"It all started with my Father. He is the cause of all this. I had
a sister, a brother, a loving Mother, and a horrible Father. When
my Mother would go to work, my Father would abuse all of us. My Mom
didn't know until my brother, Aaron told her. My Father was
furious, and beat my brother to death. One down, three more to go.
My sister, Junko, tried to escape, but got shot in the head near
her eye and she died. Two down, two to go. It was just me and my
Mother left. My Father had abused me for 16 years now. Almost 17.
My Father then poisoned my Mother, which led to an illness, and she
died. Three down, one more to go. I was the only one left. My
brother, sister, and Mother had all died. I was alone with the
murder. I couldn't take it anymore. I grabbed a chair, and a nearby
rope. I made a noose, and tied it to a hook on the ceiling. I put
the chair below it. I put my head through the hole of the rope, as
I kicked the chair, and I then hung myself. That's why I have a
mark on my neck." Jackie said, taking a breath after sharing her
backstory with someone. She usually kept things secret, but I guess
not anymore. "Anyways, anything else to talk about?" Jackie said.