Forum Thread
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: New Beginnings, Old Troubles
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: New Beginnings, Old TroublesThe village is surrounded by a couple small home-towns that hold all of the native pokemon, each vastly different from another.
Akai Village

A meadow-like area that is lined with
shops and is in the crossroads of the neighboring towns.
Places of Interest:
Lopunny's Gift Emporium; wrap your items to give as gifts to another pokemon
Lucario's Dojo; a standard training facility
Kadabra's Wares; the main shop for all adventurers
Slurpuff's Bakery; a dessert based cafe
Doduo's Mail Services; send letters to friends in far away places
Mismagius' Mystery Tent; I heard those lucky enough can get a rare item or get their fortune's told... if you can catch her in there!
???; a mysterious cave that's heavily guarded by Corviknight
The Guild; The home base for all operations, run by Braxien
Places of Interest:
Lopunny's Gift Emporium; wrap your items to give as gifts to another pokemon
Lucario's Dojo; a standard training facility
Kadabra's Wares; the main shop for all adventurers
Slurpuff's Bakery; a dessert based cafe
Doduo's Mail Services; send letters to friends in far away places
Mismagius' Mystery Tent; I heard those lucky enough can get a rare item or get their fortune's told... if you can catch her in there!
???; a mysterious cave that's heavily guarded by Corviknight
The Guild; The home base for all operations, run by Braxien
Sunset Beach

A tropical beachside home-town for
several pokemon west of Akai Village
Places of Interest:
Sunset Beach; a popular hangout at any time of day or night
Maractus' Beach Shack; the main place along the beach to stop for a bite
Politoad's Surf n' Turf; everything any non-water type pokemon needs to play in the water
Places of Interest:
Sunset Beach; a popular hangout at any time of day or night
Maractus' Beach Shack; the main place along the beach to stop for a bite
Politoad's Surf n' Turf; everything any non-water type pokemon needs to play in the water
Kinto Grove

A wooded area littered with cherry
blossom and maidenhair trees with a river cutting through the
middle of the home-town east of Akai Village
Places of Interest:
Gardevoir's Tea House; a relaxing place to enjoy a drink and small treats
Starlight Hill; on clear nights the stars shine brightest here, legends say Jirachi has blessed this hill
Places of Interest:
Gardevoir's Tea House; a relaxing place to enjoy a drink and small treats
Starlight Hill; on clear nights the stars shine brightest here, legends say Jirachi has blessed this hill
Rust Canyon

An industrial home-town built at the
edge of a steep canyon south of Akai Village
Places of Interest:
Dark Chasm; a boarded up gate prevents normal entry to this dangerous area, however, some medium and small pokemon seem to have found a break in the fence to enter and test their skills against the wild pokemon who live there
Steam Inn; a hotel for wandering pokemon not native to the area, run by the Mawile Twins
Places of Interest:
Dark Chasm; a boarded up gate prevents normal entry to this dangerous area, however, some medium and small pokemon seem to have found a break in the fence to enter and test their skills against the wild pokemon who live there
Steam Inn; a hotel for wandering pokemon not native to the area, run by the Mawile Twins
Shiver Tundra

A snow covered home-town that lies far
north of Akai Village
Places of Interest:
Glacier Hall; a beautiful theater where dances, contests, and shows take place from time to time, it is run by Frosslass and her husband, Beartic
Ice Lake; a permanently frozen lake that maky pokemon like to skate on and play Berry Bash
Places of Interest:
Glacier Hall; a beautiful theater where dances, contests, and shows take place from time to time, it is run by Frosslass and her husband, Beartic
Ice Lake; a permanently frozen lake that maky pokemon like to skate on and play Berry Bash
-No one liners
-Only two of any pokemon can be a regular part of the rp, but they cannot be too similar

