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Castle Cats: Dragon Disaster- Sign ups

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up Castle Cats: Dragon Disaster- Sign ups
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Tue, 05/05/2020 00:56 (4 Years ago)

In the world of Castle Cats, the Evil Pugomancer has long since been defeated. The Guilds have lived in peace for years, but now, a new evil strikes...and the cats must find what it is, and band together to stop it.

High in the mountains, there is a tower, the Tower of Dragons. Below this tower are many dungeons with hidden treasure, and of course, dragons. Little did the cats know that the dragons want their treasure to add to their hoards. The treasure they are after, however, is no one physical object, but all magic. Dragons want magic for themselves, all of it. That is why they must be stopped!

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1: PH rules apply
2: You may play as: A) An existing cat,
B) Your custom Guild Leader cat (If you play the app game)
Or C) An OC by you. Provide a reference if you play the first too.
3:NOT a semi-lit roleplay, but please don't go crazy with one-liners. A few is okay, but otherwise try to keep a minimum of two lines per post.
4:You can describe your chara or post a ref, up to you
5: It's okay if you are unfamiliar with Castle Cats, I will do my best to explain.
6: Romance is allowed, but don't go crazy with it.
7: Include 'Luna Sparkle' in the other section so I know you read the rules.

Castle Cats is...
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An RPG where you go through the story and collect a Guild of cats. I don't know if the player's Guild has an official name, but for the sake of this roleplay I'm calling them 'The Castle Cats'. It's very simple; Every cat has three evolution stages, two skills, and a trait. To achieve these skills, you must evolve. Every cat starts at their first evolution stage, with one skill, no trait, and no added features (By added features I mean weapons, outfits, wings ect. NOT patterns, though you may add extra patterns if you like.

Extra info
(Kinda making some of this up)

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Heroes with the skill 'Heroic' tend to use attacks related to heroes, such as throwing swords, flags, or shields. They also tend to be selfless and brave in purrsonallity, as well as being very kind, headstrong, and confident.


Heroes with the skill 'Perceptive' tend to use attacks with careful accuracy, like bows and arrows, or guns. They tend to fight long ranged, and hardly ever miss and are frustrated when they do. Perceptive heroes tend to be blunt, argumentative while not being too rude about it, though they don't care if it does come across as disrespectful, and offer constructive criticism whenever possible, able to easy spot flaws in plans or arguments


Heroes with the skill 'Crafty' tend to be very diverse in their attacks, attacking with elements of nature like fire, water, electricity, ect. They also tend to use weapons that can be crafted like knives, swords, spears, ect. Crafty Heroes tent to be good at coming up with plans and solutions to problems, and are very adaptable


Heroes with the skill 'Carismatic' tend to use magic to do with love. Whether that be something they love, an expression of love, whatever, just something they feel close to. They can fight long or short ranged, and are very caring in personality, social and very concerned for other's safety, and tend to stick with the whole 'No cat gets left behind' philosophy, many are even good healers.


Heroes with the skill 'Sneaky' are very long ranged, and tend to use attacks that they can fire from the shadows, and that hide their position. They are usually very short tempered and tend to suck with social interaction, keeping many secrets, but they are trustworthy if you befriend them, and are very useful when it comes to stealing. They are also pretty good at surprises, whether good or bad.


Heroes with the skill 'Athletic' love to exercise. They use attacks that are very short ranged, and are good at darting in and out quickly, thus tend to use weapons that enhance their existing abilities, such as swords, or claw attachments that can create a hard hitting, stinging scratch on the target. They tend to be very flexible, and confident, liking to charge in and are low on patience for the most part, and are thus horrible at planning.


Heroes with the skill 'Magical' are all mages, using weapons like wands or staffs. They can fight close or long range, with whatever attacks they see fit, fire, water, cosmic, whatever! Their prefered magic style tends to determine their second skill. In personality, they are very adaptable, and love trying new things, even if there is foreseeable disaster, loving wide spaces to experiment and train their skills. They are pretty okay with social interaction, loving to try new things with others and alternate with partners, and tend to take criticism very well.

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Traits are up to you, and are unique to your hero alone. They enhance your abilities in the roleplay and help you or others in the journey. Since this isn't the app game, they can be pretty much anything, just don't make them overpowered.

