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Pokemon: Heaven's Duality

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP Pokemon: Heaven's Duality
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 833
Posted: Sun, 13/12/2020 21:55 (4 Years ago)
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Luminia, as close as heaven as it can get, some might say. But of course, for it to truly be heaven, a paradise, everything must be in harmony.
Lord Tempest has long expressed a wish to step down from ruling directly from the throne. He wanted to watch over Luminia, as well as the other islands he has created, and only act if he is required to.
Thus he has chosen a successor. From the noble family he has finally chosen one, One who has been given the title of Snowstar Priestess. She is warm and kind, and despite being naïve, is a fast learner. When introduced to the public she was widely accepted as the next ruler.
However, there have been some who have been dissatisfied with the royal family’s rule over Luminia. The unrest is beginning to spread.
Two clear factions were beginning to form. The Loyalists who want to keep the current status quo and keep the royal family. The Republicans who want reform, and for the minimalizing of power in the royal family.
It’s a fine line between who is right and who is wrong. Are the Loyalists blinded by the rule and potential brainwashing? Do the Republicans simply want power for themselves?
What was even worse was that some of the mages were also divided. Some mages hold terrible power, that had the potential to split the very island Luminia was on into two.
The political conflict even spread towards the neighbouring holiday island Rioverde. Travelling between the two island is now restricted and heavily watched. Even Rioverde, who has generally ruled itself without a ruler, having a community that all helped each other had something to say about the conflict. They wanted out as much as possible but…it could very well spread there too.

Regardless the public has to choose their allegiance, they look to the more influential members of the public to guide them…but even they seem divided.
The High General of the Royal Knights wholly believe in the King’s rule to prosperity, the Arenamaster believes the fate of the citizens lay in the hands of their own. The Star Rocker refuses to choose the side that would go against the Azure Sage and his family while also believing that the king’s rule had no faults so far. The Verdant Mistress of the café doesn’t believe in a god’s rule, preferring to thank nature for it’s bounty. It isn’t just the Verdant Mistress…most of the shopkeepers seem to believe their lives were in their hands, not to be ruled over.
If these influential members are divided…what will you do?
One of the worst events to happen to Luminia. It wasn’t a threat from a natural disaster. It was no threat from outer space.
The danger was within the citizens themselves. The era of a civil war had begun.
White Despair, Black Hope. It was all merging into one. Conflicting Ideologies between them all. And behind it all…what were the leaders of each faction thinking?

“Dead or Lie?”


The whole island was filled with unbearable tension, it had been six months since the campaigns on both sides have begun. Kidnappings, coercion, hostage situations...both sides have been known to use such tactics to get the others on their side. Those who have no allegiance tend to avoid the outside at all cost and barricade themselves at home. Some have even built underground shelters, a wise move.

Those who have sided with the Republicans are likely to be either at the Fate Arena or the Anthian District, where the two main bases are
Those who have sided with the Loyalists are likely to be at the Castle of Light or the School of Magic.
Those who have sided with neither side, will likely be at the Suburbs
They can be at anywhere else at their own risk...like Emerald is at the moment.

Emerald was sitting at the fountain, at the plaza linking the Anthian District and the boulevard towards the Castle of Light and the Arena. Knights and Rebels were seen patrolling the streets... Even though they were on opposing sides, they haven't engaged each other. At the moment, there was no need for pointless fighting.
Emerald was looking longingly down at the boulevard towards the Castle of Light....

New NPC!
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Emerald – Riolu – Neutral - This young squire believes in the future of the kingdom, however, he dislikes what is currently happening to the kingdom. Is currently in hiding with his family, however is extremely worried for his friends around the city, with no way to contact them.