Good examples:
1 normal + 1 shiny/off-shiny
1 normal + 1 normal with notable differences (broken ear, different patterns, etc)
different genders
Bad example:
1 normal + 1 normal with an accessory (it's removable)
*This does not apply with shop keepers*
1 normal + 1 shiny/off-shiny
1 normal + 1 normal with notable differences (broken ear, different patterns, etc)
different genders
Bad example:
1 normal + 1 normal with an accessory (it's removable)
*This does not apply with shop keepers*
-you can have up to 2 characters
-No legendaries
-pokemon can get into relationships if they wish

these are not bound by egg group, so
if you want a Toxicroak to be with a Greninja or a Cryogonal to be
with a Raichu then go for it!
-movesets have to be possible in some way

So here's an example of how this
Shinx was born from a Luxray dad and a Blaziken mom. Blaziken had a Lucario somewhere in her family, so Shinx could learn all natural shinx moves, plus most torchic line moves as well as Riolu line moves so this moveset is acceptable:
Blaze kick, aura sphere, thunderbolt, flame charge
Note that moves like Peck and Brave Bird will not be do-able as Shinx does not have a beak, nor the ability to fly
In this same line, it is possible for shinx to have a riolu as a sibling following this rule
Shinx was born from a Luxray dad and a Blaziken mom. Blaziken had a Lucario somewhere in her family, so Shinx could learn all natural shinx moves, plus most torchic line moves as well as Riolu line moves so this moveset is acceptable:
Blaze kick, aura sphere, thunderbolt, flame charge
Note that moves like Peck and Brave Bird will not be do-able as Shinx does not have a beak, nor the ability to fly
In this same line, it is possible for shinx to have a riolu as a sibling following this rule
-The Password is your favorite pokemon move
[b]About them:[/b]
[b]Where they live:[/b]
[b]About them:[/b]
[b]Where they live:[/b]

Pokemon: Shiny Mareep "Sakura"
Moveset: dragon pulse, thundershock, ember, discharge
Personality: she is pretty timid and clumsy but is always wanting to make friends
About them: born to a ninetales and a water loving ampharos, she was given the unusual ability to weild fire, making her pink fleece very warm. She tends to be very trusting of other which causes some worry from her elder brother. It is speculated that her dad is related to a kingdra as everyone in her family can learn either dragon pulse or water pulse.
Where they live: Kinto Grove
Pokemon: off-shiny Ninetales "Yurei"
Moveset: water pulse, zap cannon, flamethrower, extrasensory
Personality: he is calm and wise, and can be over protective over his little sister
About them: born to a ninetales and a water loving ampharos, he was blessed with the ability to swim and light up small areas with a small orb that's around his neck. His light blueish-white colors actually have him give off on eerie glow when in low lighting and many have thought him to be a ghost, much to his amusement. It is speculated that his dad is related to a kingdra as everyone in his family can learn either dragon pulse or water pulse.
Where they live: Kinto Grove
Moveset: dragon pulse, thundershock, ember, discharge
Personality: she is pretty timid and clumsy but is always wanting to make friends
About them: born to a ninetales and a water loving ampharos, she was given the unusual ability to weild fire, making her pink fleece very warm. She tends to be very trusting of other which causes some worry from her elder brother. It is speculated that her dad is related to a kingdra as everyone in her family can learn either dragon pulse or water pulse.
Where they live: Kinto Grove
Pokemon: off-shiny Ninetales "Yurei"
Moveset: water pulse, zap cannon, flamethrower, extrasensory
Personality: he is calm and wise, and can be over protective over his little sister
About them: born to a ninetales and a water loving ampharos, he was blessed with the ability to swim and light up small areas with a small orb that's around his neck. His light blueish-white colors actually have him give off on eerie glow when in low lighting and many have thought him to be a ghost, much to his amusement. It is speculated that his dad is related to a kingdra as everyone in his family can learn either dragon pulse or water pulse.
Where they live: Kinto Grove

