#: Sell27
Pokemon: Weedle, Nidoran (f), Vulpix, Rhyhorn
Payment: PD!
Anything else?: Could you perhaps Everstone the following: Charmander, Pidgeotto, Rattata, Vulpix, Staryu (x1), Onix, Grimer, Dragonair, Goldeen, Machoke, Shellder, Doduo, Spearow, Weedle, Nidoran (f), and Rhyhorn? Please and thank you!
Pokemon: Zygarde 10%
Pokemon: Skrelp, Tyrunt, and Spring Mareep
payment: ground gems
anything else:nope
Pokemon: Joltik
Box#: Sell 20
Pokemon: Joltik (x2)
Box#: Sell 23
Pokemon: Joltik
Box#: Sell 25
Pokemon: Joltik
Box#: Sell 26
Pokemon: Joltik (x2)
Box#: Sell 27
Pokemon: Joltik (x3)
Box#: Sell 28
Pokemon: Joltik
Anything else?: this is for a hoard, that's why it's all joltik lol.
Box#: Sell1
Pokemon: Raticate (Alolan), Sandshrew (Alolan), Ponyta
Box#: Sell5
Pokemon: Arbok, Growlithe (x2), Persian
Box#: Sell12
Pokemon: Igglybuff, Malamar, Klefki, Greedent
Box#: Sell14
Pokemon: Exeggute
Box#: Sell15
Pokemon: Magmar, Poliwhirl
Box#: Sell16
Pokemon: Lapras
Box#: Sell17
Pokemon: Magneton, Hattrem
Box#: Sell21
Pokemon: Kangashkan
Box#: Sell28
Pokemon: Porygon, Omastar
Payment: Ground Gems!
Anything else?: Could you everstone Ponyta? ^^ That will be it! Thank you :3
Pokemon: Durant, Sawsbuck (Winter), Sawsbuck (Summer), Archeops, Archen, Krookodile, Krokorok
Pokemon: Garbodor
Pokemon: Excadrill
Pokemon: Litleo
Pokemon: Boldore
Pokemon: Panpour, Toxapex
Pokemon: Roggenrolla
Pokemon: Pansage
Payment: [Don't calculate, I will!] PD
Anything else?: Please put an everstone on Krokorok, Archen, Litleo, Boldore, and Roggenrolla. Thank you!
Pokemon: Gligar
Payment: PD
Anything else?: everstone pls

Sprites by Yamper
Also please re-read rhe first post. I'm not selling the events in the sell boxes if I don't have dulpicates. Also the prices will differ.