Soup! I have a Regi for you!
Username: RoyalLady
What do you have and how many?: 1 Regirock
PD or Nuggets?: Pd
Do you understand that I can't send less than 50 nuggets?: yep
Total: 10k pd
Anything to say?: im leaving, so please take care of it....
Soup! I have a Regi for you!
Name: ZeraoraGamez
What do you have and how many? Regirock, 1.
Pd or nuggets? None.
Do you understand that I can’t send less then 50 nuggets? Yep.
Anything to say? It’s free, because tomato soup isn’t awesome.
Sorry, but I love tomato soup (Especially with grilled cheese
Soup! I have a Regi for you!
Username: -Abra_Kadabra-
What do you have and how many?: 1 Regirock
PD or Nuggets?: Pd
Do you understand that I can't send less than 50 nuggets?: Yes
Total: 7k please
Anything to say?: take care of it, I got it on my first try on the
royal tunnel!
Accepted, but I'll pay anyways.
Tomato soup and grilled cheese is the best. My best friend goes by
GrilledCheez because I started using TomatoSoup.
Accepted! All Regis are safe here. :)
Soup! I have a Regi for you!
Username: ThatPotterHead
What do you have and how many?: Regirock 1
PD or Nuggets?: pd plz
Do you understand that I can't send less than 50 nuggets?: yes
Total: 7-10k
Anything to say?:
Pls Train These Pokemon My Starter My First Event Pokemon My First Legendary
Soup! I have a Regi for you!
What do you have and how many?:regirock and 1
PD or Nuggets?: Pd or regigigas
Do you understand that I can't send less than 50 nuggets?: Nope
Anything to say?: Regigigas is needed for dex but feels unfair so i
would rather buy it if you don't mind
Soup! I have a Regi for you!
Username: lettuce
What do you have and how many?: 1 Shiny Registeel
PD or Nuggets?: 96 nuggets plz uwu
Do you understand that I can't send less than 50 nuggets?: yes
Total: 96 nuggets
Anything to say?: thank youu!!
Soup! I have a Regi for you!
What do you have and how many?: Regirock *3
PD or Nuggets?: pd
Do you understand that I can't send less than 50 nuggets?: Yes
Total:30000 pd
Anything to say?: Nah XD
All Naughty Female Gardevoirs are MINE >:3
PP Me If You Have Mega Gardevoir or SM Gardevoir That is
Naughty Female! I'll pay a lot ^^
Soup! I have a Regi for you!
What do you have and how many?: Regirock
PD or Nuggets?: pd
Do you understand that I can't send less than 50 nuggets?: Yes
Total:10000 pd
Anything to say?: Nah again
All Naughty Female Gardevoirs are MINE >:3
PP Me If You Have Mega Gardevoir or SM Gardevoir That is
Naughty Female! I'll pay a lot ^^
Soup! I have a Regi for you!
What do you have and how many?: Regirock, ice, steel *1 (all)
PD or Nuggets?: pd
Do you understand that I can't send less than 50 nuggets?: Yes
Total:48000 pd
Anything to say?: :D
All Naughty Female Gardevoirs are MINE >:3
PP Me If You Have Mega Gardevoir or SM Gardevoir That is
Naughty Female! I'll pay a lot ^^
Soup! I have a Regi for you!
What do you have and how many?: Regirock*1, ice*5, steel*1 *1
PD or Nuggets?: pd
Do you understand that I can't send less than 50 nuggets?: Yes
Total: 122k pd (?) (not sure though, not good at math lol
Anything to say?: :D
All Naughty Female Gardevoirs are MINE >:3
PP Me If You Have Mega Gardevoir or SM Gardevoir That is
Naughty Female! I'll pay a lot ^^
Soup! I have a Regi for you!
Username: lettuce
What do you have and how many?: 3 shiny regis (one of each,
excluding regigigas)
PD or Nuggets?: nuggets
Do you understand that I can't send less than 50 nuggets?: yepp
Total: 385 nuggets
Anything to say?: thank youu!!
Soup! I have a Regi for you!
Username: Carbonhydrates
What do you have and how many?: 1 regirock
PD or Nuggets?: diTtO jk 10k Pd
Do you understand that I can't send less than 50 nuggets?: e
Total: 10kpd 2 dittos
Anything to say?: dIttO
Those who know do not
speak. Those who speak do not know