True but let's waste no time shall we? Just follow my lead. *Andre
slide down mud slide and move toward the less fortified place of
the base that was back*
Haven't you heard of tow cables? *Andre pulled out a mini size tow
cable and press it sticking to the wall* Now we climb *Andre
started to climb the wall*
I will catch you with the force *Andre reach the roof of the wall
and help Adrienne as well* Wow... I didn't expect this *inside the
base were more troops and even a few walkers but there were not
being use for anything it look like the base is on high alert or
doing some protocol check* This looks like a garrison...
Must be an inspection or drill, still, look at that way... *He
points the way toward the landing bay where it was insecure with no
guards around* Perfect for sabotage. *he looks for any more out of
the ordinary things before entering the base* Alright can you plant
the charges?
*Avagon went toward the communication station to get any more info
on the enemy if he could, most the info was about rebel activity,
empire holonet, project stardust, resour- he went back to project
stardust and took whatever info he could find* Better go back, *He
went back the way he came and waited for her apprentice to arrive*
Good job, let's go back to base while we still can *Andre grab the
rope and fall down safely. He waited for her padawan to do the
*Back at the Star-Destroyer Stryker was still looking and
investigating for rebel activity until he heard a emergency call
from the bridge and went toward it* Status report!?
Sir we are receiving a signal from Jabim to go and help them.
Then plot a course to Jambim *The Ravager jump to hyperspace going
to the planet*
Astralis stiffened as she heard the call, "They must be after the
tie-fueling station we located there. What did I tell them about
doing things in plain sight?!" She shook her head in dismay,
"They'll be the death of the other officers there." she thought
Adrienne swung down a little faster than necessary and followed her
master back to the ship
Hey wait *Andre stop her and pointed at the bike* Feeling confident
about ridding the bike now before we go back to base?
Yes my lord but the place we were doing the test site is on the far
south of the planet it has no civilization for miles it must have
been a rebel base nearby supporting my theory of other bases in the
mid and outer rim my lord *the Ravager jump out of hyperspace along
with another star-destroyer, it was blue and had two chimera
symbols below the ship*
This grand admiral Thrawn of the imperial navy identify yourself?
Ah yes Vader inquisitor personal apprentice and Cap. Stryker its
been a while I guess yours here because of my tie defender program
that I move to Jabim. I will need your help to deal with this
matter meet me on the planetside. *As he said that he cut off the
transmission and went for the shuttle*
Grand Admiral well he ranks up fast for an alien *Stryker said
amuse of Thrawn rank*
Well? Lets go *he got on the speeder and waited for her to ride it*
Well shall we go Mam? *Stryker waited for her to see if they would
go to their shuttle*
*As Andre ride back to base he felt a disturbance in the force but
decided to ignore it and continue heading base*