"Is that so?" Lance asks Finn, his eyes never leaving Lilith's.
"Well, we'll have to further check that conclusion later. For now,
let's focus on the other missing two" he adds as she finally tears
his gaze away from Lilith's and glances over at Finn. "We've
already given them a great headstart. How about we catch up to
Maeve catches Athena half hiding in the trees. She catiously walks
over to the girl. "I don't think we have to worry about these new
people" she whispers to her. "This whole thing is a huge mess but I
don't believe we are in danger. What do you think?" She asks.
Lilith turns away from her brother, her cheeks reddening. She
doesn't know what to feel. Shame? Anger? Happiness? She was use to
his coldness, it often carried good intentions. She would
appreciate it if it weren't for what happened many years ago
Athena jumped a bit in surprise at Maeve walking up to stand by
her, staring at her with wide eyes before she put her hands on her
''h-how are you alive? Freya said one of the intruders had killed
you'' she said with confusion, wondering how she survived the
''fly above the tree's, it'd be so much quicker that way'' Travis
said, crossing his arms above his head to block getting hit by tree
“Friends... Huh...” Albin muttered. He ignored Lance and chuckled.
He knew who these people were, and they weren’t exactly friends.
Honestly, he didn’t care at this point. He decided to side with
Finn. “Alright, whatever you say Finn...” he muttered before
leaning against a tree, and started to snore.
Madrix brimmed a few times before looking around. “What the...” he
said, quite confused. He looked at Lance, then at Lilith. “Ok, calm
down, calm down.”
“Like I understand any of that!” Avery raised her voice and looked
at the trio.
Suzan nodded, “We would be seen much easier, and besides. We’re
here” he said while they bursted into the clearing. He landed, The
Star was in his sight. “Come” he commanded as he waved his finger.
The star started to shake.
Kendo shrieked, upon seeing Suzan she stood in front of some of the
children. “Stay away!” She yelled.
Finn laughed, “So where is this trouble you speak of?” He asked
Lilith's form relaxes when she hears Madrix speak. The burning
words that threaten to release calm down slightly when she's no
longer looking at Lance. "I almost forgot" she says, slapping her
forehead. "Right you need help!" She turns towards Avery,
desperation firing in her eyes. "Do you have any ideas? Madrix is
pretty injured right now" she admits.
Maeve shakes her head. "Don't ask, I don't quite understand either"
she answers. "Maybe I still had enough life in me to be healed?"
She shrugs again.
Lance shuts up for now and waits for Madrix's answer. Annoyance
crossing over his face when Lilith goes over to him
“Based on the scream...” he looked above him and saw Suzan and
Travis, but he didn’t see Kendo. “Probably up there.” he muttered.
He began coughing up a bit more blood. “My gosh...”
Avery sat down and crossed her arms. “Uhhh... nope, don’t think I
can.” Her pride kept her from revealing the drawback of her power.
Lilith quickly glances around at everybody. "Does anyone have
healing powers?" She asks. "Please I don't want him to die!" She
Lance glances above him, seeing Travis and Suzan for the first
time. His eyes narrow when he hears a scream. "I can protect
whoever just screamed" he tells the two before he takes off
running. Just like Lilith, he can sense aururas. While she can copy
and if she tries hard enough, analyze aururas, he can read the
emotions of the aururas. He senses fear. Tree branches scratch at
his face as he runs, but he refuses to slow down. When he gets
close enough to see Kendo and the children he extends an arm
towards them. A dome forms above them. Trapping them yes, but
protecting them from being attacked. He breaths heavily from
running. "You're gonna be okay" he tells her. He slowly draws his
gaze away from the group and looks around. Searching for danger
Madrix sighed as he sat against a tree. “Will you stop worrying
about me?” He chuckled. He knew that Lilith was serious about it,
so why was he trying to make it seem like no big deal?
