Forum Thread
Our Last Dance (RP)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Our Last Dance (RP)╭━━•✩•━✶━•✩•━•━✶━━•✩•━✶━•━•✩•━━╮
Jessica stared around the rustic room, in hopes of finding a hunch to fixate herself on. The ballet hall, on the fateful night of Madame English's death, had been fabulously decorated and guests were swarming the halls. Tables were almost crushed underneath the sheer amount they were carrying and people were helping themselves to a hefty plate. It was now a worthless and haunted square, not a foot ever stepped up on the crowned halls ever since the party until now. Jessica frowned as she notice more memories from the gathering.
"You should smile more~" - Loba Andrade, Apex Legends
Amane snapped his fingers. "Oh!" With a wide smile, he bowed and offered a hand to Ophelia, raising an eyebrow as if asking a question.