Pokemon: Shiny Espeon
Moveset: Psycho cut, Morning Sun, Solarbeam, Petal Dance
Personality: very calm and motherly, especially towards younger pokemon
About them: Iirona is a female shiny Espeon who has a mask similar to Catrina from Fortnite. She has some Mexican Marigolds on her paws, tail, and ears. At a very young age she was raised with a few other pokemon, taking care of them when they were hurt and giving them a home, but after they left she was tired of being alone and decided to travel the world, finding herself in Kinto Grove where she would stay.
Where they live: Kinto Grove
Pokemon: Shiny Hatterene
Moveset: Dazzling Gleam, Brutal Swing, Draining Kiss, Sword's Dance
Personality: She's normally very calm and understanding, but make her angry and you're in trouble. She is a very well trained warrior and will not think twice about her actions
About them: Okuni-san is a Hatterene with a sword on her back and a Corviknight tail feather on her hat to remind her of her husband Percival, who went off to war and never came back. She has a weakness for sweet things such as Macarons and will be your best friend if you give her some.
Where they live: Akai Village
Moveset: Psycho cut, Morning Sun, Solarbeam, Petal Dance
Personality: very calm and motherly, especially towards younger pokemon
About them: Iirona is a female shiny Espeon who has a mask similar to Catrina from Fortnite. She has some Mexican Marigolds on her paws, tail, and ears. At a very young age she was raised with a few other pokemon, taking care of them when they were hurt and giving them a home, but after they left she was tired of being alone and decided to travel the world, finding herself in Kinto Grove where she would stay.
Where they live: Kinto Grove
Pokemon: Shiny Hatterene
Moveset: Dazzling Gleam, Brutal Swing, Draining Kiss, Sword's Dance
Personality: She's normally very calm and understanding, but make her angry and you're in trouble. She is a very well trained warrior and will not think twice about her actions
About them: Okuni-san is a Hatterene with a sword on her back and a Corviknight tail feather on her hat to remind her of her husband Percival, who went off to war and never came back. She has a weakness for sweet things such as Macarons and will be your best friend if you give her some.
Where they live: Akai Village

Pokemon: Tyranitar
Moveset: Earthquake, Dynamic Punch, Rock Tomb, Outrage
Personality: They may look menacing, but they are actually very sweet. They love small Pokémon, such as joltik and fletchling. They can sometimes snap, but it doesn’t usually happen unless they are with a big Pokémon
About them: They were bullied by a few other Pokémon when they were a Larvitar, due to his parents being really mean to the townspeople.
Where they live: Rust Canyon
Pokemon: Roserade
Moveset: Power Whip, Toxic, Dazzling Gleam, and Rainy Day
Personality: Rude and careless. If she does something hurtful or wrong, she just won’t care. She is considered to be a huge jerk to the people that have been around her. She will always try to start a fight to prove that she is better than everyone else.
About them: She grew up with her grandparents because her parents left them. She was a sweet kid until she evolve into a Roselia, then she started to become the jerk she is. No one dared to talk to her, and only 1 person has been able to be on her good side for more than a week, and she sometimes hangs out with them from time to time.
Where they live: Kinto Grove
Moveset: Earthquake, Dynamic Punch, Rock Tomb, Outrage
Personality: They may look menacing, but they are actually very sweet. They love small Pokémon, such as joltik and fletchling. They can sometimes snap, but it doesn’t usually happen unless they are with a big Pokémon
About them: They were bullied by a few other Pokémon when they were a Larvitar, due to his parents being really mean to the townspeople.
Where they live: Rust Canyon
Pokemon: Roserade
Moveset: Power Whip, Toxic, Dazzling Gleam, and Rainy Day
Personality: Rude and careless. If she does something hurtful or wrong, she just won’t care. She is considered to be a huge jerk to the people that have been around her. She will always try to start a fight to prove that she is better than everyone else.
About them: She grew up with her grandparents because her parents left them. She was a sweet kid until she evolve into a Roselia, then she started to become the jerk she is. No one dared to talk to her, and only 1 person has been able to be on her good side for more than a week, and she sometimes hangs out with them from time to time.
Where they live: Kinto Grove

