Forum Thread
Wolf Adventures Rp (Sign ups)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → Wolf Adventures Rp (Sign ups)Story: your in a territory filled with other wolves, you see a black cloud in the distances and right before you see it you notice that something evil is coming
Wolf Nickname:
Username: SilverFox
Name: Arcadia
Wolf Nickname: Arca
Crush: None
Gender: Female
Ability: Can Summon Snow and Snowflakes which has dark blue auras surrounding it
Appearance: White Female Snow Wolf with light blue swirls on her fur
Personality: Kind, Thoughtful, Funny, Cute
Other: boop

Name:Viron (Vee-ron
Wolf Nickname:Crim
Ability:Invisible platforms
Appearance:A crimson coy wolf with a long, fuzzy tail and long, fuzzy ears
Personality:Shy, but Playful
Crush:Arcadia (Secret)
Other: meh
Please level up my Tobies!
Name Nightgaze
Wolf nickname night
Gender female
Ability can turn invisible
Appearance white wolf with gray muzzle and paws
Personality shy,kind, clever

~Moon|FR|CS|DESS|Sprite by ~Captain_B~|star~
Name: SilverCoyote
Wolf Nickname: Silver
Gender: Female
Ability: can fly with her mechanical wings and withstand cold temperatures
Appearance: a large female Gray wolf with silver swirls
Personality: nice and a (very) good Leader
Other: I am excited!

Username: AmbrosiaEverfree
Name: Magical speedywolf
Wolf Nickname: Maddy
Crush: No one
Gender: Female
Ability: somehow speedy, can blast pink magic from her front paws
Appearance: Crismon ish pink wolf with white paws
Personality: Nice and likes to work with the Alphas
Other: Let's start!

here's the rp

Name: Akina
Wolf Nickname: Aki
Crush: None at the moment...
Gender: Female
Ability: flight and insect-like; has Emerald Swallowtail butterfly wings
Appearance: White Shiba Inu x Arctic Wolf mix, unnatural bright teal eyes, wolf ears are slightly longer than normal, small and lean
Personality: leader, independent, courageous, bold, free-spirited
Other: So many roleplays!!! XD Oh well...gotta do this one too... :3

(Melon mini icon made by Absbor)
Username: Howlarmoon
Name: Greely
Wolf Nickname: None
Crush: none
Gender: Male
Ability: Can send dark blue Energy balls and blend in the shadows
Appearance: Deep Dark blue fur and white paws
Personality: Looks mean and evil but is nice and Brave
Other: Maddy's brother
(Alright, back to RP)

Name: Loki
Wolf Nickname: Lou
Crush: None at the moment
Gender: Male
Ability: Posses and transform into other creatures. Using his ability has the downfall of giving him headaches, the longer the time or the bigger the creature, the stronger the pain gets.
Appearance: Loki's soft fur is mainly white. Around his right eye and ear, his fur is brown. As well as above his tail, leaving the tip white as the rest of his fur. Loki's front legs are brown and his paws are white. He has some brown spots around his body.
Loki has heterochromia: his left eye is amber and his right eye is blue.
Personality: Loki has a calm and easygoing nature, somewhat reserved and not so friendly with strangers, preferring to keep things to himself.
Other: uwu

Name: Shrine
Wolf Nickname: None
Crush: None
Gender: Female
Ability: Can heal small wounds. When she bites something blue energy drains a little strength of the thing she bites.
Appearance: Blue wolf with amber eyes. She has black paws that always have a little bit of energy around them.
Personality: Outgoing and kind. She loves to help others especially when they are hurt. She knows a bit about herbs so she can treat wounds she can't heal with her ability.
Name:Solar Eclipse
Wolf Nickname:Eclipse
Ability:Control red Ice and Light Blue Fire
Appearance:Black, Orange eyes, yellow Aura around me
Personality:Kind, Brave, Loves anything to do with Dinos, Friends with Lions, Dolphins and Foxes