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My Hero Acedamia: The next generation

Forum-Index Roleplay My Hero Acedamia: The next generation
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 183
Posted: Wed, 19/05/2021 21:27 (3 Years ago)
Gin and Toko happily walk in to the gym

Chiro is just sleeping

sorry losing motivation and rushed I shall try to post longer next time and/or edit this


made the avatar by myself using google slides DON'T JUDGE
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 401
Posted: Thu, 20/05/2021 00:41 (3 Years ago)
Tazu, her envelope in hand, had started walking towards the lecture hall, her wings against her back. She was mostly coming here to try and master her quirk. Being a hero did sound fun, but she'd rather not be so famous that she can't even go shopping without someone recognizing her and asking for an autograph or something. She'd rather maybe stick to the shadows as a vigilante, or something like that. She was aware that it was illegal to do hero work when one isn't a Pro Hero, but she didn't really care. After all, what's the point of life if you don't get in any trouble?
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 155
Posted: Thu, 20/05/2021 00:50 (3 Years ago)
*granet runs over with his letter in hand hopeing he won't ruin his first day by being late darn it why did i decide to oversleep when i live on the otherside of town! The boy thought to him self considering traverseing the roof tops for speed* hey you two! (Gin and toko) did i make it in time?
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 183
Posted: Fri, 21/05/2021 23:46 (3 Years ago)
"Yah you did"Toko says"My name is Toko and this is Gin"Toko says pulling Gin in front of her"Say Something"Toko wispers"Uh.. Hi what is your name"Gin says glancing back at Toko wondering why she pulled him in front of her.He though"I will never know why girls do stuff".


made the avatar by myself using google slides DON'T JUDGE
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 155
Posted: Sat, 22/05/2021 01:42 (3 Years ago)
The names Granet i am here for the obvious reason
I will assume the same gies for you two small fries?
Trainerlevel: 35

Forum Posts: 77
Posted: Sun, 30/05/2021 14:31 (3 Years ago)
An announcement was heard over the schools speakers
"Those trying out for the Hero Course please make your way to the large Leacture hall. The entrance exams will begin in 30 minutes." They proceeded to give directions to the non-hero course members, but that didn't matter. Nozuma looked around, trying to see who would possibly make a good friend, or an intimidating rival.
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 151
Posted: Sun, 30/05/2021 14:49 (3 Years ago)
Tenshi leaned back, upset that she'd have to waste her time getting through the test instead of.. Fighting real Enemies. She looked around, maybe she could find some allies. Or.. How people referred to them...Friends? She got up, ready to change into some Clothes that would be better use in combat, yet kept her Keen eyes Open for ...anyone to associate with


Kitsune let out a shallow laugh, he fueled his quirk with one of the lower ranked Villains he sadly had to associate with. Once the burst flew back to his hand he Scoffed, had he seriously cut his Palm with that thing.? He Glanced at the slight trail of blood, frowned underneath his mask then walked back onto the streets, Keeping in the shadows and having taken his mask off, he made his way to an appartment building. Luxurious looking truly, yet the living conditions sucked. It wasnt Anywhere near the luxus he'd want to live in, yet considering the fact that he had broken out of his arrests twice and was a villain, he knew that he really shouldn't ask for good treatment.

Fiddling with one of the keys in his pocket, he searched for the correct One to put in. His hands hurt, a few cuts ran over his fingers. He'd have to bandaid these sometime later. Lucky for him he was aware of the pair of Gloves his Work supplier had sent him, back then he never needed any but now that he seemed at ease with the job and the Pros were starting to Actively fight him, his hands would get injured more and more.

He tried to remember the first injury he had, one of his former sparring Partners broke one of his bursts. That day was the first of many broken fingers. That... Was the first of his victims. Pro hero... What was his Name again? Kitsune tried to remember abd yet.. That Person was so unimportant to him he couldnt even remember his hero Name. Another, Lighter laugh escaped his lips, his voice melodic and Smooth like always, he could probably seduce many with his words. Oh and he knew that. How Else would he get information so easily. Talking was one of his strenghts, even if it didnt seem that way at first.
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 183
Posted: Sun, 30/05/2021 17:08 (3 Years ago)
Gin and Toko rushed to the large lecture hall in a hurry

I also rushed this


made the avatar by myself using google slides DON'T JUDGE
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 212
Posted: Sun, 30/05/2021 18:13 (3 Years ago)
Ootori Was ready to be a hero and after hearing the announcement she got up and ran to the lecture hall. The place where great hero’s where made. She grabbed a seat in the second row closest to the stage.Getting out her notes again and ready to start doodling again.
Darly Hashawa was pacing back and forth worried about not being a good teacher or even worse not being able to explain. She smiled to herself know she would do just fine and fixed her hair and made sure that her power was all charged up knowing that she would want to make an entrance.She checks her meters and had full power but fixing her hero costume ,

she was ready to start a new chapter of her career

The stars shine bright and are calling me to go

Advi From Demon Slayer season 1
Trainerlevel: 35

Forum Posts: 77
Posted: Sun, 30/05/2021 21:16 (3 Years ago)
Yume sat apon a building, the cool breeze blowing against his face. He had just resolved a mugging in progress, almost being spotted by the police. He was listening to the police radio, waiting for another incident to accur. He pulled out his phone and tried to call Nozuma. She didn't answer. "Ugh. She's probably at the hero course exam. I told her not to do it..."
He took a breath, grabbed his radio and leaped from building to building, making his way back home. It was a quiet day today.
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 151
Posted: Sun, 30/05/2021 21:30 (3 Years ago)
Once Kitsune had grabbed his gloves, the criminal walked back out of his Appartment. He looked around, glanced for something... anything to peek his interest. Nothing. Nothing interesting. Was it time to hunt another classmate of his.? Or was he too impatient.? Had enough time passed between his last and next attack on the hero society.? He lept up to the appartment buildings rooftop, looking around as he adjusted the fox mask strapped to his head, hiding hif face, except for the cheeky grin on his lips.

Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 81
Posted: Wed, 02/06/2021 18:26 (3 Years ago)
Light hears voices in his head causing him to have a headache. “Ugh! Ah. It hurts!” Light collapses onto the floor and sees a strange figure in his mind. Light stays on the floor and looks like he has just died. “I’m sensing a great danger....” Light says to himself before closing his eyes.

“Forget everything you think you know”
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 212
Posted: Sat, 05/06/2021 18:38 (3 Years ago)
Darly stepped out on stage and then smiled saying “ Welcome everyone to the entrance exams! Now who wants to be a hero” and then she actives her quirk making dark purple sparks fly around.” Now you will have to fight and rescue dummy’s and fight are high tech robots. You will be have to score based on how well you do in rescue and fighting.But watch out for the zero point dummy’s and robot. Now make way to the battle area.”
The stars shine bright and are calling me to go

Advi From Demon Slayer season 1
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 151
Posted: Sun, 06/06/2021 10:56 (3 Years ago)
Tenshi got up and walked over to the Battlefield, she didnt expect much to go wrong now, after all she was already here. If they had so much faith in her to actually accept her to the test, she couldnt just fail now. So.. she stretched slightly, gathered her courage and contained her happiness for after the test, so she wouldnt look like someone who was way too confident in herself. She didnt want to seem that stuck up
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 829
Posted: Sun, 06/06/2021 12:33 (3 Years ago)
Rey stepped into the battle area. Flexing his metalic arm, he prepared for battle. He didn’t know why, but he knew he had to get into this school. Perhaps, it will help him regain his past.
Reminder to self: work on your signature
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 15
Posted: Sun, 06/06/2021 13:25 (3 Years ago)

Frederick shook her head as she made her way to the arena. The reason was quite obvious;

ARE YOU READY FREDERICK!!!! You're gonna get into this school and you're gonna rock!

She barely has a quirk to compete with...

You're no fun!

Yea, get a grip!

Sorry for being truthful

Guys, be quiet, I need to focus.

Frederick was worried that she couldn't do this test, she would fail and have to return to her meaningless life in her meaningless orphanage and among fellow, meaningless people until she was kicked out to the streets.

I have to save a hostage, guard by robot guards.

The mission brief spiraled in her head and she returned her mind to the her body on the school's battlefield.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 212
Posted: Sun, 06/06/2021 14:48 (3 Years ago)
Ootori was ready as made her way to the Areana and was ready to start the day off strong.She took a drink of her water and prepared to herself to get ready.

Darly made her way to the intercom and said as the doors opened a mini city was there with robots all around.” NOW GO, because hero’s don’t have a time to wait around”

The stars shine bright and are calling me to go

Advi From Demon Slayer season 1
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 151
Posted: Sun, 06/06/2021 14:55 (3 Years ago)
Jumping into action, a pair of burning wings unfolded from Tenshis back which carried her up into the air swiftly. She was aiming for none other than the bigger robots, she´d aim for a high ammount of points for the enemies she defeated. Rescueing had never really been one of her best sides, the fire like wings were often too warm for training dummies especially the ones made for rescues.
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 829
Posted: Sat, 12/06/2021 12:28 (3 Years ago)

Once the test started, Rey realised something. He didn’t remember what his quirk was. He concentrated, and activate it. A powerful, hot energy flowed through Rey. He didn’t know how he knew, but he just knew what quirk he had. Running towards the first robot, he thrust his hand forward, and a large explosion blasted through his hand, denting the robot, on the part that had a number “2” written. Rey continued blasting at the robot, but, although Rey knew what his quirk was, he didn’t really know how to control it. The explosions, although powerful, did not do much, other than a few big dents on the robot. Suddenly, a searing pain shot through Rey’s chest. Rey collapsed on the ground, unable to move. The robot came close, poised to attack. Rey closed his eyes, bracing himself.

“Move, you idiot”

Suddenly, Rey moved out of the way, dodging the robot’s attack. However, It wasn’t Rey in control. His body seemed to be moving of it’s own accord. Rey, or at least Rey’s body, launched powerful explosions at surrounding robots, much more powerful than before, easily destroying robots in a few hits. “Even with that quirk, your still a weakling” The voice in his head sounded again. Suddenly, a fragment of his memory returned. He remembered watching the news in his room. A hero had defeated 3 villains in mere minutes. The voice in his head, it was clear now. It was the number 2 hero, Katsuki Bakugo. Rey knew his quirk. It was random. Letting his body take control, he continued destroying robots at an astounding pace
Reminder to self: work on your signature
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 183
Posted: Sat, 12/06/2021 21:05 (3 Years ago)
Gin and Toko stood back to back they developed a system since Gin’s quirk couldn’t do damage.

Gin kept his illusions in place waiting for Tojo to help him defeat them they both stood at 40 points. Gin knew that he might be slowing Toko down but knew without her he wouldn’t get accepted.

Toko felt bad that she was having to rely on Gin’s help.She knew Gin couldn't use his quirk to attack characters but he still was very good at fighting without her.She remembered the plan they devised.Gin would set up an illusion while she charged an attack and they would alternate who killed each robot."This one is ready!"She said as she backed away after shooting a bolt at a robot. She rushed over to the robot that was being trick currently.


made the avatar by myself using google slides DON'T JUDGE