Pokemon: Lucario
Moveset: Aura Sphere, Psychic, Water Pulse, Calm Mind
Personality: Pretty cheerful and playful. He’s fairly emotional but usually, if his friends are happy, he will be too.
About them: Appearance (Pic by MoonSnow) Yung is an explorer by trade and has been travelling around and seeing sights for some time now. He has a family, but is doing another exploration, as he has been given permission. Ever since he started a family, he has started life as a baker. He has temporarily settled down at Sunset Beach to explore the area.
Where they live: Sunset Beach
Moveset: Aura Sphere, Psychic, Water Pulse, Calm Mind
Personality: Pretty cheerful and playful. He’s fairly emotional but usually, if his friends are happy, he will be too.
About them: Appearance (Pic by MoonSnow) Yung is an explorer by trade and has been travelling around and seeing sights for some time now. He has a family, but is doing another exploration, as he has been given permission. Ever since he started a family, he has started life as a baker. He has temporarily settled down at Sunset Beach to explore the area.
Where they live: Sunset Beach

Pokemon: Shiny Garchomp
Moveset: Dragon Dance,Dragon Claw, Crunch , Flame thrower
Personality: a bit harsh some times , can seem mean to people that dont know him, can be nice sometimes though
About them: Garchomp (Also likes being called Claw) Is a shiny Garchomp with a dark blue scarf around his neck and scars at his throat and Upper body,due to getting into some fights with a Scyther in the past
Where they live: Rust Canyone
Pokemon: Furret
Moveset: Crunch, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Rest
Personality: Shes quite happy, bubbly and sometimes annoying too. She tries to cheer up everyone around her
About them: She was born to a furret and an Onix thats why she can learn those moves. Shes wearing a necklace around her neck and has earrings
Where they live:Kinto grove
Moveset: Dragon Dance,Dragon Claw, Crunch , Flame thrower
Personality: a bit harsh some times , can seem mean to people that dont know him, can be nice sometimes though
About them: Garchomp (Also likes being called Claw) Is a shiny Garchomp with a dark blue scarf around his neck and scars at his throat and Upper body,due to getting into some fights with a Scyther in the past
Where they live: Rust Canyone
Pokemon: Furret
Moveset: Crunch, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Rest
Personality: Shes quite happy, bubbly and sometimes annoying too. She tries to cheer up everyone around her
About them: She was born to a furret and an Onix thats why she can learn those moves. Shes wearing a necklace around her neck and has earrings
Where they live:Kinto grove

Pokemon: Shiny Milotic with a few
missing scales
Moveset: Scald, Recover, Ice Beam, Waterfall
Personality: He's fairly calm and down to earth, reaching hard decisions with cold determination. This is not to say that he isn't heartless, far from it. He prioritizes the safety of his team first and foremost. And if you ask around the younger residents of Shiver Tundra, they will without a doubt list him as a father figure
About them: As a shiny Pokemon, Albafica has been bullied since he was a Feebas. Even when he evolved and became somewhat of a beauty celeberty, he still was painfully shy. To avoid wandering eyes and to provide that he was more than just a pretty face, he became an explorer and never stuck with a partner for long. This continued untill a persistent Banette stuck around as his partner. The two eventually settled down after a nasty adventure that scrapped off a few of Albafica's scales and nearly killed his partner. His now husband runs a jewelry shop and Albafica occasionally helps young explorers find their footing.
Where they live: Shiver Tundra
Moveset: Scald, Recover, Ice Beam, Waterfall
Personality: He's fairly calm and down to earth, reaching hard decisions with cold determination. This is not to say that he isn't heartless, far from it. He prioritizes the safety of his team first and foremost. And if you ask around the younger residents of Shiver Tundra, they will without a doubt list him as a father figure
About them: As a shiny Pokemon, Albafica has been bullied since he was a Feebas. Even when he evolved and became somewhat of a beauty celeberty, he still was painfully shy. To avoid wandering eyes and to provide that he was more than just a pretty face, he became an explorer and never stuck with a partner for long. This continued untill a persistent Banette stuck around as his partner. The two eventually settled down after a nasty adventure that scrapped off a few of Albafica's scales and nearly killed his partner. His now husband runs a jewelry shop and Albafica occasionally helps young explorers find their footing.
Where they live: Shiver Tundra

