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The Legendary RP

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP The Legendary RP
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 833
Posted: Sun, 08/09/2019 23:10 (5 Years ago)
Bri was definitely more then a little afraid as he attempted to cling to Fyssi for support
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 43
Posted: Sun, 08/09/2019 23:15 (5 Years ago)
Bi flies nearby the group, watching everything
“I know I said you were an angel... But you're more than that. You've come down upon this battlefield... as an Angel of Death" ~Bungo Stray Dogs

"you were too correct"
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 204
Posted: Sun, 08/09/2019 23:28 (5 Years ago)
The Abra kept up.

Dusk gripped his head harder "I... Need my... Visor... Or I won't... Be me any...more..."

Gira summoned a shadow ball "Lets begin." It fired at a high speed.
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Sun, 08/09/2019 23:28 (5 Years ago)
Fyssi laughed nervously as she faltered in the air. "Stop worrying, you're not going to fall." her mind taken off of the abra.

"Fantastic. I thank you, but I could really use something to drink." Flick stood up and walked toward the door.

"Of course, there's a tea room not far from here." Zeta stepped out of the way and pointed in it's direction.

Flick nodded to him and walked out.

Spiri giggled a little bit and looked at the rock she was holding, sadness coursing through her again. "I'll save you Flick. You and Archion."
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 833
Posted: Sun, 08/09/2019 23:29 (5 Years ago)
“I know but I’m not going to get used to this!” He tried to relax, though he had one hand on Fyssi at all times
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 43
Posted: Sun, 08/09/2019 23:51 (5 Years ago)
Necro teleports out of the way.

"Do you need me to get your visor?"
“I know I said you were an angel... But you're more than that. You've come down upon this battlefield... as an Angel of Death" ~Bungo Stray Dogs

"you were too correct"
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 204
Posted: Sun, 08/09/2019 23:52 (5 Years ago)
The shadow ball rebounded off the wall towards him

"Yes! Please.... Hurry.... Gahhhhh...."
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 43
Posted: Sun, 08/09/2019 23:57 (5 Years ago)
He uses metal claw on the shadow ball.

She goes to get the visor
“I know I said you were an angel... But you're more than that. You've come down upon this battlefield... as an Angel of Death" ~Bungo Stray Dogs

"you were too correct"
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Mon, 09/09/2019 00:01 (5 Years ago)
Fyssi giggled slightly. "It'll be fine."

Meka noticed Spiri frowning."It's going to be fine you know. We know that it was the collars now"

Spiri nodded sadly. "It doesn't stop the pain I feel."

Flick reached the boiling water room and mixed the herbs. the liquid was refreshing. It helped soothe his headache. He could hear yelling, and wished it would stop, but soon his head stopped throbbing so it didn't bother him anymore.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 204
Posted: Mon, 09/09/2019 00:04 (5 Years ago)
The abra came int the room behind Fyassi

Dusk gripped his head harder

The shadow ball exploded, and Gira fired 3 more
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 43
Posted: Mon, 09/09/2019 00:14 (5 Years ago)
Necro keeps teleporting around

Shay gets the visor and comes back
“I know I said you were an angel... But you're more than that. You've come down upon this battlefield... as an Angel of Death" ~Bungo Stray Dogs

"you were too correct"
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 204
Posted: Mon, 09/09/2019 00:16 (5 Years ago)
The Dark Synergy was pouring forcibly out of dusk, who was growling from the pain

The Shadow Balls would rebound every time they missed "My house, My rules."
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Mon, 09/09/2019 00:19 (5 Years ago)
Fyssi glanced behind her again. "What the heck, abra?"

"Is that guy still screaming? Ehh, someone'll check on him." Flick sipped the tea.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 204
Posted: Mon, 09/09/2019 00:21 (5 Years ago)
The Abra was mute, but it floated over, and handed over the device. It pointed to a button, waved, and teleported away
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Mon, 09/09/2019 00:22 (5 Years ago)
Fyssi shrugged and pressed the button.
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 43
Posted: Mon, 09/09/2019 00:25 (5 Years ago)
"Fine then." Necro says and uses Solgaleo as a shield, not caring about her.

"You alright dusk?"

Bi watches silently
“I know I said you were an angel... But you're more than that. You've come down upon this battlefield... as an Angel of Death" ~Bungo Stray Dogs

"you were too correct"
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 204
Posted: Mon, 09/09/2019 00:28 (5 Years ago)
The device glowed, and a projection of Giovanni appeared "It would seem that the Abra succeded"

The synergy faded away "....Dusk.....? My... My name is Dawn.." The Mewtwo had green eyes

Gira smiled as his opportunity appeared. Using Phantom force he got close, Shot his tendrils into Necro's very being, and ripped Solgaleo out, and away from him
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Mon, 09/09/2019 00:31 (5 Years ago)
Fyssi froze. "Succeeded in what?"

"Finally he stopped..." Flick placed the mug down and just relaxed for a while.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 204
Posted: Mon, 09/09/2019 00:35 (5 Years ago)
"Delivering my communication device. See, I have something you might be very interested in..." He held up the baby Lugia.
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Mon, 09/09/2019 00:36 (5 Years ago)
"That's not real..." Fyssi faltered in the air. "There is no way you have him..."