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Zhao’s Experiments sign ups (open!)

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up Zhao’s Experiments sign ups (open!)
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 48
Posted: Mon, 23/08/2021 18:46 (3 Years ago)
They called it the Apocalyptic months.

He was JUST a man.

How could he be this powerful?

Three months, global destruction.

Could he or could he not contain himself?


They called him Dr. Zhao, which was an average last name

But believe me. He isn’t average.

Merciless. Crazy. Genius. Zhao.

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Three months ago, a man was doing experiments for the “better of humanity.” The man’s name was Zhao, Dr. Zhao. He was experimenting with Pokémon DNA to improve human immune systems and create vaccines to common illnesses. That was a lie. He was secretly working on a way to turn himself into a god. Before preforming on himself, he needed test subjects to infuse with DNA. You are one of the test subjects. The vaccine thing was just a cover up so he could give himself the power of gods! But the power was overwhelming, leaving him with no reasoning. Zhao went on rampages, this lasted 3 months until he turned up missing, and you wake up.

Can you, a human-Pokémon hybrid find him and solve the mystery?

Groudon’s scale.
Kyogre’s fin.
Mew’s fur
One man. All the power.

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1. The Pokémon you are fused with can’t be legendary.
2. Your character can’t be overpowered, you’re simply a test subject. Zhao reserved all the god power for himself.
3. Romance is allowed, but keep it to a minimum.
4. Max. 2 characters
5. Password is your favorite ground type


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Pokémon fused with:
Backstory: (optional)
Anything else?

My form (WIP)
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Name: Annabel
Gender+Pronouns: Female; she/her
Pokémon fused with: Bibarel
Appearance: boop!
Backstory: She’s poor, she really isn’t too interesting, she volunteered to be a test subject for the money, so she could treat her family to a big meal.
Anything else? Torterra.

Quote from Albert Einstein
“Stop quoting me on the internet, it’s impossible to verify if I had said the quote or not!”
-Albert Einstein

Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 48
Posted: Fri, 17/09/2021 14:39 (3 Years ago)
It’s finally done, just fleshing it out more. Feel free to sign up!(There will be a palpad group)
Quote from Albert Einstein
“Stop quoting me on the internet, it’s impossible to verify if I had said the quote or not!”
-Albert Einstein

Trainerlevel: 46

Forum Posts: 110
Posted: Fri, 17/09/2021 15:55 (3 Years ago)
Name: Samyan (Real if its okay with you)
Age: 18
Gender+Pronouns: Male +He/ him/they
Pokémon fused with:Zoroark
Appearance:almost normal person with claws like Zoroark and long silky black hair that is red in some spots
Backstory: (optional)Not much is known about his backstory but only thing known is that he was very broke for being too week but Zhao gave him hope with his experiment .He feels the strongest (Actually not) with his favorite pokemons fusion
Anything else?nope
Password:Primal Groudon
Quote from Satoru GojoThroughout Heaven and Earth, I alone am the honored one.

Quote from Satoru GojoPerception, communication...every action associated with living is forcibly repeated an infinite number of times. It's ironic, isn't it? When granted everything, you can't do anything.

Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 48
Posted: Fri, 17/09/2021 16:02 (3 Years ago)
Accepted :)
Quote from Albert Einstein
“Stop quoting me on the internet, it’s impossible to verify if I had said the quote or not!”
-Albert Einstein

Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 155
Posted: Fri, 17/09/2021 19:06 (3 Years ago)
Name: Zynx. nickname, Jol.
Age: 11
Gender+Pronouns: female, she/ her/ they
Pokémon fused with: Joltik
Appearance: a wiry young girl, small in size because of her fusion. Her skin has a slight yellow tint, and she often scuttles on 4 legs. She has green eyes and short, black hair. A dagger hangs on her hip. You would get a shock if you touched her.
Backstory: Before she was fused, she lived in the forest. Also, she didn't want to be fused to a Joltik. (I used a random pokemon generator to decide.)
Anything else? Excadrill,

Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 40
Posted: Fri, 17/09/2021 21:08 (3 Years ago)
Name: Tempus 
Age: 20
Gender+Pronouns: male (he/him/they/them)
Pokémon fused with: deerling (winter form)
Appearance: boop (oc character of mine)
Backstory: Tempus used to be a pretty normal lad, that lived with his father that specialize in researching the seasonal changing phenomenon in deerling, leading Tempus to enjoy fondly of this particular species the Pokemon. Of course everything changed when Zhao paid a visit to get some deerling DNA, taking obvious interest in his son Zhao ask Tempus father if they would care for them to come along for a bit, unaware of his true intentions he said yes thinking it would be a good thing for Tempus. Certainly Tempus didn't think of anything also so they happily agreed with their father, unknown to them this changed there life forever soon as he walked out the door.
Anything else?:
-doesn't have much in the special abilities apartment
-able to deliver a good roundhouse kick with sturdy legs
-able to hear more more noises thanks to large ears useful to sense or run away from danger
-favorite ground type is phanpy/donphan



behold the shiny beta giraffe!


Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 33
Posted: Fri, 17/09/2021 23:14 (3 Years ago)
Name: Grian
Pokémon fused with: Flygon
Appearance: ordinary except for red covers on his eyes, a tail , and thin wings which can barely hover.
Backstory: (optional) Grian came from a small town nearby the lab and decided to get a vaccince for his cousin who was dying of a dissease. When he arrived, Zhao took interest in him and took him as a test subject.
Anything else? I like cubone
Why do people keep saying I look like a mincinno?
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 401
Posted: Sat, 18/09/2021 01:02 (3 Years ago)
Name: Roxanne (Goes by Rox sometimes)
Age: 22
Gender+Pronouns: Female; she/her
Pokémon fused with: Grimmsnarl
Appearance: Was 5'7" before her fusion, now stands at nearly 6'9". A rather muscular woman with greenish skin, red eyes, pointed ears, sharp teeth, and an unruly mess of black hair. Usually wears a gray hoodie, a black tank top, a pair of light grey sweatpants, and black sneakers.
Backstory: Roxanne used to be a pretty average college student who lived with her parents, her two younger siblings, and her Zorua, named Millie, and was juggling between her classes, her part-time job at a local café, and helping take care of her siblings. Volunteered to test out one of the "vaccines" for the money to help pay off her student loans
Anything else?
- Can manipulate her hair thanks to her fusion
- I'm kinda imagining her sounding a bit like Megara from Disney Hercules mixed with Jasper from Steven Universe
- I'll prolly have another one later
- Garchomp
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 238
Posted: Sat, 18/09/2021 01:36 (3 Years ago)
Name: Zuzu
Age: 15
Gender/Pronouns: Fluid (Ha they a genderbender take that Avatar), He/She/They/Him/Her/Them
Pokémon fused with: Blaziken
Appearance: Black Hair, Blue Eyes, Crimson Jacket, Black Shirt, Black Jeans
Backstory: As a young girl, she was kidnapped by Zhao and put in a lab for testing. Due to the long stretches of time left bored and alone, she contemplated who she was often and eventually discovered that she felt equally comfortable as either gender.t Zhao had their parents assassinated before they could find them. Overcome with grief, they dedicated their life to finding and killing Zhao.
Anything else: Fire and Thunder abilities, Lightning-Quick, Blaziken-Like features Flygon pog
Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 16
Posted: Sat, 18/09/2021 02:11 (3 Years ago)
Name: Harper
Age: 16
Gender+Pronouns: Female, She/Her
Pokémon fused with: Indeedee (female)
Appearance: Harper is loyal, intelligent girl with a knack of following orders. Her short purple hair usually appears soft to the touch, taking care of herself as well. She has a slight tint of brown for her eye color. Of all clothing, Harper tends to wear dresses, specifically ones she wears when serving others. Around her neck, she wears a ruby amulet which she treasures dearly.
Backstory: Anytime Harper is needed for something, even as a human, she never hesitates. Whether it's babysitting or doing a task that other people find heartless, she never refuses to help anyone. Harper knew the kind of man Zhao was, but she still served him, like she always does.
Anything else: She doesn't show many feelings to anyone unless told to.