Pokemon: Ambipom (Shiny)
- Fury Swipes (Ambipom)
- Dual Chop (Ambipom)
- Seed Bomb (Simisage)
- Acrobatics (Simisage)
Personality: Positive Mindset for the most part. Tends to be curious and is happy to tag along on adventures, but stubbornness and wandering off will get her into arguments sometimes..
About them: Green and purple do not make Pink. Of course, a pink aipom, born from her mother Ambipom and father Simisage, It wasn't too hard, but it definitely wasn't easy. Following in fathers footsteps, she loved adventure, and wore a small leaflet on her head, and base of her tail, being proud of the grass heritage she inherited. She took after her mother in the ways of cooking and desire to make the world full and healthy with filling drinks.
Pinkan tended to grow up pretty quickly after leaving home soon after she evolved. Her own sense of adventure was feeling like she was needed elsewhere, and make herself a bag from the large leaves around her old home, and left soon after.
Where they live: Kinto Grove [Decently sized Tree House in the more secluded areas]
- Fury Swipes (Ambipom)
- Dual Chop (Ambipom)
- Seed Bomb (Simisage)
- Acrobatics (Simisage)
Personality: Positive Mindset for the most part. Tends to be curious and is happy to tag along on adventures, but stubbornness and wandering off will get her into arguments sometimes..
About them: Green and purple do not make Pink. Of course, a pink aipom, born from her mother Ambipom and father Simisage, It wasn't too hard, but it definitely wasn't easy. Following in fathers footsteps, she loved adventure, and wore a small leaflet on her head, and base of her tail, being proud of the grass heritage she inherited. She took after her mother in the ways of cooking and desire to make the world full and healthy with filling drinks.
Pinkan tended to grow up pretty quickly after leaving home soon after she evolved. Her own sense of adventure was feeling like she was needed elsewhere, and make herself a bag from the large leaves around her old home, and left soon after.
Where they live: Kinto Grove [Decently sized Tree House in the more secluded areas]
You can join into the main Rp here~
Username: TheReckoningCatrina
Pokemon: Shiny Espeon
Moveset: Psycho cut, Morning Sun, Solarbeam, Petal Dance
Personality: very calm and motherly, especially towards younger pokemon
About them: Iirona is a female shiny Espeon who has a mask similar to Catrina from Fortnite. She has some Mexican Marigolds on her paws, tail, and ears. At a very young age she was raised with a few other pokemon, taking care of them when they were hurt and giving them a home, but after they left she was tired of being alone and decided to travel the world, finding herself in Kinto Grove where she would stay.
Where they live: Kinto Grove
Password: Zap Cannon
Username: TheReckoningCatrina
Pokemon: Shiny Hatterene
Moveset: Dazzling Gleam, Brutal Swing, Draining Kiss, Sword's Dance
Personality: She's normally very calm and understanding, but make her angry and you're in trouble. She is a very well trained warrior and will not think twice about her actions
About them: Okuni-san is a Hatterene with a sword on her back and a Corviknight tail feather on her hat to remind her of her husband Percival, who went off to war and never came back. She has a weakness for sweet things such as Macarons and will be your best friend if you give her some.
Where they live: Akai Village
Password: Zap Cannon