And Finally, the form!
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Character name:
Character Gender:
Character Weapon (and powers):
Character skill #1(Before 1rst evolution:
Character skill #2(after final evolution):
Character appearance: (First, second, and third stage descriptions or refs)
OC or existing cat?:

My form(s) WIP
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Username: FurryStar
Character name: Miko
Character Gender: Female
Character Weapon (and powers): Knife, powers, stinging slashes. Dark magic added after evolutions
Character skill #1(Before 1rst evolution: sneaky
Character skill #2(after final evolution): magical
Trait: Hellfire, increases her chance of finding blue embers, rare or common
Personallity/Description: Miko is half demon, half angel. She's introverted, and likes to go solo, but can deal with partners if they aren't too talkative. If she befriends anyone, (They typically would be the 'not annoying' types) she will defend them with her immortal life
Character appearance: Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3
OC or existing cat?: OC
Other: Sneaky beans! Read the rules

Username: FurryStar
Character name: Luna Sparkle
Character Gender: Female
Character Weapon (and powers): Alicorn horn, magical blast
Character skill #1(Before 1rst evolution: Magical
Character skill #2(after final evolution): Perceptive
Trait: Fortune teller
Personallity/Description: Sometimes Luna Sparkle glitters, that's normal
Character appearance: Stage one Stage two Stage three
OC or existing cat?: existing cat
Other: Sneaky beans! Read the rules

Username: FurryStar
Character name: Silver
Character Gender: Female
Character Weapon (and powers): Demon sword, throwable fire slash.
Character skill #1(Before 1rst evolution: Charismatic
Character skill #2(after final evolution): Heroic
Trait: Angel light, increases chances of finding red embers on quests
Personallity/Description: How Silver gets along with her sister, Miko, is a mystery. Silver is a very caring, social and out going cat. She is a team player, and loves being with others and making things to keep the feelings positive with everybody. she tends not to understand cats that don't like social activity, and tries to be the nicest friend possible, caring more about others than herself
Character appearance: Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3
OC or existing cat?:OC

Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 31
Posted: Tue, 05/05/2020 01:31 (4 Years ago)
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Character name: Lyra
Character gender: Female
Character weapon (and powers): Bow, Boom boom bow, soul crushing shot unlocked at lvl. 7
Character skill 1# (unlocked after 1st evolution): Charming
Character skill 2# (unlocked after final evolution): Crafty
Trait: Taskmaster
Personallity/Description: Easily riled up, friendly, caring
Character apperance: 1st stage has bow and simple archers outfit, 2nd stage wears pearl beaded necklace with a more advanced archer's look, 3rd stage wears advanced archer's outfit with advanced bow plus tail and paw coverage.
OC or existing cat?: no
Other: Luna Sparkle
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Tue, 05/05/2020 01:35 (4 Years ago)
@Kittykat185 accepted
Trainerlevel: 60

Forum Posts: 304
Posted: Tue, 05/05/2020 01:36 (4 Years ago)
Username: LucarioLover99

Character name: Alexander (just call him Alex though)

[b]Character Gender:

Character Weapon (and powers): Uses just his claws mostly, but can also control small bits of fire and electricity. More elements like water, light, wind and ice added after evolutions, but he can't control lots at a time, only small bits, making him have to come up with creative ways to use them. He might be able to control more after evolutions though... idk we'll see.

Character skill #1(Before 1st evolution): Crafty

Character skill #2(after final evolution): Charismatic

Trait: Charismatic Smile (I have no idea what I'm doing): Good in social situations and good at persuasion and trickery

Personality/Description: Extremely extraverted and a huge jokester. Loves puns, and can come up with them on the spot. Speaking of on the spot, he is great at crafty battling and can act in the moment (sort of like ma boi Aaron y'know wow that was really self indulgent). He is a really adaptable character and is a sort of jack of all trades, master of none, but he will fiercely fight for what he believes in. Super determined and perseverant, won't stop till he gets what he wants, and not afraid to point out when others are wrong. Also super impulsive lol

Character appearance: (First, second, and third stage descriptions or refs) First: A scrawny orange-brown tabby with blue eyes, and black tattoos of the elements he can control on his shoulder. Second: He gets a dark green hooded cape and more element tattoos. Third: Again, more element tattoos, and the cape looks cooler.

Backstory: Has lived on the streets, gaining him social skills (his trait) and adaptability.

