Forum Thread
Daycare Eggs?
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Daycare Eggs?Let me tell you a secret,
The real monsters don't look like monsters~
Like @Csoxi said, we don’t want PH to become even more interaction based. I’m one of those people who hate interacting.. There shouldn’t be too many benefits for this; we already have bonus TPs, DP and a lot of PD. And the daycare is meant to be for waiting, just leave it as it is. (Plus, there are already ways to get more eggs)
I don't like interacting either.
But we can not forget that PH in it's essence is an interaction based game.
So the more incentive there is to interact the better.
It will be bad to make the daycare interaction based only.
But adding the chance to get eggs by interactions is a feature that I honestly think should exist.
Free Palestine
I disagree with the idea that making interacting a more rewarding activity would be bad just because there are a minority of players who personally hate it, and as a result, feel like it shouldn't be as rewarding for players who are willing to interact a lot/enjoy interacting a lot. If this suggestion were to make your breeding rate completely interaction-based, then no, I wouldn't support it. However, the direction this appears to be going in is simply an optional alternative means to get more eggs that doesn't require you to expend nuggets (the pricing of which is currently exploding for some reason) for your hunts.
The current way to get more eggs requires payment of valuable resources, which is completely fine. However that way leaves out those who are active, but not at the point where they can spend those resources on hunts or those who want to save them. What, genuinely, is the issue with PokeHeroes being more interaction-based than it is now? PokeFarm Q (a game I and many others here don't even play) is heavily interaction-based, so...that should influence how things operate on a completely different website? You don't want PokeHeroes to reward more interactive players (again, at no cost to those who aren't as interactive) simply because you personally don't enjoy interacting? I don't intend to be rude, but I sincerely don't understand that reasoning.
This might even increase people wanting to use autoclickers- which is something we do not tolerate on this site. IF- and only if, this was an optional feature, do you really believe people would use it? Why not just wait for the eggs? Some people that are hunting might be offline sometimes- they have a life outside of a computer. I know these are a bit strong-worded, but I really disagree with this suggestion.
I don't believe this suggestion is to make Daycare breeding exclusively interaction-based. It's to give a boost to the current Daycare breeding rate that's activated by interacting. If you don't interact, your pair will continue to breed normally, but if you do, they'll breed at a boosted rate. There keeps being mention of the fee, but I'm not even sure how it factors into things. You'll pay the fee to get the eggs at all, and if you so wish, you can interact to get more eggs than normal. Everything else will remain the same. You don't have to devote any special time to interacting if you want eggs. They will still breed, but if you choose to go the extra mile, you'll reap the extra reward.
If this suggestion is implemented and players opt to take a chance on cheating and getting banned, let them. Does that same chance of an increase in cheating not also exist when the annual legend events (Kyurem, Zeraora, and Shaymin) occur? What about the recent Valentine's event? The Halloween event? Is this chance a reason to not have the events at all? When you implement something new, there will always be a risk of exploitation. However, unless the exploitation can't be dealt with (which, in this case, it most certainly can), it's hardly ever a reason to forego giving players something that can improve their experience should they choose to take proper advantage of it.
As I stated before, there are more than enough rewards for interacting, we don’t need another.. If this was implemented, it would be unfair to those who don’t have time to interact or don’t want to interact. Interacting would become too rewarding..
Again, no support.
• Extra PD
Dependent on how much you interact, and can be easily beaten by selling Pokemon/items.
• Golden Game Chips:
Rare, and can only be used in a very specific part of the Game Center.
• Dream Points
Dependent on if you choose to claim them and your current Dream Level. There are also other tasks that you can complete to earn them. Earning them isn't exclusive to whether or not you interact.
• Trainerpoints
This reward becomes extremely miniscule once you get far enough into the game.
On the surface, the rewards seem like a lot, however that really isn't the case. All of them are completely dependent on either how much you interact, how far you've progressed in a particular area of the game, or a combination of the two. Reaping the majority of these rewards to their fullest extent requires lots of time and effort.
I completely get that as someone who doesn't interact much, you feel like the addition of another reward for interacting could be unfair, but all the current rewards require lots of effort to really benefit from, as this one will be should it be implemented. As I stated before, I love that the concept of this reward and others like it is "The more you give, the more you get." I think another reward for effort being put into the game would be fantastic. However, my opinion is mine, and yours is yours. ^.^
No interactings not fun, but Im someone whos willing to do it if itll improve other things in my experience. As stated before by someone else, I also think it will encourage increased activity which is always a good thing. So yeah, full support from me. Even as someone who doesnt do much in comparison to others, I think PH should continue to reward the harder workers.