Username: Cosmixx
Pokemon: Tyranitar
Moveset: Earthquake, Dynamic Punch, Rock Tomb, Outrage
Personality: They may look menacing, but they are actually very sweet. They love small Pokémon, such as joltik and fletchling. They can sometimes snap, but it doesn’t usually happen unless they are with a big Pokémon
About them: They were bullied by a few other Pokémon when they were a Larvitar, due to his parents being really mean to the townspeople.
Where they live: Rust Canyon
Password: Uhh.... I don’t really have a move but I guess it’s Genesis
@Catrina: i just adore the sounds of Iirona and Okuni-san! I cant wait to see how theyll play out~ added!
@Cosmixx: oooh~ nice to see someone play a Tyranitar! Especially one with a bit of a troubled past! Added! And dont worry, this might look a little confusing, but it'll run a lot smoother once we get things rolling!
I'll be updating the main post of the rp page with important details when the time comes, so if anyone ever feels lost on what goes on then that post will have the answers~
Username: YungRover
Pokemon: Lucario
Moveset: Aura Sphere, Psychic, Water Pulse, Calm Mind
Personality: Pretty cheerful and playful. He’s fairly emotional but usually, if his friends are happy, he will be too.
About them: Appearance (Pic by MoonSnow) Yung is an explorer by trade and has been travelling around and seeing sights for some time now. He has a family, but is doing another exploration, as he has been given permission. Ever since he started a family, he has started life as a baker. He has temporarily settled down at Sunset Beach to explore the area.
Where they live: Sunset Beach
Password: Probably Solarbeam?
Pokemon: Shiny Garchomp
Moveset: Dragon Dance,Dragon Claw, Crunch , Flame thrower
Personality: a bit harsh some times , can seem mean to people that dont know him, can be nice sometimes though
About them: Garchomp (Also likes being called Claw) Is a shiny Garchomp with a dark blue scarf around his neck and scars at his throat and Upper body,due to getting into some fights with a Scyther in the past
Where they live: Rust Canyone
Password: I like Petal Dance
Username: Lunar70
Pokemon: Furret
Moveset: Crunch, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Rest
Personality: Shes quite happy, bubbly and sometimes annoying too. She tries to cheer up everyone around her
About them: She was born to a furret and an Onix thats why she can learn those moves. Shes wearing a necklace around her neck and has earrings
Where they live:Kinto grove
Password: Petal dance uwu
Pokemon: Shiny Milotic with a few missing scales
Moveset: Scald, Recover, Ice Beam, Waterfall
Personality: He's fairly calm and down to earth, reaching hard decisions with cold determination. This is not to say that he isn't heartless, far from it. He prioritizes the safety of his team first and foremost. And if you ask around the younger residents of Shiver Tundra, they will without a doubt list him as a father figure
About them: As a shiny Pokemon, Albafica has been bullied since he was a Feebas. Even when he evolved and became somewhat of a beauty celeberty, he still was painfully shy. To avoid wandering eyes and to provide that he was more than just a pretty face, he became an explorer and never stuck with a partner for long. This continued untill a persistent Banette stuck around as his partner. The two eventually settled down after a nasty adventure that scrapped off a few of Albafica's scales and nearly killed his partner. His now husband runs a jewelry shop and Albafica occasionally helps young explorers find their footing.
Where they live: Shiver Tundra
Password: Close Combat

•°. * уσυ ¢αи'т נυѕт ℓєανє α gυу ωнσ'ѕ тяуιиg нιѕ вєѕт ∂єѕριтє єνєяутнιиg αℓσиє, у'киσω? * .°•