Ice Punch
Force Palm
Aura Sphere


Tends to be a ranged fighter, and tends to avoid conflict when necessary. He is overall a very easygoing and nice person

NPC's Introduced
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Emerald - Introduced Page 1
Yung - Introduced Page 10
Remus - Introduced Page 10
Thea - Introduced Page 10

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Dainn - Introduced Page 1
Miranda - Introduced Page 10

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Harringale - Introduced Page 2

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 221
Posted: Sun, 13/12/2020 22:04 (4 Years ago)
Xatina was absolutely bursting with energy. She felt the uncontrollable urge to do something, if not anything. She was passionate about her siding with the Loyalists, which could or couldn't be a way to get her into deep trouble, depending on if there was someone to tell her to keep her big mouth shut. Even Xatina had to admit that was a fault of hers. She just couldn't figure out when it was time to stop talking. But she was learning. All it took was a dirty look or a harsh word, and most of the time, she knew to stop. If only she could stop herself before the words came out. She stood up, bouncing impatiently. Xatina really wanted to do something, anything to get this energy out.
Trainerlevel: 60

Forum Posts: 304
Posted: Sun, 13/12/2020 22:11 (4 Years ago)
It was Fortem's turn to guard the edges of the castle. Well, he and a few other knights. He was still relatively new, after all. The fighting along the border had been getting more intense as time went on, and even worse, Fortem hadn't been able to contact his friends for a few weeks. Things had gotten so busy that he hardly had time to rest from his knightly duties, and he began to wonder if it was such a good idea to be here after all. As he marched down the castle borders, fearing another fight, he spotted a small blue figure far off down the road. His step faltered as he turned his head and squinted. It was Emerald! Fortem opened his mouth, but suppressed his voice, not wanting to be seen as a bad knight by the other three pokemon in his group.

Audax's eyes were shut as he inhaled and exhaled, meditating in his room at the school of magic. Though he was improving greatly, able to cast magic much quicker than before, it was harder for him to concentrate with the voice in his head telling him to stay vigilant. He was in loyalist territory after all, and didn't fully believe in their ideals. He sighed, breaking what concentration he had, and flopped onto his bed. Even he, a pokemon who loved to be alone, was feeling a little lonely.

Clamor sprang at his target. Using takedown, he slammed its mass down to the dusty ground, and placed a paw on it, his claws unsheathed. Having access to training dummies was just one good perk of being a republican inside the fate arena. He needed to keep practicing if they were to get their message heard. Finished his training for the day, he grabbed his slate and chalk and placed it on his back, padding back to the entrance of the arena.
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 252
Posted: Sun, 13/12/2020 22:19 (4 Years ago)
Fate chilled slowly, rising and falling in levitation in the Castle of light. She inhaled slowly, and morphed from a haunter to a mismagius, then back into a haunter. She frowned, and kept meditating, but her form shook slowly, and she morphed into a draga pilot, then a go lurk, then back into a haunter “Ah! Why am I changing against my will!” She groaned, shaking her ghostly spikes “this is s-a-st-stu” she said, vibrating violently, and turning into a gengar, then a gastly, then a misdreavus, before forcing herself back into a haunter “Faith and begora!” She snapped, dragging her eyelids down and letting them snap back up “this is going to take some training” she growled
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 681
Posted: Sun, 13/12/2020 22:34 (4 Years ago)
Aero went through the Anthian District with her brother, Aether. Aether and Aero then came to a stop and looked across at the Castle of Light. Aether smirked and held Aero close by to him. "Look, Aero. The tensions are rising, they've been rising for a while now, and I've finally made the decision to be on the Republican's side." he then looked down at Aero. "Have you made your decision yet?"

Aero shook her head and sighed. "Not really... I don't really feel like taking sides on this at the moment... I'm... Very unsure..." Aether held her closer and patted her head with his other hand.

"That's understandable, I saw unsure at first too. Maybe you'll make up your mind in due time?" Aether smiled and looked at her.

"Yeah..." Aero said before slithering away. Aether smiled at her as she went away.

We're truth seekers and artists, perched on the boundary as we search for an answer.
Art shop | Toyhouse | Discord: Aergalia
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Sun, 13/12/2020 22:36 (4 Years ago)
Winter kept his ears pricked, yet his head drooped a bit. He had just wanted to go home...but this infighting in Luminia had made him afraid of leaving his temporary apartment, or wandering too far from it if he did. Emerald being his old friend helped a little, yet he was still new to this civil war, and thus had no real side to it. Despite his fear, a part of him wanted to stay, in case there was that slight chance he could do something. His masters' words echoed in his ears. 'There must be no more running for you, young apprentice. For you are no longer among the race that looks to heroes for protection, you are the protection. Do not fear injustice, injury. Bring justice, bring hope. Be the gift. That is our vision of you, our hope.' They were so strong, so wise! What they said must be true! He had to stay strong. He told himself.