Avery looked at Madrix, then at Lilith. He was way more hurt than
he said he was, but why was he doing that? Didn’t he want to
be healed? “Fine... I’ll try...” she mumbled as she snapped her
fingers and Madrix turned to dust. Now her shoulders were starting
to disintegrate. She snapped her fingers again and Madrix was
reformed, no injuries whatsoever.
Lilith gives Avery a shocked look. She wanted Madrix to be healed
somehow. But not like this! Not at the cost of someone else. "Why?"
She asks Avery. Why would she sacrafice part of herself to save
Madrix? Did she know that would happen? Questions flare into her
mind one after another
Suzan fell back, as he was charging towards the children. “They
sent all of them?” He exclaimed as he jumped back farther. The big
three in one spot was crazy.
Finn watched Madrix form and reform. He was bewildered, “Comrade,
what was that amazing magic?” He asked Avery.
“Something that kills me, much like one of the bad guys.” She
shrugged and got out her bandages and started to wrap her
shoulders. She didn’t have much time left, only about 2 or 3 hours.
“Because someone cares about him, I wouldn’t want him to be taken
away from you if you care about him that much.” She got up and
turned to walk out of the forest. “On the other hand... no one
cares about me, now do they?” She mumbled before putting one hand
in her o key and halfway raising her other one.
Madrix just sat, leaning against the tree. “What the hell..?” He
looked at his hand. No blood, nothing hurt, and he didn’t feel ok
the verge of death.
Albin woke up, but not noticeably. He looked around, wondering what
had happened while he was out, then simply closed his eyes.
Travis had jumped back with Suzan and glared at Lance, gritting his
teeth as he stayed as far back as he could.
''this isn't good.... how did they get here so quickly?!'' he
Fredrick stayed by the star, forming fire in the palms of his hands
as he guarded the star.
''m-maybe... Freya wanted to come help you but she knew she had to
get the leader first, we both managed to get the chief and star
away to safety but i don't know how long that'll last'' Athena
"Of course people care about you" Lilith tells Avery. "It may not
seem like it, but people do" she stands up and walks towards Avery
"Thank you Avery, I appreciate what you did. But you don't deserve
to get hurt" she tells the girl.
Maeve nods. "I understand. Protecting the cheif and the star is our
top priority. It's why I almost gave my life away" she turns to
look deeper into the woods. "Let's make sure their headstart was
worth it. We need to find them and help protect the chief and the
Lance gives the two brothers an amsued smile. While he was the
weakest of the three he could still give the two a Hell of a fight.
He turns his head, sizing them up like he did with Madrix. Hair
falls into one of his eyes. He carefully brushes it out of his
face, looking quite unimpressed by them. "Well well well. What do
we have here?" He asks. "Looks like you two are just in time. I'm
glad... I really don't like waiting"
"Woah that was amazing!" Galahad exclaimed,directed to Avery. He
poked Madrix to check if he was the real deal or just an illusion
before noticing her shoulders "Ohhh so...it's that kind of healing
“Uh huh...” she mumbled before continuing to walk away. She didn’t
feel anything from what Lilith said. She didn’t feel any
different than she had before. Was she really that cold? She
made sure to steer clear of Suzan and Travis as she walked
Madrix looked at Galahad with a raised eyebrow. He didn’t believe
it either. Once he said that though, he turned his head to look at
Avery. He noticed how much trouble she was in, probably from using
her power a bit too much. Oh no no no no.... Why did she do
that? “Avery!” he got up, surprisingly without stumbling, and
walked towards her. “At least listen to us...!” He begged, but his
voice was quiet. “Just... let us help you, please...”
she nodded and grabbed Maeve's hand, heading in the direction she
had come from as she led Maeve along with her, making sure not to
go too fast and trip her up.
Travis growled at Lance's words, pointing a hand in his direction
as he forced him down to the ground, not having the patience to
deal with hunters now.
Fredrick took the chance at the opening and sent fire at the
brothers, hoping to hit at least one of them with his blue fire and
burn them.