Username: Cosmixx
Pokemon: Roserade
Moveset: Power Whip, Toxic, Dazzling Gleam, and Rainy Day
Personality: Rude and careless. If she does something hurtful or wrong, she just won’t care. She is considered to be a huge jerk to the people that have been around her. She will always try to start a fight to prove that she is better than everyone else.
About them: She grew up with her grandparents because her parents left them. She was a sweet kid until she evolve into a Roselia, then she started to become the jerk she is. No one dared to talk to her, and only 1 person has been able to be on her good side for more than a week, and she sometimes hangs out with them from time to time.
Where they live: Kinto Grove
Password: Genesis Supernova
Pokemon: Roserade
Moveset: Power Whip, Toxic, Dazzling Gleam, and Rainy Day
Personality: Rude and careless. If she does something hurtful or wrong, she just won’t care. She is considered to be a huge jerk to the people that have been around her. She will always try to start a fight to prove that she is better than everyone else.
About them: She grew up with her grandparents because her parents left them. She was a sweet kid until she evolve into a Roselia, then she started to become the jerk she is. No one dared to talk to her, and only 1 person has been able to be on her good side for more than a week, and she sometimes hangs out with them from time to time.
Where they live: Kinto Grove
Password: Genesis Supernova
@Cosmixx: you're all good! ^3^ She certainly is an interesting character! added~
Alrighty~ since we have 10 characters now, who thinks they're ready for the rp to start? :3 or should we wait for a couple more people?
Pokemon: Ninetales
Moveset: Hyper Beam, Fire Blast, Extrasensory, Disable
Personality: Cheerful, brave, loyal
About them: Happy most of the time, likes walks, is really fast
Where they live: Rust Canyon
Password: Shattered Psyche
Agent Fallows, signing out~
and with that no more Ninetales characters will be accepted!
Also! I should be able to get the first post up either tonight or tomorrow morning~ got a few things to make sure the first post has for ease of access for everyone o.o
Plus I will be designing a general map of the world here in time, so everyone will have a better idea of where everything is located~ this will include dungeon locations as well as the five main locations ^3^ it will be accessible from the first post of this thread courtesy of Guild Master Braxien

Username: Ambipom
Pokemon: Ambipom (Shiny)
- Fury Swipes (Ambipom)
- Dual Chop (Ambipom)
- Seed Bomb (Simisage)
- Acrobatics (Simisage)
Personality: Positive Mindset for the most part. Tends to be curious and is happy to tag along on adventures, but stubbornness and wandering off will get her into arguments sometimes..
About them: Green and purple do not make Pink. Of course, a pink aipom, born from her mother Ambipom and father Simisage, It wasn't too hard, but it definitely wasn't easy. Following in fathers footsteps, she loved adventure, and wore a small leaflet on her head, and base of her tail, being proud of the grass heritage she inherited. She took after her mother in the ways of cooking and desire to make the world full and healthy with filling drinks.
Pinkan tended to grow up pretty quickly after leaving home soon after she evolved. Her own sense of adventure was feeling like she was needed elsewhere, and make herself a bag from the large leaves around her old home, and left soon after.
Where they live: Kinto Grove [Decently sized Tree House in the more secluded areas]
Password: Swagger

@Everyone! Thank you all for your patience! I have finally created the main RP here so go and hop in whenever you are ready~ ^3^
and do check the daily bulletin in the first post every so often as new updates will be happening regularly from shop updates to new missions for Guild members!
and of course, post when you can, but let's not leave everyone behind, I know we all have different schedules, so if you get paired with someone who has a different schedule than you please be patient, we can't have our wonderful teams falling apart in a mission ;3
any who~ Enjoy and have fun! ^3^
Title: My second character
Pokemon: Alolan Raichu
Moveset: Electro Ball, Psyshock, Focus Blast, Electric Terrain
Personality: Modest yet powerful, helpful, clever and sometimes ruthless in battle
About them: Her friends called her "Rai" she is a normal alolan raichu. She likes battling and enjoys long walks
Where they live: Sunset Beach
Password: Shattered Psyche
Agent Fallows, signing out~
@YungRover and @Tsukyyomi: i really need to ask you two to calm down and let the rest of us have a chance in the role play. Some, if not most of us, have only post once or not at all yet and you two have pretty much taken the entire second page already...