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One day, an average city was wiped
out. Gone. Erased. Nobody knew what happened or how, and events
like this started happening all across the globe. All that has been
discovered is that a villain, known publicly as Wipeout, has a
quirk known as Erasure. This is a powerful, if hard to control,
quirk that allows the user to shoot a wave of destructive energy
that obliterates nearly anything in it's path. What now? You are a
student starting at The Crawler, a confusingly named airship school
for heroes. Or perhaps you're a villain working under Wipeout,
wanting to destroy. Or maybe you're just a professional hero trying
to make a difference.
(Spoiler won't work, so here) One day, an average city was wiped out. Gone. Erased. Nobody knew what happened or how, and events like this started happening all across the globe. All that has been discovered is that a villain, known publicly as Wipeout, has a quirk known as Erasure. This is a powerful, if hard to control, quirk that allows the user to shoot a wave of destructive energy that obliterates nearly anything in it's path. What now? You are a student starting at The Crawler, a confusingly named airship school for heroes. Or perhaps you're a villain working under Wipeout, wanting to destroy. Or maybe you're just a professional hero trying to make a difference.

1. No controlling (If 1 Punches 2, 1
must wait for 2 to post a reaction before attacking again. Instead
of "1 punched 2 then kicked 2 into a tree", instead do "1 punched
2" "2 reeled back and bit their lip" "1 leaped forward and kicked 2
into a tree")
2. Swearing is allowed, but censor it (Damn and Hell are allowed uncensored)
4. Pass is Boom, put in Other
5. Not required, but i'd suggest using Picrew for the appearance part on the form
6. Couples/Shipping are allowed, but try to keep sexual tension to a minimum. If you find it important, sneak in a subtle suggestive reference that kids wouldn't get. (Ik i'm technically a kid, but I got corrupted at a young age lol)
7. No overpowered characters or quirks. I'm gonna make a quirk power scale in Quirk Ratings/Descriptions, try to keep it around or below a 7
2. Swearing is allowed, but censor it (Damn and Hell are allowed uncensored)
4. Pass is Boom, put in Other
5. Not required, but i'd suggest using Picrew for the appearance part on the form
6. Couples/Shipping are allowed, but try to keep sexual tension to a minimum. If you find it important, sneak in a subtle suggestive reference that kids wouldn't get. (Ik i'm technically a kid, but I got corrupted at a young age lol)
7. No overpowered characters or quirks. I'm gonna make a quirk power scale in Quirk Ratings/Descriptions, try to keep it around or below a 7

Hero, Student, or Villain?:
Quirk: (Name + Description) (Leave blank if Quirkless)
Rank: (Villains only, just a general tier in terms of how much authority you have when it comes to other villains)
Hero Name: (Heroes/Students only)
Hero, Student, or Villain?:
Quirk: (Name + Description) (Leave blank if Quirkless)
Rank: (Villains only, just a general tier in terms of how much authority you have when it comes to other villains)
Hero Name: (Heroes/Students only)

Zuzu/Nonbinary/14/Azalian/Asexual/White Thunder/Student/Boltage
Kinaka/Male/27/Gay/Gas/A-Rank Villain/Gas Mask
Daiki/Male/16/Gay/Claws Of Steel/Villain/Goldbeast
Kai/Male/15/Bi/2-Face/Student, sometimes Villain/Blossom/Harbringer
Kinaka/Male/27/Gay/Gas/A-Rank Villain/Gas Mask
Daiki/Male/16/Gay/Claws Of Steel/Villain/Goldbeast
Kai/Male/15/Bi/2-Face/Student, sometimes Villain/Blossom/Harbringer
Quirk Ratings/Descriptions

