Forum Thread
Require Less Powders for Swords of Justice
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Require Less Powders for Swords of JusticeOne white powder goes for ~200k, usually more. That's a hefty amount if you need 5 for each egg. Since the ~200k price lines up pretty well with the pricing of other summons, I'm suggesting to only require 1 white powder per egg.
(also if this has been suggested, please link the thread. The forum search is a pain to use so I didn't check)
I want to hunt Virizion and Cobalion but the bulk stuff so expensive and hard to come by..
My first two Cobalion eggs took me like two or three months to get the powders..
Though I guess an increase in spawn rate of task can be a better solution but the decreased amount is a no-no.

Free Palestine
Improving things to make them more fair for the future (whether that's something completely unimportant in a game, such as making a Pokemon easier to obtain, or something very important in real life) does mean that people who worked through the unfairness before will have missed out; but that doesn't mean that future people should have to continue to suffer through the same unfair situations when they can - and should - be improved. Especially considering that the number of people who will benefit from the change is drastically more than the number of people who have already obtained one or more Shiny Swords.
Not to mention that it makes no sense for a group of Pokemon that aren't that special being worth 1mil PD each in summoning items... that's higher than the exclusive event Legendaries like Shaymin and Kyurem that are only available 2 weeks or less each year.
I guess the first part of what u said makes sense.
But on the second part being not worth a mil. Id like to point out that a ruby is worth around 210k these days whilw groundons barely go for 30k.
The trio can easily go for 200k while it takes 1.25 mil to summon it. So thats like 20% payback while others dont even get 10%

Free Palestine
And a slight correction on the math:
30k is 14.29% of 210k
200k is 16% of 1.25mil
So the difference isn't as much as you initially thought, their payback is near-identical statistically speaking.
(It seemed more at that time lol)
Anyways since the swords are guaranteed a shiny at 50 they can’t really be much cheaper or atleast not as cheap as the others.
I mean them tomorrow people will be like lower xerneus and yveltal prices too. And well it’ll just keep going downhill

Free Palestine
Considering you’d need ~10 million PD worth of white powders for one shiny with this suggestion, it costs about the same as some legend hunts. So we’re good on that front.
So if we apply this suggestions logic of costing a lot and not being worth it to that their cost will have to be lowered too. Hope that makes sense to you.

Free Palestine