The Brixen hesitated a little bit there would be water and she was
weak against so how would it turn out and then remembered she knew
the move Solar beam
They were heading towards the ocean, however, they soon came across
another forest. One, that wasn't as welcoming as the one they
stayed in for their first week...
The light didn't light up much of the area, but that was still an
advantage in itself. As Azure commented. "I'm not sure we'll be
able to sleep with proper tents and the like...we'll have to make
do." He sighed
"Well... at least it will be harder for the cult to find us? Knock
on wood," Fortem said, hopefully. "Lets try to set up camp, them."
Fortem begun looking at tree roots, finding good places to dig
Helda nodded, facing the nearest tree. She scaled it with ease,
then turned to look back to where they had just come from. It was a
rather abrupt change, she thought. She let out a small puff of
flame, purely for fun, before laying down with her paws crossed in
front of her. She wasn't planning on going to sleep, but she might
as well be comfortable if she was going to be awake all night.
“Alright.....” he was hovering close to the ground. Recharging his
batteries sounded like a great idea. He floated over to the closest
comfy spot — That being Azure’s cloud.
The new day comparison to the other days, this was
definitely a worse day in terms of weather. It was raining...with
the occasional flash of lightning