Forum Thread
[Berrygarden] Queue getting cleared
Forum-Index → Bug Reports → Resolved → [Berrygarden] Queue getting clearedTests below, with TL;DR at the bottom

What I recently tried was:
-Filled Queue with Paralyze Heal
-Added 1 Qualot Soda
-Claimed 1 Paralyze Heal
-Added 1 Qualot Soda
What I found was that the entire queue cleared except for the Qualot Sodas.
I'll keep testing if necessary to see if there is anything else to this issue, but for sure, it's very annoying!
EDIT: I didn't notice before, but this Qualot Soda seems to be taking 30 minutes to craft.
EDIT 2: Thought it might've been a visual bug and that I'd see a Paralyze Heal after 12 minutes, but nope. It's a genuine 30 minute Qualot Soda craft.
EDIT 3: The mega-Qualot finished crafting, and the next Qualots began crafting. So I queue'd up another Qualot Soda, and the Qualot that was already crafting, as well as the one behind it were both wiped from the queue. I then incurred a 15 minute Paralyze Heal crafting time (usually it's 8 minutes).
EDIT 4: Queue is filled with Paralyze Heals and 1 Qualot Soda. Currently crafting Paralyze Heal. Added another Paralyze Heal, and the queue is intact.
EDIT 5: The 15-minute Paralyze Heal finished crafting. Another Paralyze Heal started crafting with 8 minutes. Decided to craft a Grepa Soda to throw something new into the mix. All Paralyze Heals got wiped from Queue. Qualot Soda began crafting with 26 minute crafting time. Grepa Soda is still on the list. Added 2 more Grepa Sodas and 1 more Qualot Soda.
EDIT 6: Mega-Qualot finished. Instead of queueing something else to craft, I refreshed the page. The Qualot soda in the queue vanished. Grepa Soda that was crafting is still crafting normally. Added a Kelpsy Soda, Grepa, and another Kelpsy to the queue in that order. I should add that none of the stuff that's disappearing has been being added to my inventory.
EDIT 7: Grepa finished crafting. Claimed and refreshed. All Grepas removed from queue. Kelpsy is now crafting with 12 minute crafting time.
EDIT 8: I should add that when the queue gets cleared, I do not get the berries back that I spent. Additionally, queued all Paralyze Heals, claimed 1, refreshed, entire queue gone.
EDIT 9: Queued all Paralyze heals. Once 1 crafted, I refreshed without claiming. Nothing happened. Crafted a Kelpsy Soda. Entire queue cleared. Kelpsy crafting time is normal.
EDIT 10: 2x Grepa Sodas in queue. Rest of slots filled with Paralyze Heal. Claimed 1 Grepa Soda and queued another. Grepas cleared from queue. Paralyze Heal is now crafting for 12 minutes (Normally 8 minutes).
EDIT 11: Unexpected. Queue full of Paralyze Heals. 1 Grepa at the end. Claimed 1 Paralyze Heal. Refreshed. 35 minute Grepa craft!!! YIKES! Paralyze Heals of course missing from queue.
- Seems like once an item is done cooking and you claim it, all others of the same item are removed from queue at the same time.
- You do not get the berries back, nor do you get the items that were in queue.
- Additionally, this bug can cause your items to have a grossly extended crafting time.
Seems fixed now. My queue isn't clearing anymore. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
Anyways. Queued up 7 Hoenn Tonics; after the first one was ready, I claimed it, and my entire queue of 6 still to brew Tonics was wiped - rip all those berries.
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