Your User: Koindorii
Item(s)/Pokemon(s) u want: (Eclips98 ) Shiny stone and
The amount of each item: one each
Donations (Optional):
Other: Thanks!
Your User: ChikoritaMining
Item(s)/Pokemon(s) u want: Pearls
The amount of each item: 3
Donations (Optional): Uhh I'll see what I can do! ;)
Other: Thank you very much!! :3 (This is 21k pd right?)
Meet the Twins, Cookie and Cream! 🍪🥛 (Shade named them)
Your User: AshGreninja__Infernape
Item(s)/Pokemon(s) u want: breed an eevee from Ivyshade6336
The amount of each item: one (1)
Donations (Optional):
Other: please and ty
Your User: koindorii
Item(s)/Pokemon(s) u want: (Xtreme_Legends) Gabite
The amount of each item: one (1)
Donations (Optional): one rapidash
Other: thanks!
Why do you want to be a seller/staff member here?: 1. I have too
many pokemon in my storage boxes, 2. I am trying to obtain enough
money for a shadow radar. 3. Ash-Greninja/Infernape said this shop
is larger and more organized than mine.
Have u read the rules?: Yes
Do u agree with the rules?: Of course!
Other: Question, how do you say what you are going to sell?
Your User:SharkWillBraviary
Item(s)/Pokemon(s) u want:Trevenant Breeding Pair
The amount of each item:1 Male, 1 Female
Donations:Absol Breeding Pair
Hey Natalie! I want to be a seller/staff member here!
Why do you want to be a seller/staff member here?:sounds fun and I
get a lot of mystery box’s
Have u read the rules?:yep
Do u agree with the rules?:yes
Your User: Quantum
Item(s)/Pokemon(s) u want: Lansat berry
The amount of each item: 9 Lansat berries for 900pd
Donations (Optional): 100pd (sorry i am broke)
Other:thank you
If u would like to sell ur items or become a staff member
please fill out this form! Hey Natalie! I want to be a seller/staff member here!
Why do you want to be a seller/staff member here?:I want to sell my
items but I don’t really know how to as I’m quite new lol
Have u read the rules?:Yup
Do u agree with the rules?:Yes
Your User:absol-girl
Item(s)/Pokemon(s) u want:resolute stone ,enigma stone (from
Pokemonblack's Shop) hard rock ,relic gold, all mystery items and
all forme change items(from Zanderlaybestboi's Shop) and all great
and ultra balls (from Primalkyogrefan's Shop)
The amount of each item:
Donations (Optional):I’ll give some pd when the trades are sent
te prices are fine with what’s written in the shop