Quirk Scale:
1=Weak, basically useless
2=Weak, barely useful
3=Convenient, mildly useful
4=Convenient, decently useful
5=Useful, somewhat strong/useful in a fight
6=Useful, Pretty strong/useful in a fight
7=Strong, Stronger/More useful in a fight than average
8=Strong, Much Stronger/More useful in a fight than average
9=Intense, Somewhat overpowered
10=Intense, Very overpowered
White Thunder: Can produce and manipulate blue lightning and use it to propel forward quickly and stun opponents (6-7)
Erasure: Can send out waves of pure destructive energy from body (9)
Epithet: Has word attached to soul that allows them certain abilities, can use words written on body, consumes stamina quickly (5-7, Situational)
Demonic: Turns user into demonic, imp-like creature and allows them to make portals between the realms of humans and demons (6)
Spin: Has quickly-regenerating, razor-sharp nails that they can spin at different speeds and shoot off like bullets (7)
Hyper-Up: Can boost speed and strength aswell as steal stamina from others to stay in the Hyper-Up Form for longer, drains stamina quickly, can cause injury to self (5-6)
Gas: Can emit different types of gas from pores with varying levels of danger (6-7)
Pollen: Can create pollen to pacify foes, but spores are fragile and effects can be broken through (5)
Animorph: Can shapeshift into a specific set of animals demonstrated on body (6-7)
Claws Of Steel: Can transform metal liquid in body into Wolverine-Like claws, can feel damage like limbs and take a few days to repair when broken
2-Face: Has 2 faces, a light and dark, which their body switches between at random. In light form, they have a supernatural healing factor and the ability to heal others, although only one of those effects can be in use at a time. In dark form however, they become a being of pure energy, completely driven by whichever mood they were in at the time of turning. The pure energy can be a destructive force, a healing force, or constructive neutral. This cannot be stopped without a quirk-blocking ability, so otherwise you must let the dark form run its course. The dark form will also drain the user physically and emotionally, causing blackouts upon turning to light form. (7)
Rainweather: Can temporarily control weather within a certain range, but can easily be drained if used too often (4-6)
Random: Randomly switches between different powers that are hard to control (1-7, Extremely Situational)
1=Weak, basically useless
2=Weak, barely useful
3=Convenient, mildly useful
4=Convenient, decently useful
5=Useful, somewhat strong/useful in a fight
6=Useful, Pretty strong/useful in a fight
7=Strong, Stronger/More useful in a fight than average
8=Strong, Much Stronger/More useful in a fight than average
9=Intense, Somewhat overpowered
10=Intense, Very overpowered
White Thunder: Can produce and manipulate blue lightning and use it to propel forward quickly and stun opponents (6-7)
Erasure: Can send out waves of pure destructive energy from body (9)
Epithet: Has word attached to soul that allows them certain abilities, can use words written on body, consumes stamina quickly (5-7, Situational)
Demonic: Turns user into demonic, imp-like creature and allows them to make portals between the realms of humans and demons (6)
Spin: Has quickly-regenerating, razor-sharp nails that they can spin at different speeds and shoot off like bullets (7)
Hyper-Up: Can boost speed and strength aswell as steal stamina from others to stay in the Hyper-Up Form for longer, drains stamina quickly, can cause injury to self (5-6)
Gas: Can emit different types of gas from pores with varying levels of danger (6-7)
Pollen: Can create pollen to pacify foes, but spores are fragile and effects can be broken through (5)
Animorph: Can shapeshift into a specific set of animals demonstrated on body (6-7)
Claws Of Steel: Can transform metal liquid in body into Wolverine-Like claws, can feel damage like limbs and take a few days to repair when broken
2-Face: Has 2 faces, a light and dark, which their body switches between at random. In light form, they have a supernatural healing factor and the ability to heal others, although only one of those effects can be in use at a time. In dark form however, they become a being of pure energy, completely driven by whichever mood they were in at the time of turning. The pure energy can be a destructive force, a healing force, or constructive neutral. This cannot be stopped without a quirk-blocking ability, so otherwise you must let the dark form run its course. The dark form will also drain the user physically and emotionally, causing blackouts upon turning to light form. (7)
Rainweather: Can temporarily control weather within a certain range, but can easily be drained if used too often (4-6)
Random: Randomly switches between different powers that are hard to control (1-7, Extremely Situational)
My Forms

Name: Zuzu
Gender: Non-Binary

Age: 14
Personality: Pessimistic, Distrustful, Introverted, prone to mood swings
Orientation: Azalian, Asexual
Hero, Student, or Villain?: Student
Quirk: White Thunder: Can produce and manipulate blue lightning and use it to propel forward quickly and stun opponents
Hero Name: Boltage
Other: Boom
Name: Kai Hana
Nickname: 2-Kai, Bi-Kai
Gender: Male


Age: 15
Personality: He's like a coin, two sides and an edge. Sometimes he's like a kid, somewhat naive and overtrusting but also caring and gentle, willing to crack a joke and help out. Other times he's like a hardened adult, someone who's seen the horrors of the world and is confused and has to put on an emotional shield. Occasionally, when he's not either of those two personalities, he can become someone not even like a human, just a cruel sociopath with a twisted sense of justice. This is believed to be linked to a mixture of the psychological illnesses he's had since birth, his abused and traumatic upbringing, and the dark downside of his quirk.
Orientation: Bi
Hero, Student, or Villain?: Student, temporary villain
Quirk: 2-Face. He has 2 faces, a light and dark, which his body switches between at random. In his light form, he has a supernatural healing factor and the ability to heal others, although only one of those effects can be in use at a time. In his dark form however, he becomes a being of pure energy, completely driven by whichever mood he was in at the time of turning. The pure energy can be a destructive force, a healing force, or constructive neutral. This cannot be stopped without a quirk-blocking ability, so otherwise you must let the dark form run it's course. The dark form will also drain him physically and emotionally, causing blackouts upon turning to light form.
Rank: A-Rank, One of Wipeout's Medics and top men
Hero Name: Blossom
Villain Name: Harbringer
Other: Boom
Gender: Non-Binary