The Vulpix was wandering the streets of the Anthian district, his fur tense, yet stopped stiffly from spiking up. He wouldn't show fear, or give any reason to appear a threat to anyone, warranting any kind of assault. He deeply mistrusted anyone he saw, even somewhat familiar faces.
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 833
Posted: Sun, 13/12/2020 22:51 (4 Years ago)
Dainn would appear to all the guards. "Everything seems perfectly normal, but please, I advise all of you to keep your guard up. All of you. I'm certain that something is building up. Keep up the good work...however, I will now swap some of you out so you are free to have a break." He looked at Fortem. "You and...." He pointed to another. "You. You two can have a break. And we'll rotate around.

The School of Magic was eerily quiet...everyone seemed to be hard at study or otherwise. Not even a peep from the teachers or the headmaster....however many students could be talked to as well as the teachers.

New NPC!
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Dainn – Gallade – Loyalist -The Highest ranking General in Luminia, Grand Marshall. He believes in what King Tempest is doing is beneficial to the kingdom and is ready and willing to command his knights to defend the legacy at all costs. He, himself, will fight to certain death for it.

Psycho Cut
Close Combat
Dazzling Gleam
Leaf Blade

The Anthian District was unnaturally quiet, though it had been that way for several months now. People were bustling about, but it was subdued and people were generally trying to get to places rather stop and talk. It was just to be expected these days...
The hideout was somewhere near the Post Office. Only the Republicans knew this. No one else. If anyone else finds out...they are very liable to be getting captured and held hostage unless they swear fealty to the Republicans

Those who have sided with neither continue their daily lives at the suburbs...though it has become more or a waiting game. No matter what...coming out was a risk to getting coerced. It was inadvisable for family to hang out anywhere else but here in the suburbs.

Emerald got up and stretched, tugging the cloak over his eyes. He had to keep a low profile...he noted many knights and rebels lurking...but no one paid any attention to him

Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 48
Posted: Sun, 13/12/2020 22:54 (4 Years ago)
Toto was rather grumpy. “Why?”
Fae asked his sister, “Why what?”
“Why did everything get so mean? I mean, people are getting kidnapped for goodness sakes! I really don’t care too much about humans but I like the way it used to be.”
Fae looked around. “I understand why you’re worried. What if we get kidnapped?”
Quote from Albert Einstein
“Stop quoting me on the internet, it’s impossible to verify if I had said the quote or not!”
-Albert Einstein

Trainerlevel: 60

Forum Posts: 304
Posted: Sun, 13/12/2020 23:02 (4 Years ago)
As soon as Fortem got to his room for his break, he doffed his scarf and bits of armor, slipped on a dark, hooded cloak to obscure his image, and slipped out of the castle. This was one opportunity he just couldn't throw away. Careful to seem calm and confident (as he'd learned to be to sneak in and out of places), he made his way to the fountain, and gave Emerald a tap on the shoulder, smirking.

After some contemplation, Audax stretched and heaved his heavy book bag out into the school of magic hallway. He needed to find something to do, or he thought he'd go insane. Head and ears drooped shyly, he scanned around, spotting a couple pokemon, including Thea the umbreon, his mentor, and an absol he'd never seen before.

Sneakily, Clamor slunk into the base. He was ready to do whatever the group needed, and looked around for someone to converse with.
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 48
Posted: Sun, 13/12/2020 23:04 (4 Years ago)
(Fae and Toto are outside. About a hundred feet from the castle.)
Quote from Albert Einstein
“Stop quoting me on the internet, it’s impossible to verify if I had said the quote or not!”
-Albert Einstein

Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Sun, 13/12/2020 23:10 (4 Years ago)
Winter was still lost in the crowd, just trying to find a place to stop for a bit. It wouldn't be so hard, if he wasn't so unreasonably nervous about all the drama. He recalled another time, when he'd come here to the Anthian district casually to buy some clay figures. He'd since lost those...as well as his desire to relax and make art when there was training to do. It seemed like ages ago...

