Forum Thread
f2u pokemon pixels👨🎨✨
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Fanarts → f2u pokemon pixels👨🎨✨🍥 Hello there, I've decided to make f2u(free to use) pokemon pixels because I really enjoy doing these!Also, please keep in mind that I'm not a professional artist, I'm only a hobbyist artist trying their best and I am also pretty busy sometimes so I don't know how fast I'll keep adding new icons to this thread and sometimes the pixel style and color choice may vary!;7;
🍰Feel free to suggest any pokemon you want me to draw like this, tho it's not 100% guaranteed that I will draw all the suggested pokemon, I'm better at drawing cute, tiny, feral pokemon but I'll try my best with others too! I'll also always add a shiny version of every pokemon icon I draw!
🍩You can use any icons listed here either as your avatar or as decorations for your profile, just please don't forget to credit me for the art and please don't edit my work, that's all!
🍯The icons I've made so far:

Alolan Raichu:




Alolan Vulpix:



🎂Feel free to comment whenever you're using any of them or if you have anything to say about this topic, like criticism btw, I don't mind it!^^
🍭Icons I'm planning to add hopefully soon(in no order):
•Goldeen •Skorupi •Cleffa •Raichu •Togepi •Emolga •Ralts •Eevee •Mew •Pachirisu •Snom •Corsola •Mareep •Wurmple •Sewaddle •Snivy •Purrloin •Skitty •Fennekin •Murkrow •Sunkern •Meowstic •Dragonair •Riolu •Yamper •Stunky •

pixel art here made by me
“Look, all I’m saying is, I’d commit Arson, but if there’s a Spider in that house, I’m saving it”
Pfp is by -Loki
This isn't edited very often-