Age: 14
Personality: Pessimistic, Distrustful, Introverted, prone to mood swings
Orientation: Azalian, Asexual
Hero, Student, or Villain?: Student
Quirk: White Thunder: Can produce and manipulate blue lightning and use it to propel forward quickly and stun opponents
Hero Name: Boltage
Other: Boom
Name: Kai Hana
Nickname: 2-Kai, Bi-Kai
Gender: Male


Age: 15
Personality: He's like a coin, two sides and an edge. Sometimes he's like a kid, somewhat naive and overtrusting but also caring and gentle, willing to crack a joke and help out. Other times he's like a hardened adult, someone who's seen the horrors of the world and is confused and has to put on an emotional shield. Occasionally, when he's not either of those two personalities, he can become someone not even like a human, just a cruel sociopath with a twisted sense of justice. This is believed to be linked to a mixture of the psychological illnesses he's had since birth, his abused and traumatic upbringing, and the dark downside of his quirk.
Orientation: Bi
Hero, Student, or Villain?: Student, temporary villain
Quirk: 2-Face. He has 2 faces, a light and dark, which his body switches between at random. In his light form, he has a supernatural healing factor and the ability to heal others, although only one of those effects can be in use at a time. In his dark form however, he becomes a being of pure energy, completely driven by whichever mood he was in at the time of turning. The pure energy can be a destructive force, a healing force, or constructive neutral. This cannot be stopped without a quirk-blocking ability, so otherwise you must let the dark form run it's course. The dark form will also drain him physically and emotionally, causing blackouts upon turning to light form.
Rank: A-Rank, One of Wipeout's Medics and top men
Hero Name: Blossom
Villain Name: Harbringer
Other: Boom
Name: Marluxia Selkie
Nicknames: Luxia
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Personality: marluxia is calm and quiet, mostly keeping to herself due to her using her quirk to silence the world around her. but in a bad mood she can turn around and be kinda rude. But she means well and tries to be polite
Orientation: straight
Hero, Student, or Villain?: Student
Quirk: Epithet. A word attached to her soul. Her word, is dumb, which allows her to create silent bubbles around herself to silence the world around her or keep herself quiet, dumb down attacks, or cause people to go dumb for 5 minutes. However, if she writes a word on her body with a marker, then she can use that word as well until it is erased from her body. I'll create a small list in others that has all the words I'll use. However, if she uses her epithets too much, she won't be able to use anything or will pass out.
Rank: (Villains only, just a general tier in terms of how much authority you have when it comes to other villains)
Hero Name: Jibberish
Other: boom! alrighty, so i'm limiting the words marluxia can use, and if she uses more then i'll run it by you guys first
Soup- can create and shoot soup from her fingers, as well as use the steam to make fog as thick as.... pea soup.
Drowsy- Summon an army of sheep that when hit turn into a sleeping dust that makes you drowsy. Once drowsy, she can make her enemies' nightmares become real. If she uses enough power with drowsy she can cause herself to passout and create her own dream in reality, a large Wolf called Barkly. However, if she breaks out of this form she cannot use any other attacks.
Barrier- she can create, well..... barriers. Protect herself, protect others, and can move them freely.
Fragile- while her strongest word, she hates using it as it causes so much harm to herself. Every attack while fragile is written on her causes damage to herself. However, anything she touches will turn fragile and brittle. After every battle she uses this word she has to go to the hospital due to her likely breaking a bone or something.
I know fragile sounds OP, its suppose to with the drawback being it destroys her body when she uses it. She cannot use all the words at once, and its more of a stamina based thing. if anything is too OP, please pm me so I can work on balancing her.
Name: Lyra
Nicknames: The Demoness
Gender: Female
Appearance: shame, no good reference images. She is a 3'7" imp with large black horns that curve down to her knees before jutting outward. She has white blotches on her eyelids and her arms, and has a pure black tail, something that stands out from her mostly red body. She mostly wears a professional looking jacket, keeping her slightly long hair tucked over her shoulder.
Age: 21
Personality: While Lyra typically keeps to herself, she is incredibly smart with a keen intelligence. However, there is a hint of insanity to everything she does. She doesn't trust easily, but when she does trust you she is extremely loyal to the end
Orientation: straight
Hero, Student, or Villain?: Villain
Quirk: Her quirk is called Demonification, which is a mutation quirk that alters her appearance to be on of a demon, namely an imp. Because of this she has an ability called Hellscape, which allows her to make portals to hell and back to the living world by drawing up a pentagram. She cannot make portals from the living world to living world or hell to hell. Its like a door, one side connects to where living people are, and the other connects to where demons are.
Rank: She is relatively unknown, but when she is found she has been dubbed a A rank villain
Other: boom!
Please let me know if anything seems unfair or needs to be reworked