In the air, he scented what had now become familiar. The hot scents of the other citizens, of either faction of the divide. Some familiar passerby, some friends, and most complete strangers. No one had taken notice of him yet, not that he'd drawn much attention to himself. He stopped for a bit near the fountain, yet stayed off to the side to avoid the crowd of Pokemon gathering there, and looked around, contemplating what to do with his time now.
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 833
Posted: Sun, 13/12/2020 23:21 (4 Years ago)
(@SinnohMusicStan To avoid clutter, and extra posts like these, please discuss details such as this in the palpad group that I have created ^^ also, there are no humans in this rp.)

Professor Thea was deep in study, a frown on her face. It seemed as though she wasn’t taking notice of her surroundings...her ears were pricked up though, so she could hear everything that was going on

Professor Thea can be talked to!

There really weren’t many people about...most people out and about seem to be scouts of some kind...

Inside the base of the Republicans, A Fletchinder was near the entrance, a steadfast gaze swept across the area. Anyone in the Republicans would know this one...

Harringale can be talked to!

Emerald jumped and looked up. Normally, seeing his best friend would have instantly brightened his mood...however...
The only reaction that was elicited from him was a small smile. There was a drained look in his eyes...the tension and the ‘lockdown’ had been absurdly draining on him and he had been longing for interaction from his friend. He even lost contact with Winter recently due to the the place he was staying at...

Winter, Fae, Toto
Some guards glanced over to them...but didn’t say a word and continued to walk by. Something similar happened with the rebel scouts...
Overall it felt very eerie...Luminia has certainly changed over the months recently. From a haven to...well
The peace that had been built up was nearing collapse.

The Guards and Rebels can be talked to! But be careful about what you say! If you talk to the one, you cannot talk to the other!
Trainerlevel: 60

Forum Posts: 304
Posted: Sun, 13/12/2020 23:27 (4 Years ago)
"Emerald! Are you okay?" Fortem made sure to speak quietly. He scanned the Riolu, making sure he was alright. It was amazing for him to be able to meet him after weeks of being alone...

"...Hello..." Through all his time here, Audax still didn't feel comfortable beginning a talk with anyone. The awkwardness and stress got to him, and his tail drooped. "How are you doing?"

Quickly, Clamor got out his board and chalk, fitting it over his claw in less than a second. He wrote in sharp lines across his slate, saying 'What can I do to help?' No room for excess words, though he'd say them if he could. He had to be concise. He brought it up to Harringale, standing stoicly.
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 48
Posted: Sun, 13/12/2020 23:31 (4 Years ago)
Fae continued to walk through the streets. “Ya know, I’m hungry. Let”s eat and discuss the ‘things that are occurring’ Elsewhere.”
Toto agreed, and accidentally bumped into winter.
“Watch where you are going!”
(I’m used to roleplaying on a site called fandom, and that is usually what it’s like.)
Quote from Albert Einstein
“Stop quoting me on the internet, it’s impossible to verify if I had said the quote or not!”
-Albert Einstein

Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Sun, 13/12/2020 23:31 (4 Years ago)
Winter felt the fur long his spine tingle at the eerie vibe. The way they all just...glanced at him. He supposed there was a time when he would prefer it that way...but now. He hadn't seen his friend in weeks, the Riolu being the only real familiar face in this whole blasted kingdom. He'd been briefly introduced to a few others, but couldn't trust his relationships with them enough to drop his caution.
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 833
Posted: Sun, 13/12/2020 23:41 (4 Years ago)
Fortem + Winter]
“Urgh...not good...I haven’t seen any friend in weeks...” Emerald shook his head sadly. “I just...I don’t know...I wanna just enjoy a bubble or balloon with someone...a friend even came from the surface to see me and I wanted to show them that bubble park...and now you’re cooped up at the castle...