Password: Favorite ground type would have to be Torterra

"Men who can't wipe away the tears from a women's eyes, aren't real men." -Vinsmoke Sanji
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 48
Posted: Mon, 20/09/2021 12:09 (3 Years ago)
@Roly-Poly “age undefined” “Asami but with devil horns” a wee bit too edgy for me.

Everyone else, accepted!

It’s up!
Quote from Albert Einstein
“Stop quoting me on the internet, it’s impossible to verify if I had said the quote or not!”
-Albert Einstein

Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Tue, 21/09/2021 00:16 (3 Years ago)
Name: Floyd ("But please, call me Floy! Or something else! Anything's cool!")

Age: 16

Gender+Pronouns: Male, He/Him, They/Them.

Pokémon fused with: Pignite.

Appearance: Surprisingly, he mostly resembles a regular boy, with a head of reddish hair, bright green eyes, and a mischievous, white-toothed grin. He wears an olive turtleneck, and dark blue jeans. But his thick clothes hide the fusion beneath. If you were to look underneath, you would see that besides his head, his entire body, especially his torso, is streaked with black and orange. And on his head, a black plume of curly hair pokes out from the red, resembling a Pignite's tail. ("They made a mistake in the labratory" he'll explain. "I'm a backwards fusion. And upside down. To clarify, the point of this is that my face isn't my arse." -insert obnoxious laugh-) His nose is also a little squashed, and slightly too orange to be normal.

Backstory: Floyd was born alongside his twin brother, Frederick, and his younger sister, Eliza. He never knew his father, and his mother refused to tell them, so he grew up with his siblings and mother alone. Eliza died when he turned four. Floyd knows her only by name.

As they grew older, Frederick and Floyd remained close, but their contrasting personalities began to show. Floyd began branching out, while Frederick remained isolated.

Frederick was more interested in the political and scientific affairs, and he began to learn about Zhao. The idea of the man's experiments fascinated him, and he encouraged Floyd to come on a research trip with him, telling him that it would be a good topic for an extra credit presentation that was coming up. Floyd was eager to agree, since his grades were plummeting and he trusted his nerdy brother to know what he was talking about.

The two were allowed a tour of the facility. Frederick was excited. Floyd was disappointed, since it was on a Saturday, but he obliged and went with his brother, since Frederick was the only one with a license.

They were left in a room to wait. An airtight one. Unfortunately, as they'd later find out.

Gas was released, and they were both rendered unconscious, at the mercy of a madman. During the experiments, Frederick's body rejected the DNA of the Skorupi he was given, and he perished.

But despite the mistakes in Floyd's, he pulled through, and was a semi-success. Though he had lived, Floyd was left alone. His mother had moved away, perhaps believing her sons dead, and not answering his frantic texts and phone calls. He'd never met his father and had no way of contacting him. His beloved brother, dead.

He didn't wallow for long. He swore to protect the children of the future, so no one would experience what he'd went through ever again. That is why he will do his very best to destroy Zhao. And maybe get seriously distracted on the way. He's not good at goals.

Anything else?:
[]Personality: Floyd is a fun, free-spirited, playful person who's all about humour and playing pranks. He can be a bit annoying at times, and even offensive, not seeming to notice when he rubs someone the wrong way. That's not to say he's a bad person, however- He's empathetic and thoughtful, and if someone's suffering, then he'll do his best, provided he notices. All in all, Floyd just wants to have fun, and help others to experience that fun too! It's almost a wonder how he's so cheerful. Does he even understand their situation, or is he just that oblivious? You either like him or you don't, that's just the thing with Floyd.

[]Personality Type: ESFJ-T (Consul)

[]Likes: Making friends! Baked goods! People who know how to have fun! The colour orange!

[]Dislikes: Pokémon. He's scared of them, especially water types. Zhao.