"you were too correct"

"you were too correct"
Nicknames: Jess
Gender: Male
Appearance: Tall, with shoulder length messy black hair, Light blue eyes and a brown skintone
Age: 18
Personality: Polite and generally cheerful towards those he likes, however has a very cold side to those doesn't
Orientation: Straight
Hero, Student, or Villain?: Student
Quirk: Spin, Jesse is able to make his nails spin themselves at a high velocity and shoot them like bullets, The nails have incredible cutting power, capable of slicing through rock, cutting limbs clean off, or carving things within seconds. However, they do not possess the power to cut through metal, Once Jesse shoots a fingernail, they take a short time to grow back, Occasionally, Jesse lets the nails stay on his fingers. When he puts the nails against the ground, their rotating movement can rapidly carry Jesse away from his current position (basically gliding on his finger nails. He can also use his nails as short-range cutting weapons. The spinning nails emit a faint buzzing sound, similar to that of a wasp (the spinning ability itself is the quirk and has multiple stages to it, the strongest stage being infinite rotation, and the spin can be used on actual objects and even people, the nails are a preffered method), I hope this is fine
Rank: None
Hero Name: Act 4
Other: Has OCD and an addiction to cracking his knuckles, boom
(and yes this is a Jojo reference)
Nicknames: 'Admin'
Gender: Male
Appearance: he wears a red hoodie and baggy black pants when on the street, with his raven-black hair having blue and yellow streaks in it. His eyes are pitch black with specks of electric-yellow in them.
When in his hero outfit, he wears a black mask with a large grin patterned onto it, and he wears golden armor plates, and a gray cape.
Age: 15
Personality: he's pretty laid-back, and doesn't seem to be very serious, and is quite encouraging toward others. When he needs it though, he can become serious and deadly.
Orientation: Bi
Hero, Student, or Villain?: Student
Quirk: Hyper-UP! His quirk allows him to increase his speed, physical strength and durability while using, at various levels of power. It takes him from a few moments to a minute to charge up his power, and when used too much, it exhausts him and sometimes causes physical injuries by what doctors have called "small explosions in the body". When in his charged-up state, he can absorb stamina from people he touches, allowing him to keep himself in this state for longer. His power activates by him slamming his fists together, and his strength and speed increase by roughly 50% every time, so once would make it 150%, then twice would be 200% and etc, etc.
Hyper-UP!~MAX! This powered up version of his quirk allows him to completely negate damage and has the same amount of power as his 85.5% form, but similarily to Red Riot's Red Riot: Unbreakable, it has a time limit, roughly 1 minute and 2 seconds, but during this time he completely negates all damage. He can use this once a week and is knocked out afterwards.
Rank: (Villains only, just a general tier in terms of how much authority you have when it comes to other villains)
Hero Name: The Power-up hero, Admin
-EDIT: Just realized there's a lightning-based quirk already gonna change this
-Edit: Hyper-UP!~MAX!
Or is it
You decide.
Nicknames: Guro
Gender: male
Appearance: here
Age: 27
Personality: Guro is a mean and cold person. He hates hero’s and will kill anyone he wants. His name on the streets is Gas Mask.
Orientation: Gay
Hero, Student, or Villain?: Villan
Quirk: Gas-This quirk allows him to admit any gas from his skin.It can be deadly or just for fun. He can use sleep gas,poison gas and much more.The gas comes through his fingertips.
Rank: A-Rank
Hero Name:
Advi From Demon Slayer season 1

"you were too correct"

"you were too correct"
Nicknames: Birdie, Charles, Marshmallow
Gender: genderfluid, she/them
Birthday: July 4
Appearance: x
Age: 17
Asuka is an easy-going individual who values everyone else above them. She is soft-spoken; rarely boasts about themself and often thinks critically before making a decision. [tbr]
Orientation: bi
Hero, Student, or Villain?: Student
Quirk: Pollen- She can release spores that soothe or pacify enemies once inhaled them, but these spores are fragile and don't always work on opponents with a strong mentality.
Rank: -
Hero Name: Luz.
strength - 1/5
speed - 3/5
technique - 3/5
intelligence - 4/5
cooperation - 5/5
Other: Asuka is a great singer.