Winter would just so happen to pass by to hear Emerald saying; ‘a friend even came up to the surface to see me and I wanted to show them that...”
At that point, he would pass by a friendly looking Leafeon...but something was off
Summer can be talked to!

“It’s not good Audax...this situation isn’t good at all. We’re on the brink of disaster and my senses are telling me we’e on the tipping edge, the Umbreon muttered as she flipped through her book

The Fletchinder held a wing to his chin as he read the tablet...he was wearing a blue acarf and a mailman’s hat. It was very apparent that this one used to be a courier. “Ah, you’re...Clamor.” He nodded. He had heard about the mute Luxio

Fae + Toto
Unless you were a Republican...it was very dangerous to go to the Anthian District to eat...it would be safer to return to one of the other places to do so. The safest places for them would be any of the Loyalist locations. This included the Castle of Light, School of Magic and Sleipnir Park...but Sleipnir Park was currently closed

Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 48
Posted: Sun, 13/12/2020 23:44 (4 Years ago)
(They are somewhat neutral, not speaking about it in republican areas.)
They continued down the road. Toto looked at emerald. “I’m starving. Anywhere I can eat? Or am I interrupting your sad thoughts?”
Quote from Albert Einstein
“Stop quoting me on the internet, it’s impossible to verify if I had said the quote or not!”
-Albert Einstein

Trainerlevel: 60

Forum Posts: 304
Posted: Sun, 13/12/2020 23:46 (4 Years ago)
Fortem put a paw over Emerald. "It's going to be ok..." He didn't know if the words were for Emerald or for himself. He tried to give a reassuring smile. "How is everyone? Your dad? Azure?"

"What's going on?" Intrigued, Audax glanced at the book. He was fairly certain this had to do with the... current situation in Luminia. What else could it be?

Clamor nodded, surprised to be recognised. Though, it was probably for the fact that he couldn't speak rather than his fighting abilities or anything else...
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Sun, 13/12/2020 23:50 (4 Years ago)
Winter's ears twitched at a familiar voice, though he wasn't sure if he was hallucinating it...it was hard to tell, with the clammer and chatter of all the other passerby. What was not a possible figment of his imagination, however was the Leafeon that passed by him. Summer the Leafeon. The name had caught his attention the moment he'd first heard it, mostly because the leaf creature shared a name with a close family member of his. From what he'd heard of her from his friends Reye the Shaymin, Typhoon the Mewtwo, and Emerald the Riolu, Summer was a cheerful soul, mistress of Luminia's cafe. He could certainly smell a leafy tea scent from her...The way she looked now...did not fit that description at all, however. He stopped, staring after her. He decided to follow her, striding after her. "Uhm...excuse me?" He spoke up, yet he still sounded nervous, just still getting used to engaging with strangers.
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 833
Posted: Mon, 14/12/2020 00:02 (4 Years ago)
(I’m going off of what you put in your form. You labelled both of these characters as loyalists...and also, please use the palpad for discussions such as this...^^)
Fae and Toto, Fortem
Emerald briefly snapped out of his trance. Being approached by strangers and having a remark directed his way was the last thing he needed at the moment. But he needed to be polite “If you’re with either faction, I can’t help you. I’m sorry...but I must be on my way. ” He got up, covered the cloak around to hide most of his appearance and walked away...It would be obvious where he was going if anyone knew him wel

Unfortunately, Emerald’s reaction was fairly similar of most citizens these days. They simply prefer to cut conversations as short as possible in the fear that something might happen to them or people close to them.

Thea didn’t respond...but...she was reading something alright.
The Tome Gleipnir. The most power dark spell that Luminia had to offer

“Rest easy. I wouldn’t overexert yourself too much too quickly.” Harringale continued as he pointed over to some resting points, most of these were generally filled with cushions, chairs, tables and the like

Summer turned her head. She smiled gently at him. “If it isn’t...Well now...” She racked her head. “Sorry I’m usually good at remembering people...the recent events are doing a number on me...ah that’s right! Emerald’s friend from the surface!”