Madrix didn’t take the pills, but he took some water. “Too much
pills could mess her up even more...” he mumbled as he tried his
best to help Galahad. “You can’t die on me... please...” he begged
as he looked at Lilith. He didn’t want to lose someone else. He
already lost the most important person in the world to him, and now
he was about to lose her. A tear fell from his eye as he thought
about all this.
Lilith didn't really respond much throughout this whole thing. But
Madrix's words seemed to snap her into reality a little bit. She
opens her eyes again. Her breathing quickens for a moment, her
tired way of chuckling. "It'll take a lot more than this to kill
me" already she is starting to feel a bit better, as if Madrix's
words moved her in some way to continue fighting
“Yeah... yeah I figured...” he wiped his tear away and lightly
chuckled. He was glad Lilith was somewhat better, but he knew she
was still pretty close to slipping off the cliff. “Don’t f***ing
scare me like that...” he chuckled again.
A sigh of relief can be slightly heard from Galahad as he continues
to apply pressure to some of Lilith's wounds. He couldn't help but
have childish thoughts due to Madrix's behavior and
reactions,resulting in him accidentally chuckled once and
immidiately stopped as he didn't want to infuriate neither Lilith
nor Madrix.
Madrix raised an eyebrow when he heard Galahad chuckle. He could
tell that it was because of how he acted, but he didn’t care. He
backed off of Lilith a bit to give her some room, and so he could
rest a bit too. He didn’t realize it because of the adrenaline, but
he was so weak. He could barely move now and everything felt
like it would shut down at any minute. He began to cough a bit, but
he covered it with his sleeve. When he was done coughing, he
noticed a decent amount of blood on his sleeve. He quickly tried to
cover it up without looking obvious.
Lilith couldn't help but giggle with them. But her giggled died off
quickly when she realized it no longer hurt to laugh. In fact, she
seemed suspiciously strong compared to how she felt just moments
ago. She frowns. "Galahad thank you. But I think I'm okay" she
tells him softly. She sits up, expecting a wave of pain, but
instead she feels nothing. "What just happened?" She whispers to
She shares the same thought process as Madrix. A few seconds ago
she was on the brink of death. Now she can stand up if she wanted
to. It all happened after... "Madrix?" Lilith asks. "Did you do
something?" She asks.
He shrugged with his eyes wide. How was he supposed to know? He
didn’t really do anything. Or did he? He could barely even
keep from collapsing and coughing up more blood, but she was fully
healed? Wow... today was weird
She doesn't trust herself to stand up without collapsing, so
instead she draws her knees up to her chest, she watches Madrix
closely. "You lied. You aren't okay" she tells him, she keeps her
voice calm, not wanting to care him by panicking. "Galahad can you
help Madrix out somehow?" She turns back to Madrix. "You should sit
down or something, what's wrong?"
He shook his head as he sat there. “I’m fine, don’t worry about
me...” he said as he looked at them. He began to cough a bit more,
blood staining his sleeve. He felt like this was his punishment,
his punishment for what he did so long ago. But was it? He wasn’t
for sure but he had to accept it. A solid for a soul. He
never received his punishment, so maybe today was the day. He
couldn’t waste their time by being weak and letting them heal him
instead of stopping this madness.
Her frown deepened. "I'm going to worry about you whenever you like
it or not." She slowly stands up and tests the weight on her legs.
She's pleasently surprised to see that they hold her up like
normal. But she doesn't bask on the feeling for too long. She
hurriedly moves over to him, a small gasp escaping her throat when
she notices the blood. "Madrix sit down please. Let me help you
somehow" she looks around and tests the aururas of those around
her, trying to find one that can help. She freezes when she spots a
certain unfamiliar one. While she doesn't know who it belongs to
she knows the group it belongs too. She'd recognize that feeling
anywhere. She pales at the thought. There is a Hunter nearby
“I’m fine!” He said, raising his voice a bit. He didn’t want to
yell or lash out at her, but he just wanted her to stop asking.
Time would go by and he would die or live, that was life. He sighed
as he looked around and noticed a hunter behind him, quite a ways
away. He also saw Avery and he began to worry. Would he see Avery
as a target? He knew he couldn’t do anything about it so he sighed
again and tried to stand up. “See I’m fi-“ he stumbled and fell as
he said that, coughing up more blood.
“Thanks captain obvious...” he mumbled through his coughs. He
looked at the spear he held and sighed. “Just stop worrying about
me, you’ve got bigger problems.”