Forum Thread
The Legendary RP
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → The Legendary RP"The bigger the group, the more difficult it is to organise. We should head off as a small group...maybe. That's just my opinion."
He then turned to Spiri. “It might be a good idea. But you call the shots. Whether you think we should go as a big group or not is up to you.”
"Okay!" Meka followed her, and made her own pink bubble to bounce on. "Personally I think mine are better than Mewtwo's." She giggled.
Fyssi caught a glance at an abra. Weird, I could have sworn abra don't appear here.... She quickly followed Spiri out.
"You're in your new home, how do you like it?" Archion grinned.
"Mmm, nice place." Flick grunted, looking around.
"Isn't it?" Zeta entered the room.
"Huh? Have I met you?" Flick asked, staring at Zeta.
"Come on, this is fun!" Meka raced beside Spiri, pulling Bri with her, "This will make travelling much easier." She giggled.
Fyssi, glanced back. Is that abra following me? she was visibly startled, but kept flying.
"No, I don't think you have. Greetings, Flick, my name is Zeta, Zeraora. I've heard so much about you, it really is a pleasure to meet you. Though it's sad we had to bring you in this form."
"This..form?" Flick looked at himself. "Oh, but I think you've drained the stupidity from me. I don't know why I cared so much for a bunch of brats anyway."
"Indeed, much less stupid." Archion looked at one of his crystals admiringly. "They blessed me as well."