[]Sexuality: Straight

Password: Diggersby.
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 48
Posted: Tue, 21/09/2021 11:40 (3 Years ago)
Serendibite, Roly-Poly Accepted!
Quote from Albert Einstein
“Stop quoting me on the internet, it’s impossible to verify if I had said the quote or not!”
-Albert Einstein

Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Tue, 21/09/2021 13:09 (3 Years ago)
Name: Admin “Not Ad, not Min, nothing. My name is Admin.”
Age: 27
Gender+Pronouns: Male + he/him
Pokémon fused with: Greninja
Appearance: He seems like a normal enough humans that on a busy street, no one would notice him, but he has distinctive features. His hair is smoothed back, so that it looks like the head of a greninja, his hair is blue, there are faint triangular markings over each eye and he stands tall, with a red scarf, though not his tongue, his scarf is seemingly bonded onto him.
Backstory: (optional)
Anything else? (Oh yeah the password... uhh maybe Excadrill)
Is it

Or is it

You decide.
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 48
Posted: Tue, 21/09/2021 13:10 (3 Years ago)
Missing something.
Quote from Albert Einstein
“Stop quoting me on the internet, it’s impossible to verify if I had said the quote or not!”
-Albert Einstein

Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Tue, 21/09/2021 13:13 (3 Years ago)
Sorry fixed it
Is it

Or is it

You decide.
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 48
Posted: Tue, 21/09/2021 13:13 (3 Years ago)
Quote from Albert Einstein
“Stop quoting me on the internet, it’s impossible to verify if I had said the quote or not!”
-Albert Einstein

Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Thu, 23/09/2021 23:34 (3 Years ago)
Name: Isla

Age: 17

Gender+Pronouns: Non-Binary, She/Her, They/Them.

Pokémon fused with: Pumpkaboo.

Appearance: Isla is short-statured, with darkly-tanned to light brown skin. Their build is generally slim and athletic, with slight shoulders and a fair amount of lean muscle. Isla has a shaggy dome of hair with a very poor dye job; the front half is dyed purple, and the back midnight blue, with uneven, jagged ends. (She blames 'that piece of scrap fabric who's going to be smelling like gym socks for the rest of the year' whoever that is-) Her eyes are a pale light green, that almost appear yellow in certain lighting (An effect of the genetic mix?)The outfits that they wear consist of various sleeveless shirts, dark gray pants, and different golden earrings. While the actual articles change, the general style remains consistent. Overall, they look like a normal person, bad hair jobs or not, and could have a fairly normal life ahead of them. If they wanted to, of course, but they'd never give up their life in search of vengeance.

Backstory: TBA, I'm crossing Isla over from another roleplay, and her backstory from that one will need some work to fit into this universe, since it was very centered around the universe she was born into initally. When I figure out how to do it, then I'll edit this. In all honesty, I might cross it out, since it's not very relevant to their character anyway. So, just disregard this for now, and let me know if it's acceptable when or if I figure it all out later.

Anything else?:
[]Personality: A sweet-tongued, bright person with a delightful, optimistic outlook. Or at least that's how she introduces herself. After she gets bored with someone, she drops them, with a couple of insults to spare. And all this is done with full and complete intention. In truth, she's petulant and rude, and if someone manages to anger her, she'll be furious with them, going out of her way to make their lives as miserable as possible. This hatred isn't exactly a bad thing, however- they'll become obsessed with the person who has wronged them, even to the point of protecting and caring for that person. She'll claim it's just so that she'll be the one to take them down... But deep down, Isla has a deep sense of honour, and she'd never let anyone whom she feels she owes something to have their debt go unpaid.

[]Personality Type: ESFP-A (Entertainer)

[]Likes: Admiration. Strong-willed people. Tarot cards. The occult. The ocean.

[]Dislikes: Power in others. Disrespect. Sugary foods.

[]Sexuality: Androsexual

Password: Diggersby.

