Forum Thread
Legends of Coren: REVAMP (RP)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Legends of Coren: REVAMP (RP)Long ago, there was an island, called Coren. It flourished with life, human and pokemon. It was home to the series of contests, called the Coral Contests. Many travelers loved the island. After a long history of being an amazing island, the island disappeared. No one knows where it is or what happened to it. Many years past, a young girl, named Cora was born. Her father was a sailor, so she grew upon the water. On the eve of her birthday, they were sailing. A faint island could be made out in the mist. It was the island of Coren. And just like that, it became busy again. The island's elders were worried. They had heard whisperings of terrible things happening. An evil force is growing in the heart of the island. Your job, is to stop it. Before it's too late.
Megami checked the time. The tourists would be here soon. She left her house and started towards the docks. She would be ready when they came. Megami Okurito wasn't going to be late. Even if there was no set time to arrive. She passed many people. The warm Corenian sun shone high in the sky, but it was going to set soon. With a glance sideways, Megami slips into the black market. She uses her shortcut and nods at a few shopkeepers. Within minutes, she had arrived.
Kameron had other ideas. She wasn't THAT interested in meeting the tourists, but she knew Megami would kill her if she didn't show up. She casually slips a hoodie on, and pulls the hood up. She makes her way towards the docks, but chooses to take the long route. Late? She could deal with that. Not showing up? Well, Megami isn't the most merciful person when she's angry.
Agent Fallows, signing out~
Oliver stared out at the water, a strong neutral expression having fallen onto his face. At first he had been a little excited to have been on a boat but the excitement soon faded when he realised what he was in for. After a while it was just the same thing. Water. At first he had tried to take a nap but unfortunately he was unsuccessful in that manner. Now, Oliver had just let himself drift into his own daydreams as he stared blankly at the water, shifting and slapping against the boat in a repeating motion. His chin was rested on the rail, and he could still feel the cool metal pressing against his jaw, his hands were clasped around one of the lower bars of the rail, though it wasn't as cool as the aforementioned. He'd fall asleep here if he could. Yet despite everything it seemed that even keeping himself awake for absolutely longer than healthy, it seemed he just couldn't rest. Giving a small sigh he shut his eyes, listening to the waves below. He'd have to settle.
(Unnecessary description of her shirt. It’s blue with white comfey shilloetes and is tucked into her jeans like that one aunt who lives out of state)
"Megami, Amari." Kameron says, nodding to the girls, grinning at Megami's tense and obviously frustrated face. Kameron was the exact opposite of Megami. Kameron, while very skilled in battle, didn't battle very often. She was more laid back, Megami was always tense, like she was expected to be attacked at any moment.
Agent Fallows, signing out~
"no turning back now..." he mutters to himself, putting the hood of his black hoodie
over his face. many people had heard of team rocket, and people realizing that HE
used to be one of their admins would ruin his so called 'fresh start'. Sky then takes
his first step onto the island of Coren as he says "no going back now..."
out of the corner of his eye, he sees megami.
Melodine was still in her room on the ship, not daring to show her face. She knew people would recognize her, and she knew she wasn't in the mood for fans.
Agent Fallows, signing out~
he then just walks off to find something to eat, not really caring about what anyone thinks about him on Coren.
"wonder if they have malasadas..." he says, looking around, ingnoring the dirty looks everybody is giving him.
Agent Fallows, signing out~

in its pokeball, his salamence is rocking around, obviously
wanting some fresh air. he feels bad for salamence, as it hasn't
had any time to breath in the fresh air of Coren since they arrived.
Sky decides that he'll get some food for him and salamence, then they
could be in their way of finding an apartment for him to rent.
Megami sighs. "Kameron, go introduce yourself to that girl and give her a tour." she says, gesturing at Aesira.
Agent Fallows, signing out~

Oliver opened his eyes as he heard footsteps across the deck. The boat seemed to have stopped moving, though waves were still sloshing against the side of the boat. Slowly getting up from his spot he gave a slight grimace as his back cracked. Apparently he had been sitting there longer than he thought. Taking a second to run at his eye, he looked around the deck. People were leaving one by one, and he joined in with a rather slow pace. While he had a long stride he took his time walking, often leaving others annoyed. Finally he set his foot on the docks, looking at the small group of natives gathered. He tilted his head but didn't say anything.

"Bloody Elm, that idiot. Only deciding to tell me about this trip five minutes before the ship leaves, and I'm all the way across the region!" Saphi muttered in annoyance.
Soon, the island came into view. The cruise ship was docked already, but it seemed that they hadn't begun disembarking yet.
Saphi squinted into the distance, spotted the island, then let out a loud whoop. "WOOOOO!!! FINALLY! I can get you two some proper rest!"
After a few more minutes, she pulled up alongside the ship. She carefully opened up her waterproof bag, and grabbed some rope that was knotted at regular intervals. She released Lanturn, and jumped onto it while Mantine flew up holding one end of the rope. After confirmation that the rope was tied, she returned Lanturn and began to scale the side of the ship.
She heaved herself over the railing, and tumbled onto the deck beside Emerald, soaked and tired. She rolled up, then stretched a bit while greeting Emerald.
"Good day to ya. Don't mind me, just missed my ride." Then she pulled up her rope, and started to walk away, Mantine trailing behind her.
Melodine slowly ventured out of her cabin, still careful about her face.
Kameron grins. Kameron's eyes glittered with amusement, as if she could hear the thoughts in Aesira's head. "Welcome, I'm sure Megami would want me to give you a very long and boring tour but I don't feel like doing that so I'm just going to take you to the important places." she says casually.
Agent Fallows, signing out~
Oliver quickly sidestepped the people still on the dock, making his way into the town. He didn't really know where anything was, but he'd figure it out surely. Tired eyes glanced from building to building, he felt a small feeling of amazement. It was all rather beautiful. Reaching for one of his pokeballs Oliver paused with a small frown. That's right. He left Banette and his team back at Unova. With a small sigh he ran a hand up his face and through his hair before continuing his slow walk. Maybe he could manage to get one of his pokemon over here? Closing his eyes he gave a small nod. He could try. Turning back to his sightseeing, Oliver did his best to keep his thoughts away from his absent team.
(Okay just a note: Melodine is a "famous" singer, so she's trying to keep her identity a secret. She sings many of the songs that a hits while this RP takes place)
Agent Fallows, signing out~