Forum Thread
Pokemon Shelter and Pokemon-of-the-day
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Rejected → Pokemon Shelter and Pokemon-of-the-dayPokemon Shelter
Any time you release a pokemon it goes right into the shelter where anyone can adopt that pokemon. Each user has a limited amount of shelter grabs per day. The amount of shelter adoptions per day is about 5 by default. I have two ideas how you could increase that amount:
1. Your trainerlevel determines the amount. E.g. your trainerlevel is 55 - you got 55 shelter adoptions per day. That means that the shelter is automaticly unlocked once a new player reaches level 5.
2. You can buy upgrade at the item shop. There would be 5 upgrades, each one gives you a specific amount if shelter grabs per day.
This feature would be most interesting for the ones that want to complete their pokedex or are searching for event pokemon. Event breeders can release some of their double events and new players are able to get them from the shelter. You could even get shinies/mega-ables if someone released them :3
This is something I saw on another pokemon site and I reeeeaally love it.
Each day a random pokemon will be POTD (Pokemon-Of-The-Day) and has a higher chance of hatching shiny. This would be interesting for shiny hunters, as well as legendary hunters as even these rare pokemon can have a higher shiny chance when getting POTD.
Feel free to leave any suggestions regarding to these ideas :3

© by KaitoTemari
Finding events missing for your dex is actually not that hard providing you actively use the auction house/GTS/forums, and even if there's no bites there's the event shop in which you can buy the egg of what you're missing (and treasure chest and mystery chests can give you event points so it's not a "only way to get points for an egg is to use nuggets" issue)
the chances of someone releasing valuable things to the shelter is very low and so we'd mostly end up with common stuff like starter bugs or pidgeys everywhere, taking up extra server resource.
As for the PotD, unless we want copyright issues here (because I doubt Niet would sit still if Riako just copied that, unlike this site PFQ is labeled a company and we the players their customers and companies don't exactly like when others straight up copy them) it'd have to be something else that increases the shiny chance.
We also already have the emera fountain for a shiny boost and having another boost might make things a bit unbalanced. pfq is using delta points as a way to remove shinies/albinos from the site as there's a lot of them hatching with all the boosts, a lot. and shinies would be worth next to nothing if the chances were increased too much.

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Sorry for the extra posts.

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And Pokefarm has way more users and released pokemon. I really don't think that that should be an issue here. Especially if you say that each pokemon in the shelter will be deleted after a certain amount of time. Of course there would be many "trash" pokemon. But I myself would give many events to the shelter and even my houndreds of double shiny pokemon from my sm hunts.

© by KaitoTemari
Anyways. I kind of like the idea of the Trainer Level being the determining factor of how many Adopts you can make. But I also think of the extremely inactive players who would take forever to level up. But if you were to do it with money, you'd have the same problem because most of the barely actives barely make enough. If the EXP per Level was drastically decreased until 50, though, that might help encourage people.
To address the comment of "You can easily buy Events"...Yes. That is true. But I still have dozens of Events from Hunts I did in my Sell Box because they aren't worth it to sell for 5k each and I can't bring myself to release them if nobody else has the option of giving them a forever home. Bring in a Shelter and I'd gladly clean out my Boxes.
The ONLY issue I see with a Shelter is that there will need to be a way to prevent accidental releasing of Shinies, SM, or other Pokes you WANT to keep. Or a mandatory rule that says you MUST at least ask the previous owner if they want it back. That would of course ALSO require the addition of an owner History on the Pokemon.
And with the addition of History, I'm beginning to agree with the person who said this would be a lot of coding. I wouldn't have this issue on PFQ, as they use Java, CSS, and other code that can handle a lot of stuff. But BBC is one of the more limited codes to work with. I think Riako would have to recode the entire site if he wanted to up the goodies for us.
As for Pokemon of the Day. On the Fence about that. I love the random Shiny Boost from the Fountain, as I could get a boost for MY hunt a couple of times a week, whereas I would have to wait potentially weeks for my Shiny Day on PotD. That's not to say it couldn't be done. After all, PFQ has PotD, Shiny Charm, Sei Day, Uber Charm, and Arceus Rank for increasing Shiny Odds. I don't see a problem with having the Fountain AND a PotD Shiny Boost.
Ooh. We could have something like Sei Day, where after a certain amount of eggs are hatched in a week then we get a Shiny Day! Let's say 5k? That sounds reasonable considering Top Three in Medal Rally get about that much in a normal two week period.
Don't get me wrong. I LOVE both ideas and wish they could be implemented in some way. Thank you for taking the time to post this! Also sorry. I tend to ramble and overanalyze.
Total votes: 33
Support ratio: 55%
Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
Breeding events for the cause here!