[I hope you like them! Their personality and design is one of my favourites of my ocs and I'm really looking forward to seeing how my baby starts to take shape in this roleplay. Please let me know if I should edit her in any way, designwise, or if I need to add in something, like the backstory. I appreciate you giving me the opportunity to roleplay them! In any case, thank you so much for reading!]
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 67

Forum Posts: 70
Posted: Sun, 26/09/2021 16:16 (3 Years ago)
I dunno if you still got room, but... if you do, one question shortly: Do you count Ultra Beasts...? They aren't Legendary but I still rather ask!
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Tue, 28/09/2021 21:56 (3 Years ago)
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Gender+Pronouns: Female, She/Her

Pokémon fused with: Leafeon

Appearance: Kheri is a young lady of African descent with what you'd either call very light-brown or dirty-blonde hair, falling down to slightly below her shoulders. She typically is clad in green. Dark green glasses, a light-green cat hoodie atop a lime-and-dark-green turtleneck sweater. She also bears a light-green skirt covering all her skin down to her ankles, which bear striped green socks with different shades of stripes. Kheri wears a very pale-green bow upon her cat hood (for some reason). She has very dark brown skin, and one yellow and one green eye (however, these are actually contact lenses, and her glasses don't have lenses! This is simply because Kheri thinks it'd be quite useful in battle for an enemy to think she can't see a thing when she actually can.) She is 5'2, and slightly slimmer than average. She has ears that she hides under her hood, and a tail that she tucks into her skirt. What ears and tail are these? Those of a Leafeon! Except her ears and tail are longer than a typical Leafeon. Her nose looks normal, but her sense of smell is enhanced. Additionally, some of her hair has a strange, leafy texture...

Backstory: (optional)
Kheri is, and has been, a lover of literature and of nature. It's not uncommon for her to be seen carrying books everywhere she goes. However, for most of her life, she has only observed nature in the few books she could afford as a child. Living in Africa was never easy: her dad was almost never around, and she had no siblings. For most of her life she couldn't afford to get into school, and when she finally could, it was difficult to catch up. But those weren't the only issues she had in life in Africa, of course. Hygiene was a struggle, there was never enough to eat or drink, and of course she didn't wear what she wore today. She couldn't afford decent clothes, and she was mocked by some at school. And she had no experience with other people to begin with. All she knew was from the books she read... Eventually, her father decided to do better for his daughter, and they moved to North America, and her father did his best to make up for lost time. He got a new job there, and Kheri was happier. Now, it wasn't that she was the unforgiving type, and who knows what caused his change of heart?- but- Kheri couldn't help but feel bitter with him for what happened. She isolated herself from other people, getting lost in the world of literature. Occasionally she'd step outside and bask in the sunlight, appreciate the skies and the leaves and the trees. Perhaps... perhaps that was what made her companion choose her. One day, when she was but twelve years old, a Leafeon came to her. Kheri didn't know why, but she took a liking to the creature immediately. They became the dearest of friends... and... somehow... they fused into one being. At first, Kheri was horrified and grieved for her friend, but she can still hear the Leafeon's thoughts, and she has been granted new abilities. Of course, she has to keep them secret from normal humans, for fear of being called a freak. In this apocalyptic world, although Kheri does not have much love for people, she longs to protect the rest of nature, and so she vows to do so.
Anything else?:
Here are some extras regarding Kheri!
Zodiac Sign: Pisces (Her birthday is March 14th)
Hogwarts House (if she was in one?): Hufflepuff
Personality: Kheri is a shy, unconfident, introverted girl. She usually acts nervous and distrustful towards someone until she knows them. However, she can be quite empathetic, sweet, and forgiving should you prove yourself to be a good and trustworthy person to her. Yes, she just has major trust issues. She also has further major issues with socializing than just her shyness, lack of confidence, and introversion. Kheri doesn’t interact with people much, and when she does, it usually isn’t pleasant, so she may peg someone as a mean person by mistake. This doesn’t mean she’s terrible or means any harm… she’s just very frightened of most other people, and if you’re one of the few she feels she can trust, you should feel lucky.
Cognitive Functions: Fi-Ne-Si-Te (INFP)
Password: Flygon

I hope this is good! Let me know if I need to change anything!

Now Playing: OMORI OST 003 - Lost At A Sleepover
°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

"Everything is going to be okay."