OC or existing cat?: OC (No clue about any existing cats lol)

Other: Sorry, I'm not familiar with the game (sounds a lot like battle cats tho), but I'll do my best, just let me know if anything needs to be changed! Also, Luna Sparkle

Did I do it right
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Tue, 05/05/2020 01:39 (4 Years ago)
@LucarioLover99 embers help you evolve, sorry I didn't mention that! Also, with the trait, anything goes. You can get more gold, help heal others, be better at spotting materials. Think of it as a power, basically
Trainerlevel: 60

Forum Posts: 304
Posted: Tue, 05/05/2020 01:39 (4 Years ago)
K, thanks! Ill edit
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Tue, 05/05/2020 01:40 (4 Years ago)
and cats keep their skills when they evolve, they gain the second one, kind of like pokemon with a second type after evo. And after you do that, accepted

Decided to make the roleplay Since most people aren't familiar with castle cats, the best way to bump this up would be to start.
Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 31
Posted: Tue, 05/05/2020 13:56 (4 Years ago)
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Character name:Purrcilla
Character Gender:Female
Character Weapon (and powers): staff, purple blast, and soul sucking beam unlocked after 2nd evo.
Character skill #1(Before 1rst evolution:Charismatic
Character skill #2(after final evolution):Crafty
Personallity/Description: "He will be mine..."
Character appearance: (First, second, and third stage descriptions or refs)1st, simple calico cat, 2nd staff, 3rd robe
OC or existing cat?: From the original game
Other: Luna Sparkle
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Tue, 05/05/2020 14:00 (4 Years ago)
@Kittykat185 accepted.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 36
Posted: Tue, 05/05/2020 14:08 (4 Years ago)
Username: Amberstorm
Character name: Amberstorm
Character Gender: Female
Character Weapon (and powers): Bow (Stormy Shot), Electric Magic after final evolution
Character skill #1(Before 1rst evolution: Perceptive
Character skill #2(after final evolution): Magician
Trait: Recharger
Personallity/Description: She is kind and helpful, tends to think a lot, always tries her best to help others
Character appearance: WIP
OC or existing cat?: Guild Leader Oc
Other: Luna Sparkle!

Username: Amberstorm
Character name: Skye
Character Gender: Female
Character Weapon (and powers): Wooden Staff (Frost Shard), Stone Staff (Blizzard Rage) after final evolution
Character skill #1(Before 1rst evolution: Magician
Character skill #2(after final evolution): Crafty
Trait: Luminous
Personallity/Description: Introverted, helps others, tries not to be disrespectful but tends to say exactly what she thinks
Character appearance: First stage: Pale Blue cat with white speckles on her back and face. Second Stage: Pale blue cat with white speckles on back and face as well as one shard of ice on each leg and the tip of her tail, is carrying her wooden staff. Final Stage: Same as second stage with horns and wings of ice and her staff is now stone.
OC or existing cat?: Oc
Other: Luna Sparkle! (Will start later if accepted)

Sprite made by xXMidnightGoldXx

Please check out this Wings of Fire rp!
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Tue, 05/05/2020 18:01 (4 Years ago)
@Amberstorm accepted. Sorry for taking so long.
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 58
Posted: Tue, 05/05/2020 20:58 (4 Years ago)
Username: Politicalseal123
Character name: Shadow
Character Gender: Male
Character Weapon (and powers): Dagger, can run very fast, and go invisible. He is very stealthy and good for stealth missions, and can draw a picture on his wrist, turning it into real life. However, this ability is more energy consuming the stronger the object is, and is very versatile. For example, a lock pick is commonly used and a machine gun is used as a last resort. After evolving, more energy for drawing, and able to transmit what he is seeing to other cats, and vice versa. Also, after evolving, has limited access to concealing magic.
Character skill #1(Before 1rst evolution: Sneaky
Character skill #2(after final evolution): Crafty
Trait: Is very good at finding things, and going undetected. He can camouflage and steal things from others pockets. He can run extraordinary fast.
Personallity/Description: Introverted, however will protect close friends with his life. He always fights with a partner, preferably one that is more physical, that can draw most of the attention away. He prefers to sneak attack, and is very crafty, able to find a solution to many sticky situations.
Character appearance: (First, second, and third stage descriptions or refs): 1st: Black, slim, hard to spot. Thin tail. Wears a utility belt with all sorts of tools. 2nd: A bit more blue (navy blue) in general, more focused on support. paws Have a reddish hue. 3rd More open, but black and navy blue striped. Has a disguising magic pendant around his neck, shimmers when magic is used.
OC or existing cat?: OC
Other: Luna Sparkle
Please Interact!
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Tue, 05/05/2020 21:13 (4 Years ago)
@Politicalseal123 you failed to completely fill out the form, so I can't accept you yet. (also, OC or existing cat is not a yes or no option)
Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 31
Posted: Tue, 05/05/2020 21:49 (4 Years ago)
Sounds like romeo or juliet in the game.
Warriors cats Nova
Positivity room
Castle cats RP
Eeveelutions shop
My favorite quote. "Don't, stop... I said don't stop"